CENTIMETERS Compilation © 2007 LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Thomas A. Edison Papers Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey endorsed by National Historical Publications and Records Commission 18 June 1981 Copyright © 2007 by Rutgers, The State University All rights reserved. No part of this publication including any portion of the guide and index or of the microfilm may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means— graphic, electronic, mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, recording or taping, or information storage and retrieval systems— without written permission of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey. The original documents in this edition are from the archives at the Edison National Historic Site at West Orange, New Jersey. ISBN 978-0-88692-887-2 THOMAS A. EDISON PAPERS STAFF (2007) Director and General Editor Paul Israel Senior Editor Thomas Jeffrey Associate Editors Louis Carlat Theresa Collins Assistant Editor David Hochfeldcr Indexing Editor David Ranzan Consulting Editor Linda Endersby Visiting Editor Amy Flanders Editorial Assistants Alexandra Rimer Kelly Enright Eric Barry Outreach and Development (Edison Across the Curriculum) Theresa Collins Business Manager Rachel Weissenburger BOARD OF SPONSORS (2007) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey National Park Service Richard L. McCormick Maryanne Gcrbauckas ZivaGalili Michelle Ortwein Ann Fabian .... Paul Clemens Smithsonian Institution Harold Wallace New Jersey Historical Commission Marc Mappen EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD (2007) Robert Friedel, University of Maryland Louis Galambos, Johns Hopkins University Susan Hockey, Oxford University Thomas P. Hughes, University of Pennsylvania Ronald Kline, Cornell University Robert Rosenberg, John Wiley & Sons Marc Rothenberg, Joseph Henry Papers, Smithsonian Institution Philip Scranton, Rutgers University/Hagley Museum Merritt Roe Smith, Massachusetts institute of Technology FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS We thankfully acknowledge the vision and support of Rutgers University and the Thomas A. Edison Papers Board of Sponsors. This edition was made possible by grant funds provided from the New Jersey Historical Commission, National Historical Publications and Records Commission, and The National Endowment for the Humanities. Major underwriting has been provided by the Barkley Fund, through the National Trust for the Humanities, and by The Charles Edison Foundation. Wc are grateful for the generous support of the IEEE Foundation, the Hyde & Watson Foundation, the Martinson Family Foundation, and the GE Foundation. We acknowledge gifts from many other individuals, as well as an anonymous donor; the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies; and the Edison Electric Institute. For the assistance of all these organizations and individuals, as well as for the indispensable aid of archivists, librarians, scholars, and collectors, the editors are most grateful. ■I'—'- / : A Note on the Sources The pages which have been filmed are the best copies available. Every technical effort possible has been made to ensure legibility. PUBLICATION AND MICROFILM COPYING RESTRICTIONS Reel duplication of the whole or of any part of this film is prohibited. In lieu of transcripts, however, enlarged photocopies of selected items contained on these reels may be made in order to facilitate research. EDISON GENERAL FILE SERIES 1916 Edison General File Series 1916. Chemicals (E-16-16) These folders contain correspondence and other documents relating to the expansion, consolidation, and reorganization of Edison's personally owned organic chemical businesses in 1916. Included are items pertaining to the addition of new product lines such as para-amidophenol (used in dyeing and photograph developing); sales, contracts, and deliveries; customer complaints about the quality of the product; and plant design and operations. There are also references to increased chemical production by other companies, declining prices, the search for new phenol and toluol customers, and the decision to discontinue aniline production at the end of the year. Specific issues that received Edison's personal attention include the design of a new benzidine plant, widespread phenol discoloration due to faulty cans, the accumulation of unsold stocks of low-demand chemicals such as naphthaline and myrbane, the sale of toluol to foreign governments, and a contract dispute with Great Britain involving Herbert Lewis, John Fletcher Moulton, and Lord Northcliffe. Also included are interoffice communications providing summary information regarding plant productivity, contracts for raw materials, the distribution of phenol and paraphenylenediamine to various customers, and the status of Edison's personal chemical plants. A few documents discuss more general issues such as labor conditions, environmental pollution, Edison's opinions about the future of the U.S. chemical industry, and his ideas on color dyes and chlorine products. Most of the business correspondence was initially handled by Edison's personal assistant, William H. Meadowcroft. By the end of the year, most sales had been turned over to the newly formed Chemical Sales Division under the direction of Frederick D. Lockwood, while specialty products made in smaller volumes were sold in bulk to the American Oil & Supply Co. in Newark. Other Edison employees who appear as authors and recipients include chief engineer Miller Reese Hutchison, who also negotiated sales contracts in his own right; plant designer William H. Mason; H. H. Meno Kammerhoff, supervisor of operations at Edison's chemical plants in Silver Lake, New Jersey; plant managers Wilfred S. Dowling and James T . Phelan; experimenter Peter C. Christensen; and sales managers Archibald C. Emery and Frederick D. Lockwood. Among the corporate correspondents are E. B. Badger & Sons., Binney & Smith Co., Dominion Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., , Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Eastman Kodak Co., Merck & Co., Mitsui & Co., J. P. Morgan & Co., E. R. Squibb & Sons, and Stein Hirsh & Co., as well as numerous firms in the textile and fur dyeing industries, which were major consumers of Edison's products. Other correspondents include benzol purchasing agent Clarence Dillon, aniline sales broker Stanley Doggett, Swiss chemist William Knecht, and Lieutenant Commander H. Kimberly, powder inspector for the U.S. Navy. Because Edison's secretaries glued carbon copies of replies to the original incoming correspondence, the items in these folders are not in exact chronological order. Some of the letters may be difficult to read because of the dark brown paper used for the carbons. Approximately 15 percent of the documents have been selected. The selected documents reflect Edison's personal role in making business and technical decisions, setting overall strategy, and dealing with specific customer relations problems. The unselected material includes routine business correspondence handled by Meadowcroft; inquiries that received standard replies; routine items relating to orders, shipping, and delivery delays; credit checks on prospective customers; routine and unexecuted contracts; sales catalogs; chemical analysis reports; customer lists; multiple copies of form letters; and replies stating that Edison was away in Florida or on a camping trip. Also unselected are technical and business documents not handled by Edison personally such as complaints about product quality; reports on benzol plant operations from Claude H. Opdyke at Woodward, Alabama, and John Bacon, Jr. at Johnstown, Pennsylvania; technical notes on plant design and operations; and routine administrative records relating to the various Silver Lake plants. The numerous outgoing letters that duplicate the correspondence in the General Letterbook Series have not been selected. Related material can be found in the Harry F. Miller File— Chemical Correspondence and Contracts (Legal Series) and in the Chemical Production Records (Special Collections Series). Edison General File Series 1916. Chemicals (E-16-16) August August 1st. 1916. Ur. Louis Iazard, 92 Willium Street, Mow York City. ily dear Mr . hazard : I' have received your favor of the 29th ultimo, ana once more hog to express my regret that our people at the fao- tory made the mistake of stencilling our name on the packages which went to your London office, ®»is mistake, however, will not bo repeated. You ask us for an assurance that in case soratf of your customers abroad communicate direot with us that we will refer thefr matter to you. .Ur* Edison says in rogard to this question that if you kll. furnish us with a list of your customers, we. will pro¬ tect you as we have done in tho case of American customers, hut Otherwise he could not agroo to do so. Yours very truly. Woodward Iron Co., Woodward, Ala. Since my telegram of July 26th, market for Naphthaline has dropped very considerably on account large importations from Europe. Am informed market yesterday 7 4 no takers. Are you willing sell one-half joint oarload at best price obtainable. THOMAS A. EDISON. RECEIVED AT S3S MA1N ST. „ J 91 NY GC 16 ORANGE, N. J}' WOODWARD ALA AUG 2 350PM ftftP THIS A EDISON V ORANGE, Nd YOUR TELEGRAM DATE WE ARE WILLING TO JOIN WITH YOU IN SELLING NAPHT^AHLINE AT PRICE MENTIONED V‘ WOODWARD IRON CO August 2nd. 1916. American Oil & Supply Co., 62 Lafayette Street, Mewark, M.J. Gentlemen: In regard to your losses >on the sales of Aniline Oil sb between the price the same haB been billed by us and v/hat you had to sell for, let me say that as to the Aniline Oil sold by you in April, May and June, I will allow you to make a profit of 10$ on the priceB at which you sold, and give you a credit for the difference between that price and the price at which we charged the Aniline Oil to you, aooording to the following figures whioh are copied from the memorandum you gave Mr. Meadoworoft. | . 0* T Co^J I Selling :Prioa l 6/8 6/19 6/2 6/9 6/10 6/13 4600 lbs, 4600 1800 1800 4600 4600 22400 4600 $ .64 6oit. 900 " .. .36 $ .37 1/2 .37 1/2 .37 l/2 I will also follow the same procedure in regard to the loss on your sales of Aniline Salt, allowing you to mate 10J&. fhe figures in this case as given by you to Mr. Meadoworoft, are as follows: • , . a. a. *-S. Cri /““* Selling Price. _ Cost -o-rr^ Bate. 7*|l2 7/14 Weight. 1060 lbs.. $ .60 1/2 Yours very truly, J 7 . a . £alm $ .60 .60 .60 august 2nd- 19X6 . Keith Car Company, . 122 South Michigan Ave . , Chicago, Ill* Gentlemen : If you are chort on tenk oars for carrying acid, Mr* Edison is in position to help out with two acia tank cars tliat ho owns personally, Shoy are comparatively now cars, he bought them for now about seven months ago, and wo used thorn for a few months to bring Sulphuric Acia to our works. As wo havo mado othor arrangements for the delivery of our acidB, Mr. Edison is willing to ront these two cars . If you are l.oking for acia cars, end have any proposi¬ tion lo offor ho will bo glad to hoar from you. Yours vory truly, resistant to Mr. Edison. GcmNTKrG Glass Works Thomas A. Edison Laboratory, Orange , N . J. Gentlemen: - Attention Mr. William H. Meaflgwcrqft further in reference to your favor of July \ IVth regarding bulbs of heat-resisting quality, capacity approximately 17 gallons, would state that we find we \ no longer have the mould for this size bulb. We have, however, a mould comprising a 18" bulb approximately \ of 12 gallons capacity. If these will answer your purpose, we can furnish you them in any lots desired, delivery to begin within about three to four weeks after receipt of order. \ As to price, these bulbs are quite difficult to \ manufacture. As we have never turned them out very /'X _ _ extensively, we have no very definite records on which / ■ to base a price. However, we will furnish them to you , f\ in lots of from five to twenty five at a price of ijlO.OO ^ . / each, net, F.O.B. Corning, H. Y. , packages charged. If, \ / after we have made several, we find that we can manufacture,,.. _ them at a lower cost that the price estimated, we will be pleased to reduce the price to you. Referring to your last paragraph, outlining the method in which these bulbs were to be used, would state that the heat-resisting glass will be very satisfactory; the only danger might possibly be one of mechanical strain, i»e*f if the material in solidifying should become too hard and cause breakage. If you find that only the 17 gallon bulb will answer your requirements, we could undoubtedly make these up for you. V/e would first have to construct a mould, the oost for a metal one being approximately $170.00, and that of a wooden one approximately $35.00. We, however, would not recommend a wooden mould inasmuch as it becomes useless after making ten to twelve bulbs, due to the excessive heat of this heat-resisting glass. Trusting this gives you the desired information. Very truly yours, KITING GLASS Y/OKKS, IBC/H FY ROCHESTER NY 921AM AUG 3 W G MEADOWCROFT, ^THOMAS A EDISON INC., ORANGE Nd HAVE SO FAR RECEIVED ONLY SIXTEEN POUNDS PARAM IDOPHENOL AM UNABLE TO GET ANY INFORMATION AS TO YOUR PROGRAM FOR REGULAR DELIVERIES WERE - ASSURED THAT YOU WOULD DELIVER SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY TO ONE THOUSAND POUNDS BEFORE AUGUST FIRST WE PLANNED ON RECEIVING THIS QUANTITY ALSO REGULAR SHIPMENTS THIS MONTH FAILURE TO RECEIVED PARAM IDOPHENOL VERY SERIOUS WILL YOU WIRE US IMMEDIATELY RELIABLE PARTICULARS WHAT WE MAY EXPECT S' EASTMAN KODAK CO 1021AM August- 3*a. 1916. American Oil & Supply Co., 62 Lafayette Street, IJewark, h.j. Attention of Hr. K. ff. Hoffman. Gentlemen : " Soforring to the various conversations I have liaa with you about Banziaino, lot mo say that if you bring to me a firm oontraot for,, say, 2,000 pounds a day for one (1) year, X should bo willing to consider erecting a special plant to mote it, and in such ease would expect to have the plant ready for operation in either six or eight weeks after breaking ground. fours very truly. August 3rd. 1916. Mr. Efison: • I am dictating this memorandum so as to give you an idea of what y.o • will have at our disposal in tho way of Carbolic Acid. 1 aslcod Ur. Kammorhoff what ho would have for spot sales, over and abovo all contract requirements during the month of August. Ho has gotten so far ahodd on his contracts that ho will have in tho month of August more than 160,000 pounds for spot solo. Besides this, he will have more than enough to complete tho two remaining deliveries on that contract for 60 tons, which you made with .'.'arsden-Sewell Corporation.' In regard to Phenol from Plant #2, Llason is at present only malting at about tho rate that will fill our contract deliveries, which are 5600 pounds a day, as follows: Heydon Chemical works, 1,000 pounds a day. American oil & Supply Company, 2600 pounds a day. Stein, Hirsh & Company, 2,000 pounds a day. As to. spot Phonol from tho #2 Plant, they have some on hand that was returned by Stein, Hirsh & Company, which was badly discolored I do not know exactly how much, but it is somewhere orotund 14,000 or 16,000 pounds. Stoin, Hirsh & Company will return the stuff from Hoy¬ den, which as ho told you was bo tee on 35 and 40 tons. All of this, of course, will have to bo ro-diBtillod. and your decision was to have it re-distilled by Hr* Kemmerhoff in one of his unused stills. He- oan do this at the rate of 1,000 to 3,000 poundB a day. I'ou decided not 'to have this re-distilled until wo had occasion to call for it, so that there would bo loss chanoo of discolouration. iie should, therefore, bo able to sell at spot this month, if necessary approximately, 250,000 pounds. MEAD 017 CHOP I. Mr. A. C. Emery, Purchasing Dopt. Silver Mice, H. J., August 3rd, 1916. Subject : HE3U1SX2I0HS TOR APPARASDS FOR lEUTRALIZIIJG PHKHOTAW. B With reference to ny letter of July 2lBt, dealing with the requisitions for the necessary apparatus for the carbonating plant, 1 woe informed by your hr. Gtallaghor that all maohinos end apparatus will be de¬ livered in 30 and 40 days respectively from date of order. This boing the case, 1 hove asked Hr. Edison whether I now should go ahead preparing foundations, pipe lines, etc., for this now errangemont. Hr. Edison gave his 0-K to go ahead, adding: "It must bo in operation within two months, or I cannot got ny money back# Signod "T.A.E., Aug. 1, 1916." I presume that you will have in the meantime ordered the apparatus and machinery, as por ny previous requisitions mentioned in ny letter of July Slot, and am now herewith handing you a number of other requisitions, preferably for pipeB and aooessorios. I would a3k you to kindly handle all thoso orders bolonging to our shop ordor #2158 ao boing "urgent", i.o«, those quotations for this material should bo given prefer¬ ence for others which secure shortest possible time of delivery, provided, of course, that prioes are within acceptable limits to you. Our requisitions contain material of standard size and make. If one or the other material, asked for, cannot be had, in say, 2 or 3 weeks, please let me know before you order, as then wo mlgit bo able to use some other size which io somewhere on hand. Copy to Hr. Edison. FOREST HILL PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. Newark N.J., Aug.3,1916. Ur. Delos Holden, General Counsel, Thomas A. Edison, Inc. West Orange, N.J. Dear sir:'1Ie8Br8< Dralcef Edward H. Ackley and Charles T. Witt- stein of our Association's Health Committee, would like to again visit your Silver Lake Plant, at 9:30 A.li. Teusday the eight instant, These gentlemen were on the Committee which visited your Plant before. If this would be convenient to Ur. Uason will y6u kindly have him so advise Mr. WlttBtein at 276 Delavan Avenue. Newark* N.J. and oblige Very truly yours, PRESIDENT. I’OREST HILL PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. Newark ,N. J. , August 3, 1916. Mr. Delos Holden, General Counsel, Thomas A. Edison, Inc., West Orange, N.J. On the 29th ultimo I acknowledged receipt of your letter or: Jul? 26th. and stated that I. had sent a photographic copy of the same to Chairman Wittstein of our Health Committee and Chairman Parker of our Legal Committee, hut that I had not had an oppor¬ tunity to cnsult with them. I have since seen Chairman Wittstein and Mr. Ackley of our Health Committee and Mr. Jackson, our Vice President. I have also received a letter from the Newark Bureau of Combustibles , dated July 31, 1916 which reads as follows: "In reply to your letter as to benzol :benzol is classed by us as a highly volatile , highly inflammaie liquid whose vapors when mixed with air are: explosive. We put benzol in the same cat¬ egory as gasoline, benzine and naphtha and regulate the storage in accordance with this idea." Captain Gasser' s letter gives us concern and in view of tithe recent explosion at Communipw we desire to ask what instructions have been issued to the employes of your Silver. Lake Plant witji regard to the handling of nitro-benzol and who is charged with see¬ ing that these Instructions' are carried out. You will remember that when our Committee visited your Silver Lake Plant we saw tank cars withawarning notices posted on them on your sidings. We have sinoe been informed that some of these cars , containing thousands of gallons of iiitro-tjenzoi were in imminent danger of exploding in June, when the explosion that shoo* Forest Hill, and the fire which followed, took place, mad that the railroad men refused to handle these cars. We have also learned from the Newspapers that the laws of this state governing the of explosives? were not obeyed at Communipaw, and the great disaster of last Saturday night resulted. . As you doubtless know, it is claimed that no cars of explosives should have been run onto the docks unless a boat was ready to take them away. We are wondering whether your cf** nitro-benzol are being emptied into your subterranean resorvoirs immediately upon receipt? are also wondering how you get this nitro-benzol out of said resorvoirs and in what quantity and ho w you use it. As we understand it,. it is distilled and in the distill ation process the explosion in June oocured. The fearless way in which Mr. Mason spoke of nitro-- benzol came to my mind in reading a recent editorial on Black Tom s Bombardment " in the Newark Evening News. After reciting the New Jersey and Federal Statutes governing the handling of explosives the editorial states: Kr. Delos Holden - 2 - « Y#t, in spite of ell these regulations and the severity of the criminal law provisions, the disaster occurred. That this was poss¬ ible may be accounted for by over-confidence inspired in the breasts of men who are engaged in the handling of explosives. They have in¬ ured themselves? to the dangers of their occupation and have laughed at the fears of those who have nervously anticipated the coming of Just suoh a dleaBter . This is human nature as it is exemplified in every munition factory., tfen become reckless when they have been engaged'dn explosive manufacture or handling for any lenght of time. They grow to believe that they lead charmed lives . y * This - is the human element that makes for supreme danger in the munitions business despite all regulatory safeguards. After the Communapaw disaster of five and a half years ago, the Hews declared that the lesson to be learned from it was that ' the handling of high explosives in large quantities, in transit or otherwise, ought to be prohibited within a prescribed distance from centers of popu¬ lations. ' In extraordinary times like the present, there are certain to be large quantities of explosive* in transit and in storage at the shipping points. *hat the increased likelihood of disaster should make for extra precautions is a common place,- but equally so is the over confidence that grows pat of the constant handling of such material at such times." The purpose of this liter which I am sanding to lKpu by reg- isyered mail, is to call to your attention and that of your Company the need for the utmost care in the handling Of this nitro-benzol, to the end that if life is subsequently lost and property damaged through the violation of 1« by your '•'ompany or its employes , that you and your Company shall not "be held gull ties e for lack of haying had your attention called to the need for careful provision against a reourrence of the explosion which took place in JUne, I wish again to take advantage of thie opportunity to eay that we believe your Company are taking great responsibility ini manufacturing chemicals and dyes in a locality whioh ie flanked on both Eaet and West by highly developed residential districts whioh were there- before your. Plant was constructed. • last Itonday night ths odors from yftdf plant during the entire night were worse than I have ever known them. I am sending a copy of thiB letter to the Bloomfield Commwn Council which body I addressed on thie subject of explosives? last June in an endeavor to impress on them the responsibility they were assuming ijJ permitting an industry suoh ae yours to develop in such a localitywhere there are more sal¬ oons than in any other Ward in the City, for whiskey and high ex¬ plosives are a bad combination. w , _ I am also sending a copy of thie letter to the , ewark Ev¬ ening Hewe which has anticipated in its 'columns that the explosions at Communipaw would put more *vlm" into oO> fight on the conduct and location of your Silver Lake Plant. ^ _ _ _ - I understand that there have been rafuiale to renew >ire In- sur ancenPoli ciee in the neighborhood of your Silver Lake Plant .1 ha Have been unable to obtain the reasons for thie action by the Tire Coumaniee but they evidehtly are concerned over the eituation. Very truly yours, PRESIDENT American Oil & Supply Comoany, a corporation having it8 plooo of bualnoau at EE Lafayette street. Ho work, il. J., hereby pur¬ chases and ngreoc to receive from Shosas ii. Mi son and the eaid Kiomae ... Edison hereby cello to said /-ooricad Oil & Supply company, i Aiaido Phonol Hydrochloride /"for Photographic purposes Muring tho l‘'* -p— m i»* «« — - a’it, 1917, inclusive, end (iOALlTY. JiBABSISK. ERICS. DELIVERIES. !iO bo of good standard quality, cemo r.s rrovloasly furnished. 2o be four the as and (4,000) pounds per month from August let, 1916 to January Met, 1917. £o be four dolloro ($4.00) per pound, I. 0. S. Silver Lake, i>. J., no charge for package if tho m&toriel is packed ae at precent in kege or boxes lined with waxes paper. If the material or any port of it is requires to be packed in bottles, tho bottles shall be furnlshoS by the American Oil & Supply Company, and Edison will peck the material therein free of charge. !o bo made and taken at the rate of four thousand (4,000) pounds per mouth, commencing August 1st, 1916 and onding January blet, 1917. Shirty (SO) days, or loss l?s within ton days from „dato of each shipment, payable in Ben York City funde, in United States gold or its equivalent in ’United Statos currency. - In the ovont of war, firo, flood, strike, lookout, accident, or other liko causes boyondtho control •of said Edison, interfering with the production, consumption satby transportation of tee goods heroin described, pro-rata deliveries under this contract - □boll coaco for the period required to remove the cause end repair tho damage. ■■■■.- (signed) Shoe. A. Edison. - >n CO-CtC Ilr* Thomas A. Edison* l -»• Al-g^y^rf -- (b^Z iiA 15 WILLIAM STREET. Aug. 10, 1916, .~Tt— II . «?/ _ J? Mk4 ««»« ' ' >, nc‘* |UmJU^ tf^u 1^ iah^ictf«^i ^•’K lave accumulated a ohipmGnft .x. .. “’wV, „4£rt»^4— 6 J/Up^1 Messrs, Thomas A. Edison, Inc Orange Gentlemen: - TV\mm I^oj nn<9t<&uc«wi«i — — i\ We aro sorry to iAform youlthat the Carbolic Acid v which we are now receiving frmn^m n0tjtc>^Sf3P(^0Mv tWr-u-A The shinment delivered to us qn Monday is discolored and only . cluua. <9-t£ partly crystallized. When we have accumulated a 4u-0 -t" ' of this objectionable Acid we^wi C^tT ~ regret that we are compelle Yours very truly. K/F. THE HEYDEN CHBMXCAI WOHKS. Q,ui. t* ^ ■c J^L-i y- QLo ^ •^r M s u^c*-££2. t llth# 1916. ^ * EaiM c udt — * ^W<*v u?-S^ Mr. Lozier juBt^gaed ^p on the ^lephone^and Baid ^ Mr. Edison^ yj^Jfe Mr. Lozier just .called Jrp on the telephone and Bald that the BritishUifierican Che®L4al Comneny want to dupliohte their order for 2 l/2 tons of Phenol, which thpy got on August 8th. What he wants to know is, what is the^latest time tomorrow morning they can notify you they want this Phenpa, in order to get it out the same day. This additional tons is to be at the same prioe, and at the same terms/ H. F. MILLER. I August 12 th. 1916.. Hr. Stanley Doggett, 99 John Street, Hem York City. Dear Sir: . I have written you previously asking for shipping inis tract ions for your contract Aniline Oil for tho remaining days of thiB month, but have received no directions or. reply from you. I must ask you to please favor mo with shipping in¬ structions as 1 have no room for storage, we aie greatly con¬ gested at my plant, and I would also lilco to have you relieve me of the .aniline Oil remaining over your contract quantity for last month. lours veryntruly. August 12th* 1916. Mr. Edison: Sometime ago Ur. Kammerhoff shipped the Moone Chemical Company a 250 pound drum of discolored Carbolio Aoid. This was at 60^ per pound, E. 0. B. Silver lake. They asked us to trace this shipment, which we did, and upon their zx asking for it at the freight office, they were told that it oheoked short. They are very much in a hurry for this Phenol and asked us for a quotation on another drum of 260 pounds of discolored Phenol, and you fa quoted them £&f' per pound. They telegraph us that due to the fact that the shipment checks short, they want us to duplicate this shipment, at the same prioe of 60^ per pound. Shall we have the first shipment returned? H. E. MI LUSH. UOcCt CU** /y ^ _ L jJt' set” Silver Lata, N. J.t Auguat 14th, 1916. Subject i Kogarding . the discolored Phenol, X bog to drav; your attention to the foot .that the difficulty which wo have met with during the last two months very probably could not have boon avoided if we had used a dephlegnator and a column. Our Phenol was discolored in tho first plaoe by standing for too long a time in galvanized iron cans, tho galvanized airtn of whioh pooled off. Tho rooult was a more or loss darkish brown color of the previously white Phenol. The pinky discoloration took place when wo started using Nitre Cato, and this, 1 am nuro, will disappear not/ that wo noutralizo usain with Ohamber Acid. I do not boliovo that a dophlegmator and column can purify the Phenol and prevent it from turning red after a few days if tho dieooloration is oaussd by impure raw material, by Eitro Cake containing nitric Acid, or by other impurities. We have, for instanco, redistilled the recovered Phenol, whioh was returned from tho Was Plant, three or four tines, without getting rid of the discoloration, in thia case consisting of all kinds of colors — When Badger sent us his first still tho construction of tho column and dephlogmator was wrong, and the apparatus did not work at all. Hr. Mason tells ms that ho hod a conversation with Badger' s engineer, who admitted that at the time when they delivered tho first still they did not know much about distilling Phenol. Badger's engineer now claims that their construction, is a perfeot one. This may bo true, but I believe that no dephlogmator and column can create a purer Phenol than we got by distilling our Phenol twioe. If, however, you want to try Badger's new dephlogmator and column, I bog to sug¬ gest that as a trial one still in your Plant No. H might be ohangod, before wo spend the money for all our stills, and perhaps find out later that the de- PARFUMERIE M> IE ANTOINETTE 1L. $terre lalltgnp MANUFACTURER “TOILET REQUISITES OF QUALITY" Thomas A. Edison, Orange, New Jersey, Gentlemen:- ITH ST. NEW YORK 1,7. murV.y mti. I AUg. 14, 1916. \ llrt 'l1£rt X few months ago we plirSased from youBomert Paraphenylene Diamin and did not have An opportunity to use it until the last two weeks, having a stodk still on jhand of the imported goods. on^v QX&t-yM iK^ (K-'vCT VJ^'I IL. uu-T-fr^T al X$~-*-SLcZL <£. o-A^pla I am somewhat aisappointdd fr^m the result we obtained in using your preparation, although I want to strongly impress in your mind that I am not making a 'complaint, because the make of this product in this country is somewhat new, I do not wish to ' criticise only I thought you wouldlike to be. informed of t following: ULrTfg, w ■» t*>tl We u&W^this pVqSration . for hair coloring, and the writer personally used it himself on about 50 ocasionB during the last two weeks. X notice that the color obtained rubs off on everything it comes in contact with and if the hair is washed a few hours after the application, all the color oomes off, although the dye was applied with the usual care, the hair being free from grease and giving time for complete oxidation, after the application before drying it, but in spite of that after washing the hair, every particle comes off, or if left unwashed, rubs off on everything it comes in contact with. As I said in the beginning of this letter, this is not a complaint but merely a report of the result obtained with your goods, as I do not doubt that you can make a product as perfect as the imported, if you are informed of the weak pointB. And while I do not pretend to have the technical experience of the eminent chemist in charge“>our laboratory, I have 30 years experience in dyeing hair with the product named above, and if I can be of any help to your chemist in furnishing further explanation, I will be very glad to hear from you. The product we used previous to .this: , and for many years.', is the so-called Drsol-D. if you have any suggestions to make about tile color obtained with your product so as to be fast and lasting, I will appreciate as a special favor to hear from you at your earliest convenience. IiPV/AK I j§>tattbg Snggett CGnUms, CCipmirals, ®ils mb 4fltm>ral prnhurtH 99 John and 11-18 Cuff Streets of the 12th and wish to say that I an unable to secure storage space for Aniline Oil and as ny custdmera have asked me to rith-Jiold shipments for a short while longer, I would kiraly ask you to please indulge me a little longer, as I am unable to secure storage facilities as above mentioned. I hope in the near future to ba in a position to take care of these shipments. Thanking you for your^kindness, X f Eesu»ot fully you: EAB/EOT 1L $terre TJalltgnp In my letter to you yesterday, I forgot to say that your product is a brown reddish color, instead of the "iron gray" as the imported Ursol-D, and the shade it gives the hair is very reddish, rather objectionable, ; Since writing you, we have had two of our customers come back to us complaining that the dye we applied on their hair a few days ago, rubbed off on everything. Trusting to hear from you soon, we remain. LPV/AK Respectfully yours, L. PIERRE' VAIilGRY, it My dour Admiral: I am enclosing letter received from Office of ilaval Inspector of Powder, -Hast Coast, Post Office Building, Jersey, City, H. J. , Ho. 226-E, on the subject of rejection of phenol. . Hr. Edison says tills slight pinkish color does not in any way. injure the phenol for use in the manufacture of picric acid. All phenol is apt to discolor in this way, and no chemist has as yet boon able to ascertain why the plight discoloration occurs at intervals. Ho says the melting point and other characteristics are 0. X. and according to contraot, and he seos no reason why the phenol should not be used. She discoloration in slight, and ho would like very'much indeed to have your powder^Ery some of it to see if the slight discoloration makes any difference in the manufacture of powder. Bhis phenol was made oxaetly the same as nil the other phenol you have received, v/hich Hr. Edison understands has conformed to your requirements in ovory particular. With kindest regards, and in which Hr. Edison joins me, I remain. Yours sinoeroly. Chief Englnoor. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] } ) JS/HMK NAVY DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF ORDNANCE WASHINGTON. D. C. August 17, 1916. My dear Mr. Hutchison: In reply to your letter of the 16th instant, the question of the pink phenol has already been referred to the Proving Ground, and owing to the ultimate use of this material, that is, for an explosive, they do not advise its acceptance. They are of the opinion that the possible causes of this pink discoloration are objectionable. I am very sorry that we have to be so partic¬ ular, but so much is at stake that we are compelled to be drastic in all the inspections of materials we get. With kindest regards, Mr. M. H. Hutchison, Chief Engineer, Thomas A. Edison laboratory, Orange, H. J. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] j 0033 225_E OFFICE OF NAVAL INSPECTOR OF POWDER. EAST COAST, Poet Of floe Building. _ Jersey City1H.J. Subject: Rejection of phenol. Sirs:- 1. The Bureau rejects 15,882 pounds, Batches 150/1&7, 161/1&8, and 152/1&7, tested by the Inspector on July 88, 1916, as the material has a decided pinkish color, and therein departs from the specifications. 2. She Inspector will he absent on vacation until August 28th, and will not he able to inspect the replacement lots until that date. Hespeotfully, Lieut.Oomdr. U. STllavy , Naval Inspector of Powder, E.C. . M.R. Hutchison, o/o Thomas A. Edison laboratory, Orange, N.J. , V ^uguet 17th- 1916. . 57 e*A *¥ ^L'rt’>' M Mr. Edison: I L- ^-yWSSS* Ihe President of the Dixon Pharn&cal Company would like to have a quotation from you on your Carbolic Acid, and he would also like to know the strength of your oarbolic acid in com¬ parison with the German Carbolic, its purity and eto. I ashed them the quantity they would want and they said in a we eh and a half they would need 100 pounds and would use it continuously, but didn't say what their requirements would be. H. P. MX1DEE. X LU. Mr p P. \f August 17th. 1916. Ur. Edison: Ur. Lozier just oalled up stating that the Brltish- Amerioan Chemical Company wanted an additional 2 l/2 tons of Carbolic Aold to go forward by truck today. He said that In¬ asmuch as they have not paid for the 5 tons they bought from you last week, which amounts to around $5600.00, Ur. lozier thought he would offer you a suggestion. He Bald he would not like to see you get too deep so far as the credit is concerned, and if you wish he would tell them that you do not care to extend your oredit to them iflor more than $6000.00, and Ur. lozier would see if he oouldn't have them accept this 2 l/2 tons they want shipped today, by sight draft attached to .bill of lading. H. E. UI11ER - -1 I.'iT. 1. Pierre Vulligny, __ 14 East 44tli Street, ” ilew York City. Door Sir: m- . ' r ' Your favor of tho 14th ins ton t har. boon received. V.o cannot understand your complaint, ao n. Hollander & Bon of Bowark, B. 3., and more than twonty othor fur dyors aro using our Paraphonylcnodiaralno. Perhaps our ohioping clerk has cont you tho wrong stuff.4 PIosbo ' Bond ue a sanrolo- and wo will invoBtieato it. If wo find it is wrong wo will ex¬ change it . Youre very truly, Edison laboratory. August 21st. 1916 . Stanley Jordan & Company would like to have your quotationoon your best Iron by Hydrogen and also what quantity you could offer them for spot. H. S’. MIUiEB. uaD-. . 12 o)- (JAl-wt $CcS~~ oft oxe, 1 l kcvoV > -j^rr C*. ^2- tj_JL£L L - - - V> brt -w^ tz/d^ I OL %a*-4 31* n jau ^ f— r 3sa ^ « . . CC-TA mm^QsmxBBWb / t »' 'Xj> > Mr. Thomas A. Edison, Orange, N. J, rs JyDcu* to "M <£&*M Ir^cJ* ourt-ru:, t; dU* I ZsJnA C&tt&X * tf-tt <^t ATTENTION OF MR. KEL^V.^ ^j- - a -»r ‘ ..^ H ***** 5, £l«» l/VU^Ot — - -r »■ ^ ^ VAO^‘‘3U.|c ,!^l,ri W>xrrfc>* V ^ We have reoeiva^ a Jetter'from our TokioVoltf ice, adyds- (^CrMjfutJJja^ X» nUu £-t»- ^C-o-EJtX. ing that the first lot ofjC^b^li^a^l^knufactnre^ ii^your Silver Lake Plant, v was delivered to the Japanes JWavy, who Uht vj>*XC ci-<* Oke. 1se Chef d' Escadron COYKdL LAERADELIE Chef de la Mission dea Poudres aux Etats-Unis & Monsieur Thomas A. Edison, o/o Monsieur le Consul Gdndral de France A mil YORK. Cl/EAD [TRANSLATION] Hew York Aug. 24th 1916. a : le Chef d'Eeoadron Coyral Lapradelie Chief of tho Po-'der Mia a ion in the O.S. ■Do : Mr. Thomas A. Edison, o/o French Consul, Hew York. Bear Sirs- Ihe Frei:ch Consul has informed mo of the application of your private secretary in connection of the delivery of phenol. If you have really offers of this product to submit to the French Government, kindly send them to. the following address : Conmandant Lapradelie* room 411, 25 Broad street. New York, N.Y. Yours -truly j august 26th.. 1916 Burke & James, Inc., 226 Fifth /.venue. Bow York City. Sent lemon: Your favor of the 22nd instant in ref¬ erence to a developer called "tlonomotholparumido- phonol-hyurochlorido" has Boon received. Y.'e hog to say in reply that this chemical is know as Uetol. I manufacture Para Amido Phenol Hydrochlor¬ ide which is considered to be a hotter dovolopor than notol. Ehis is sold through tho American Oil & iupply Company, 62 lafayotto Ctroot, Ilowark, ii. J. Yours very truly, August 26th. 1916, Hr. Edison: Hr. Jones of the American Oil A- Supply Company called up on the telephone yesterday stating that he had a customer for all our excess Toluol and could probably make a contract with the same oustomer for 80 gallons a day more or less, from now until December 31st, 1916, from our Johnstown Plant . A few weeks before Mr. Meadoworoft went on his vacation, he quoted the American Oil & Supply Company $3.50 per gallon for the spot Toluol, and exoess quantity on contract over and above our contract with Du Pont. The American Oil & Supply Company said that the market on Toluol had gone down since Mr. Meadow- croft gave them the quotation and that they would have to get the exoess Toluol and the 80 gallons a day more or less at a price of $3.00 per gallon to them, in order to make their com¬ mission. I had Mr. Meadoworoft on the telephone last night and he thought that inasmuch as both he and Hr. Hoffman were trying to sell this Toluol for sometime past that this was a good op¬ portunity, even though the price was a little low on the spot. Dp to ahd including August 24th, we have at Johnstown an excess quantity over our contract with Du Pont of 6,453 gal¬ lons, together with the 2,437 gallons we have in storage at Silver lake, makes a total exoess of 8,890 gallons. Mr. Meadoworoft said if you wish to make a contract with the American Oil & Supply Company for 80 gallons a day, more or less, he would, when he came back from his vacation, write ar, letter to the Amerioan Oil & Supply Company holding them to their agreement until you came back from your vacation, at which time you could sign the contract. H. 1. TDXilOCH . Cuw) Jr _ cr-r f* Orange, NJ Aug 28-1916 W ;H . Me adowcr o f t Lovetts Field, South Portland, Maine Mitsui wants all para we can spare up to September eighthenth we have none to spare in August Mr Edison told takaki we oould spare thirty pounds a day in September Christensen says output in September will be three hundred fifty pounds a day how much would you say we can give them wire imms diately. H V Miller. When we made our contract for the present six months we had hoped to he able to increase our production ana hence we increased the quantity of Oil over our last contract. We had two drums left in stock when our last contract expired and th is has now increased to six drums. We thought we vo uld try to dispose of this surplus on the open market rather thai say aiything to you, hut the en¬ closed letter will show you that we could not afford to make this sacrifice, ana we will therefore ask you to hoia up shipment for the next five drums, as it will he a great accomodation to us. Your kindness in this rnatto r will he greatly appreciated. Yours truly. Colors, GHimirala, ©tla attft fHitwral f rniutcta NEW YORK 8/28/16 Thomas A. Edison, Orange, N. J. Dear Sir;- Accept my thanks for your favor of the 23rd confirming understanding in reference to change in price of Aniline Oil. I take this opportunity to advise you, on two occasions I have teen informed the American Oil and Supply Co. are quoting your Oil as lov; as 26 i per pound while othor dealers and producers are nuoting from 30 to 40/ per pound according to quantity and delivery. Cannot you use your good office to have the American Oil & Supply Co. boost their price so as not to further demorali-.-.e the Aniline Oil market? Will appreciate anything you might do in this direction for the interest of all concerned. YoursXery respectfully, 4h"an- 29 NT. Aug 30 733am count, underline one word get answer ng Orange ,NJ Aug 29-1916 W.H.Meadowcroft, Loveitts Field, South Portland, Maine, Via Portland, Maine, American oil -can sell '.at twenty-four cents pound five tons aniline oil spot and three tons per week for eighteen weeks foh KewYork drums extra wire answer H F Miller. IK iA 3 tocn.dZ.cL H U Venftvu. & GJL «-/ ^ tu ?)V. aJhe-icc c . (fifUt "'POSTAL TELEGRAPH - COMMERCIAL CABLES TELEGRAM 12nyhnll51aa 48 Collect Portland Maine August 29 1916 H V Miller . *“ Bdison Orange V9 can let Sakaki have thirty pounds para dally in September am afraid to promise more Christensen might fall down on output hut if he fulfills his promise could let Takaki have sixty pounds daily would not dare however to make firm promise of this larger quantity W H Meadoworoft. -_- -4fet//^r/yL August 39, <^/6. The Edison Laboratory, Orange, N. J. ^ _ ,.„ .... ,r(.,.c_„^ ... Gentlemens we beg to confirm the telephone conversation had with you to the effeot that you will furnish us with Paraphenoline Diamine, at $3.35 per pound, at the rate of from 30 to 60 pounds per day, from September 1st to 18th. Our Japan oliente are interested in a quantity up to 1300 pounds, for arrival ..there, by the middle of October. To com¬ ply with their request, we are obliged to ship the Btuff by paroel- post and therefore, we ask you to kindly make the shipment in small parcel-post packages, weighing gross, not over 13# per case.. Kindly mark the following address on eaoh package, together with remarks of oontentss- CHEKICAL DEPARTMENT, MITSUI BUSSAK KAISHA, LTD., TOKIO, JAPAN. * We shall pay the extra charges, such as packing expense, postage and labor. Kindly let us know how much such extra charges will be per poundo •If ?it 'is impossible for you to secure. packag|^'strcmg E. L. 8/39/16 enough for export, we will be able to .furnish you with the same,, Below we give you mail schedule from New Yorks- CLOSE. KET YORK ARRIVE AT YOKOHAMA STEAMER. September 3nd September 18th "EMPRESS OF ASIA" « 3rd " 26th "NERI IA RU" 4th 5th 14th 18th 28th 5th 10th "NIPPON MARU" "CHICAGO MARU" "AKI MARU" "SHINYO MARU" Our people in Japan are in need of the material badly and therefore you will kindly oblige us by Bending the material by parcel-rpost, when it is ready, from time to. time.and send us invoice showing gross and net weight, which we shall pay accord¬ ingly. Thanking you in advance for giving the above your prompt attention, we are, august 30 th. 1916 . ISr. 1£. Kamnorhoff, Carbolic Division, Silver Lako, H.J. Boar -ir; In regard to the (junction of additional electric povrar which will bo required on account of your carbonating plant and tbe auditions in the Bonsidine plant, &o., after talcing thic natter up with Hr. Edison, i5r. Hudeon and various othor people, Hr. iidieon aocidod that ho wanted to install in your power plant tho 160 Kb motor generator sot which Hr. Uudeon has purchased for tho Brimary Battery and ie supposed to bo de¬ livered about tho let of Ootobor. I havo aiecutsood this matter to some extent with Hr. Hudson and would suggoet that you also toko the mattor up with him and arrange at oneo for ordering tho necessary instruments and switchboard which will bo ronlrod for connecting this unit in parollol with othor units. 1 have also advicoa our oloetricion that I thought ho chouia purohaso a voltage regulator which could bo used in cosirioction with tho 100 KK generator sot in tho boiler hoime, bo that in eaeo of. emergohey or in charging of heavy loads this engine o an bo thrown in parallol with your present power house. I era also looking around trying o find a motor generator sot which might be also installed in your power house if wo can find just what wo want. lours vory truly. co. to Hr. E. E. Hudson, Primary Battery Division, Silver lake, H. 3. Edison General File Series 1916. Chemicals (E-16-16) September . September 2na. 1916. Ur. kammerhoff: / I have received jour report of august 28th in re¬ gard to the distillation of 98$> Benzol from Johnstovm, together with the list of drums containing Benzol heads, Soluol heads and Solvent Uaphtha. I think I oan dispose of' the Benzol heads, loluol heads and Solvont Uaphtha right away, as this material can he used by the Phonograph Works, and the storage Battery Company. In order to find out about this, I would like to have tro samplebottlos of each. I ao not mean a sample bottle from oaoh drum, but merely two samples of Benzol hoads, two of toluol hoads and two of Solvent Uaphtha, making six bottles in all. I am going to send these to the Phonograph Works and the storage Battory Company, so that they can tost them and see which will be available for their respective purposes. W. H. UEADOIVCROPE. September 2nd* 19X6 Keith Car Company, 122 South Michigan Avenue , , Chicago., Ill. Gentlemen: Your favor of the 21st ultimo in regard to the two acid tank cars owned by Mr. Edison was received during my ab¬ sence on vacation . Mr. Edison was extremely busy and thought thot tho matter had better bo loft for ray attontion on ray return. After our letter of August second was written, one of our Chemical Plants found use for these two oars, temporarily, at least. When they are through with thorn, we shall probably want to lease them. Mr. Edison wiBheB me to thank you for your courteous attention in this matter, end also to esk whether, when tho oars are released we could make -some arrangement with you. to attend to the leasing of them for him on a commission basis. ’ Possibly he might decide not to lease but to sell them outright when our Chemical Plant is through with them. ' Yours very truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison. ANILINE DIVISION THOMAS A. EDISON Silver Lake, N. J. Sept. 2, 1916. Ur. W. H. Meadowcroft, As Blatant to Ur. Ediaoni Replying to your inquiry as to the arrangement we have made with Ur. Kammerhoff to take care of the 33 drums of phenol that were returned by the Heydan Chemical Co. We have requested Ur. Kammerhoff by letter on the 30th to redistill this lot and several other lota that ho now has for our account ae soon as possible, advising him at the time that we were in a position to moke prompt shipments. We found on the 31st that it was necessary on account of our phenol Department being in trouble to advise ur. Kammerhoff to make shipment of 7750# for our account, and that this amount was to be deducted from the returned phenol that he is now holding for rediatillation. This particular lot of 33 drunB As compared with our records, in several cases does not check up as to drum numbors, and we have token this matter up with the Hoyden Company. There is also a considerable difference in the net weight which they claim they received as compared with the original shipping records hero. In this case there is a difference of 219#, or almost 7 lbs. to the drum. After I had been here a few days, I noticed the num¬ ber of credits that you had been extending customers on account of short- weight claims. To obviate this discrepancy if possible I have established a system whereby the shipping clerk recheck6 all weights before loading, as I found that heretofore these containers wero filled by the operators and the weights in no case wero rechecked. I am of the opinion that probably you have been shipping about as much overweight as you have underweight, as the incorrect weighto we have discovered in tho containers since thiB rechecking system wae started indicates this. In future these conditions will bd corrected, and I would like to consult you as to whether or not it would be possible to make the teamsterB of these sevorol companies sign for weight as well as for tho number of packages. s' Manager. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCH ESTER, September 5,1916. Dear Mr. Meadow croft : Shipments of Paramidophenol have been coming to us with great uncertainty and vastly short of contract quantities. It is true that we have had frequent promises from the American Oil & Supply Company that conditions would soon show a decided improve ment but we regret that we are still without the quantities of Paramidophenol that we need and which we had every reason to count upon receiving. We would like to get some information from you which we could base our plans on and accordingly took the liberty today of telegraphing you as follows: : "'ll ill you please wire me your frank views on the Paramidophenol situation We have been very much disappointed in deliveries the quantity received being only a very small fraction of what we had counted on Situation very serious How much can we depend upon receiving from you daily." Yours tru Mr. W.H.Meadoworoft, % Thomas A. Edison, Inc., Orange, H.J. _ POSTAL TELEGRAPH - COMMERCIAL CABLES TELEGRAM The Postal Telegraph-Cable Company! Incorporated) transmits and delivers this message subject to the terms and conditions printed on the back of this blank. September 6th. 1916. C. VV. Markus, Purchasing Agent,' Eastman Kodak" Company, Eoohester, H. Y. Have just; returned from vacation. Have visited Amido Plant to satisfy myself as to conditions. They have had one hard problem but I think that has now been solved and I fully expect to make regular daily shipments now. Shipped about fifty pounds yester¬ day and will ship seventy-five pounds today. W. H. MEADOWCBOET. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] The Trade News Service Market Rkpohts-Coumbeoial News 50 PINK STREET NEW YORK CITY Coal tar (Use typewriter or Penoil - not ink) Nano of Canpany . Thomas A.. Mip.q^, . . Manufacturer or dealer? . Office . . W®.®?. . P®* . ???.???.'. . City . Location of plant *??. 'OT.V.*, . Coal Tar Products tBen?pl ........ Xylol . Toluol . SoATPftt .Naphtha Naphthaline Products Manufactured (for sale) Intermdiatea Hitrobenzol Aniline. Oil. Aniline Salt Acetanilid t , Benzidine DYE.STUFFJ. : Para, Amido Phenol base Par aphe nolens d i amine .PhewX QWffMlM Sulphate . Para Amido, Phenol Hydrochloride ii#t s \ Products Manufactured ( and consumed) ParauitaoaftstmUiii .Hsnznns.fiulphonate of ' Aoetyl Paraphenylenediamine . Benzene , Sulphonate of Ben59pp..q\iJp.l}9{)Aq.AoM . (7o aro regular purchasers of. the following raw materials: Sulphuric Acid, , , , . . . Lime Soda Mixed .Acid . Hydrochloric Acid Acetio Acid Sodium Hydrate £ jf y cu cannot soo your way clear to furnish all information requested, give such data as will assist us to intelligently list your firm. ) (Use typewriter cr pencil - not ink) September 7th. 1916. Commandant Lapradolie, * iioom 411, 26 Broad Street, Hot: York city. Boar Sir; Your favor of tho 24th ultimo to :;r. haison was re¬ ceived after ho had loft for a short vacation. His roturn is expected so otimo nest week, when your letter will bo' brought to his attention. jir. Eaison is in position to contract for twenty-fivo to fifty tons o month of Phenol, white' crystals, molting point 39 to 41°C. JIo would bo prepared to contract for this quantity either for the remainder of the present year or for a longer period. If you are interested, I shall bo pleased to send you sample. If you aro interested in pure loluol, I would say for your information that Mr . Edison has a moderate quantity to offer. It complies with the ilobel Specification. In • tlr • Edison's absence I shall be pleased to come over and see you if you so desire.- Yours very truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison. Ur. C. il. Op dyke, ’ September 7th. 1916, woodward Iron Company, Woodward, Ala-. Pear C'.anae : Eho price of naphthaline has hoen falling pretty steadily and the market is vory weak, in fact a few days ago there was prime naphthaline offerod at 1$ with no takers. In view of this it is nec¬ essary for us to figure pretty closely on our costs of production so we will know just where we stand and what price we can afford to sell. I wish' you would go over this matter and give me as close an estimato as possible on the cost of making yo'ir pure white, double sublimed naphthaline loaded in barrels on the cars, per pound. In doing this I think it advisable to discuss the matter with the i.oodVT&rd people as we feel inclined if possible to do so, to close a contract for some six months or a year if possible at a point somewhat below the market if necessary, so that we can fed assured of our shipments from this tlmo on- he also want to know what you estimate you can turn out of tiie white, double sublimed material. Of course, this naphthaline practically costs ub nothing except the subliming charges and what we pay the „oodward Company. I would like you to give me this information as soon as possible. Yours voxy truly. Thomas A'. Edison, Esq. , Orange, Hew Jersey. Attention of .li ^aciowcrof t Dear Sir:: Referring to the writer's conversation on the telephone with you a few days ago, we have sent nine sample bottles of Phenol, which represent the shipment from your factory, which we sold to the Japanese llavy. Before we enter into the discussion of this matter, we wish you would kindly analyze these samples, and find out how the Phenol from your Silver Lake Plant showed such in¬ ferior quality upon its arrival. in Japan. According to the information brought back by our man from Japan, they have found all the drums in perfect condition there, and while a great deal of Phenol was in liquid form, there was no sign of leakage from the drums. We imagine that there must have been something wrong with the Phenol itself, or there must have been some mistake, when it was packed at your factory. Our Tokio people advised us that the early part of your shipment arrived in fine condition, being snow-white and in crysrals, hut the later shipments be¬ gan to show very much inferior quality. Since we are having monthly shipments from you until the end of the year, we wish you would pay serious attention to this matte immediately, so that all the Phenol going out from your factory from now on, will reach Japan in perfect condition. Thanking you for your prompt attention to this matter Yours very truly. ST/DK so7 <5 / You will be interested tcKTearn that iearn that aocord- ine 'to/the Woodward reports the* produced 3600 gallons of pure Toluol during the month of August. This shows ayarerage of 115 gallons daily. & ^ f" Hew York, H. Y. , sept. 9th, 1916. le Chef de 1 'iSscadron 00YRA1 1APRADELIE Chef de la Mission des Poudres aux Etats-Unis To Mr. Thomas. 'A. Edison, v (TRAHSE. H. J. Hear Sir: I beg to acknowledge your favor of Sept. 7th and regret to inform you that we are not interested Phenol nor in Toluol. Rl/EAH .£•5 !y " J 1 La tia . “T j~~r ^ . HcriW'ri 1 September 11th- 1916. Hr. earner Paxson, Superintendent, Grand Central Palace, ' How York City. hoar Sir; For :.r. Edison’s Exhibit at the comine national Exposition oi’ Chemical Industries ho will desire o have current for some special lighting. 2his lighting will bo contained in a large frame which we will provide and which we will have wired and furnished v.’.th lamps. Yhe lamps will require 400 watts, bill you , therefore, provide an outlet which will give at least this’ current at Ur. Edison’s space #101. Shis' will he on your 110 volt line. Yours very truly, „ Assistant to Ur. Edison. HEMICAL-TECHNIC f Wallisellen , 11/9/16 (Zurich)^ - Thelaboratory of = Thomas A .\ Edison, — ji * r LmJL* et-WO-w/S S1„ ^ r J am confirming your esteemed favour of the 27th of April last, for which please , accept m^besjt thanks^ ^ bjj^ lw. U-* |/v tf Ref the desired proceeding concerning Par aphenylene diamine, J re\- gret to say, that J cannot ^rmishjpu ji th ^aqy ppr|icularo gput it^s J have never worked with it in my practice. rsr [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] Oetobor IS, 1916. P. Kuendig, Wallisellon, fhurich) Switzerland . Dear Sir I beg- to the.nl: you for your favor of the eleventh ultimo, which will be carefully preserved for my files.' ' ' • lot me coy, for your- information, that I do not wish to take-up the manufacture of Guaicol, as other persons hero have started to make it. Can you find in Switzerland a dye which was made, I think, at Basle. it is called Brio- glaucine. ’ I want to get about 60 pounds ana would pay £12.00 per pound for it. If there is none to be obtained , cWJald you furnish me with the process for making it, and if so, how much would you charge me for such process. Yours very truly. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] .L i: . L^'4 L^li-nCf c-'-s « 'QJc.&S-Jy 3 -)\.<0~lL.[, LUl. . &%/,&>, W. /f,tt//Jt'H f/ym/zr. Ur. Thomas A. Edison, Orange, N. J. Attention of Ur. "■’. HA_Uead,cyorflft- Dear Sir: Referring to your letter of the 8th instant, we are sending you today, nine sample bottles of Phenol which our man brought baok from Japan. In order to give you an idea of the difference between your good Phenol, and this which reached Japan in a bad condition, we are sending a sample bottle which you gave us early last year. This sample I had on my desk for a year, and it was exposed to the light, but the nine bottles were always kept in the dark, and yet the color is very bad. I remember that you told me sometime ago that the packing of Phenol must be very carefully done, and you stated that if you clean a drum and leave a screw open for ten minutes, some moisture will get in and lower the meltijig point two or three degrees. I believe the best way is to wait for the return of Ur. Edison, and let him see these nine bottles, and have him . instruct his man to analyze the same, and find out where the trouble lies. According to the information from Japan , the early shipments reached there in perfect condition, and the Japanese Navy people thought it perfect, «ftd 4^ - all the later shipments reached there with bad color but our customer went to the expense cf clearing the color and made Salycilic Aoid out of it, and we pre¬ vented them from making a claim. But in the case of our sale to the Government, wf’ca^not f ight^^T and so we had to make a big reduction. Please be advised that we will negotiate with you with the same friendly spirit, and trust that you will simply meet our views on the basis of the facts. P. S. One bottle marked A is a sample which you gave us early last year. Edison , Inc . , Silver Lake , E. V- ^ I have made an offering of forty thousand pounds of phenol at fifty-four cents less one per cent cash, packed in five hundred or one thousand pound drums, drums extra, for export, to Messrs. Hadjopolous and Sperco. X stated that Thomas A. Edison, Inc., would submit samples for analysis and would give an affidavit that goods packed were as per sample submitted. Kr. Hadjopolous explains that the purpose of taking samples is only to show that the sample comes up to the specifications guaranteed, in the contract, and that he can not do business unless the contract specifies that the phenol when shitJpedy is U*S*P* He tells me. 5 that Dow 'Chemical Company and other concerns have no hesitancy in guaranteeing their product U.S.P., and it is necessary for him to have that so specified ";in%he contract that he makes for .this material is for export. ■ > a hd, the foreign. credits require such a guarantee. I might say that the Monsanto Chemical Company have made me the same guarantee. ■ ." . / ' It is npt my disposition to offer any suggestion as to your procedure in this matter. I am simply giving you the circumstances as I know them to he. As I have already stated, this guarantee only applies to the goods as packed and does not cover the conditions of goods after their acceptance and payment is made. There is a good deal of export business offered now for phenol and as far as I can find out, it is all done on the terms and conditions- specified by Hessrs. Hadjopolous and Sperco. If you are willing to make this offer on these basis, will you kindly telephone me tomorrow morning. Cable has been sent on another quotation but I have reason to believe that I can close thissbusiness for your account on the terms offered-: Yours nsery truly, , - . Ixrfklrxpj KjWtvr — \ / September 13th. 1916. Mr. H. U. Banister, Vice President, She Y.oodward Iron Company, V.oodward, Alabama. My dear Mr. Banisters In line with our usual policy Hr. iidison has agreed to raise Hr. Opdylce's wages to £250. 00 per month if it is satisfactory to your Company. »Ve fool that Mr. • Op dyke has handled the plant very satisfactorily and qb the .lOodward Iron Company and Mr. iidisori are both paying hie salary we' want wo take this matter up w i th you before mentioning it to Mr. Opdyke. Please give us your views on thooubjeet. iiith beet regards, I am, : lours very truly. . September 14tli. 1916 Mr. Robert 2. Rosier, 141 Broadway, Ilew York City. Boar Mr . Losier: Your favor of the 11th instant was reooivod after a delay of a day. It was addressed to Thomas A . Edison, Inc., Silver lake, 3. j. i presume this was an error on the part of your secretary. The ou'ickost nay to reach me by mail is to address me not in care of Thomas 'A. Edison, Inc., but at the Laboratory. :V 'Uoc replying to your inquiry as to guarantee of U. S. P. Carbolic Acid on the quotation you have made to Hadjjopoulos & Sporco, Inc., lot .mo say that Mr. Edison is willing to guarantee that the Phenol when put into the containers is 0. 3. P. let me say for your information that Carbolic Acid is made in batches, that is to say the still is filled up with the crude Carbolic, the distillation is made and the pure Carbolic is run from the stills into the containers in which it is shipped* If te should receive the order for- this 40,000 pounds, Ur. Edison would have a Hew i'orfc analytical chemist take a sample from each batch of Carbolic that i . run into the containers, and these containers would be marked in the orescnce of the chemist and sealed up. The chemist would make his analysis and report, which we know would show tho Carbolic is U. S. P. Mr. Edison would then check up on this analysis ana would then guarantee that the material when shipped is U. S. P. I would say for your information that Hadjopoulos & ;iperco, Inc., wrote asking for a quotation on this 40,000 pounds of Carbolic, but we wrote end stated ad you had already uoted them on this lou of our Phenol it would not be business courtesy for us to make a direct quotation. Yours very truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison. September 14th .1916. Ur. uilliara .S’. Hoffman, ei'> Park Hotel, Mount Clemons, Mich. My clear Mr. Hofftou: I trust you are enjoying the procoi.s of being boil¬ ed up and Incidentally having some fun on the golf links. It you are having as fine weather as wo are getting hore, it is ideal, and you and Mrs. Hoffman ought to be enjoying yourselves immensely. . • Shines are going along much as usual,- except that . o are makinr a little headway on the rnnido Hydrochloride.. V.e are nor. beginning , to get it white, and I think we shall soon be all to the good. Mr. Edison has been giving come personal atten¬ tion to the Paraphenylene diamine the last two or throe days, and we are -cutting in some additional machinery by which the s «uff will bo* refined and will all come uniform in quality. The out¬ look for laraphenylonediamine is vory good. 1 am sending you herewith copy of a letter which is go¬ ing to your Kewark office today. I think it will Givo you a pleasurable fooling especially as it is voluntary on Mr. i.dlson s part. The pleasure you will experience on rocoipt of this letter is shared in by mo, :.nd X am glad that he did it. I will aslc you to kindly give my cordial regards to Mrs. Hoffman and to accept a whole lot for yoursolf . Sours very truly. Enclosure. Ho. 148. • September 15th. 1916. lir* Phelan: Herewith i hand you two important documents, namely, copjr of letter of ;:r. Edison to Amoricon Oil Oupply Company’ under date of Soptomber 13th, in which ho agrees to reduce the contract price of Phenol to the American Oil & Supply Company to 66 l/4 cents per pound instead of 72.6 cents per pound, 'fhis change of price is to tike effect September 1st, 1916, so 1 rould ask you to kindly have credit issued for the difference on any Phenol billed between ept- ombor 1st and September 13th. Ihe other document is a (Sopy of a little memorandum of agreement between I/or • .Edison and itein, Hirsh i: company, also reduc¬ ing the price of their contract Thenoi to 66 l/4 eonts per pound, to take offeot on doliverfcs commencing September 1st, 1916. Kill you please also have the proper credit issued in this case. . IT. ... MKADOb CHOPS. GOPPran, LEAD, SPBI United States Smelting Company, ino. O 1SQUITABLB BUILDING JU NEW YORK, Sept . 18, 1916 rRWfTia#' ij.^die oil , tf fjfjJ j T“w- 1:- h*«&h M Dear Sir: 1 ^ gHALlIUH *fr' nLA.a*1 Cl A/*e>*M* t.**4*** ,ve tf- Llidvale , Utah, thallium chloride. .,i|ll__you *f$®P!§i please advise whether you would^ffin^erested in this material. If so, pleaser-udviae the quantities you could use and the approximate price you would pay. f However, if you eannot'use the thallium chloride, will you please let me know whether you can use the thallium in metallic form, in which case I would thank you to let me know the approximate quantities you could use ana price you wouia pay. Yours very_jtru!71 . acb/gal iieptomber 21st. 1916 United states S'molting Co. Inc., 120 Broadway,- liovr York City. Attention of a. y. y. Bobertson. Gentlemen: 1 am in receipt of your favor of the 18th instant* I do not uao Thallium, hut cm interested to know the prico in metallic form, ^ in quantity, so that X may he in position to con¬ sider its usovtoimy experiments show its avail¬ ability. ' Yours very truly. Ur. Ed la on: I am in receipt of a cablegram from Hr. Wagner, Manager of our London Offloe, reeding aa follows: "Claus & Co. Ltd. , Clayton, Man cheater, will take twenty two thousand pounds crystal oarbolio aoid as per sample submitted at price and conditions stated your letter 31st May, delivery six drums nine hundred pounds oaoh immediately balance divided three equal deliveries shipped November 1916, January and March 1917. po you accept offer. Cable reply, also terns of payment." After conferring with you I oabled Mr. Y/agner in reply as follows: "Accept offer oarbolio. can make first delivery New York one week. First available steamer "Bovic" October 10th. payment by oredit opened in New York or Satisfac¬ tory guarantee. Immediate advice necessary to obtain freigit room." Under date of May 31at, I sent Mr. Y/agner several samples of Carbolic Aoid and requested him to visit the whole¬ sale drug trade and submit samples of the Carbolic. At that time I quoted him a prioe of 60j/ per lb., net, f.a.B. Bteamer, New York City, with extra charge for container. Y/ALTER "• ,+fr SiBW-TSWIBi J^t. ae1 1SM,'V V* ''V* ^ ♦* ■s. Thomta A. Edison, Inc., Orange , Mew Jersey, Kindly advise us whether it would bo cbnvextient VY J for you to inoroaso the deliveries of Phenol which you aV^^ /jt^ making to us against our contract, ’.7c find that we shalV y be able to use, in the near future, a little more than what - we are getting, 'V, f ' ^ ^ , | o~e^c> Us-j -~r .a Very truly yours, j ^ GS/P, THE HEYBEH CHEMICAL TOHKS. C / ; * v V ,, IA* ^ €-vV<^ f Mr. Meadowcroft, c/o Thos. A. Edison, • Inc. » Yfest Orange, N. J. My dear Mr. Meadowcroft:- Am Bending you via parcel post, four white rabbit skins which Mr. Edison can use in his experiments with para- pheneline diamine. The most practical way to use these skins would he to cut them in small strips. With kindest regards, I remain Edison Laboratory , Mr. W. A. Meadoworoft, Orange, N.J. Dear Sirs- Through the oourteay of Mr. John 0 'Hagan, we have been referred to you regarding various chemicals introduced at this time by Mr. Edison. in view of the connections that we have established in Buenos Ayres and several other Cities in South America, we Would like to know your best export prices, your specifications, approximate con¬ ditions for delivery, and samples, so that we can send to our different agents of the following list of chemicals that we understand are being manufactured Phenol or crystal carbolic acid. Tri-Nitro-Toluol , Benzol , Aniline oils for dyes, and other chemicals that you may manufacture. We are interested especially in the above named chemi cals that go into the manufacture of explosives and would appreciate your early answer to this matter as we would* like to take advantage of the next steamer, if possible, which leaves Monday. We are , [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] September 25th.l916. Mr. Haul iiadero , President, Associated Manufacturers Export Co., 66 Broadway, Hew York City. Dear Mr.^Hadoro: , X havo rocolvod year favor of the 23rd instant, . this, Monday morning, which, of course, does not give mo time to write and onable you to take advantage of the .steamer leaving today. It is quite true that Hr. Edison is making Phenol, Benzol and Aniline oil. He does not males Trinitro Toluol, but he does produce ioluol itself, which is used in the manufacture of Trinitro xoluol. As a matter of fact, we are not at this time in such a posi¬ tion as to quote you fora regular business with South America, let mo explain. In the first place, -Sir. Edison put up iill these plants mere¬ ly to help out a temporary situation of shortage^in the United ^tates . In regardPto Phenol, practically all 6ur contracts with customers ex¬ pire at the bnd of this year. At this present moment we “ out (which expires at the end of 'the month) to take the remainder of our entire production* Therefore, we are not in position «o make a positive quotation on Phenol October 2nd. ■Vo could not furnish Trinitro Toluol, but just at the pres¬ ent. moment we havo on hend about 10,000 gallons of Toluolforspo sale- This is of exceeding fine quality, and complies with the iiobel . Specifications. Hr. Edison would sell this lot at ^3.26 g^°n,b t drums included, F. A. S. How York. This offer cannot bo held open, but is subject to prior sale. . « ' ' Mr. Edison also has a surplus production of about 300 gallons of Toluol por month until May 1st, 1917, and from May 1st, 1917 to flo- cember. 1917, hb could furnish approximately 125 gallons of Toluol por any. X think ho wouia. contract- all this at §8.75 por gallon. This - quotation is made subject to prior sale. \ As to Benzol, Mr. Edison is a producer, but he uses in'his own manufacturing all :that is produced at kle plants. . In regard-^o Aniline Oil, Mr. Edison only put up his plant to help out a_ set xous^_ ^ situation, and he does’ not expect to manufacture Aniline Oil after the [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] 4?' end of uhiB year, 'flie present opot price is so small that Mr. Edison ill not moot it, hut what little excess of Anilino Oil ho malcoo over and above our contracts he will probably store and use for other manu¬ facturing purposes next year. As to terms of payment on the quotations above made , I bog to say that Hr. Edison would require cash against sight draft attached to bill of lading. lours very truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison. .. •? , September 25tli.l916. _ ';■■■ ■ A ’ ’ Anniston Knitting Mills Co., \V Anniston, Ala. .* \ Gentle-on: Eop lying to your favor of tbo 19th in¬ stant asking for contract price on aniline oil for 1917, v/e bog to say that you can get lover prices from other manufacturers than ^ you could obtain from us. It is very probable that v,e shall not stay in the Aniline business, as Mr. Edison only put up his plant to help out a serious condition which eiisted • at the time it was put in operation. \ Yours very truly, Edison laboratory. She Trade Hows Service, SO Pino Street, Hen lork City. Gentlemen: ' \ ihr. Edison notea on your roport of the 22nfi instant- that you Jiave completed a cpeoial list of firms handling dyes, dye stuff 8 , extracts arid colors. He wishes mo to ordor this list from you. Rill you kindly.address.it to me and sena your hill made out against Thomas *. Eaieon. i By-the-way, referring to the first item on your liBt ;] lours very truly, ; Assistant to Mr. Edison. Mr. Meadoworoft, Referring to the annexed correBpoi^uenoe with the American Oil and Supply Co., I oalled upon STr. Jones yesterday and he informed me that praotically the only use of para-amido-phenol hydro-ohloride is as a photographio developer; that the American Oil and Supply Co. sell# this material only in the original packages in which they obtain ttiea from Mr. Edison, their-pgia.eig»i their principal customers, as I understand it, being Gennert, a dealer in chemicals including photo¬ graphic developers, and the Eastman Kodak Co. I asked him whether or not Mr. Gennert manufactured any photographio developerB or used this material in connection with such manufacture. He said "No", that Gennert simply disposed of it in the same original packages in which he reoeived it and that his principal customers were the various motion picture oonoerns; that no instructions were given by Gennert as to how it should be used and the motion picture concern uses it in accordance with whatever formula it cares to employ, thiB being up to the chemist or photographer in charge; that it isy^requently used as a substitute for metol; ^Mr . Gennert does not recommend the use of sodium hydrate in connection with this material, and if we so desire is willing to recommend to pur chase ns that they do not use sodium hydrate. Mr. Jones also stated that the only cases which he had heard of sodium hydrate being used is where the bath after a lapse of some time became aoid and enough of the hydrate was added to neutralize the bath, and that an exoess was not desired and was deleterious be¬ cause it produced some effect upon the film which I understood to be a kind of a waviness along the edge. Mr. Meadoworoft 9/27/16, -2- While I was in Mr. Jones* Office, he oalled up Mr. Gennert on the telephone in order to make certain that Mr. Gennert was not using the material himself, that he was selling it only in the original paokages and that he was not instructing the purchaser to use it in connection with sodium hydrate. Mr. Jones told me that Mr. Gennert had corroborated these statements. In view of the fact that we do not deal with Mr. Gennert ourselves but only with the American Oil and Supply Co., it seems to me that we are justified in aooepting^the^^'^tStem^ts^at this time and that sinoe para-amido-phenol hydro-ohloride a well known photographic developer used in formulas which do not infringe the Thatoher patent, we cannot at this time be charged with knowingly contributing to any infringement of said patent. The rule of law on this subject, whioh I believe to be the correot one, is set forth by Judge Cross in the following language in Rumford Chemical Works vs. Hygienic, 148 Red. 862 (Affirmed 164 Red. 66; 215 U. S. 196): "In order to establish contributory infringement, it should be convincingly shown that a granular aoid phosphate manufactured by the defendant went into a baking powder, which infringed the patent in suit, and that the defendant manufactured and sold said phosphate knowing, or having reasonable oause to know, that it was to be used in an infringing baking powder." I therefore submit forms for letters, one of whioh should be sent by me to Dyer & Taylor in reply to their letter of September 14, 1916, and the other by yourself to the American Oil and Supply Co. in reply to their letter of September 20th. ENC1. DH/JU [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] V. \ American Oil & Supply Co. Oils, Greases, acids, Chemicals AND DYESTUFFS 92 WILLIAM STREET SOME OFFICE i NEW YORK ClTY September 20, 1916. Hr. Wm. H. Meadowcroft , fo The Edison laboratories. Orange , M . J . Bear Sir: In accordance with the promise made to you by the writer, we are enclosing herewith copy of letter addressed to G. Gennert , 24 East 13th Street, Hew York, by the law firm of Dyer & Taylor, with reference to the sale of Para-Amido- Phenol Hydrochloride. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] DYER a TAYLOR 31 NASSAU STREET sept. 14, 1916. Thomas A Edison, Inc., Orange, E. ,T. Gentlemen: Oar client, the Xathol Mfg. Company Inc., this City, ha6 been advised that you are manufacturing pararaidophenol with the intention and purpose of its use as a photographic developer in connection with caustic soda, in infringement of letters Patent Ho. 1,168, 011 granted Oct. 26,1915 under which patent our client is exclusive lioensee. Specifically our client is informed that you are selling your product to G. Gennert of this City with the intent and purpose that it be sold by that concern in infringement of the above stated patent. If our information as to this be correct, we are oblig¬ ed to call upon you to discontinue such infringement otherwise y/e shall regretfully be compelled to institute suit against you to protect our client's rights. A notification has been sent tc air. Gennert today, a copy of vmich iB enclosed for your information, so that you may be made aware of its oontents. Awaiting your reply, we are. Yours very truly, ^ - „ _ JRT:M Enclosure [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] Sept, 14, 1916, Q. Oennort, Esq.,, 84 E. 13th St., Hew York. Bear Sirt- •• Oar client, the Kathol Mfg. Oo.Ino.,haB been advised that yoa are Belling a photographic developer in violation of rightB Beoorad to it by Letters Patent Ho. 1,168, 011 granted Oot, 26,1916:^0 Charles J. Thatcher for photographio developer and under which patent the Katliol! Mfg. Company has an exclusive lioenBe. Oar olient'B information 1b that you are securing orders for end making sales of the photographio developer handl¬ ed by yoa by having your salesmen a all upon dealers and users oalling attention to the above mentioned patent and stating that you are in position to sell a photographio developer, such as represented by that patent, for ase in plaoe of Kathol under which name oar oliont is selling the patented developer. Our client has been farther informed that your re¬ presentatives have actually sold Paramidophenol end given speoifio instructions to add oaustio soda thereto so as to get the results seoured by the use of Kathol covered by the afore¬ said patent. If our information be oorreot, you are infringing the above mentioned patent and under instructions from oar client. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] G. Gennert, Esg, -£- Sept. 14,1916. we shall, unless you immediately discontinue all future in¬ fringement and within ten days from date render ub Batisfaotory aBBurBnoe that you have permanently discontinued suoh infringe¬ ment, he obliged to oommenoe Buit against you for an injunction and aooounting of profits end damages together with the oostB of the aotion. Youtb very truly, Soptomber 27th. 1916. Hoyden Chemical Works, 136 William Stroot, Ilew York City. . Attention of Mr. Sijton. Gentlemen: ■ I am in receipt of your favor of the 22nd instant, -and regrot to say that for the present I shall be unable to increase tho dolivor- ies of Phenol against your contract beyond the 1,000 pounds daily delivery we are regularly making. Yours very truly. THE ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH. September 28, 1916. Thomas A. Edison Laboratories, Orange, Hew Jersey. Gentlemen! We are very much in need of about 2 lbs. of para aoetphenylene diamine in one of our laboratories, and as I noticed a sample on exhibit at the ohemioal show, I would like to have you furnish it to us, if it would be possible for you to do so. Of oourse you realize the nature of our work is purely for research purposes, and as you have been kind enough to favor us before 1 hope you will be able to do so again. Thanking you for past favors. Yours truly, THE ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH Purchasing Agent. (Qyf^ JcCcjUtcnuO Jill'’ foxtiAslci-y £ev ~’L' J ^c-yU 2 _ .j ,}L& 4«-A tw^-jA- >““*« « -f J; jyMsrrt.- U\«*tTT6> < etA. S>" aJJL- !fi4n*J^J/ . jivW . 3U-- X*)- . UJ*i-OL_ et^s«J32 .HJuL, ~ 'L* JjJiZ*+^ 5 0-^*0 Li> _ . li^i-ic. ^-^^CrsSt-T . {*> VU^Jk> C ^ 6’<^^< (L g~<-aQ6> yi . '^JIAAJ — '4',‘S^ . 4-cc-a Hj^. . U^-^U^r . C^o|>t£Utf .-d' V^» c _ 'V'tdi^ &-/ . i • ^ laewr^ <^tL i^‘t^:. _ Edison General File Series 1916. Chemicals (E-16-16) October 135 WILLIAM STREET. Mr. Thornes A. Edison, Orange, Neva Jersey. Dear Sir:- / Oct. 2, 191Q, •e • OV - 4 AfV We received your letter of Sept. 27th in regard ' to CARBOLIC ACID, and heg to advise you that we shall he pleased to confer with you in regard to a contract over 1917 whenever you are ready to take up this matter. Yours very truly. GS/F. THE HEYDEII CHEMICAL WORKS. V. Pres't, [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] Ti n fcu.cn , .. Jdo Lf C t-cc to Clout /o IVYpJt. . t “dim CL &/{&* Cuce) CjfCL.#'/-&. jxi.iCC' ^ Cy' o-rf coOt ~SfCc,^ccnuC. G-icb ClLj ycout. lu-OZC Sc 4CC S.',,, /o &LC6. if- f Me £10/ u/-6ft) /c — '/oco ifc ..A.. ctcLUj . tll uf:lC . ^ixe\ ct, i-J _ cic± CeouO. , ^*tW So CCowli . 6r~ f j "Wo om^ARD Irox Company WOODTCiRDAlA.. October 3, 1916. Dear Fir:- l**" AtU-1 looking over the two statements of aooount of Woodward Plant ooverlng the period of about twelve months end¬ ing in July 1st, 1916, we find the following^figwces^-^ ^ Running Expenses for six months ?.r *( ^ up to December 1915 . • • . . i . . .j45,36J,81^ Running Expenses for six months \ UlK Quantity of Toluol for six months ,_v , ’ up to Deoember 1915, . . 16,336 gals, ^ Quantity of Toluol for six months from January to June 1916,. . . . 7?1./? - =i — _ _ X 40,841 gal Ba Quantity of BensoX for six months from January to June 1916. . . ./. . . , In short ,o i't oodatffua about 1 130,000 to run the plant for twelve months and we got, during the same period, about 40,800 gallons of C. P, Toluol and about 344,000 gallons CV-5 UK Thomas A. Ediaon, “2~ I*., of Pure Benzol , (During the saw period we made about $30,000. out of Kapthaline and Solvent Naptha, but I will not count thin here but leave it out to be applied for any emergency expense whioh might come up during the ooming year,} The above means that it will pay us to oontinue to run the plant if we are sure to aell more than 8130. 000o worth of products (l) I understand that you will not require very muoh of Benzol out of Woodward next year and if eo, will you authorize ua to sell the entire output of Benzol between January lat 1917 and December 1st, 19177 Your friends, American Oil & Supply Company advise me that they think they oan sell the next year*a output of Benzol from Woodward between 50# and 55# per gallon if we act before the present mar¬ ket changes. Please let ua know of your desire. (3) Ae to Toluol, we wojild "like to dispose of next year’s output non 'and if. you will, kindly authorize ue to sell it at any prloe above 83.00 per gallon, we will immediately place this matter in our broker’s hands giving him a oomml ssionof.one-half of the difference be¬ tween $3.00 and the pried he' obtains for ua. Please let Kindly study this whole situation and let us know what you wish ue to do. We remind you that we have the right to take gas from Woodward Iron Company until July 1st, 1918, but we believe it impossible to sell any produota for 1918. ST:VC October 10, 191£r Kallinckrodt Chemical Worts limited Montreal, Canada. ' Gentlemen : Replying to your favor of the 6th instant, I beg to cay that we make Sodium Acetate and Acentanilid, but neither one of them complies with the requirements of the U.' S.(P. As t° inr Iron By Hydrogen, we make it U.S. P. excepting a slight trace of sulphur. Ehis Iron iB being furnished by me to the Erade generally, and wo are all sold up to the extent of our production. I expect, however, to have an increased capacity in about six weeks. ' Yours very truly, October 11, 1916 American Oil & Supply Co., 92 William Street, Hew York City. Gentlemen : Attention Hr. A. B. Jones. Eoplying to your favor of the Sth instant, in regard to moisture content of our Para Amido l->honol Hydrochloride, let me say that iSr. Baison informs me that Just as soon as our new Centrifuge is received all this trouble will be’ done away with. Vie expect to get this Centrifuge within the next two or three weeks . Yours very truly. Assistant to Hr. Edison. N FERNANDO (TRINIDAD ) Trinidad-Tarouba Oil Development Company, SAN FERNANDO, Trinidad. B.W.I. HW .X^r..P.?.1'.9.'ber..l3.rl9l6 . M.H. Hutchison, Chief Engineer r-v'/ ^ — ^ >» >•' . Edison Storage Battery Co. \jL/ S' YW^ /S.V i Referring to the subject of fluxed manjak and to thV sanqple which I called to your attention as a binder in mo 1 d e dU. lation, it occurs to me that for soma of your .purposes you may per¬ haps be more particularly interested in a very dry powdered forts of this natural hydro-carbon, of which I enclose a small sample for your inspection. I shall be very glad to hear what you think of it. It is altogether likely that you will find our product ad¬ mirably suited for the manufacture of phonograph records. The electrical and chemical resistance of this substance is unusually great. Its specific gravity has been established at 1.125, ike softening point at 383 degrees E. , and the melting point October 14. rf#/ 6. «, Inc., Attention of Mr. W, Gentlemen:* We beg to acknowledge the receipt cf your favor of October 11th and note with great pleasure that you are willing to take all the Benzol from Woodward Plant for the year 1917 at the prioe of 55£ par gallon for the first six months, and 50£ per gallon for the last six months, and we hereby beg to agree that we will sell you all the Benzol from the said plant at the above mentioned prices whioh are f.o.b. Silver Lake, N. JY, same as our oontraot covering up to the end of this year. Thinking that there might be a little confusion how to determine the total quantity for the first six months, we propose that you pay us 55£ on all the Benzol shipped from Woodward Plant on or before June 30, 1917, and 50£ for all the shipments made between July 1st and December 31st, 1917. Please consider that this letter of ours takee the plaoe of the contract for the above. We take this opportunity to thank you sincerely *%n ■ ■ r ■ ■Thomas A. Edison, -2- for your kind deolalon which relievos ua entirely of the worry and trouble In aelllng all the Benzol from Woodward for the coming year. We further appreciate the very fair prloe you have given ua and aaaure you that we cannot wlah any better than what you have kindly agreed. Aa to Toluol, we understand from your letter that you authorize pa to aell at any price above $1.75 per gallon, and we are going to employ a broker with the understanding that the net price we must get is $3.00 per gallon and that anything he obtaina above $3.00, we and he will divide half and half. Thanking you again for your kind aasi stance in agreeing to take all the Benzol for the year 1917 whioh places the aocount of the Woodward Plant in an absolute safe position, and with kindest regards. Yours very truly. ST :VC ^tattleg tt (Unions, (Eljmtcals, Oils anb HJutpral proiutda > 11-18 Cliff Stkeets NEW YORK 10/16/16 Ur. 'i'homas A. Edison, Orange, H.J. My dear Ur. Edison; - Have your favor of the 13th and wish to apologize for failure, ere this, to communicate with you respecting deferred shipments of Aniline Oil against my contract due to my being absent from this city considerably late acu¬ pressure of accumulated business requiring my attention upon my return. I am more than mindful of the friendly disposition you have shown towards me on more than one occasion, the last in connection with reducing your contract price. I have been doing everything within my power to arrange with customers to accept delivery of Aniline Oil against pnntractfe I have v/ith them* "but on account of falling off in deSant and^eclinl in. price, naturally customers have fought hard against accepting deliveries until finally I ha\e insisrea uwon Stein Hirsh & Co: talcing 10 drums due them this month, ly consent to same. Accordingly, I would thank you please to get ready and ship to them as heretofore, 10 drums of Ani“"e °i1f??^Jnw111 give you shipping instructions in a day or two xor fifteen or eighteen drum! more to come here and will follow these instructions with more as soon as possible. Hope to see you tomorrow for a short chat as per my phone talk with your Mr. Meadowcr oft this P.M. sd/hs October 17, 1916. Ur, Stanley Doggett, 99 John Street, Hew York City, H.Y. * Dear Mr. Doggett: Ur. Meaaoweroft has hanaea me your favor of the 16th instant , ana has also given me the eubstanco of the talk you haa with him this morn¬ ing. I appreciate the difficulties you have been up against, but am glaa to learn that you are now beginning to move the Aniline Oil. Your request to ship ten arums to Stoin, Hirsh. & Company is notea. Ehb aate of shipment is not given in your letter, but Mr, Meadowcroft says you told him to ship October 20th, so we will make shipment that day of those ton drums. I am much pleased to learn that you osyaoot to give shipping instructions for fifteen to eighteen drums more within a. few flays. Shis will relieve somo of the congestion at Silver lake. Yours very truly, 06u, American Oil & Supply Co. Oils, Greases, acids, Chemicals and Dyestuffs 92 WILLIAM STREET OFFICTE! jNew York City V / ^ C/W October 18, 1916. . H. l.Ioadowcroft , Edison laboratories , Orange, U. d. r. He ad owe ro ft : In quoting Eara-Amido -Phenol Hydro- ohloride for export, it is necessary in response to each inquiry to stato the percentage of Para- Amido-Phenol in the material we are offering. V/e would like to have, if possible, an analysis of the Para -Ami do -Phe no 1 Hydrochloride, stating the percentage of Para. If you can get this for me, it will be greatly appreciated. you will recall that v/e have had up the subiect of packing Para-^mido-Phenol. Our custo¬ mers are complaining that tho material is expen¬ sive and being packed in wooden boxes, in Quantities, part of it gets away from them. They havo asked that we have it packed in five pound paraffined paper bags, and if possible, we would like to comply with their request, for it is an important item, and we suppose that our customers 1 have the right of dictating how they should receive \ the products they purchase. V.’ill you please let me know as soon as possible whether this packing is feasible, and ii not, what sort of packing you <■•”» ""T,T'n w *hnT' safely carry this article. /it", fktak 3 CrtcLcxs'o ICtcjc, r; fna-i'e 0 supply that would Yours very truly, AEJ:B AMERICAN OIL & SUPPLY CO. • OILS, GREASES, ACIDS, CHEMICALS * ^ AND DYESTUFFS (jJ& 1/ , 92 WILLIAM STREET • oFiicK! New York City " "k ^ ’ ibj “*■«». tree yi Edison Laboratories, . j ,q£*v«^ Orange, H. J. jj , Dear Ur. Ileadowcroft: We are again in considerable inq«irgpn**ft*^ Benzidine, and we have several niJl^fefers dffere^jJ? to us, provided we can make shipmer^nj^rioer. We have hesitated to take on this ffiness^^ / Will you please advise whether you think that we would be safe in accepting orders for de¬ livery at that time, and if not, when do you think shipments will commence. A T.niiR t n AH OlLoS: SUPPLY CO. AEJ:B lip. Thomas A. Edison, Orange, Dear Sirs- _ _ As a record for your files, I have attached here an approximate estimate of tho cost for producing the Amidophenol Hydrochloride for the past week. Chase figures will not vary over 1 to $ as compared with the actual cost, and I am sending you this report as the cost for making this Hydrochloride under the present operating conditions is so expensive that ray idea was that in calling this to your attention there might ho some emergency corrections that you could make that would bring these figures down to a reasonable basis. I have talked a number of times to Hr. Christensen of the necessity of holding this expense down where it is at all possible but his contention has been that the operation as yet is still in the experimental stage and that until such a time as it is standardized cur expense here will be greater than hereafter. V/e have constructed an industrial railroad to handle the raw materials from the Erie siding to help the cost of handling the raw materials as much as possible and we have changes under way that will also help cut later on. At the same time, as compared with the aggregate, this is a s^ll item and although my understand¬ ing is that there are proposed changes now under way which will reduce this cost materially, I have been hoping from day to day to see some of the„e changes go into effect to help the sheaving in this division. Ho doubt you have this matter under close observation but however I took it for granted that these figures attached here would be a guide to you as they may be a help in your calculations for future operations. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] Keith Cm Compact PEOPLES GA.S BUILDING IBB SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE Oot. 19th, 1916. _ ars sarraaKi-jasirJS: „ 2 =a»“-SSwS£,^S. billty the rental rates Will « ■*“£/«“ “*£ '£% 22 on oare'to he as vie are being importuned by various ] part ^ now Bnd July lBtf 1917, delivered under lease oontraetaatanyihtwe $46.00 per month and while we have not rented any leases, prices as high as S5»3S SoKetSd. and have been accepted by some of the other car companies. v. « ssr'Sa’L11 - jt ~ ts“ all oontraots entered half of next year, we are chocking to get any new equipment *efor ■ oailing the attention of our friends up all of our unexpired 00^5a°f:“the extent of giving us their business whom we expect to remain with us tetter baBis than others, to the when we can take care of them on the same conditions existing. K you are unable to decide at this time, «£“,*£** fectly satisfactory to us , but we do Soliger than a few days, as SB XSX'ZZZ will mean8 still higher prices of cars and consequent¬ ly increase the rental rates. Assuring you of our desire to cooperate with you, we are. October 20th, 1916. Ur. neadowcroft: X cm iu receipt of your Memorandum indicating that you ere in a position to supply Carbolic, Aniline Oil and. paraphenylenedioraino for export shipment. I have particulars regarding Carbolic Acid, but I shall bo pleased to have you advise mo ea to the present prices of Aniline Oil' and Paruphenylenediamino , together with infor¬ mation regarding the meaner in v;hich theoo chemicals are packed also whether a charge is Bade for packing. Ootobor 23, 1916. jf ~ ' /■' Mr. Walter Stevena: Beplying to your memorandum of the 20th inst. in which you asked me to advise you as to the present prioes of Aniline Oil and Para Phenylonediamine. At the present time we have only a limited quantity of Aniline Oil to dispose of, and as Iffl r. 2dison does not expect to manufacture this material next year, we shall have only about 5 or 10 tons to offer for 3ale. Aniline Oil is put up in steel drums containing about 900 lbs. each. There is an extra charge for the drums, amounting to §10.00 each, but there is no charge made for packing. At the present time Mr. Edison is willing to dispose of 5 or 10 tons of Aniline Oil at 26-1/2 cents per pound, f.a.s. New York. AS to Para Phenylene diamine , we put it up in cons containing 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 • pounds respectively For export these can3 are packed in substantial boxes, and there is no charge for package or packing. The price of Para Phenylonediamine is aB follows : §4.00 per lb. up to 200 lbs. 3.75 " " 200 to 500 lbs. 3.50 " " 600 to 1000 lbs. 3.25 " " in lots of 1000 lbs. and over. At the present time we do not want to offer the Para Phenyl enediamine in England and Prance, as we have a customer who takes very large quantities from us and has built up a business in England and Prance on our Para Phenylen edi amine . AH IY.H. lieadoworoft . October 20,- 19X6. Mr. B. D. Woodward. 4i West 64th Street , Hew York City, H.Y. Dear Sir:- ' Defer ring to your favor of the 13th instant, to Hr. Hutchison, we beg to say that this was handed to Hr. Edison together with the small saraplo of fluxea man38k. Mr. Edison wishos me to say in regard to this that in order to try experiments to see whether we can use it, he ought to have at least 100 pounds. If you send this-, will you kindly have it addressed tome, also notifying me by letter of its shipment, and 1 will bring it to Mr. Edison's personal attention. He wishes S to ask the price per pound,. 3?. 0. B.. Oran~o, H.J. ' Yours very truly. Assistant to Hr. Edison. OPFICB OF logged (Snlors, QHjmirala, ©tla anil Mineral JjJrnimrta 09 John and 11-18 Cliff Streets spsciai, o UH NEW YORK 10/20/16 Thomas A. Edison, ^sq. Orange, N.J , Dear Sir; Have yours of the 17th and it is ali right to make shipment to Stein Hirsh & Co . on the date mentioned. ^ In keeping with phone order to your Ur . Tuck, ship 11 drums consigned to my order here to arrive the 28t) understand from Ur. ^eadoweroft you had offered some 01 /out at 25/ per pound, to relieve stock congestion. ■ ‘ Can you offer any through me at that figure? Believe I can move five or ten tons at 24 or 25/. A Yours very ^respectfully. O' M fl0. J ccCcL t*.c dcJ) ol S t&A ^ ^ k SPECIALTIES: ANILINE COLORS AND PRODUCTS. Manufacturing Processes Devised and Improved . Inventions Developed. A. JANNY, Ph. D. CONSULTING CHEMIST, 25 FRANKFORT STREET, NEW YORK. Chemical Products, Raw Materials, Intermediary and Waste Products Examined and Reported On. Oct. 21, 1910.. Mr. Thos. A. Edison Orange, N. J . Dear Sir: I noticed your exhibit at .the Chemical exposition in Grand Central Palace. A firm interested in the manufacture of Direct Cotton Colors having charged me with finding out about the supply of raw materials X would ask whether you are ready for contracting the delivery of Benzidine (Basis or Sulfate) and the price you waould charge for same. If you would send me a small sample for ascertaining the quality of your product it would probably facil¬ itate an understanding. Awaiting your early reply, I Yours very truly /£/ a. MuS, Sji. So/ j/ /7/6 r//2 - vsfie?via£ &■ Q- % ■ SU//l ) A*/*-] 2Z&Sr Scm/ 'Ms/ cdtf/ys/oA S0l fo/ttt ^ ,t&cS ^toe. ^orf/oi. • S ^ ^ ^ ^ //u £~U / aaaS Sr Ast-L p OtC/lX yttSc/StrystA, ^ ,/t-Cft- i^d S? , isw/uSc/ ^rz /t'/j4t- //c/notn^ct/>/^i oaacI /f//t~ J/ . AfxJs/x, /ft- a-/S/ Sl*r m&uia ie. - cx*xi/y s/i^S /jSt ^-/ftS/Ay* ^ /h laoSiS Sr //!g ^ ^ et/mix. a&tAiStA-* Syflcoud ' /^^inoAxya/^AnftSA . /^rlAsu/S //o&u/ Sr /2 A A.. rs„,. LfHfiA ■® ^ w«L- , w«s- ,. a. L*. Dear Kr. I-eadowcroft: ,i^_€ 4t^ ^ After ou* telephonic conversntaSn of this morning, I took up v.ith the principals who are in the market for ten tons of phenol a reek for six months begining in November, the question of price re discussed. .■ 'They ''said, .that they would like to receive a firm offer from Mr. Edison for their requirements and from what transpired, I believe that the. deal can be closed this v-eek on the basis of forty-eight cents per pound with an allowance of one cent per pound brokerage. This brokerage has got to be split in half so that I will receive one-half of it. The price is for phenol in > melting point and other characteristics, given to understand that these people were : and I will telephone you c Yours pcery trul; Caminol Acid Violet 4B Bis. Brovm X Brill B1 am ark Brown 2RN Chrysoidine R Chrysoidine X Croc Orange ;jf02544 Green X. Green R Methyl Blue BB Methyl Blue RBX Phosphine BBS Quinoline Rhodamine Base Rhodamine BX Violet 6B Cryst. Acid Green BBA Cressotinio Acid Phltalic Acid Phenilene Biamene Meta basic l’henylin Bi amine Para Parathenylene diamine Caminol [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] THE TRADE NEWS SERVICE Market Eepohm-Oommeboiai News 50 PINE STREET NEW YORK OITY Chemicals-Hoavy & Plinraaoouticals-Coul Tor Products-ot Dottier is in tho markot for l/200 kogs Chlorate of Potash. Rhodnnino B nt ?4.00 ' Manufacturing company is in tho market for 200 lbs, Diroct Bluo, Roddish Shado, ono percent dyoing in raw stock to bo sont with quotations. Doalor is in tho market for Soda Aah 58% donso, spot or noar futurs . Loathor Mill is in tho market for Bichromate of soda, ' Consunor is in tho market far 2000 to 3000 lbs. bluo Aleppo ''hole Nut galls Jmmmodiato shipment. Manuf actuors • agont is in tho markot for about 500 tons of Ammonia Carbonate. A somplo of 500 lbs. will be roquirod. Doalor is in tho markot for 3 cars Bluo Vitriol. Ono car in Doc,, ono in January, and cno in Fobruary) 99% Largo crystals roquirod. And wishes to uako cdntract for supply of Fommldohydo ovor 2 bbls. Diroct Black at Sl.90i 600 lbs, cyanol bluo at 37,00. | BENZOL - Pure - Although supplios'aro not offered with any ^usual froodom tho pricos nnmod are somowhat lowor and goods aro available in somo directions at 58 .0 - ? r sfrs1 / some businoss has passod and tho price quotod to-day by somo factors P -* ' is 38.10 and up to 32.25 depending on seller and quantity; orders aro in tho markot It lower pricos, and it is possible that sellers will take business at tho lowor^^ l'ovolo; on contract the avorago prico quotod is 32.00, although this in somo diroctions , A subscriber desires 1 tank car prompt. tn 20c do- NXTRO BENZOL - Rodistillod spot is hold at pricos that rango r“ > ponding cn sollor and needs of buyor; no domand is in ovidonco and supplies aro PlCnpARANmANILINE - Tho markot is praoticolly baro of spot supplios, favors «°35 quoting howover, for delivery about tho 15th of Novombor at vl*60, is namod. Tho domand for spot and prompt is koon. in DINTIRO PHENOL - For dolivory in about throo wooks factors aro quantities; the spot market is firm and high, with offerings for * or immodiat scarce; on contract of frem four to six months tho figuro of 75 I r PARA PHBNYLENE DIAMINE - Although somo factors aro holding strongly at P^cosjhc /rango from 33.60 to 33.75 in othor diroctions tho lowor figure of 33.25 is nado for SPOtDI«JID0UpHEN0LS-°Avaiittblo supplios aro limited to a fow contros who advisee! fairly steady domand; spot goods aro quoted at 37.50 in quantities, with h p fer small or businoss ranging up to 010.00, .. . 7p / NAPHTHALINE - For spot high grado whito flakos tho avorago spou figuro xs fc *. ocrao manufaotuorors holding steadily at higher prices, and not seoAng kusinoso. j® factors aro quoting fractionally lowor pricos, quoting at 6-go for D0*n flakos in largo quantities; importod flakos aro still hold in the "“A^bothood o ANILINE COLORS - Trading in the dye markot continues quito good. Loalora inclined to make sales satisfactory in order to retain the good will of their custom ors upon the close of tho war and in this matter are showing considerable for osigh.. Considerable intoroot is shown in Nigrooino jot shido and quite eomo^aiiiicui y has boon oxporioncod in securing a product that is fast and ovon. An o a is in ovidonco to-day of a good sizod smeunt at a vory attractive prico, Tho asm... d for Eo'sino still continues with practically no offerings m ovidonco, Magenta 'r-_ stals uro also in good domand ono doalor in particular being in tho markot for a largo amount at a modorato prico. - , ■ • Continuing cur usual custom wo aro listing bolcw somo of tho odors tha. h.w. boon called’ to cur attention to-day. • ' 1000 lbs. Higrosino SS Jot Si’. 10 1000 lbs. Chrysophomno 36.00 1500 " Safranino 9.25 200 " Soluble 31uo typo 1,25 75 " Aliz. Rod (Bayern) 10.00 80 11 Magenta Crystals Puro 8.75 80 " Blichsino Pcwdorod cone. 8.00 ■ 45 " Rhodamino 60 . 9.00 200 11 Mul achito Croon Cryotaio' typo9.50 -100 lbo. Cotton Aniline Bluo6’.75 500 " Eosino J ADL 4.50- 200 11 Rirplo Lake 2’.00 100 " Diamino Black BH (Sasolla) 7.40- 1Q0 " Diamond Black (Mots) 6,85 500 . " Nat’l, Diroct Black 4% 1. SO 100 " Zambesi Black D (Berlin) ^35 _ — 300 " Indent hr ono Bluo pewdor 7.85’ 200 ‘fMothylone Bluo 2B~ ■5.75>; 1000 lb9. Nigrosine SS Jot 1500 " Safranino 75 " Aliz. Rod (Bayers) 80 " Fuchsino Pcwdorod co [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] The Trade News service Mahkidt Repokts-Commekoial News 60 PINE STREET NEW YORK CITY Chomicnlo-Hoavy ft Pharmacouticals-Coal Tar Producto-otc. October 26, 1910. AWILINE' COLORS (Continued) • ' • „ 500 lbB. Patent Bluo A $5.25 ■ 100 lb3.' Solublo Blue R SI 2'. 00 100 " Acid Aliz . Brown 30L (Bayor) 5.05-200 lbn. Aliz. Brown _3JL; - 60|_ 100 » Azo Carmine 4.35 -500 <£tjaaaaidittOu*^^^ 100 " Eosino 9-.00 100 " Magonta Cryatala 9'.00 200 " Rhodamino B 5'.50 100 " Rhodamino 60 Bayor 14A50 200 " Azo Rubino 5'.40 300 " Acid Scarlot 2R 2.50 100 " Acid Violot 4.75 2 bbla. Baoic Magonta 0.50 DYES" ft DYESTUFFS Panama 07 Moxico 926 Cuba 1.435 Total $ 2,368 CAUSTIC SODA - Spot markot ia somov/hat stiffor in sympathy with tho firnnosa ol Soda ash, and sollcra aro holding with rolativo atoadinoaa at 3.85 and 3.90. Somo inquiry ia noted for nsxt your, but buyers aro unwilling to pay moro than 2.95 on tho flat baais; offora aro mado of 2h, basis 60?. F.O.B. middlo woatorn point, brint. inf. tho flat prioe.to 3.05,-..: Bxporti frcm-Ki 7. To, Italy 1,012,016 lbs; Valuo $39, 832; England, 300,738 lbs j Valuo $10, V82;Nicuareua, 14,180 lbs; Value y530, Moxico, 675,000 lbs; Value/ $2, 380. Cuba, 6,960 Ibsj Valuo $140i San Domingo, 43,875, Valuo $1, 586 J Total - 2,052,739 lbBj Valuo $55,152. SODA ASH - Firmnosoas apparent to-day, and thora are moro buyors than sollors, tho avorago quotation ia 3c, anf following solos at 2.924- and 3,95, tho markot ia visibly fimor with 2.97^0 ao minimum; quoted at tho close and moat oollors holding firmly at 3c; salsa, in fact woro roportod at this prico. Tho demand is activo, ar, predictions are mado that tho markot will go somewhat higher lovols. Exports from N. Y. To Italy, 635,076 lbs; Valuo $31,181; Moxico, 900 lbs; Valuo $34; Total, 625,97 lbs; Valuo $31,215. • , , BICHROMATE OF SODA - A roaction aot in today, and buyora woro ahowingtno aosiro to load up; soiling pro3suro was ovidoncod from somo quarters, and tho price slid slightly with willing sailors at 23u,". and ovon 23^0 was montionod; tho few buyors in tho market woro bidding 21 to 22c. Somo in close touch with tho situation fool that, this is but a tomporury roaction, and prodict future firmnoss; Dominion goods arc of fared in seme directions at 324c, with littlo intoroat shorn by buyors. For noxt your tho price remains 2‘li to 25c. Export from N. Y. to Motherlands, 7,144 lb Valuo $2,500; to Moxico, 9, 275 lbs, Valuo $2,269. . .. BICHROMATE OF POTASH - Tho 3pot markot is quiot, and sollors quoto at pricos tna range from 40 to 4(>4c; tho technical position of this commodity is strong, and if any important' buying camo into tho market pricos would undoubtedly advance; tho ' fact romains howovor, that many consumors aro substituting the soda successfully . Experts from N. Y. tc Motherlands, 21,999 lbs; Valuo $3,140'. CHLORATE OF POTASH - Sellers woro moro prominont today than buyors, and sons or- forings woro made today ns law as 64c: in other diroctiono, however, sollors wero holding, at 65 to 65c, and sa broke slightly, thoro woro filled, tho market r.iav go b CASEIN - A Blight advan is quoted to -day at 2}c to QUEBRACHO EXTRACT - Sons range from 7 to 8c, Tho 6 special bloaching grado is quoted at 5 l/3c in bh*o, =rv». , pr&dos, SULPHURIC ACID - Prices variations are etill rather large; for thevaroE depending to a large extent on point of shipment; the matter of freight ls. largely into the spot prices; 66 degroos Brimstone is hold generally y following some important sales that took much of the low Pr^od goods out of the market; tho averago figuro quoted is $20 por ton, and up to *22, quoted at Pyrites is hold generally at from $13 to $19; tho 60 degree Brimstone is quote^ from $10 to $12 F.O.B, plant on contract, bringing the J* °* j,’ *i5, galos of about 814 to 815; spot or nearby is generally held at the minimum of 815 Sale ^ 1000 tons of the 60 degroos Pyrites aro mado to-day at a low Pr£°® depending on basis of sales being under 810; Now York pneos range from SlO to $12 depend g sollers and quantities', • ■ , . . .i n « and un to ■ SAUCYtlC ACID - U.S.P, goods are quotod at the mmimiun of ol. 25 P * $1,35 depending on seller. Tho market continues wontt, and manufacturers r * BENZOATE OF^ODA - Spot is held at' prices that range st’^’and cording to seller; for delivory in Nov. Doc. imported goods aro quoted at ,7 an ^ ?7 2BENZ0IC ACID - Quiotnoss prevails, with sellers , iw u>-$Acf •^‘C* ^v”y What is your present price Ati.naw art basis on Aniline Oil for contract over 1917 11 L on 2,000 lbs. per month? ]□*£ Thanking you for early receipt * . of quotation, we remain / lours very truly, / KAOiMii KUofiltKXlQMPAWi . / f t* life & fa'** Thomas A. Edison Orange , H.J. THE BRTflUm RUBBER COs FACTORY AND HOME OFFICE 1 ^ BRTflLMR.N.Y. N°v. 2/l6. rli^t w ~ if • f O - dlA^ta* url w-itw. r^T Cajtw 3lr’ n '"*** Will you be good enough to advise ub if you have anything to offer in the way of an Aniline Salt or other substanoe, to replace Aniline Oil in rubber . -'•• - Might mention the faot that we secure,^ your. -nine from the Chemical Engineering Catalog. Thanking you in antioipatidn of an early reply, we beg to remain Yours- very truly, ' THE BATAVIA HUBBER COMRAHY. Jjl \ "t S ‘ duller t ux pu u Hovombor 4,1916, itr. iiobert 2, Lob lor , - 141 Brpadwty, Be* York City, lie* Yoxi.. Dear Ur. loziorj Confirming our tele /.hone conversa¬ tion or today in regard to your favor of the 31st ultimo, ,lot mo oa„ that if you eon prove to .\;r. hi is on that your principals ara losnonslbla for the ontiro contract., ho would bo inclined to make a deal. I havo no analysis at hand, and our people, that, is our o'ffico people of the plant havo gono for the day so I cionnot furnish an unalysis today. Let as say, however, that the molting point of our . henol is 39-41pC. it never runs below 39°C. and as a natter of foot, our produot avorages 40°C and bettor. Yours very truly. Assistant to .'Sr. Edison, "'Wafco'1 SfycmwSfyrect? s/Mffst&titiim/ Jlfew-Wor&s uov. 4th, 1916. OranReA’lIEdj!°n In°’’ Attention: Hr. T/. 'H. Meadowcroft Orange, II. J. Assistant to Hr. Edison Dear Sir:- In confirmation of telephone conversation of even date with vour Ur. W. H. l.Ieadowerof t , am pleased to state that I have finally been successful in securing steamship space on the Str. "Alicante" for the 10,000 Ihs. oarbolio .acid crystals ordered of you sevei'al days ago wider my order #38-S. Also as stated over the 'phone, I must positively malce shipment of this entire order on IIov. 8th, to the steamship dock so it will he necessary for you to get the shipment off on Monday s Boat without fail. Regarding payment 7 terms, would say that while it was agreed to ship this order sight draft attached to 3/1, I will in this case comply to the terms as spoken of in our phone con¬ versation. I am therefore pleased to enclose herewith my check for the sum of: RIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FORTY-THREE DOLLARS ($5,643.00) in full payment of my order as agreed. I trust you will appreciate the fact that handling-trans¬ actions in this manner is not in accord with our usual practise hut in view of the unfortunate delays and trouble we have alieady had on this order (of course' not on your account) I am making a special concession in this case, so, as to avoi^ny further delays that might occur if the order was shipped with sight draft attached to B/l. I sincerely hope that you will get this order off on Monday's boat and send me promptly receipted invoices and orig¬ inal b/l, so that I can send oar truckman after the cases the first thing Wednesday morning, Hov. 8th. Thanking you for past favors, and awaiting with interest your kind news advising of shipment of this order, I beg to remain Very truly yours, Zurich, , November 6th, 1916 In reply to your favcjr of October 6th I would say that after having taken xip the matter with the makers of Erioglau- cine, Messrs. Geigy of Basle, Switzerland, I am advised by them that their produots are sold in Canada and in the United States of America exelusJargljT through~tbtelr ffitracican House, namely: v Ageny of J.R. Geigy S.A. \ BiSy"§tree' .BS— Ssaf-o-l'fiy "Street, I trust that they will be in a position to supply you with the required quantity. Always with pleasure at your services, I remain, dear Sir, Yours truly, per Dr. W. Knecht WOOKVVJtD XKCI'I CCMEVJ5Y flaBKWi V1AMB '.'AC" SOAJ^BFT-’KnglVE KO WM& ItJSl&f L'uparlnteadant Asoiotont Superintendent 'I’ltnokooper Oliomisto nmiauutor Hen nirzol Still men Bafleor Still man Washer man Eofuno nan Hnohlniots » I'.olpor Watchman 275.00 121.00 79.00 2.90 3.65 3.30 3.30 3.30 2.20 1.80 4.56 3.65 3.30 2.56 2.40 1.00 60.00 3.00 Ho chance in rates shown will ho allowed without ana-oval od executive officers. wooatti® iho:: con- in? hy APPELATED: Vice President [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] Wooi>waim> Iro¥ Company WoomfiVRl),ATA. November 6, 1916. , Ur. S7m. H. Ueadoworoft, ('[} a . , i X ^ ^ ! ‘ Assistant to Mr. Edison, \U-0~U v' Thomas A. Edison, , \ , A Orange, N. J. \j ! .e are enclosing herewith a copy of the new scale effective November 1st, showing the rates which will now be paid under this inorease if entirely satisfactory to you. We will be glad to have you advise ub promptly in regard to the matter. Yours truly, ^ dew-g laLm '''f&L^ty^ &tj^£^_ / 'ie^a. Jt_ott*JL. -t^i-cK^z. ^o-:vt~~~oC tv- ,«^t Hx^a-X-vx-^X, Xs^stt-t^sQ 'f - v^Lxe-^j?. . i5/f^ ^ v*'*Xjt/Z^'t>te. t>~/t )C*pJst™^ert*z. — -— . '£'1''— Isv-c^yteSl—j . Jg 3. - /b£~° (t pt £6~-r.£‘t dt . / t*-< *-«- '^-e p-t3CaJL^~a^(- ^*tstStJ2- -w-*_ . 'te^L^crttsUL.j 0-t*s/t~ t/t c?Ct<^tXtcL^&. &4rtr£s- - &<£3Stx2 ttu. ^-2.0^1^ — B. '-s(rt H-vSl. ^vs^xa^O^. jttrttr^j-i^a : lr#‘ C'ULJ— "t-l -i^. ^x^e^-^l- ,'£/L*f\~~~ Isb-~~7^z- tr^ njL^icytt^ ^ . ■ 'fc-'vv. '^3~<^Aj2^[S . J/'Z-tr>vjZ_ (rj^^/i^t. \r/ve^J^tvytn^Ji^ /o- ^e. j3-te^2.e--vJ5^ , . ■t*j-^Lc££. ^ciTCc^cLe 't~r£*^z £^z~ l^tr y>ySLSi^-zJj^- ^tr2. '^^Ay^-'v^crc &sv^p{. '£v'- /; O^z^Le. - '&J^ZyCr$-T2L$^y1_ fA- 'Z/fe. I. 'ls\)^s^ ■ i^y-^6^. . A 't-*^3-*- ~yA^ 'XAA/LJ1~^^^}^t^cr-^ ^tyC^LjLjA. ^z-A-^tl^-OpC. 3 - ICTHCri-Qa ATin.ra-, OIL. NBBl ■IM- 1916 asgL ..flfflL- MELS. Production 152,101 126,944 152,337 131,141 132,283 Amount Sold 3.26,537 95,426 157,103 92,646 76,591 Solos Price .40 .47 .40 .53 .51 >Xho normal production oC the plant is 4,500 pounds pc 135,184 97,030 .51 day. fUtUTQ. a. ■»«««■« ““^*ss sssaisfiEK S,1S.'”S cssssssss srsyarff- « - — « - — lator to bo convortod Into Anilino ^alt- qnootion as to Dow to toko oaro of *t. nraiTOACgS ^ American Oil & Supply Co. ./ American Printing Oo. j Crystal Hosiery Hills Renfrew Kfg. Co. ./ao billed at 11-1/2 cor.to to tho Aaorioan Oil S; Supply Oo. and a credit v/ao iftarflarda issued <*■ ^olciit cents* At tho prooont time v;o lu.vo a stool.: on hand of about ID tons and tho surplus is acoruinc' at tho rato of about 800 pounds par day. It is hav over a by¬ product which ncounmlates as a rcoult of tho production covorinc tho mamfsoturo of tho Paraphonylonodiaaino. it will cost from about fivo to oix oonts por pound to prepare it for sale* APRIL JOTF. 1916 iW-LT Amass nKreicrcm Production 0 7,562 8,970 11,435 13,625 12,340 Sales 0 4,970 7,661 10,425 13,250 8,250 Salon frice 0 .11 .11 .115 .115 .115 ffho American Oil & Supply Co. io tho only concern that receives any of the above material. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] AruTOFimnai, Operation is still to an oxportacatal stag©. As to the output uniform flguzoo will l>o givon lator. . Elio AmrlcP" Oil & Cupray Co. roaoivo fno ontiro output at present. 7,1 lc .he Batavia Rubber Co., 3ntaviu, how f-trk. \ your favor of the 2d lna.ant has been received. ;jr. Bdieor. wlehec- as. to »}' la retly that there ie a chemical eubetance which wo nako for dyeing furs. It la cr Hod fora Phenylonod iatiino . and ie said to enormous!;/ incroaeo tho opeod of vul¬ canization and only very email quantitioe arc neeeee- i.r”. At prccent this chemical io ;uito ospeneive, .'£>• to or pound and you robably could no; ulc it on account of" the exponee. to make .uiilin.- Oil, valor white, and Aniline halt, but cannot compote in proson. > rlcoe vsith ono of our big neighbors. youre very truly. Ad Icon Aaboratory. Loverabor 7 , 1910 . iincino ->ubbor Company, jic5.no, l.iecone lu. Jc..tlo::e.-: uttei.ti on . .1 . i<’. Log:.;,', -ur.-font. Your favor of the 2d insta.it h. e boon reco:i vsei and shown to It, lidiaon, Uc v; i aLoa un to any in roly that he intends to retiro fron the uniline oil bun incjs after tne proa on t ;:oar , iio only v.ent into it to help out tho led an trios durinp a vcr;. bad situa¬ tion, and ho i.ayo that nov: ho 1, coinr; to le.-.r it to the repular "money grubbers" to carry the burdens . Yours very truly. iidieon Laboratory Q&J^i^eaJLo. AMERICAN OIL & SUPPLY CO. Oils, Greases, acids, chemicals and Dyestuffs 92 WILLIAM STREET New York City November 10, 1916, Mr. XI, A, Iioadowcroft, ^Ihomos A. Eclison, Inc. , „ Orange , !/. J. Dear Mr. Moadoworoft: You will remember -that I wrote to ■« you before with reference tothe percentage of 5 Benzidino we could guarantee when offering that A product for sale. • j It is also necessary for us to have the melting point of the product. Please be advised that on the Sulphate, the call v/ill be for the material in paste form, and not Anhydrous the way the Base must be sold. V/ill you please advise us about these particular inquiries, and also about when this article will be ready for shipment. ’ Yours very truly, . . . . AMERICA!/ OIL & SUPPLY CO. American Oil * Sup- ly Co., 92 i. llllum - trea t . Hot; 'fork City, lion fork. Ilovember 15,1910. Gentlemen: X received your favor of the 10th Instant, In record to Benzidine, and submitted to Ur. Edison. Eo wishes me to say that the Bonzidino plant hos not star tod and It may not bo for co:ao time. Eo cays further that the process w.ileh was given to us lc very coolly to worl: and the yield is not good. He is oxnorimontlnc with it and with other methods, and just now ho would not attempt to give the information you ask for. lot me oay personally', for your information, that ho lo working on this every day and night here at our Chemical laboratory, and spends a event part of hie time on it. lours very truly. Assistant to hr. Edison. Thio memorandum Id In rolation to our contract and un- writton undorc ia.,d lugs In regard to art- . honylonodi.- nino . (1J t.. .:i OIL 'ti 0Uvi>Ll£ vO. - Le have four contracts with thorn ' " as follows : ' /^ono contract for 260. pounds monthly, January to Joooabor, / 1916, at per pound. / one contract for 100 pounds, monthly, fttaunry to Boconbor. / 1916, at JS. 10 Ono contract for 376 pounds monthly, March to Deoombor, 1916, at 53.76 nor pound. I ono contract for 18jO poundo, monthly, duly to Doconbor, \ 1916, at ..2.35 V po:md. \ '•’his 1> ct named contract for 13ou poundo a month vac n.-vor \ ‘.-at Into v.rl-toh forn. but was ucrood upon and v.o have \ boon chipping accordingly. Horowlth I enolooo contracts for tho firct throe itono. ;.,uii>3a & ooass V,o ha vo no v.riiton contraotwitht Uollondor cons regarding tho -ura -honylanodlamlno that wo ha vo • b on shinning to thorn all through thlc year. In of tho year ."x, unison ;.roforroe, not to tlo himsolf up more than ho could hoi; with written contracts abput tnic ran. tor is, , and ac tho Ilollandors aio vo ry rolU blo . poeplo :X. .id icon rac quite ogrooeblo to aonl ’Bl' '-h them on tho bade of tin oral understanding. bo have foui.d that tho lx word wae no good no a written conXri-.c^, cji6 ovon hotter. -'or Inctanoo, loot yoar la tho bo( j.nalnr of tho ara rhonylonod ianino businoi a t?h01‘ 1‘ ‘l it0 \ , know our loote, ix. helicon contra, tod to nu. ply nola.udcxc dth :7o noun cc a month at *.31. -hoii v.o cave to mc,.o tho matorlal and found tho coot much hlqn~r than we o.;- v,eo tod, Hollanders voluntarily consontod to a rale o In price and did not try to hold IX.. liaison to his contract. . th undorc tending with uc ac to quantity to bo eu;dlod to Holland ere waB 600 pounds a week until tho ^cBt two or throe months vthon they rcnuoo.oi ac to give them - poundo a .eel., and possibly noro, ^ wo -could o, we K. bo h&vo been, tiioroforo. chipping td them at tho lattoi rate recently- '*he prico to them is 53.00 por pound. Memorandum to .j< iiraory on . are .honyloned 1 ; nil no - o on tracts and unwritten underotundingo - COil-IiiU-iD - i’aro two. (3) LOUIS LA:i.i:D» V,o hnv no ctutod contract with ,'r • Lasard. oomotimoe ho will nl: co an order for a ton, to be dolivoro.2 in lotc no called for, but &t th; pr.xont t lev:- wo lu.vo no otandinr order from him. (4) CO&UMBIA itfs WJiXS: Shooo people havo boon taking about lou pound c of .urn i’honylonoc li.ulno n wool: over einco early 1: ct win tor . c:> co; t for a chort Bine-: of timo whou t.oir buclnoie •■■ac r;uiot. Shop ucually uco about 100 noiinoc a wool:, '..o chorgo thorn ^3, 76 per pound. Shop oro backod-up by a man named H. s. Snwyor a otraw hat rnnuf ac turor in How fork City. ,’!r. hi. lire looked up hio credit and found him alright. ft) U*30’w£lCX JOS BhaSDIilO & DViiIliO CO’.LaJX,i!-.„ ioiU's She- oc.oaoionr.lly Bond for 12 pounde, and forv.ard tlio’.r chook' for came ot '4.-01/ nor pound whon ordorinp. Shic ic tho fire t. cue toraor to whom :tr. ..d icon avor cold any ;ara _ hanylonod laraino . . to havo da-.-pliod thorn over cinoo a year ago last Spring . (6) CCin.TULOli IS.'. , SSaLOBIH & DU3UI: Shlo concern Iv.c boon t. very a to: dy customer for -arc. hcnylcncd i amine , but i an a li.llo afraid v.o hnvo lo. t thorn ton- orarily on account of tamo poor material they claim to hc.vo recolvod from ue in Juno and July of thlc yoar, and in connootion with this thoy eay thoy cufforod uito Bomo d-mage. v.hon wo cot to the point of chipping the improved qullty of Para -honylonodlanino, I think wo can win thoeo ouBtoraorc back and alco eomo o tho re with whom wo have boon dealing. (7) SflOii 3 a. liDISWH, IHC..DI2C RSCuhD. DmEOJSHX * Xhlo department ubob approximately 41 to, 60 pounde a week. Some timeB it will bo a little moi o , and oomo tlmoo a little leee. 1 have planned to keep on hand boro at tho Workc from 310 to 600 r,oundc of Para ihonylonedfiamine which is kept in the stock of the Dieo Icocord Blank Depart¬ ment. At the present time the Dieo iceoord Blank Dept, hao 'about 890 pounds on hand . ! homo: one' u.u to hr. emory - I’( Phonylonodlanlno - i’gro thrr (81 0i2i£s-ih liHi-JSES: I hi. 3 plunnod , whon tie wore ready to ship tho improved quality, to oafco a Systematic •rapolgn to roeovor a nunbor of cuctomorc r.o h; tv :lo » on account o oomo : oor natoa lal v.o turned out dur'nc .tho early ounnor nontha. Lot no re. • chut 1 c&id b- for-.; in rjy Ion,- rooaorancun, and that it to caution you not to aofco any uflnii.-t.ionc about having turn a out any poor quullt: of stuff. b.ri.rc.i.DOLCEOir:. JJr. iiooflocoroft: I h;. vo rocOivod .einorleun Oil oontraote mentioned in tho firot yurt of thlo memorandum thlB date. 11/13/16, — - friCt Ctj. . -rficU. .4&C. ’lc^cc.Ccl fc cUCC^c-LteJ . ^ tcCc'e^i C-Cyuut/.t- , t.JriL. ^.ucCC, *-y , ?0’Crrui~' /i!ie, 6cM*\* . -/^gCL _ - <*4 - .«•(•£,. . . . /C-t-u. . cUfCt. _ju.'c6c /*uic,£ ■6*ulli-vc*ui .Luc, ... ..&*<■ *#&■- . £sd?.£-»-~ - - - - - . 7w . - ■• ■ - ioseffitoar-li. - ''/&/A*- Thos, A. Edison, Esd., Orange, N.J. V°) “" B1”‘ to. Co.plalnt about Will - Enclosed plea.. find a letter dated October Slot, <™ ,b. Takejnlne Laboratory to blt.ul d Co. acoo.p.altd by tb. o.t of dooumente .Mob .or. certified by tb. African con.ul c.b.r.l at Yokohama, fro. .blob you .111 find that 331.400# •' ».ool .blob .or. oblppod M your plant .or. found not up to tb. u.». specification. I bar. bean trying to .but off all tb... oo.plaluto at boot, and lu fact .ben tb.y o.blod ». ...oral «... to try to cancel tb. ord.r for October Kov.ub.r and P.o.ubor "«!»•»» 1 .......fully managed to ...p tb.. fro. furtb.r and oou- aequontly I did not bar. to take that .att.r up .Itb you at all. Ho.over, I fool ««” “at 1 t0 i0 ln “* tbl. 331,400#, and tru.t tbat you «U talk tb. -at... o.or .l.b .. in tb. uoual frl.udly .plrl«, and ....nd to » your a..l.t«oo, I Will come out to eee you Thursday morning between - a - 10:30 and 11:00 o'clock. If that Is not convenient to you kindly have Mr. Meadowcroft telephone me. Very truly yours, [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] Tc\k canine LeJaorator^dxic.) Equitable Building t^-Afew York _ > October SI, 1916 Hosers-:. Mitsui & Co., 25 Uadis on Ave., l!ov; York City. With regard to various shipments of Carbolic Acid v.hich Ur. Edison shipped to Sankyo & £2* *n«!at ?he &^SfSSsXSi&^!& tzz the Official Documents. l'ho quantity of Ur. Edison's carbolic acid which is claimed to be bad in the official^tatement ls^g7;gO lvod calimed by Sonkyo So Co. to be poor. Will you be good enough to present these facts to sustained or. account of the poor quality of the good-. you for your kind attention to this matter, with kind regards, v.e remain, Very truly yours, [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] C/v/oV. \bj .*331 S L Jr'Jerf «■ vA >AA^ Vt«pJf («5-fc y CCek-SlAt^O <3^ TC Xec»<^f ^ ' 3/ A15 &~x*jJL Cf " '3^4^ S^et-C/ 0^ '-<» :fcr (vsi*^- c*fl4L£** 3f OrdU 3.JSjCdtjX* I- . »^V . _ U<^>L«^''> [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] *^s-/ & . (l*£Lo^- ct—C (La Jiao £. .J^cry.. «-n«. GLs.y) Ic^i ■($. -o-vcf lu <£o rv^s-jciX c<-£~ . iJsc_a (Hie _ Ctfc^jcj- •S2j_ _ £/.t tdJyacuJ- _ Z&it-t- ..(jth-LCci Hovonbor 16,1916, tlr. iiraory: p, CojjSA-eefior" ctroot, liow 2forl: a -r. tnlo ToTIcg me STEorSoon on so no othor nottoro ona^luoidoutally etutod they huvo boon tryinc to cot holdof^.Loc^ood, v.ho hud offered then oono Uoxnnotlvlin Choi’ ctatod that' ho did not cot „ho oum;-lo to “h°'a 1 ll* , tino. and tlioy bourht olootJhoro, but arc non in tho et arilh and '..out. to buy. but nut have ixorn, .t attention. jjr. ^ioon hirauolf tvac in to coo thoco pooplo thn othor da-, and had a oonvorcatlon with r. nlchton- ct-'in. Ur/.-dlton oromlcod to cond Mr. Lltotonotoin a canplo or our -nor; Sunlit." of :ara honylonodlmiuu* no did not cu- anyth! nr to no about it co I ,1c not fcnow on” thinf^nbout until Mr. Llohtautoin auhod jno thor ue had aont it. Will you Mindly hnvo a liboral eanplo of tho nov ' uullty Cara i-lionylonbaiamin© eont to Goieonholnor t- Co., for tho attention of Mr. hlohouutoin. Uovember 16,1910. Geieonhoimor h Co., ISO Cedar street, Kow iork, Ii.i. Dear hr. Lichtenstein: Attention :.r. Uchto,>cvo.i:;.^ Immediately after hanging tin th telephone receiver t.ie afternoon I cent a note down to Hr. Emoriry and .Jr. Lockwood about . netting In touch with you on the matter of Sylonol iU*ture, and alco ioqueeting that he Bend you a liberal sample. 1 have nevor had anything to do with the rale of this material. to the j.ara rhenyloned i amine , I ro- mjed-ed them to send you a sample of the now product. Until two weeks an®, 1 attended to the Bales of our Chemicals , but sir. Edison did not want the Laboratory to become a Selling Organization, and ho turned it o v.r to ilr. Emory and Hr. Lockwood who hove organized a Selling Department for chemicals. They will undoubt¬ edly givo you yronryt attention. I am sending you under separate cover, a sample of Aylonol Uixturo. which is a mixture of the different tylenolo, raosltolB, eto., all of which havo very similar properties. It is insoluble in cold water, and slightly soluble in hot water. It iB sol¬ uble in sodium hydroxide solution, also in alcohol, ether unfl ore Inary solvents, belting Point approi- matoB 7b-86°C. Tours very truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison. WOODTVMJD IK OX COMPAJHT WOOinCVia),AlA. November lb, 191b. Ur. Thomas A. Edison, Orange, N. J. Dear Sirt- We do not know that you would he interested in the purchase of our benzol and toluol for the year 1917* hut in view of the fact that you have made some inquiries far these goods during the past year we thought it advisable to give you an opportunity to say whether or not you would want any part of our produotion. Please he good enough to wire us on receipt of this latter whether or not interested and now in negotiation with large of henzol, toluol aid solvent an answer from us hy Saturday rhb-b - - Vioe President. the best price you can pay us, as we are concerns to take our entire production naphtha for the year 1917 and. they want next, if possible. Yours truly, ^OUPAHY, // FR. F. KUENDIG CHEMICAL-TECHNIC Dear Sir, *' CH** Wallisellen, 17. November, 191G. (Zurich) f • „ It JU Ht- UrB* “'nvi| Thomas A. Edison <-“4 ^our'^ii B e . 5 J am confirming your7 kind favour of the 13th of October, of the contents of which J have duly taken notice and for which J beg, accept my / best thanks. / RefsErioclausino: This pigment is presently only manufactured by Kessers J.R.Geigy - A.G.at Bale , firm with which J already entered into con¬ nexion and from which7 J got the news following: As the article is very wanted, it would be impossible to us to sell in Switherland thfe quantity asked by you; moreover the Agency jof ^the firm J. R.Geigy for tWwhole - sale for America is in the hands gf'J.R.Goigy , S .A. 89 Barclay Street "ife^ York, with whom J beg you to enter into connexion. The fabrication of Erioelausine is only made,aB already Baid above, by this firm and the fabrication of this article is till now' a secret, so that it is quite impossible to me, to remit you the proceeding for the fabrication of this pigment. Enclosed J am remitting you a list ref/proceedings for the fabrica¬ tion of coulours, which J am owing to the kindnesB of a friend of mine and which J could hand you over J allow me at the same time to add the prices, which are asked for each single proceeding. Jn case J should be honoured and enabled by you, dear Sir to do any¬ thing for you you may know, that at any time you will find me with pleasure at your disposal. FR. F. KUENDIG CHEMICAL-TECHNIC CONSULTING CHEMIST ENGINEER Telegrnmm - Adress : CHEMICAL WALUSELLEN (Suisse) Telephone Nr. 26 Wallisellen, 17 .N ovemher , 1916 . (Zurich) JUTS. Thomas A. Edison, Orange . = 2 = Awaiting, dear Sir, your kina reply soon,heleive me to he Very respectfully Yours [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] FR. F. KUENDIG CHEMICflL-TECHNIC CONSULTING CHEMIST ENGINEER Telegrnmm - Adress : CHEMICAL WALLISELLEN (Suisse) Telephone Nr. 26 Wallisellen, (Zurich) Yerfahren zur Herstellung von Parhen. Hethylen - Blue B. G. B.R. -4'otal % 1000 " " B.R. II. " '■ B.X. " « B. Z. « " S.P. Puchsine S. Marine - Blue. Toluiaine - Blue Nil - Blue. Methyl - Violetta 3. extra. Rhodamine B. J B. extra G. G. extra¬ s' 300 $ 300 S’ 300 S 300 S’ 400 S’ 1000 " S. extra. " 6 G. I Rhodamine 8 G. extra. Auramine 0 . -$otal S' 600 [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] # 400 $ 200 300 # 300 f> 300 # 500 g 200 t 300 % 300 $ 600 $ 300 # 300 $ 300 $ 300 t 300 300 [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] FR. F. KUENDIG CHEMICAL-TECHNIC CONSULTING CHEMIST ENGINEER Telegrnmm-fldressi CHEMICAL WflLLlSELLEN (Suisse) Telephone Nr. 26 Wallisellen, (Zurich) Naphtol Giallo S. •' " S.J Quinoline Giallo « " S', lietanil Giallo. Permanent o Giallo. Tartrazine . Orange 2. " 3. _ " 4. Pyramine Orange Erythrin 0. I " o.r| Dinitroso - Resorzin. Rosso - Parmanente A. -Total -Total B.j 5 .Total 300 300 % 300 # 300 % 300 $ 300 # 300 ft 300 i 200 t 600 Hitrosamine Rosso ( Paranitranilia) % 300 BRANCH OFFICES BOSTON, MASS. GEISENHEIMER & CO. Importers & Exporters DYESTUFFS, DRUGS, CHEMICALS 130-134 CEDAR STREET, POST OFFICE BOX 994- CABLE ADDRESS CHAMPIN' - NEW YORK A. B. C. 4mi,u],*s New York, N. Y. November 18, 1016. Mr. Wm. II. Meadowcroft, % The Laboratory of Mr. Thomas A. Edison, Drange, Dear Mr. Meadowcroft: hexamethylene._ I have your letter of November 16th and thank you very kindly in regard to turning over the inquiry to Mr.Emery and Mr. Lockwood. in the meantime, 1 have had the pleasure of forwarding you the samples of dyestuffs, and hope that they have reached you promptly and in good condition* When the Xylenol Mixture arrives, X shall be glad to look into yours/ very, truly, •s afl/e. November £0,1916. Ur. itaeryi Herewith I band you a letter of liitBui & Co., Limited, dated Hovember l'/th, asking Ur. lidieon to con¬ firm hie oral offer to buy the entire output of Toluol from the Woodward plant from J nnury let to December 51et, 1917, at ^1.26 per gallon. I alBO Bend you a carbon oopy of a letter written by Mr. Kdieon to MitBuI & Co., under date of the 10th. mutant, confirming hie purchi.ee of the above ”, Will you kindly acknowledge receipt of theee letters on the duplicate of this memorandum. W.H.Ml.DOV.ChOi’E. im- [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] Copy. Movember 18, 1916. Mitsui & Co., ltd., Zb Madison Ave., Mew York.M.Y. Gentlemen: Attention Mr. Shunzo Takaki: Replying to your favor of the 17th instant, I hereby oonfirm my purchase from you of the entire out put of Toluol from our Woodward plant, between January 1st and December 31, 1917, at the price of $1.26 per "gallon. You will therefore be able to go away on your trip to Japan without any 'wory about thiB product from the Woodward plant. Yours very truly, (signed) Thomas A. Ddisen. ,■ // ^TTT Sl//~) /) Ss, ^/f^;3^^^Koaembex_3a, _ -^Z.6 „ UW\ We beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 16th instant in whioh y/u kindly proposed to pay ua §4,971.00, or half the/oost of redistilling the Phenol we have complainerd of, for whioh kindly accept otir sincere thanke, and we hereby beg to assure you that we will not ask you for any more in the future on this complaint from Japan * but I will take the matter personally in my hands and settle this complaint direot with the buyer, and even if I find that we have to pay more we will not trouble you any further. In the meantime please leave this matter alone until we ask you to remit us the said sum. Thanking you for your kind oonsideratioi in this matter, we are ST: VC r ! Woodt^rd IKOX Company ^ VO 0]«KVRD,Al/i . Hovemhor 30, igi6. Wo are in receipt of your telegram ,o|f this date reading as follows! "We are supplied with benzol up to July nineteen seventeen. Will want oome after that." We are at present figuring on a contract that will- take our entire production of benzol and toluol for the year 1017* If wo are able to sell only for the first half we will take pleasure in conferring with you later on in regard to your requirements for the laBt half of the year. Thanking you for your prompt roply, we are. Yours truly. November 21,191G. Dominion Iron Z. Steel Company, Montreal, Canada. . Gentlemen: You will undoubtedly recall the fact that under my original contraot arrangement with you, I am to receive a royalty of one-oent (10) per gallon on all the Benzol, Toluol, Xylol and Solvent I! aphtha chipped from your plant for throe yea re from the tine of its completion. This royal¬ ty wgb intended to be a compensation to me for my furnishing you with the plane for your Benzol Plant at Sydney, and for the assistance which I rendered to you ^n erecting and operating same. Bor some time past I have been expect¬ ing you to render me an accounting, but 1 am afraid the matter has escaped your attention. I therefore take occasion to remind yotfc.flflHtto matter, and shall be glad to hear from you at your- early convenience. Yours very truly. Hovember £2,1916. Mr. Otto'rleeeer, 328 Chestnut Stroet, Philadelphia, Pa. bear Sir Your favor of the 21st instant, has boon received. Let me say In reply that Hr. saieon is etlll experimenting with the Brio Blue B.G.Gelgy, and was not quite reedy to decide when be left yester¬ day. He Is to be sway two or three days, and will take up the matter again on hlo return. * I thank you for tho additional llet of. dyoe enclosed with your letter, and will bring same to Hr. Hdloon's attention. Yours- very truly* Assistant tour. Edison. AMERICAN OIL & SUPPLY CO. [/ Oils, Greases, acids, chemicals AND DYESTUFFS 92 WILLIAM STREET office. New York City M /A »K, n. j. Hovembep' 2^,^1931 6 . *¥ Ur. W. H. Meadowcroft, . y fo Thomas A. Edison Laboratories , A \ yjr xr y Orange, H. J. ^ G. Gennert on the subject of Para-amido-Phenol Hydro chloride*/ "We have written to you a number of times / about the unsatisfactory deliveries of Para-Amido^ Phenol Hydrochloride which you have made to us, one of our principal complaints being the excess of m 1 While the quality of the article has been steadily improving in point of color, and there has been some improvement in the drying, this latter ^ - point should have your further consideration. X \ We find that the Para-Amido -Phenol which has \ \ been on hand here for a week or longer dries out coi C\ \ siderably - in fact, so much, that a gallon bottle \ \l-) t l instead of holding five pounds, will hold only four \ 1 / and three-quarter pounds. ' / We have pointed out to you in former letters that we ao not feel justified in selling either ' - — ^ moisture or Hydrochloric Acid to our customers on the basis of the dried material, and we must re spec fully request that the goods be dried out before de liver ing the goods to us." The writer was at the Eastman Kodak Co.'s plant at Rochester last week, and Mr. 0. W .Markus their purchasing agen Bovember £4,1916. Ur. otto Pleseer, 628 Chestnut Btrest, „ Philadelphia, xa. Dour air:- Tour favor of the 21st instant woe received. Hr. liaison wlohee iqsj to soy to you thot the Jirio Blue B. 5. Go lgy did not work out satisfactorily fox his special purpose. He would' be ranch obliged if you would Bend to too, for him, a earaple of SSrio Bavy Blue v.hioh ie in your list. Tours very truly, assistant to Ur* Bdlson. A/1S71. u «4/; v- lUiSMQHB, ■‘Zty/liw vaM',/ but in this case, of your dye, says it^just as good and mabe better than any he ever used. The '7ar put such a crimp on dyestuff that we are only using one pound to do the work that formerly was wasted in doing saxanxx one sonenth as much, life the results are pos¬ itively better. Cut out about fifteen letters in the name of the dye so I can spell it and tho saving of time '"ill go far toward paying tho differanco in price. {//rrctivy: 26th llov. 1016 y Ehos.A.Edison Inc., Orange, II. J., Bear Sir:- ~)U ,v , ^ 3 =■ ■: v v 4 Your letter of tho 21et inst. with reference to royalty has come to me from Montreal office. The matter has not escaped our attention, hut we propose to allow it to run until after the end of the year. It will he more convenient to adjust the' matter to a fixed date such as 31st December or 31st- March which is the ond of our fiscal year. W Qlto 11® ''A! ^(Jiso n DAILY SHIPPING MEMORANDUM Hovember 27,1916. Ur. J. V.. 2; Mosb^ Dleo Mould Manufacturing Division. Your memorandum of the 22d instant was shown to Mr. Edison. no has decided that here¬ after you should he fumlBhed with our regular Benzol. Instead of Benzol Heads. I will send a memorandum to Mr. Emery accordingly'. B.H.USAD01CH0FT. jlcC 1 " ^ 7 • . _ _ _ _ _ . - , l »c<; 'fv>*£yA Thos. A. Edison Company, Inc., Orange, N.J. Gentlemen: - We are in the market for ORTHO -TOLUIDINE and also PHTALIC ANHYDRIDE. r Please name us your lowest price, stating quantity, packages, tests, etc. We should appreciat e an early reply, Yours very truly, ROCKi^^VIETOR. ROC^^^VIE' JDL/4. NOTE:- If you cannot offer us these products, we should he pleased if you would refer us to some man¬ ufacturer who does. Becoraber .4-, 191&. Hr. A. B. Jonos, Ilanager, ’ - Amor'icon Oil & .Supply Co., 93 William Stroot, Hew York, II. Y. Boar Hr. . Jones : ■Although you, have not roceived any answor from me to your favor of' the 23d ultimo, please do not infer that the matter escaped attontion^ I took tip tho matter of the’ moisture in Para Araido Phenol Hydrochloride with Hr. Sdison and Hr. Christenson immediately, ana both have given the matter attention. I am informed that proper precautions have been taken’ now to thoroughly try the Hydrochloride, and 1 hope we will bo so successful that your customers will have no reason for further com¬ plaint. - - Yours very truly,.. Ass istont to Hr . Edison . A/14&7. December 4, 191C. Uitsui & Co., limited, 2£ Madison Avenue, • Ken York, if.Y. Gentlemen : ' Attention Mr. g. gakatorl. Sngineorlnr Doot. lour fuvor of the 1st instant lias boon re¬ ceived, and I bee to say in reply that no have non almost completed tho Board' containing parts and assem¬ bly of aur. Alkaline Storage- Battery for presentation to the Kyoto Imperial University. Soon as it. is ready, we will forward it to the Engineering Department of your Company, in accord¬ ance with ypur request. Yours very truly, . Assistant to Ur. Edison. A/1440. Decent er 5, 1916. SIA3EMEHT OP ajOGKSKBD (JUERIEB AHD A1BWBBS IH RE C01ODDISIEB MAHDPAOOTHED BY SHE PERSONAL ELMTOS OP MS. EHOIdAS A. EDISON. Q. How many oo-onlled Personal Plante ore there? A. One Phenol. One Aniline. One Anddophenol, One Benzidine, oil located at Silver Late, One Benzol located at Woodward, Ala., One Benzol looated at Johnstown, Pa. Q. How nuoh Phenol doea Hr. Ediaon manufacture In Mb Personal Plants? I A. About three tons per day, praotlcally all of vhlah material Is sold for domestic use. Q. How mudi Aniline Oil la made? A, Approximately two tons a day and In • addition at this plant, they manufacture Para Phenyl erne diamine approximately ^HkOOO lbs. per day. U. What Is Para Phenylenedlaalno? A. Ehls Is an intermediate used In its lower dom In the dyalng of fur blaOk. Q, What Is Para Amldophenol? A. The Base is also on intermediate used in the State in which we manufacture In the dyeing of furs biown and the Hydro- atoricb Is ubs d in photographic development. Q. What quantity of Benzidine do ve make and for \*at purpose? A. Approm- inntoly a ton a day. Benzidine is also on intermediate which Is used by color makers In the development of the higier formB of dye a tuffs. » Q, What is benzol? A. Benzol Is a ooal tar base product and a bi product of ooko. All of the benzol which we prodnoe Is used In our own plant In the davolop- nont of ooal tar products above referred to. It la used In the manufacture of synthetic phenol. Ehere are approximately 240 branches of die ooal tar tree in addition to lrnmoa ruble twigs. Benzol is one of the lower basic pro loots. Q. what other products doea Mr. EaiBon manufacture? A. Limited quantities of Acetanllld, xylol, naphthalene flakes, nitro benzol, Aniline Salt, Sodium Aoetate, but all In small quantities and they comprise but a small portion of the capacity of the plants. q. vtot other chendoalB are made by the Edison interests? A. ShomoB A. EdlBon, 4 Ino,, ovms phenol plant Ho. 1. which mokas two or three tons of aynthotio phenol per day. (1, Are there any other ohemloal produots? A, Yes, the Edison Chemical Works of the Edison Storage Battery Manufactures Iron Bi-Hydrogen, approximately three to four tons per month. TMb material Is used by manufacturers la beef. Wine and Iran and similar constitutional remedies. Edison Chanloal Works also manufactures the Ohemloal b for tfes EcUbcsi Alkaline Storage Battery which are as follows «- HiokBl Hydrate " Flake Heronry Oxide Iron Oxide (Bed) Ferrous Sulphate « " " " 11 0. Cobalt Sulphate it n Hydrate Hiotel Sulphate / \r PLEASE MARK REPLY FOR ATTENTION OF MLS . S.:r .V/ .H.Kendowcroft , Laboratory of Thomas A. Edison Orange , N . J . Dear Sir: Referring to our telephone conversation with regard to the powdered " Man j ale" desired by Mr. Edison, we regret exceedingly that we have been unable to give his request the prompt attention that vie would like, and we further regret that in spite of our efforts vie must ask your kind indulgence for a few more days. To be frank with you v;e shipped cur very limited supply of this material to our factory at Easton, ?a., but unfortunately we discovered that our mills out there would not grind it satisfactorily. V'e now, however, have another shipment of this material unloading at the dock and we have just acquired a small mill here in New York, which we think will grind it satisfactorily, and we, therefore, hope to be able to send you some of the powdered within the next two or throe days. It is doubly unfortunate too that we have none of the unground material in New York, but directly we have the shipment which is now on the dock, we will immediately proceed to grind a small quantity and forward it to you, and if we are again disappointed with our grinding experiments vie villi not delay to send you some of the unground material. V’e sincerely hope that this delay has not caused any great inconvenience and that you will still be able Edgertyn Company dyes, Dyestuffs and Chemicals 25 PINE STREET NEW YORK CITY Dec. 7th 1916. Mr. W.H. Meadowcraft, Edison Laboratory, Orange, N.J. Dear Sir,- We have tetftfcd the FUCHSINE CRYSTALS we received from our Factory but we find that the Fuchsine or Magenta Crystals we supplied you heretofore are far superior, in fact we believe that they are better than anything else to-day in the market. We once more enclose sample of them. You will find likewise enclosed a sample of BISMARCK BROWN R @ $2.50 per lb OO which we can highly recommend to you. *' In regard to the wool navy blue, this is being made up specially for you and a small sample was expected this morning, and as we do not wish to hold up this letter any longer we are mailing you the two samples and shall follow the sample of the Plue to-morrow. We ask your indulgence for having delayed this matter, and hope that you will favour us with a little order, which we can assure you will be very carefully attended to. Yours very tr^, . EDGERTYN {, Per*-' Samples end: FUCHSINE CRYSTALS. BISMARCK BROWN R. Bocldiill & Victor, 22 Cliff Stroot, He® York, 11. Y. G.ontlemon : Replying to your favor of tha 2d instant, lir, Bdiconwiehos mo to -say that he hopes to begin making tho mixed Coluidines In tho • early part of ■ January, and it is possible that.he may separate tho throe. ", ' , ,He does not make fihtalic Anhydrido, and suggests that you write to the Crade Hons Service, 00 Pine Streot, He® York City. - 1’hey may he ablo to refer you to the makers . Yours very truly, ' •• ■■ ■ v ;• ’ • . . Assistant to Ur. Edison. December 9,1910 ■Ur. John Bacon, Jr., c/o Edison Benzol Plant, bambria Steel Co.,' Johnstown, PaV Dear Hr. 3acon: Hr. Edison has' an Exhibit Board showinf hie various: products. I send you photo¬ graph of this. You will see that at the top we - start, with coal. In order to make' tho Exhibit complete, . . we want to mount a pioco of coal. at each Bide of the label shown' at the tops, of tho photograph. Will you ploaeo obtain and * send to me right away, throe or four, pieces of coal, such as 1b used iri . the Coke Ovens. Pieces about as big as a good . dizo Orange, or as big as your fist would bo about right. You can send mo- sovoral lumpB of assorted sizes, nnd of course, as good looking as possible. It will be a little extra trouble, but ' I thought you could wrap up tho piocos in paper so ,that\they will not como all bro3:en up In tran¬ sit. Vi ill you ploaso try and got this off by ex¬ press- so that I can roceivo it by Yuosday or V.ednos- day. Yours very truly. Assistant to Mr. EdiBon. A/l53£ , OH* V^**1^ W. H. Meadoworoft, 1 Edison laboratories. Orange, H. J. Bear Mr. Meadoworoft: - SrG^~j*+ — .rv®"' _|feH^ V—/ <^-*» ^ J W**., .o us seer u* „«vv n.-'ti wfactorv. and knowing the ieelmgo oi one o. due on their November quota, new material and it W.s hilled in- it, Hr. Goodman callod us o: writer to call and loo.: at the i am personally ahlo to. determine their pretention is correct. In tulhing with Ur. U send us 25 uounds of the materi we are to deliver to our custom which they state is of no use. dv, 'croft today, nade hy the nev o : Parauhenvlonediamine in stocm, and v.-e iie-u.-w °t re ar“ nfrid it will only result in a continuauc state of dissatisfaction, and if you are making am you feel is satisfactory, we would like to nave the exchanging this material for same. he would also thank you to make some sugge how we should handle the complaints, including the c suit has boon started. Awaiting with interest your reply, and exl Season’s Compliments, we are. Oil & Supply Co. jils, Greases, acids, chemicals AND DYESTUFFS 92 WILLIAM STREET New York City Sohiff Bros, have advised us that they will consider no adjustment until the end of the year when they will he > ah lo to tell the full extent of their loss, both through allowances to their customers, and of time, labor and material expended in redying, where that form of adjustment was made with their cus¬ tomers. We might state that wo wore advised by your offi< vs4% you were producing a Paraphenylenediamine under a new ness and the sample which has been submitted to us seemed to b^very satisfactory, and knowing the feelings of one of our nustomers namely, I.Ir'. B. J. Goodman, we agreed to deliver So pouiids of’this «i material to them for the 25 pounds remaining due on their llovember quota. V/e asked for 25 P0]^ °f the new material and it was billed to us as such, and after receiv- s .1,- am personally able to. determine from an optical examination their pretention is correct. In talking with Hr. Meadoworoft today, he promised to send us 25 pounds of the material made by the new process, which we are to deliver to our customer in exchange for the material which they state is of no use. We might also state that we have several hundred, pound of Paraphenylenediamine in stock, and we hesitate to send it out as we are afraid it will only result in a continuance of this state of dissatisfaction, and if you are making a material which you feel is satisfactory, we would like to nave the privilege exchanging this material for same. i as such, and after recei1 i telephone and asked the -ial , stating that it was < We might also state C Paraphenylenediamine in sto 3 we are afraid it will only iate of dissatisfaction, and how v/e shorild handle the complaints suit has been started. : you to make some suggest ioi reply, and extending the. December 16,1910 Hr. Shoe. E. Hurray, 54 Wall Street, lion York, II. Y. Hy dear Hr. Hurray; ' . I recoivod your favor .of the 14th Instant and showed it to Hr.' Edison. He wishes mo to say to you that there is a lot of eohomors running around the Country who claim to have formulae, and factory processes, and who want to got ““ Hr. Unison do os not thinkwe Bhould go into Dyos, but should wo subsequently desire to do so ho can buy the whole formulae and shop practice in all details from men in Basie, Switz¬ erland , who are now interned, fhoeo mon are known to have boon Hananors of largo Chemical works. Hr. Edison even has the price for each formula for more than forty of the most useful dyes, > : Yours vory truly. Assistant to Hr. EdiBon. A/1600. December 18,1916 Ur. Joseph A. Dari: in, lies York, li.Y. Doar ;. r. Durkin : I think the British Government should appropriate cuy kCOOG to Gill- College to permit tho Professor of Uhouietry to uncupo a r.ian to conduct oxporinente 'towards getting tho nothyl radical into Benr.ol to produco toluol. I have done a little work oh tills myself and obtained tracoc of Toluol, b.-t I had no time to continue tho experiments. I see no reason why this can't bo done. very truly. You^e [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] Steih,Himsh a Company HswYqik, PEB30HAL ' . — — - »* Deo. 19, 1916. 'I'J {4 ed f •V.O Ur, Thomas A. Edison, &. t^sA Tt^c| +<**’&*** Orange, H. J. £u^.., - SUuy,-Pv_t.^ C^t, eMrtrt'wm &wt^ « 2. u»Mz Cw\ e^p'fct'vnoJ^id'i'J cwno( ... , Wi ■i'fcC-f i o-n iz &*- CuwOre^cf ynoidc tkf-tfvx, . jffl[Ml.lL ta<*4 i/v\ eu) (twi eofe..oC...'tio— .4rvi- . Sbmor izUsfi. yv\ or j. . or X*&* 6 aoeol cm ...... . . Q/l irrv\natJl 0-O-(*~eA/)r\a Qd>ckX [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] 3 «au. “r^ LUCti<> to iicur?, ex, G qLj30-C i h,| <&j- Qc CO Ojj&kn olctju A^jr kuj^^C^t b t> i'U'O 9 wi UV\ C| 01 orw giT € ci> 3^ Ifrt* Wd <£o^ ^yj o-o bv*^ C< -( o £ CiJL (? cco i/n '+" Gw. CT£ WOT-MCL? (LAG • — Vi uy'Wut* 4 4r'V»^VVUi^vt X . 9 cl UjAv( l/t" TutUd/W (J a^v^-tXwvv^i-- "3 «^> wt" pw< Vk ! k uc<. & CV\r\ 9 Ci^ir oSIm l^vN-fi .^Mrar4'..So-(l^.5^ja. vrwi «w\ Q/Uv^nvc-cl^ '^YV'^Jg o- ^ WU-&, i, <0 oX e. k£kr.v-fo.mflZL [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] $ tocJU 1-tuA.c, jc^ K, vys^Ax^rcEtvt^^ )=w-ct^ f f\ evv *u UlvJt Wr^-^^vvX-vvv. cJT uvuCi , ^-^P-Cs J^-X '©■"£(**>* y 1 J. . ■ un r\-jk \,A&J-A\^'* C^-'A.'C "^O <^~ AA\ von^ lr^\ (dr 'j C^cX-t^eJL- ctw U 0r3^.«V;?*-Ct='-^.CrC« - UA»- ~\,L*& "V’o^fv.v. d-f ^ t $-\.\£v' 1 10* i Wc-I.Oil^-l^! J-U-pfVf c'/«^ - - [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] (c*ti . cisL» (O'toOLu.c^j Le LU C (>~cc7f . k-'tot . -f'CA* _ CrVli. itjiXhx d Cmc/- Triti-v ("t'Love uL-cl$/ I^jL. V^cu-i [Tvc. uL'-c rv\ / 4^* Kt, v^,cu.j l '\v^*usU,t.B Vvow* v1un*-a kvuivj UrtUjti ,/ 6-uC cUlc u-v er/tv-^d - - - [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] _AGBHCY. Sept. 21, ,191'i . Hon. Thomas A. Edison, Orange, N.J. Dear Sir: In the matter of your inquiry about Herbert Lewis, ftn 876, E2 Bwey , at present this man is out of the city, but he has quarters at the above address with the bond Scale Co., of which his friend, Earl B. Elder is the H.Y. representative. Lewis appears to have had some sort of a war deal on with Elder and others, some of which deals we understand have not materialized, although we have been told that Lewis did put through one or more war orders. Lewis is not reliable, and does nq,t pay some of his bills. May 10/16 0. S. Kleeberg entered a judgment against him for $254.79, which we believe grew out of a note or borrowed money, and on which only a small payment haB been made to date. HiB promise to pay the balance on the installment plan has not been kept. We believe same applies to a judgment entered against him June 23/16 in favor of E. Friedman for $42.96. Lewis is an English Jew, about 43 years of age, and said to have married, the niece of a man named HertB who died leaving an estate. It is believed that Lewis' wife haB some means. Years ago Lewis worked for the 0. J. Oude Co., the outdoor advertising concern, where he did not make a favorable record. In 1911 he worked for Howard Earle and Gustave Kobbe, who had an adver¬ tising proposition called "The Lotus", a small magazine which we [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] believe did not last long. Lewie' real nome may bo “Levy-, and we believe he ie friendly with Doe Paeaoe Brothers. lawyers, who have acted ae hie counsel. We have never entertained n very high regard for this law firm. Lewie did reside at 264 Riverside Drive, but now lives at 324 W. 83rd St. He can be classed as a "war order bug-, for he has talked big denis to some who have not seen any denis go through. Me should neither toke Lewis’ word, nor extend credit in Lewis is believed to have returned from England after the broke out for the declared purpose of putting through war deals, one of these deals is said to have been put through Uhomas A. Edison. Yours truly, _ _ AGENCY . [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] ... . . ^VnA\M»C SL-UZ.a.%,K { h4 ?v^CtaA £u--*t***-tC CLllJ. cn-L-(C y£{Uh <*K*tT sn^e-ctrO* /7nT“ n /noi <^t rX/i-l .-U<.j.X £ £t-JZ. n > if>Y/.‘ urt. ^.L^ -€TuCrt 'uusJZu' sj/cl i'^l^i m->-b'L SsUtc ~HS*~tf+V «*w A^C-Atuf- vl'KAt/~ -XtL- cXsf ^(f JL — dltL-t-y 'far' S' •■'.! J?rt,t£ UTL H/lS£ v 'I'i'l A-f&C r'i Lt'7 (mtc-iso i/rrw ■'U^ou — ur/i-r L /3cuO-C, (TL- -oZtMxr -U-'/Q Xtr-. - IrvCo-tW a c-'i-tjYi‘6 xU ^ , L tcr*a^nr rt- ^,A^U_ *W ±2* a cW' ^ AAc &/*-'* ,.^< o uj-fu*.# ^■tr^ 'I^Oo-cS eyitAsiS .^■tS'l-t'U- ■ -c^ '^, L- '2t"v‘'e- slrvu cc£. lS cc^tt- L 1 c^vr ■': fry% (LtonA'X'i'Ct' dj-Ct-lXt*-* fS?; 4-r>n y. ■cnz-oi /f^o-o a.sCj-cr' XruTC <*■/ ..£■{ - /-uJ? > rtiCu f ->•«•« . t€-u i, 6a.- j~t ■ S&4.V s6T'Tsi / <4r€t--iin*t <*£ ~T7 L t o/ XGr~ Sist,eitt?C4 i- c)\ e&lfC 't't-rC XS ■&- ~Zu^u> ■i& *. 7 IT (L'C-lT('u?-U'j.4 G j-uGi ->■, rS’Uc.-L ■■'<<'•'■ 'U ^cr ^trt-6-uu — v Cy4&r.tk*s^ iSC i/tv-S-tf-i-if Si"! -l--t- ;£W J^^-L /&-*«, - ^-t'LCrU** (j^':' f . d-tV(.Ct &&Alj>A ~iTCL- ( '-'&,c~ui^'*y &.(X '/~ *,~^ _ tyuo- J /Oi .,-j.K , »-^T<-T l,r£^(S-z> AM iLW- . . -- rl.r -I^t^>- 7 tcjf^ — «£us-£&'/< - X KJL'O**- 'U l *»«-&* . «J3SU T Cu i-i^v«-fi, fro-r^**2**' &-<*-£ c^o iTSv-t tt^UL^-ei Y J— ,jQdM^i-^=s&£IL: _ 6i*UrvJ . . (3 ,(Ui^ J^q7 . I i.gr. . 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AIL [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] 7k / tot. 5<-Z ✓7; / fill V" (7;v _ _ , Cbc^y ■\ t ''hun't-tui. r-uiv 2$ oj.uT ,c7-'/ ft-i <_ " T', / (! otCLo^.^ 7 ,liidp-Cj-0'J USftUA ; > is? v /; / ~1 Od Owonc fit 'I'lC'i-Oxi* jT’d 0£..-t ■'ij-A-'C-L . a-'-'pl _ q< n t t4-/r - '0$. ■ o, (jyi- /.-'a •W- . ’u£«i/.t5 _<|Vt \3^k V^ ./ U>-H- -X faustl l/l & dhf’f' lU/r-~ WS**iI - Lxujk Vt&i s* 7* 0A^r*^°j .. 1 ! J3% Co*- lAd-^Soi - 7 ^ / / 7 7 O’1 foV .'■ b i^L QLaajlmaaa- 1 0 ^0 •CmA.***. _ Lousi Y’tw. _ /^L. _ - - - /Z47V * MAi 5„A Jj. ._ - _ _ -- - - . . ! _ f ■ O'f-9 3 Ua Gj+ . _ | ‘ ' CUClAJUsa*- 1a &i,So ^ Ka &a-tLr'Uh-tr~ri< 3°- Au. ^6£- — /p^oU =.. 2. 3667 - ^ - . - • - ; . - G> y 1- a / UMAI sKttHJM. t 1?isy JL/m - v / jf CHb vt^tUtM. « /? tiM*rv' - ! H ,j o ^ ji- > _HJ£ — • A tov /E~_ a**,.. 5l^\ -/6~o 75/? oXV ~ 4 6 . ! C/tt-oJL^u \j>t>£ZL 3 7 o onru (Lvl - 3 6?. i oi Of <5 C-~ (U4- ff w j $ $~t & 0 if ■ :. 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United StateB of utnorica ) State of liew JerBey | BB* County of Essex ) I, William H. Mao on of Couth Orange, County of Ebbox, State of iiow JorBoy. United States of -merioa, being duly j oworn depose und say a6 follows : ili' profession ie that of an Engineer, and X have been associated with Thomas A. Edison for a number of years, I acting for him as Engineer in various enterprises of which he is the head. in tho month of January, 191b. Ur. Edison directed me to familiarize myself as much as possible with benzol absorbing plant?, and ho gave to mo drawings and specifica¬ tions for h Plant of that kind which he hod designed to be installed at the coke ovens of the Cambria Steel Company ut Johnstown, Pa. I made a study of theseplans und specifications , consulting frequently with Mr. Edison, and on January 18th, 191t , proceeded to Johnstown, Pa with two assistants, of whom John Bacon, Jr. was one. V.o Immediately started the work of laying out the ground, building foundations, ordering and assembling the requisite machinery and apparat¬ us for tho said absorbing plant. She work was pushed day and night, as Hr. Edison wanted to have tho plant started as cuickly as possiblo. The plant as originally laid out for the instal lation, included only one Still, but early in the month of February, 191b. Hr. Edison told me that he would put in the addition- al Still that we had contemplated adding to tho plant at j a later date. I made my arrangements uooordingly, and the second Still was made a part of tho original installation I of the plant. She plant was ready for operation by February 2Snd, 1915, and it was actually put into operation on that date. On that day wo eommenoed to aba orb the gusoe from the coke ovone in the eaid Edison Bonsol absorbing Plant, and euoh plant has been in operation ever sinoe, except when it booame necessary to stop temporarily for repairs. Y.o wore all new at thobusiness when the plant was first put into operation, ana ut first the progress woe slower than when wo bccamo accustomed to the operations . Re made far more rapid progrosB, however, in the absorbing and re¬ fining of bensol and toluol then was the ease in many other plants that 1 have subsequently studied. Subscribes this I and sworn to before me day of 1916. m /]/\utp(-c - ("U a s McAniiwr Mr William H Meadowcroft / . Thomas A Edison Laboratory Orange, New Jersey \ Dear, Mr Meadowcroft /f With reference to the banquet t- Very truly yours. Feb. atil. 1916. i.lr. Clarence 1. Lav;, Secretary, Convention Committee, Illuminating Engineering Society, Irving Place and Fifteenth Street, hew York City. hoar Hr. Law: So that there shall he no misunderstanding, I am writ¬ ing this note to confirm my telephone talk with you yoeterday in regard to your sending for Mr. and Ira . Edison on Thursday evening . It i| understood by Mrs. Edison that you are going to send a machine to .Mr. Edison's house by b :b0 on 1'hursday evening, to take .Mr. and Mrs . Edison to the 3iltmore, and that you will send them back to Orange in the machine after the Banquet is over. I presume that .Mr. and ilrs. Edison may be accompanied by any of their, immediatel furnily who will be of the party. Yours very truly, utye National g>«nrtftj league, 3Jn t. TO?. Thomas A. Sells on. February 25, 1916. nest orange, N. J. The question of adequate preparednes part of the United States is without aoubt the t the^nJcte^r inpi tant and serious matter before Congress to4day, and jj^one which must appeal to every thinking person in this country. The National Security League is using its best efforts tl *r/Q\the situation home to the individual and earnestly q^sires\ to enlist your support. / r\ |W In ordeA to carry forward a vigorous campaj^h aM\properly to pl^Jthe facts before the countp/T funds are necessary, and we have no means of rai^k money excep by this direct appeal. We trust that you may del it desirable and con¬ venient to give us your liberal financial support. Now is the >fme to secure results, while Congres Chairman, Finance Committee. Cheques may be made payable to the order of The National Security League, Inc., and mailed in the enclosed envelope. February 28th. 1916. nn +iia nieht of the Banquet at which you were pre¬ sented with the Honorary Memh6rshipintheIllwniuatin|En- the objects of ite existence. Dr. Kun'z is the Vice President and one of the Trust¬ ees. and Arthur Williams is President. write . \ r Is it agreeable to you to give this 1 [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] The American Museum of Safety 1 8 West 24th Street New York Devoted to the Safety, Health and Welfare of Industrial Workers I and the Advancement of the Science of Industry), | ce of the Prciidcnc Irving Place and Fifteenth Stret February 34th 1916 F H Ueadoworoft Esq Edison Laboratories * Orange New Jersey Dear Ur Meadowcroft Dr Kuna has written the enolosed memorandum on the work of the Museum as his concrete suggestion for the form of Ur Edison's endorsement. Do you suppose it would be. possible for Mr Edison to write 6uoh an endorsement, or one of a somewhat similar nature? It would be very gratifying to Dr Kunz per¬ sonally, who suggested the' idea, and to our entire Board, as well - needless to say - as to myself. Very sincerely President [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] X am surely in sympathy with the work of the Museum of safety. Anything that will prevent accident means not only protection to a man and his family, hut to the firm that employs him and to the state and the natidn. If a man is a skilled. mechanic , to injure his effec¬ tiveness or to entirely remove him frequent¬ ly means the upsetting of an entire estab¬ lishment, or at least a lack of harmonious work, in addition to the loss to the commu- Or tut+f s of Hew York can encourage a Museum of Safety in any way, it surely would he a great advancement for our commu¬ nity. E ENGINEERS Cl Mr. Thomas A. Edison, East Orange, A Mar oh 21, 1916. , Dear Sir:- ! have the honor to inform election to Honorary membership in The Engineers- nub of Philadelphia. Will you earliest convenience, election? kindly inform us, of your aoceptanoi at your 5 of this LHK-S Illuminating Engineering Society April 6, 1916. Mr . , Thomas A. Edison, • Orange, IT. J. Dear IJr; Edison: In oonneotion with your acceptance of the honorary membership in our Society, we would ash you to acoept the testimonial being forwarded to you with this letter. 'i7e are also sending you the badge of the Society presented to you as honorary member. Yours , CPS/IICS ffinlumbta Unlurrattjj irt ttjc ffittjj nfJfoui tjnrlt Bedford Hills, New York Fy dear Mr. Edison: May I bring before you the merits of the American Society for Testing Materials? Such distinguished engineers as Messrs. Hudson Maxim and John p. Wallace (late chief engineer of the Panama Canal) have lately joined the society on my recommendation. Briefly the aim of the society is first to bring about uniform and trustworthy methods of testing, and second to set up reasonable the reception specifications of more important materials of construc¬ tion^ with a •• view to protecting the public by making such just specifications widely known. This work has been carried on now for nearly twenty years with constantly increasing usefulness and efficiency. It iB an encouragement to those who have been carrying on this work for altruistic reasons to have the moral support of illustrious men like yourself and Messrs. Maxim and Wallace. I hope that this appeal to your public spirit will meet with T. A. E.-2 4/18/16 your approval. If put through the ne< blank and booklet. so, it would give me very great pleasure to essary formalities. I enclose an application '"he society has now nearly 2000 members. Yours very truly. Edison Laboratory, W.H.M. Orange, New Jersey. Dear Sir: I am greatly gratified to learn, from yours of May 3rd, that Mr. Edison looks favorably upon the suggestion that he join the American Society for Testing Materials. It is true that the "application for membership" is also a "proposal for membership." To prevent any possible mistake, I now enclose an application blank for membership. As I understand, Mr. Edison should sign where I have indicated in pencil. I have also suggested, in pencil, the other items to be filled out. If after these are filled. out, you will return the ap¬ plication to me, I will see that it is duly acted on. In view of Mr. Edison's illustriousness, the proposal part should be made by the president and a past president of the society. I my¬ self, as a past president, shall be glad to be one of the proposers and I know that the president. Professor Mansfield Merriman, will be glad to be the other. I therefore have already signed my name to the I am not sure how my suggestion that Mr. Edison's occupation should be entered as "Inventor" will strike him. I think that of all his - .A l 4/ 6/16 Ed . Lab. -2 many titles to the gratitude of mankind, this is perhaps the most prominent in the minds of most of us. It was as an inventor that Mr. Hudson Maxim has just been proposed for membership. Yours very truly. NOBLE, ESTABROOK & M5HARG 115 BROADWAY K» ( rt* Dear Mr. Edison: - NEW YORK May 24, 1916. u^tfc "TT The American Arts and Industi%?^A^^fel^ti'o^bias**t c , ^ just been completely organized. The purpose is to Uk«w» S ^ New York the art center of the world. The association contemplates dealing only with applied or industrially arts, at least at the outset— or, in other words, attemptJ^K^^^. to raise the standard of art in industry in this country^ r - \ and to make us independent for our artistic ftandards^*^^ tf 1 our dyes, and our other products of any foreign , , ' It is the kind of preparedness that must meet hearty approval of every true American, especially aTter 1 the disclosure of dependence caused toy the Europfajrgajy » In this center chemists, art metal workers, oegigfiy?s,_J inventors, color experts, sculpturers, tapestry ai*fgts,- silverware designers, and all branches of industrial art y will toe given an opportunity to bring their work before / the purchasing merchants and manufacturers of the country. It will give the merchants and manufacturers a chance to ^ see what can toe done in an artistic way before turning out inartistic products. We are eager to have in control and acting as a founder of this national movement a man who is recognized as a leader of thought in this direction, and who is nationally known to be interested in the development and encouragement of our industrial art and inventive genius as a nation. ' The association will build a building in New York where will be held the exhibitions of the different branches of art represented, where the buyers of all the large commercial houses and manufacturers of the country can visit whenever they are in New York and learn the latest ideas in artistic and industrial development in their particular industries; where the artists may place their work before the buying business men in such ar. way as to insure careful examination and consideration; and it will be generally speaking a clearing-house for American art and invention. You can readily perceive the tremendous possibilities for national betterment in this undertaking. 1 2 TAE The leading merchants, jewelers, artists, and ethers have already given their written endorsement f S e have stated with unanimity that ?Lre is a real need of such an institution, which will he a permanent home or center for the development of industrial art to which the country as a whole is now beginning to turn its attention. If you can consistently take a very active interest in this movement, and be one of the pioneers and founders, we feel that you will be ?oing * Periotic ■service Those who have been devoting their thought and efforts toward bringing about this achievement , ■» j i A oil vv-t in anv inovfentsnt > ii&d to sacrifice aasreat°delfof tS and money and to encounter indifference on the part of some. However, now that the delation has been organized and incorporated they feel u»a.„t.na tf. connected with launching such a ®ionhana will give the matter your most careful attention ana your support both moral and financial, so that it may proceed to the carrying out of its purposes. The success of the idea is the paramount question, and desired by the subscriber. « nos vss Slrec?ors3call9upon yo/or someone whom you may designate and explain the entire proposition. The movement at first will require advances of Assistant Secretary, American Arts and Industries Association, Suite 1415, 115 Broadway, New *ork City. C DktroitZMich. USA. HonoraPleThomas A .Edison, 7/est Orange,- Hew Jersey. I have a letter from the tyv 5rss!9^^iiiHrs!I' l,Ia 3 or and Commandant, in which It is erare that X am tendered an election to.lixe membership. Among a list of names of good people given as life members of ^eEurgesee Corps I find Honorable Thomas A. Edison, - hence this letter. Can you tell me something of the purposes and objects and liabilities of the Burgessess Corps? CHAIRilAB r*Xl Ws)t g>tubent $actftSte To Protest Attains t Militarism in S'chools New York/; September St^l. \v4 u'v yfj ' \ Forty thousand students are in danger of/having military training forced n them; every male adult between the ages of 1*8 and 45 is subject to a sudden call to the National Guard unless the "Bloody ^ive" legislation is repealed/ For the purpose of making an emphatic protest against these laws, wVhsCve engaged Carnegie Hall for the evening of Saturday, September 30th. The expense of such an undertaking is tremendous and MU|T be met. This is an eleventh hour appeal' for f inancial aid. The doors of Carnegie Hall will not be opened unless the balance /on the contract is paid. This meeting must be a succeSs^dJ/t ban only be one through your contribution. Help us kee|:tKe guns off our shoulders ! If you do not help u as yourself J who will? ,r , New York, 1916. I am hereby enclosing $ as a contribution to the Student Pacifists, to be used for the propaganda of protest against MILITARISM IN SCHOOLS. Yours for the cause of peace. Signed V^oM/^'a/ediboH. Applied ' 1 ku*£****¥~ September 20, 1916. ... .«(.. , £L VjeTL^rJ ,_^c-C £, CLte,^C^t Report on the work off THE^-glHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE U. S. IS CO-OPERATING WITH US_ hon §' HX c H"BproT"6™mfFcdSmUo*n"-Wom“'. Club. “"“amSSfrfdoSSS^vJm'oJiolub. HORACB^St^WlLictNsAN^SyrQCUBQi^MftllufttCt r ir?:B?s”p&ss£ir,v’ BSS3rs r « [ v"'“ AMn' Hon. Thomas A. Edison, Orange, H.J. My dear Mr. Edison: the Tariff Commission league, the organization whiohWashonoredhyyour 1 mom'herahiT) on the Advisory Committee* I wish you would look it over care— memhership^onithe Advisory ^ it interesti* nd j would like a line -from , yon then regarding the questions propounded, and ffin§ ttt$° 22-W/,. of the oampaign. ^ J *y- ^ The President told me he felt he could get the kind of man he wanted on \ the Commission at the salary named in the act, and if he is successful ins this, the measure should make et£<) I enclose you copy of a letter reived I feel very sure that if we had not *6ien caught in the jam and confusion A at the close of the session, which we tried our utmost to avoid, Jgg ?°%%% have gotten practically everything that &>~iB3±iced..L. T^fao±-^''Lhat not twenty-five per cent of those who voted fp^th^/Ue^sure were at heart in favor of it, the reason being that a Tariff Commission has n°L£®e“ this year in harmony with Democratic doctrine. But resent lllt^nd neeessitv for it and was big enough to come out for it in January last ana carried his party with him. It took considerable courage to^do this. The Republicans $£e generally favorable to a Tariff Commission.^* ^ were op¬ posed to having it created by a Democratic administration. Bufl thepres sure was so great that both parties were compelled to get in line and pass the act! ?tSshows that the strongest force in this country is(the will of the people - that the people can rule when they will to do so. I shall be delighted to have a line from you to be a part of the permanent record of the league. We are getting some very nice letters which are ap¬ preciated and will be preserved. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] COPY TOUTED STATES SEDATE, Washington, D.C., Sept.16,1916. H. H. Groes, Esq., Chicago, Ill. Dear Ur* Gross: . _ , . , I think I ought to congratulate you not only on the work you aid for the Tariff Commission law, whioh wae splendid, hut on the result accomplished so largely through that work* I was bo situated that 1 couia see your incomings and outgolngB - your plana and methodB - and as I saw the work going on in a clean and legitimate way, hut always methodical and effective, and finally witnessed the accomplishment - not quite, hut nearly what we desired, I made up my mind that the country was indebted to you mare than to any other one man for a Tariff Commission Law, and it is because I still have that well defined opinion that I am writing this letter. With kind regards, I am Yours very truly, (Signed) Jno. w. Kern. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] Pinal Report of the President of The Tariff Commission League to the Directors and Subscribers This movement was inaugurated at a meeting of prominent citizens held at the Union League Club, Chicago, May 27, 1915 . The campaign for a non-partisan Tariff Commission, after sixteen months, dosed September 8, 1916, when the President signed the Revenue Act passed by the Sixty-fourth Congress and carrying the "Rainey Tariff Commission" measure, A review of the campaign shows that at the beginning the business interests were favorable, the great mass of the people were apathetio, and the President and his party were strongly against' it; and while many Republicans favored a Tariff Commission, they were opposed to hav¬ ing that body created by a Democratic administration, _ V . To compass our purpose, it was neoesBary to arouse the people to*' a point where they would demand and' insist upon Buch a OommisBion. In our effort to stir the people to action, we Bent capable men into thirty-four of the, forty-eight states to make personal calls on the leading publications and organizations. \7e sent out millions of leaflets,, carried free in the mails of 480 leading banks, insurance companies, merchants, manufacturers, eto. When Congress oonvened in December, we had behind us over 700 organizations representing over six millioBs of voters* This in part and imperfectly covers the campaign with the people. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] -Sir over 90 per rent of all the leading newspapers endorsed our pJ.sn end meet of them opened their columns to ue. » l»d the united .up- port of the magazine publishers. ttih Administration The President on several oooaeions declared such a commission un¬ necessary. He was strongly opposed to it, saying that existing instru¬ mentalities could do the work. A personal canvass of the situation at Washington in December last convinced us that the President must be won over, or we could not ho£e to win. .We presented our credentials to hi0 private secretary and the Secretary of the Treasury, both of whom „„ tremendously interested and asked for copies of our documents. The need for such a body was becoming more obvious daily, so a few days later the President astonished the country by completely revers¬ ing himself and the traditions of his party by coming out squarely for a Tariff Commission. It took courage to do it. For the first time in our history. both the Republican and Demo¬ cratic Rational. Conventions of 1918 declared for a permanent, non- partisan Tariff Commission. Our measure, known as the "Rainey Bill"', had already been approved by the Waye and Means Committee, so the situation was very hopeful. Our great concern was to get our bill to a vote as quickly as possible and avoid the confusion and chaos that attends the closing .of every session of Congress, and that of the present Congress was unusually great. So far as our bill corned, it ... ready for consideration by the Hone, in »ril. «• „.re promieed action before the Bstional convention, met in June. The *av. and Wane Committee decided to Include the Tariff co-ieeion Bin with the general Eevenue Hedeure. We did .verythlgs we conld » Ere- - vent thie, feeling -ur. It delay and that we would 1- can” support ; and eo it proved. The committee would not yield, «. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] claimed that being a part of the Revenue Measure would insure Democratic support that thqy otherwise would not have- Our Directors did not share this view, and apeoial efforts were made -to expedite our measure- Amid a scene of confusion and turmoil, following an aorimonious debate, the House passed the Revenue Measure on July 10, carrying the- Tariff Commission feature. It reduced the salaries of members from #10,000 to #7,500 per annum on a viva voce vote, and rejected the per¬ manent appropriation by a vote of 144 to 55. The Senate, four weeks later, by praotioal.ly unanimous vote, next to the last day of the ses¬ sion, restored the permanent appropriation feature, but refused to in¬ crease the salaries. The House, which would have to agree to the Senate amendments, was ov er a hundred short of a quorum, and it . was in the pov/er of any member to kill the Senate amendment by calling for a quorum. So it was a choice of taking the Commission without a permanent appro¬ priation or getting nothing. The bill, aside from the points named, is satisfactory, and in an interview, the President made the statement that while he favored the larger salary, he felt sure he cou.l.d get the men hs wanted on the basis fixed by the act. So the bill was passed. This puts the question squarely up to us, whether we Bhall go back to the people and to Congress for the purpose of having the salaries raised, and make a further effort to get a permanent appropriation. Upon this question we would like your judgment. We attaoh hereto a memorandum giving some details, sidelights, and interesting information in regard to the final three weeks of intensive campaigning at Washington. The writer hopes you will read them. When the bills are all paid, we shall have spent between $47,000 and $46,000, and will probably have on hand a balance of several hun¬ dred dollars. Financial statement and audit will be forwarded later. ReBpeotfully submitted, Oy- Chicago, September 16, 1916. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] It B M 0 B A H D U M Incidents of the Campaign v/e had a number of Bharp controversies with those representing the administration over several features of the bill. Our contention was for a Commission of six members, not more than three to be of the same political party. The administration insisted on a Commission of five, with a three and two division. We replied that our campaign was predicated upon the basis of six members, and that we should oppose any other plan. Our point raa conceded. It took about a week of discussion and negotiation in order to get the scope and duties of the Commission sufficiently broad to en¬ able it to get information upon the whole subject, including a protec¬ tive tariff. Its soope is now practically unlimited. V/e secured wider discretion as to reports* We had included in the bill a pro¬ vision for protecting trade secrets. We contended that agriculture and labor should be represented up¬ on the Commission, but we found little encouragement for this. The committee declared that the President should be unhampered and that he would deal fairly with all interests. It was urged that both labor and aeri culture were so greatly diversified, that no man would fairly repreeent eaoh entire field. So we dropped this- Late in June when we were insisting that our measure be taken out of the Revenue Bill and put to a vote, the membere.with whom I was discussing the matter became angry and said if they were not handling it satisfactorily, they would drop the Tariff Commission seotion en¬ tirely. I told them nothing that they could do would ao greatly please the Republican National Committee. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] -5- Near the c.ioBe of the session, when the total of the appropria¬ tions became known, the Democratic party was subjected to a terrific scoring by the Republicans on the ground of extravagance;' so saving at the spigot was immediately begun, hence the reduction nf salaries of the Shipping Board from §10,000 to ft7,500, and the Tariff Commission to the same figure. Prior to the da£ that the House passed the measure, there was nothing to indicate any raid upon the salaries. In support of our contention for the higher salary and the per¬ manent appropriation, the entire V/aBhinst.on press gave us daily support through the news and editorial columns. Two of the leading papers opened their columns to us and allowed us to write editorials. Two of the great Democratic papers of New York, "The Times" and "The World", gave us strong support. The Democratic National Committee tried to stem the tide, but was unable to do so at that late hour. The fight againBt the salaries in the Senate was made by Senator Hoke Smith, Democrat, and Senator Lawrence Y. Sherman, Republican. Hr. Logan, of our directorate, was able to bring strong pressure on both Republicans and Democrats from political headquarters here* There is little doubt that if there had been a quorum in the House and we could have had ten days or two weeks more time, both the salaries and the Eer- manent appropriation could have been saved. The drift was coming strongly our way, but we were caught in the jam that we did everything to avoid. Hr. Fitzgerald of Hew York, Chairman of the House Appropria¬ tions Committee, was so wliiiTtfie-Senate passea-fhe permanent' appropriation measure by a practically unanimous vote, that he gave formal notice that if the matter was brought to the House, he would call for a quorum. He apparently was afraid that the amendment would pass, coming with the prestige of the Senate action, and in view of the fact that sentiment was ohanging rapidly. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] -6- Ho Permanent Appropriations A search was made, going hack to I860, and no precedent could he found for a permanent appropriation for any board or commission. Con¬ gressman Mann and others who had long been members of the House, and others in the Senate, said that Congress never had created a Commission of any kind and refused to give it adequate funds to carry out its work. Mr. Fitzgerald of the Appropriations Committee pledged his word that the Tariff Commission should have its full appropriation without question. (NOTE; The Taft Tariff I3oard.J-w,aa~nbt.. created by Oontireas, but by the President, and was responsive alone to him. It was created under Section S of the Payne-Aldrich Apt that authorized the President to employ men to assist him in administering the provisions of the act, and a lump sum was appropriated for the purpose. The members of the Board were paid $7,500 and worked until the appropriation was ex¬ hausted. The political complexion of the House of Representatives having changed in the meantime, it declined to make another appropria¬ tion.) One of the Senators from the Central V/est declared himself un¬ alterably opposed to a Tariff Commission on the ground that it spoiled the tariff as a campaign issue, that it belonged in politics and ought to be kept there; "dut," he remarked, "everybody in my 3tate seems to want it, so I have run up the white flag and shall vote for the measure." - - - - - - - The foregoing is confidential . Oh Chicago Ills Oct 12thlS Thos A Edison, Orange N.J. At request of the directors of the Universal Military Training League of which I am one I earnestly request that you will accept the chairmanship of the advisory committee. We have an important meeting in Chicago tomorrow r would all esteem it a very great honor 4 ■eable help if you would wire me scepting this proposit- i he read at. the meeting. We have as members of the directorate substantially the same men as were on our tariff league which accomplished such good work under the leadship ofnHr^aroijs.^ , \rtrfrt^e^^T2> vc*>-«a) f Scrc^ . \'r'\b •VS'* \ ' \7o need your good o Trices, extended in a " manner, ■ which, while not calling Tor the expenditure of a moment of your time, will bq of the greatest importance in promoting. that organization which, with others stands for fc constructive development and co-operation in tlic electrical V ( industry, Tlic Jovian Order. - • S \j\\ - i "thank you sincerely in advance Tor your ' N» \J ’serious consideration of the explanation of what we have in mind, given below, necessarily in some detail. ON The Jovian Order faces next year a critical V period in its existence, due to .two. important changes in its 0 • Constitution^ -which although essential to its success in the ’ 5 future, will require unusual effort to establish without loss _ of membership and influence. 1 refer to increasing the annual Cy \ dues and chartering local Leagues, for the purpose oT otabiliz- : ing them, arid; standardizing their methods in the cause of economy and efficiency,- " ~Tl ■ ■ i The fact that a man of llonry L. Doherty's r, " ltnmm ability and prestige is heading the Order this year f is one groat help, hut we need active personal-oontact- J • i promotion, and we intend to accomplish this with what is c ■ tO** ft'0 to be Jen own as a "ONE HUNDRED POINT COMMITTEE” , which, biW” ..iL -V V briefly, will be composed of tlic important,' live-wire '•(/**> f ^ men of the industry in sufficient number to PERSONALLY -TALK .1 3 *T!IE NEV,’ EPOCH IN. JOVIANISM TO ; EVERY MEMBER OV THE OH!) EH vk^AiAitliiii n period of sixty days from, this time, and to re¬ ’s/ . wA . soil. the Order, to., each- Jovian/ on a. basis that will make jj'*'- him not only, a momher. hut a worker. ; ■ : P.JIU'f . In. other words, it is to be a great, big, intondiYe’.drive,.f at; a time that: is psychologically .correct, II ' to. not, only 1 overcome the problems have mentioned but to (ftpnanBw| ; create; an era of J’ovian entliusiasm; and activity that will eclipse anytliirig tliat tne papt Jins delivered us. “All Together,. AH the Time, for Everything Electrical” .'Jovian Order Martin J. Wolf , .of Saint Louis, wlioni you doubtless know, ’.mo undertaken the Chairmanship of thin committee, and will rive it almost his. undivided attention during the tine it in active. To give added dignity., weight and prestige to this commit too, we desire the names of a number of gentlemen who are figures of national importance in the electrical in¬ dustry placed on the letter-head of the Committee as Vice- Chairmen. Wo will riot aslc them; for one moment' n work. Wo ... are frank to say that. wo. simply want the use of their names as impressive evidence that they arc in sympathy with the Jovian Order,- and will he pleased to nee it progress and gain in .strength and usefulness. . Your name is one of those we desire on that letter¬ head. May. we'.uso it? . Yours very truly; ecu/m “All Together, All the Time, for Everything Electrical” [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] 1916 54.^8 Brown & Siiarpe Meg. Co. MACIIIN12UVAN1) TOOLS Providence, R.I. u. s. a . Deo. 8, 1916. Mr. Thomas A. Edison, Pres., Edison Storage Battery Co., Orange, N.J. Dear Sir:- You can make a substantial contribution to the readjustment of conditions to meet whatever shock may oome after the war if you will au¬ thorize us to enroll your company as a member of the Railway Business Association. Your name on our roster, whether or not you prove to be so situated that you oan actively cooperate, will strengthen our influence. That influence we are devoting to the registration of business opinion with Congress on the correction of defects in railway regulation. See "Business Opinion and Railway legislation", enolosed -- a report of progress in recording individuals and associations and an appeal for more signatures and more resolutions. Congress through a Joint Committee of the House and Senate has begun hearings. We hope to obtain at least a part of our legislative program this winter. Our recognition by Congressmen will be in propor¬ tion to the industrial strength whioh we can show. Your name will be an important acquisition. One of the railway executives most prominently identified with the phases upon which we are now at work remarked a few weeks ago that this Association was doing more in that field than all other agencies put together. Whether this is true or not it is our j ob to make it true if we can and we need your help. Evidenoe of the esteem in which our opportun¬ ity and fitness to embrace it are held is shown by the enrollment of 68 new concerns since Jan.l, the names of which appear on attached sheet. The enclosed application blank calls for a check for $100 cov¬ ering dues for 12 months from date of application. There is no ini¬ tiation fee. Yours very truly, BROWN & SHARPE MEG. CO., di [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] To the Railway Business Association No. 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK CITY Gentlemen Tub undersigned iibhkuy makes application tor membership in the Tub name op the person who mu. represent os. unless we desio- NATE OTHERWISE, AT ANY MEETINGS OP THE ASSOCIATION AND TO WHOM ALL OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS OP THE ASSOOLVTION SHOULD BE ADDRESSED, IS! Mr . . Title . . Address . Inclosed herewith is a check for iundred dollars TO THE ORDER OP THE RAILWAY BUSINESS ASSOOLVTION, THE SAME BI L 00.00) DRAWN [US APPLICATION. Name . Address.. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] vCo \Cava | ^tvoo4m aJt^ AajJ^OC /f^Ai i'dTT 'Q < (^cr<^trr~- b tpMC* - [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] December 12,1916. Ur. Vvm. A. Viall, Secretary, Brown fc Sharpe UfB . Co . , Brovidone'o, R. I. Dear Sir:- Yonr file S4598. I have received your favor of the ' Oth instant, suGGesting our, enrollment as a member of the Railway' Business Association. I am the owner of the. corporations • know as Shomas A. Edison, Inc . and Edison Storage Battery Co . Would 'it be necessary , . to subscribe for each, or would one subscrip¬ tion, answer for both? Yours very truly. A/1666. EDWARD O. NELLIS, Sterile The Chemical Catalog Company, Inc. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CATALOG Committee of The AMERICAN INSTITUTE •/ CHEMICAL ENGINEERS AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY THE SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY December 12, 1916. 4;0- Dear Sir:- * ^alr * \ , i °U-'‘ We have recently had an opportunityof supplying *■, , r-.- several copies of the CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CATALOG to your \ We understand that in connection with your various operations a good many substances are produced, some of which J are valuable to the industrial chemical public, and some of / which cannot readily be obtained elsewhere at present. We - are sure that you will understand how very useful it would be to the chemical engineering profession and to the industrial chemical public as a whole, if you would allow us to reserve for you in the 1917 edition of the catalog which we are now preparing, one or more pages of space in which your laboratory oould describe what it is able to contribute in thiB direction. We would draw your attention to the pages in the present edition in which the General Electric Company describe what they have to offer. You v/ill note that this company has devoted its space to an exposition of the properties and uses of a number of rare and peculiar products from its research laboratories, rather than catalog matter regarding its standard lines such as, generators, switch board equipment, eto. This was done by the officers of the General Electric Company with the idea not only of building up saleB for these products, and thus help to make their researoh work self-supporting, but also with the very broad minded purpose of giving other research workers an opportunity to know about these comparatively obscure products, and we have reason to believe that this information is proving very useful. We believe that in collecting together.in one volume in a systematic manner, oondensed oatalogs of the chief concerns having products of interest to the chemical industries and index¬ ing them in such a way that the source of any given product can conveniently be. found we are making a really valuable contribution to the progress of the Industry, and industrial research in general in America, and we feel confident that when you. see what we are trying to do you will want to co-operate in our undertaking. The 1916 edition of the Chemical Engineering Catalog is far from complete, but it was necessary to make a beginning somewhere and the welcome which has been accorded it is such that we are able to state confidently that the 1917 edition will be at least twice as large and much more efficient in every way. We will not take up your time here by quoting from any of the numerous letters we have received from prominent firms and individuals all over the country,* we will merely state the gen- eral concenous of opinion is that the catalog is filling a real need and proving exceedingly valuable to those who require in¬ formation of this kind. At the same time we are receiving equally satisfactory comments from those who have gone to the trouble and expense of placing condensed catalogs of their products in the volume, these firms stating without exception, that this action has resulted in their receiving business which they would not other¬ wise have obtained. We should like very muoh to have an opportunity of taking up this proposition with whatever one of your assistants who lookB after suoh matters, and hope that you will give us an opportunity of doing so at an early date. Tours very truly, THE CHEMICAL CATALOG COMPACT, INC. President. F1VR:GF:T. December £8,1910 ' Ur. Chao. II. Yiurth, 177 Rich- Street, , Orarige, li.J. Dear L’x. l.urth : . . • I enclose c communication from the Sloktrotochniecher Voroin.' Probably tboro is no nood of making a full translation. You might moko a memorandum as to the cubstanco and then .Mr. 2d icon can .decide whothor or not he- will want a full trans¬ lation. Can you nako out tho address of tho gentle- - man who coiit the enclosed envelope from Husain? V.’ith boat wishes for a Happy liow year. I remain. Yours vory truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison.' A/l73£ I Enclosures.' Edison General File Series 1916. Condensite Company of America (E-16-20) This folder contains correspondence and other documents concerning the Condensite Co. of America, a producer of chemical products and synthetic waxes, in which Edison held shares of common stock. Two documents have been selected: an annual report to the stockholders by president Kirk Brown and a comparative balance sheet for the period 1914-1915 by treasurer Frank L. Dyer. The unselected documents consist of duplicates, meeting announcements, and unsolicited correspondence. Condensite Company op America Bl.oomfield,N.J. January 17, 1916. lo the Stockholders of Condenslto Company of Amerioa. The business of your Company for the year 1916 has resulted in a profit of £41.734.13, from which after charging for depreciation, the Directors at their laBt meeting set aside a sufficient Bum for four quarterly dividends of each on t^ the preferred stock. Those are to be paid on March 30th, June 29th, September 29th ana Decmber 30th to stockholders of record y r> as of the 20th day of the Bame months, ana for this purpose the stookhb OOksuwill be closed at noon on the last named days and re¬ opened after the disbursement* of the following dividends. notwithstanding She inorease in oapital requirements, there has been no inorease in ouptial obligations or borrowings; in fact there has been a slight reduction in the latter as shown in thd' Dotes Payable item in the balance sheet. In the showing made for the year the most satisfac¬ tory feature has been the large increase in the company's sales; some of this no doubt is duo to "war btsiness", but for the most part it is the result of a steady healthful growth that there is every reason to expeot will oontinue during the present year. Kesneotfully submitted, XIBK BBO'iYD. President, CO'NDENSITE COMPANY OP AMERICA Bloomfield,N.J. January 17, 1916. To* the Stockholders of ConSenslte Company of America. I submit report of the bookB of your Company for the ; ending December 31st, 1916. Comparative Balenoe Sheet AssetB 1914 1915 Plant, Bloomfield, H. J. Plant, Wyandotte, Mioh. Real Estate & Bldgs.Bloomfield.H. J. Patent Rights Investments Inventories HoteB & accounts receivable Cash Unexplred Insurance 19,423.29 4,732.73 60,731.13 292,100.00 20,400.00 31,122.63 12,137.00 3,646.46 28,660.84 11,662.35 57,576.66 292,100.00 20,800.00 24,638.04 33,016.10 5,254.75 348.00 434,293.24 473,646.74 1 liabilities Capital Stpok Preferred n " Common " In Treasury AooountB Payable Hotes Payable Surplus 141,900.00 158,700.00 91,300.00 8,761.94 19,000.00 14.631.30 141,900.00 168,700.00 91,300.00 17,263.86 17,500.00 46.882.89 Comparative Profit & Loos Statement _ Profit for year Charged off for depreciation Reserved for Dividends Surplus for year Defioit 1918 Surplus 1914 Surplus January 1st, 1916. 1915 41,734.13 9,482.54 32.251.W 7.096.00 i ■ £5 1156.5-9- 1 Respectfully submitted , Prank i. ^5feasurer, Edison General File Series 1916. Deafness (E-16-21) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to Edison's deafness and to devices for the hearing impaired. Included are requests for Edison's opinion of existing hearing aids, as well as inquiries concerning his plans to invent such a device. One letter from a correspondent offering Edison a remedy for his deafness contains a comment by the inventor that "I am ready to try anything for deafness except taking medicine." The correspondents for 1916 include attorney William J. Curtis of Sullivan & Cromwell and Edison acquaintance Frederic A. Whiting of Framingham, Massachusetts. Approximately 1 percent of the documents, including all items receiving a substantive response from Edison, have been selected. The unselected letters received no answer or a standard reply stating that Edison had discontinued his hearing aid experiments and that he expected to return to them in the future. Ur. Thos. A. Edison, Orange , XT. J. Dettr 3ir While reading an article in the January number of "POPULAR UECHA1IICS" , X noticed the statement that you are deaf, or at least partially so. And in connection with this statement I am writing you. I have in my possession a remedy by which two parties have absolutely cured themselves of deafness .. This remedy is yours for the mere ashing. Hoping that you will receive this in the spirit in which it is written, I am, <#£****? v Yours very truly, P*E0 Snever 'been aiok a day in my life, do not use tobaooo, nor in¬ toxicants, ray sight "is very keen, never used glasses, am now 50 yrs old, sense of smell is very aoute, and as a printer-editor I work 9 hours a day all the time. I have tried the Aooustioon, the various ear Phones, ear drums, etc, etc,, and while they did give Borne aid, no natural improvement has resulted and now after several years fnkit less efforts I am almost reconciled to the malady. Some specialists tell me I have thickened ear drums, other say the Eustaohian passage is stopped up. I oan readily hear a sharp and direct metallic sound, that is I mean when metal or hard substance is given a quick blow, or similar to the beating of a bass drum in a band. Therefore, if you in the light of your wonderful sucoess with the marvellous power of elftfcricity and its personal application to your own case, can give me a suggestion of a means or method to employ so that Imay derive a share of the great pleasure that is found in your Diamond diso machine, I shall arise and call you blessed and sing your praises from this day and thruout all eternity. You will padron the liberty that I have taken to address you as a stranger, and yet in the name of a fellow lover of the beautiful and good in art, I am sure you will give me the benefit of your ex¬ perience and if possible throw out a suggestion that will do me the very good that I so much crave. Yours very truly. 475 Waverly i, Brooklyn, N.Y. 1 May 9th , 1916. Mrs. Thomas A. Edison, West Orange, N.J. Dear Madam: - The writer experimenting to find a small device like an eye-glass, which would correct the deafness. Recent experiments have been quite satisfactory. There are two principles involved, well known to Mr. Edison, viz. (1) To stretch the diaphragm so that it will not have any fundamental note. Hence it will transmit all sound waves impartially, like the ear. (2) To alter the character of sound to fit the person who is hard of hearing, by altering the structure of the diaphragm, by hand similar to the manner that it has been altered by disease. Mr. Edison's carbon telephone was bassed on this principle, that to alter the density or structure of a vehicle transmitting a force, will alter the character of the force . I would like to show my models to Mr. Edison, as I am poor and thought that he would he^p me. I know some people in East Orange or Maplewood who will recomend me. Yours very sincerely, ' J. . hard of hearing, and hab been L. COOK ORIGINATOR COCK SPANGLED WYANDOTTES A o (222^^1 Q) 0 ? (2f ^ ^ C V c22*-&^s \y22u ! cJ? yi^C-22^ ^ u<^2 tZr c& CftJicxi. . c& jJL yPecyZ/T ^ 0^2. /!A Zc-7 ^fc-v -^ff ^ a-S * jW &C*yu^/ (rz^/ y-yt-tJ~\ <7*^2 t^&fcdlC'y^ J?eJ: 2 , J- ^'l yC-t 0-ZyJ ^lyz cTL ytyjyxyUtyi^'L J? ^2Lu^ y/2L2^- /Jtzt4- ■^2 £ l2csu ■i-d'T'V'^ ^ e^s ' e-*yly0-C^y, ‘in^Cy1 J? yy^2>tyU-^ y<2-i~tyt~S' - t <7z2^2y]y=, S s****y\ _ ^ — (£=-/- OAKVILLE, IOWA,. July 26th. 1916. Mr. Edward J. Wilson, 476 Waverly Avenue, Brooklyn, H.Y. Dear Sir: Your favor of the ninth instant to Mrs. Edison was handed by her to her husband. Mr. Edison wishes me to say that if you have an instrument that actually operates he will try it. Yours very truly, (signed) Wm. H. Meadoworoft. Assistant to Mr. EdiBon. Belleville, N. J„ Sept 12th 1910 Mr Thomas A Edison Orange N.J. Dear Sir: — An old timer telegraph operator wishes the benefit of your experience and advice in a case of deafness caused by a oatarrahal condition walls of inner ear affected both sides and aggravated by extreme nervousness account inability to continue in business Is there any.. remedy for cure or to prevent becoming totally deaf or appi.j^noe which will assist in such cases Doctors advise care and attention to general health avoid the things which produce nervousness etc but do not give muoh encouragement in overcoming or arresting progress of the trouble. A letter from you will be greatly appreciated Very respectfully C. C. Coomer 448 Washington Ave Belleville 475 Y/averly Ave . , Brooklyn, M.Y., Sept. 23rd, 1916. Mr. Wm. H. Meadcwcroft, Edison laboratory. Orange , M. J. Dear Sir: Replying to your favor of July 26th, about the device and method to correct a defective hearing, will state: (1) The device is the mechanical equivalent of the "ear-drum" and ear-boneB. (2) The model is very oi-ude. (3) It actually operates. (4) The chief remaining difficulty ' is to make a substance for diaphragms. (5) The invention's immediate use '^O****' l ia t0 save our hearing but it improves the phonograph and telephone, and makes praotioal wireless telephones and "talking" moving pictures. Kindly make an appointment for Mr. Edison to try model. 11 . l 'tM * Youtb truly, September 30th. 1916 Mr. Edward J. Wilson, &75 Waverly Avenue, Brooklyn, II, Y. Dear Sir: Your- favor of the 23rd instant has boon received, and i have shown it to Mr. Edison. He says that he will try your device. He is usually here every day end all day long, but just now there is a little bit of uncertainty, as he iB tend¬ ing to some matters in connection- with the Haval Consulting Board. She probability is that he will be in at any time you are able to - come over, but X suggest that you first call me on the telephone ' and sake sure that, he is in. Yours very truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison, October 12, 1916 Mr. Edward J. Wilson, ' 475 Yi'averly. Ave., Brooklyn, II ew York. Dear Sir:-’ . In accordance with ray promise, I havo asked Mr. Edison if ho knows of any such subotsneo as you mention for use in making diaphragms . He says that he regrets that ho does not know of any, and therefor is unable to holpryou out in that respect. Yours truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison. r doar Mr. Edison: . ... , The compilers of this pamphlet are dear friends of r family. Dr. Wiliam Terry was Harold Clark's grandfather.so that he lows well of the vast service the Touch Alphabet idea, originated by Lm was during his deafnoss,— and the more so after he was also blind. Knowing of course— all the world knows of whatever affects your lie— about your lack of perfect heaping, I thought thiB pamphlet might a of service to you, as I am quite sure it will interest you. I shall be vory,very glad if it suggests anything of practical iluo to you. Faithfully yours, Mr.Thos A. Edison, = - / Orange, N.J. I y: UfcJt ^ Zr3S tfWI, ten. , THE WILLIAM TERRY TOUCH ALPHABET . FOR USE BY THE DEAF AND BY THE. DEAF-AND-BLIND With a Brief Sketch of the Achievements -of Dr. Wiliiam Terry During Fifteen Years of Total Blindness - and Deafness. October 24, 1916 ; Bfc> Eredorio A.' Whiting • Eleven State Street* V- < ■ Eraminghein. Center., • . Massachusetts. UearlSr.BMtinE* . ^ : . ' . Xonr esteemed ’Savor of the 16tli instant and enclosed pamphlet ’"Bio V/iilioia Terry •Touch Alphabet" was received and fouhd. very. inter- : estftngV ' it is quite an ingenious syctom,- but 1 find the Morse Alphabet would be practical v also. I can reed Uoreo at the rate of 36 words per minute, . by touch only,, and if -the Associated rroes abbre¬ viations ere ueed 1 caii road 100 words per minute. SULLIVAN & CROMWELL HQl. %W/. Mr. ¥/. H. Meadoworoft, Thomas A. Edison Laboratory, Orange, N. J. Hy dear Mr. j'eadowcroft : I thank you very sincerely for your kind letter of the 16th and for Mr. Edison's contribution to the New York League for the Hard of Hearing. His gift will be deeply appreciated. The League is one of the youngest of philan¬ thropic activities in New York and, so far as I can observe, one of the most needed in view of the diffi¬ culty that the unfortunate deaf and hard of hearing find in obtaining employment. It also assists them to learn lip-reading v/hich in many cases changes the whole aspect of life. Please thank Mr. Edison personally for me. Very sincerely yours. k/ Edison General File Series 1916. E-2 Explosion (E-16-22) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to an explosion in January 1916 aboard the Navy's E-2 submarine in the Brooklyn Navy Yard that resulted in the death of five men. Included is a draft letter in Edison's hand to the Brooklyn Eagle, along with clippings from the New York Times, New York Herald, and other newspapers. Among the newspaper accounts is the testimony before a Naval Court of Inquiry of Lt. (later Vice Adm.) Charles M. Cooke, Jr., commander of the E-2; Lt. (later Adm.) Chester W. Nimitz, an expert witness on Cooke's behalf; and Capt. (later Adm.) George E Burd industrial manager of the Brooklyn Navy Yard. There is also a satirical poem from the Eagle critical of the Edison battery and the Navy's handling of the case. Related documents, including numerous letters attesting to the safely of Edison's batteries solicited from customers after the accident, can be found in E-16-08 (Battery, Storage - General). This folder also contains some items not directly related to the explosion, similar to the material in the "Battery, Storage -- Submarines" folders in previous years of the Edison General File. These include a letter written by Edison's chief engineer, Miller Reese Hutchison, one day before the accident regarding analyses of the gases in the E-2 conducted by the Bureau of Construction and Repair of the U.S. Navy Dept. Also included are instructions for the care and operation of the S-16 ("Navy Special") Heavy Duty Cells manufactured by the Edison Storage Battery Co. and a communication from Hutchison concerning competition from the Electric Storage Battery Co. Approximately 90 percent of the documents have been selected. The unselected material consists of unsolicited correspondence that received no reply from Edison. January 14, 1916. Mr. Edison: In the analyses made of the (rases in the E-2, said analyses being conducted b experts of the Bureau of Construction and ilepair, both the Herapel apparatus with the palladium U tube for the absorption, and the Haldane apparatus, with the combustion tube for the determination, were used. Several analyses of the same samples with both apparatus shoe the same results identically, to the ^Hempol was not used to any oxtent. The reason for this was chiefly owing to the fact that the Huldane apparatus was more rapid and there¬ fore more frequent determinations could be made. One of the teats was of exceedingly great interest. The battery, hawing received a full charge starting at 1.00 A. M. , and concluding at 9.A. M. , tho boat was sealed at . 9.12 A. M. , fifteen men being aboard. Samples of this ruri wero all collected from the inlet to the battory talk, as itwas bolieved that this would give us a fair average sample for hydrogon. (Several samples collected at random throughout the boat checked perfectly). Results of these anljryyes are as follows TIKE 002 % 9.12 A. M. 9.45 9.55 10.12 11.12 12.12 P. ii. 1.12 P. la. m m 3.12 5.12 6.12 . 20/j .22 .32 1.08 1.19 1.20 1.44 21.36'/i' .07;, .35 .39 .46 21.49 .63 : 1.19 .02 80.95 .89 20.9b .98 20.75 . 1.09 20.64 1.20 20.40 1.45 20.24 1.56 It will be noted that tho rise of hydrogen was considerable for the first half hour, and after that it was slow and steady till at the end of nine hours it reached 1,56. Tike run was concluded at the ninth hour, as it was felt thlft sufficient data had been obtainod regarding hydrogen, and some of the crew were oxperiodcing the doprossing effect of carbon dioxide. SHE OXYGEN FIGURES A?.E OP PARTICULAR INTEREST IN THIS SERIES, AS THEY INDICATE THAT OXYGEN IS PRODUCED BY THE BATTERIES IN GREATER QUANTITY THAI THE HYDROGEN. THIS PRODUCTION OP OXYGEN WAS SUPFICIENT TO KEEP THE PERCENTAGE OP SHIS GAS ABOVE THE ATMOSPHERIC (20.90fb) POR POUR HOURS AFTER SEALING AND STILL COMPENSATE POR THAT WHICH THE CREW REQUIRED POR RESPIRATION. M. R. HUTCHISON January 181h , 1916. HGT-2-2B4 TO All SALESMEN You of course are familiar with the explosion on hoard the E-2 on' Saturday last and perhaps hy this time have been aBked repeatedly as to what was the cause. I am attaching hereto a statement whioh Ur. Hutchison is issuing to the newspaper men and would request that you watch the papers daily for any information regarding this situation that is published. I might say for your information that the Board of Inauiry appointed by the Secretary of the Navy meets today at lOsOO o'olook and the results of this Board will be made public I hope at an early date. The writer spent most of Sunday in the Navy Yard with Dr. Hutohison, Ur. Bachjnan, and our Eleotrioal Engineer, Ur. Harold Smith, interviewing the various navy officers: and about Half-past Eleven we descended into the hull of the E-2 to make a superficial examina¬ tion. The battery looks to be intact and as far as can be learned at this time the battery is uninjured, although of course this will not be fully developed or ascertained until such time as the debris is cleared out and the oells removed. Ho one attthis time oan definitely state what caused the explosion and of course it is most unfortunate for us coming at this time, as it does, with the first installation of a submarine battery to have this frightful catastrophe but you may re Bt assured that when the final analysis of the situation 1b made public you will find that thev Edison Battery, while it may have been a contributory cause to the explosion, was not the main oause; and that this same thing oould ooour in any submarine under like conditions. I am not at liberty at this time to give you all the particulars in the matter as I do not deem it advisable to discuss this matter to any great extent until after the Navy Department, through the Secretary, has made public the Board of Inquiry findings. I appreciate fulwell that without sufficient authentic data and information it will be hard for you ^satisfy public clamor for information and that possibly your lack of this information and_ explanation as to the cauBe of the disaster may embarrass you somewhat in the sale of batteries to prospective customers. However I shall expect you to use diplomacy in thlB matter and do your best to explain a^y the conditions to the best of your ability, using your common sense as to Just what explanation you shall make. You of oourse _ know that Hydrogen combined wit ht the right proportion of Oxygen makes an explosive mixture when ignited, but our commercial aPPli°a^°n of batteries would obviate this oonfining of the gases given off while oharging due to the ventilation of battery compartments, andonall moving vehioles there is no possibility with any kind of ventilation of any serious consequences whatsoever. I am reliably informed that the Y-4, Priortohersinking Honolulu Harbor some time ago, had an explosion within the battery ansa istn. _ ■ /^; Mr. Edison: When X used to box, I would let/thf\ Vther fellow get in £ few light taps on me, to encouragelhiW / Then I would watch my opportunity and soak him a little jolt to make him mad, and cause him to lose discretion. After letting him wind himself in chasing me around the ring, I would jump in and land just one good solar plexus an uppercut on the- jaw, and my joh was done. I learned the lesson hy having a fellow work it on me once or twice. The Sxide hunch have shown, hy their tactics, that they dont know anything about our Submarine Cell. They are judg¬ ing it in terms of the ■£" tube cells. Dont even seem to know we have. the water trap to stop the alkaline spray. It does it, because the cells at the Brooklyn Yard are as clean as your desk. So before Congressmen, and especially Eoreigners get to placing too much credence in their ravings, I want to hand them the attached jolt to 'make them mad and lose their discretion. Then they will run wild, and I can step in later and land the solar plexus, I hope. Dont forget. They are supplying NO BOAT BUILDERS in this Country with their submarine batteries. They used to have ALL the business, but they overcharged builders and Government so much they are in wrong all around. Gould beat them out absolutely through the superiority of the Gould cell, which is the best cell that has ever gone into a' submarine. Some of them are still in service after 5 years, in one of the E boats Gould makes the same sort of cell, as faraas the sealing etc. goes as the Ekide are now preaching. The Exide Co. are putting these ads in all the Service papers. X want to put this ad. in the Array Sc Navy Journal a.nd the Army and Navy Register. The two papers cover the A Sc N entire Service, and are on the tables of all the^cluhs throughout the Country and in Europe. $200.00 will more than cover the expense. It is very important to us. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] i / :7C / 3. r \^L6( ^ i jA/Hj o* 'fikKArr ~b fWVQto/w Z0yi*\ , A/Uw.) f\ J'.rft ,iW A,,/V ... ' 7/^/? (/ {£L.(Jl' WT JOsl/i/A tft/lAs 6iJjl r.yy^ I -14 Wc. c'-aM -/kA' 1 m ~AkU jy^u A — (/ yi/iA^k. <4^jCh-r\ „ c^<5yu/irQ<3 'VUAL siffkcy ^pL'l Y/mi/ JAUOU. QilM. . ALcl{ imtui! iQd/SrtMt/^ .‘MA. r3fe} • -io - W OfirntfA/ Ty . [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] "3^; S etffyVMMAs. 'TUp'J' /dfy/b C'}.jiu& v S-Utfuj Wi&jH. ijOUA/l>M-j'T\ JH/laimlo -4/h Wo ,:! _ d/La^h* )•>— WWW <5^£wj-s — £2- gjuL^-0 1 Lfcr^c'--*tens. #* J I W . M . ljl'-^—~r %lf(.(t'k« \fA^«V. VN* <5-"-*- C-«-^ t» *C-vi) / ,i*-~'v'-K ~ (/tvJCvt^um ^<«-v«H£Le- 7 IfcA-irai tr-H. £Ck.Cjj#-4 I . ‘~""V: K-L.-V-/ /^W/L.. £<££&<*.-* / - 4 ■I Lf r ■ 2- . I 4i,]dtcL0-*t6 fcdt&ic-Mj i^Ccv^zstc I 25K.IU 1 3 . ■•— SEND the following Telegram, aubjeot to the termo Brooklyn . Ha Ye oo book hereof, whleh ore hereby .greed to February 16th . 1916 • Thomas A. Edison. The Edison Battery is defective in naval report on E-2 explosion. Elease send to the Eagle a statement in defense. BROOKLYN EAGLE. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] y\ c T~ |^o ^» du-,wvioO Os&bc^fl Jc*-*d '^'e.«x^ Uj -jar 7&t**e Au^-VA«l .*>« Loajw *>v\Xfca-i . - sy To facilitate oomprehenaion of the Instructions for the Care and Operation of the Navy Special Heavy Duty Type S-16 (5X3) Cell, it is deemed expedient to preface same hy a Brief description of the internal construction, because it differs from the types of Edison Cells heretofore described. POSITIVE PLATES ( Figure 1.) There are sixteen positive plates each oonsisting of a large grid to which the fifteen sub-grids, supporting the tubes of active material, are electrically welded. A projection on eaoh plate protrudes through the stuffing box in the cover by which connections are made to the other positive plates in the cell and between adjaoent cells. NEGATIVE PLATES (Figure 2.) There are seventeen negative plates eaoh similarly consisting of a large grid to which fifteen sub-grids, supporting the negative pookets, are electrically welded. GROUPING AND INSULATION OF PLATES (Figures 3 and 6. ) The positive and negative plates are intermeshed as shown, forming a compact group. The edges are separated by means of small hard rubber insulators, through which and through the plates are passed bolts which hold the plates firmly together, while at the same time keeping them electrically distinct. Hard rubber strips, in hair-pin form, (see Figure 1) are suspended fromh,oles near the top of each positive plate and serve to keq> it separated from the adjaoent negative plates. -1- The plates thus assembled are supported from steel keys passing through the upper projections of the plates and resting on the stuffing boxes in the oover. THE CONTAINERS (Figure 5.) The container is of sheet steel autogenously welded at side and bottom, and covered externally by a semi-hard rubber sheet firmly vulcanized to the steel. On the bottom of each cell there are welded two steel bosses, likewise rubber ouvered, which set in the poroelain insulators by which the oell is s upported. THE OEUi TOE (Figure 5.) The oell top is drawn up from similar sheet steel, and is welded to the body of the container by the autogenous method. Attached thereto will be found - a - The positive and negative pole stuffing boxes b- The filling aperture o: - The gas trep* d - The drain tube THE STUFF MG BOXES (Figure 5.) The positive and negative plates extend through hard rubber bushings, between the corrugated surfaces of whioh is clamped and expanded, a soft rubber gasket, serving to seal these openings . THE FELTING APERTURE The filling aperture is provided with a rubber covered screw cap, whioh must be kept closed, except when replenishing solution. -2- THE GAS TRAP (Figures 4 and 5.) The gas trap consists of metal container and two baffle plates. Gas evolved within the cell must pass through the water seal in the trap before leaving the cell. The minute gas bubbles evolved from the electrolyte on charge, oarry small amounts of potash with them. These bubbles being forced to pass through the water seal, leave the potash therein. Therefore, when the cell is replenished with distilled water, part of said water passes through the trap, thereby returning tie potash to the electrolyte. If the level of the electrolyte is allowed to fall considerably below the tops of the plates of any make of storage battery, an internal explosion of the gases is apt to occur. Also if, by chance, the ventilation of the battery tank, within which the cells are ins-tailed, should become interrupted, and the gases in the tank ignited by any means, considerable damage is apt to be done. This trap serves to prevent any explosion within an Edison Cell from reaching the gases in the tank, and vice versa, because of the water seal. For the purpose of oleaningthe gas trap, it may be removed by unscrewing the gas trap nut shown in Figure 4. THE DRAM TUBE To enable the cells to be drained without removal from the battery, each is provided with a one-inch tube, flattened below the cell cover, and extending downward to within l/4" from the bottom of the oell. A hard rubber cap on the top seals this tube. CAPACITY OP THE TYPE S-16 (5x3) CELL The rated capacity at the 3-hour rate of 1065 amperes is 3200 ampere hours to one volt per cell, and the average voltage during such d is charge is 1.17 volts per oell. The one-hour discharge rate is 2135 amperes. The energy rating of the cell is 3744 watt hours, and is based on the three-hour disoharge rating. LIFTING AND HANDLING THE CELLS (Figure 3.) All Type "S" Edison Storage Cells have an insulating covering of semi-hard rubber firmly vuloanized to the steel container. Care should be taken that this covering is not injured in handling the oells. A combined gas trap wrench and lifting plug is provided with eaoh battery of oells. The oells can be easily handled by a chain hoist, usid in connection with the lifting plug. Unscrew the gas trap nut (Figure 6) and remove the gas trap. Screw the threaded end of the lifting plug into the gas trap opening and do all lifting of cells by the plug. When cells have been placed, remove lifting plug and replace gas trap. CONNECTIONS Eaoh oell has two poles or terminals; one of eaoh polarity. The positive pole is designated by a plus ( ) mark stamped on the metal top alongside the pole. Eaoh positive pole must be connected to the negative pole of the next oell in the series. Each pole oonsists of the projections rising from all the plates of the same polarity in the cell. Connections are made by FIGURE 1. Positive Plate with hard rubber insulating strips in place. FIGURE 2. negative Slate FIGURE 3. Plates partly withdrawn from oontainer. FIGURE 4. Sectional View through Trap. FIGURE 5. Sectional View of Cell. FIGURE 6. Eleetrio Filling Outfit in Operation. FIGURE 7. Method of determining height of solution. A glass tube in inserted in the small opening until it rests on tops of the plates within. Then the top end is closed by the finger of the hand and the tube withdrawn. The height of the column of water in the tube should be three-quarter inch (3/4"). msana of flat nlokel -plated copper strips which fit between the plate projections and are held firmly in plaoe by means of bolts passing through the poles and connectors* All eleotrioal connections must be tight and the contacting metal surfaoe olean. A loose or dirty contact at the cell pole will cause excessive heating and may be detected by feeling the connection after current has been passing for some time. HEIGHT OF SOLUTION During oharge, water of the solution is decomposed and driven off as gas. This water must be replaced. Do not allow the level of the solution to drop so low that the positive tubes (see Figure 5) are visible above the surface, and do not fill higher than 3/4" above the tops of plates. To test height of solution, a glass tube may be used, as in Figure 7, Insert tube in filler opening in top of cell until tops of plates are touched; close upper end of tube with forefirger and withdraw the tube. Height of liquid in tube will indicate height of solution above plates in cell. Glass tube must be not less than 3/16" inside diameter, and ends must be straight out. WATERING Before starting a charge, always test height of solution in pilot cells. Wften solution becomes low, fill to 3/4" above plate tops, using for the purpose only -pure distilled water whioh has been kept in a olose^- vessel* This must be done with the ELECTRIC FILLING OUTFIT described herein. Never use anything but -pure distilled water, whioh has been kept in a closed vessel, for replenishing. If the distilled water is kept in an open vessel, it will absorb oarbonio aoid from the atmosphere. feat filler before using, hy making connection with knife, key, or other piece of metal, between meta^ tip and body of filler. If the bell will not ring, either the electrical connections of the filler are broken, the bell needs adjusting, or the dry cells are worn out and should be renewed. So operate, first allow a small quantity of water to flow into the trap to displace the potash-laden water in the water seal. Then insert the filler into the filling aperture in the top of cell ( Figure 6.) If the bell rings, the solution is at the proper height. If it does not, allow the water to flow until the bell rings, after which turn off water and remove filler from cell. Use only distilled water with the outfit. Do not attempt to use it for re-filling batteiy with solution. Take care, when filling, not to slop water over and around cells, or to exceed specified height above plateB. If filled too high, solution will be forced out of cells during charge. CHARGING The battery tanks of submarines are equipped with ventilation system. See that the ventilation system is in operation to full oapaoity, when the battery is being charged, so that all gases (hydrogen and oxygen) may be expelled from the battery compartment. REGULAR CHARGE The normal charge is 960 amperes for five hours. The lew est rate that should be employed for charging is 700 amperes for seven hours. If the battery is not completely discharged, the charge may -6- l)e of shorter duration in proportion to the extent of previous discharge, i. e. the cells can be recharged at any point of discharge. IRREGULAR CHARGING When recharging battery, do not charge at less than 700 amperes. Low rate charging does no permanent injury, but it reduces the voltage of the battery on the discharge immediately following. No injury will be done by charging these cells at higher rates or by prolonged overcharging, provided the plates are kept covered with solution and the temperature of any cell does not exceed 115 degrees Fahrenheit. temperature The temperature of the electrolyte in cells should not be allowed to exoeed 116 degrees Fahr. , especially during charge. If during a high rate discharge the temperature rises above this value, the cells should be allowed to cool to about 100 degrees before commencing the subsequent charge, unless, in war time, it is necessary to charge immediately, regardless of battery temperature. Habitual overheating will considerably shorten the frfcfwx useful life of the battery even though no immediate effect is discernible. CAUTION - To insure sealed condition of cells at all times, fit thermometer with soft rubber plug and insert same snugly into orifice. Vent of cell should be kept closed at all times to prevent carbonization of electrolyte. BATTERY GASES AND VENTILATION. The gases evolved by a storage battery are oxygen and hydrogen, which are violently eaplosive when mixed in certain proportions, but are rendered inert by mixture with air in sufficient quantity. The ventilation system of a subna rine supplies the necessary air and drives the battery gases overboard. While charging the battery, it is essential to run the blowers at full speed and to arrange the valves to exhaust outboard. A cell whioh has been completely discharged and is reversed in polarity, gases at the same rate (for a given current value) as a fully charged cell, as long as current is being passed through it. Reversed cells should be treated as charging cells with respect to ventilation. When, for test purposes or otherwise, the battery is being discharged to complete exhaustion, some cells may reverse before the others are exhausted, and full outboard ventilation should be pro¬ vided during the latter part of the discharge beginning at the time the voltage reaches a low value as follows: gtooharge Rate Average voltage per cell 1-hour 3-hour 8-hour or less 0.9 1.0 1.1 While ventilating, never remove the battery deck hatches. If this is done the effectiveness of the ventilating system will be destroyed. Always ventilate outboard except when submerged. Sparks and open flames should not be permitted within a submarine boat. flTYRAUIH(r The cells and battery compartment must be kept clean and dry. Cleaning should he done at least once a month by means of a steam blast blown down between the cells, thoroughly removing all potash and dirt. The steam should be followed by a blast of air, pre¬ ferably heated, which will insure the removal of all moisture. Dirt and dampness are likely to cause current leakage. PROTECTIVE COAT MS The cells are covered with rubber to within a short distance of the top. Above the rubber covering the sides are coated with "P. and B", an alkali-proof insulating paint. Cells showing bare spots should be re-coated *±th this paint. To make it adhere properly, 611 surfaces to be coated must be oleaned perfectly free of moisture, grease and dirt, after which the paint may be applied with a brush. SOLUTION REMAP The normal, strength of solution is about 1.200, as measured by hydrometer, but may air, times be as high as 1.230. In time, the solution becomes weak, and if, when tested after a full charge, the hydrometer gives a reading of 1.160 or less, cells should be entirely emptied and refilled with fresh solution, filling to 3/4" above plates tops. The cells should be emptied through the drain tube (Figure 6) syphoning out the solution through the hose supplied for the purpose, or the solution oan be forced out by air pressure applied through the gas trap. Standard Renewal Solution must be obtained from the Edison Storage Battery Company. The amount required for filling is liters per cell. The specific gravity of the Standard Renewal Solution is 1.250, hut when put into the hattefcy it will fall quickly, due to mixture with the old, weaker solution remaining in the plates. MO SOLUTION. OTHER THAW THAT PPT OUT BY THE EDISON STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY. SHOULD BE USED. DO NOT REMOVE THE OLD SOLUTION FROM THE CELLS PHT11 YOU HAVE RECEIVED THE MEN SOLUTION. When ready to re- fill, first discharge the battery completely, then remove the solution. Immediately re-fill with new solution through the filler opening (provided with screw cap) using a glass funnel or enamelled ware funnel, or syphon directly from the drum, by means of a clean rubber hose. DO HOT ATTEMPT TO USE THE ELECTRIC . FILLER FOR REFILLING PELLS WITH SOLUTION. The use of the Electric Milling Outfit (Figure 6) insures proper replenishing of water, and saves labor, time and trouble. CAPTION 1 - Read paragraph on "Battery Gases and Ventilation" pages 7 and 8, and be governed accordingly. 2 - Never put aoid or any material not specified into the Edison Cell, or use utensils that have been used with acid, you may ruin the oell. 3 - Never bring a lighted match or other open flame near the battery. 4 - Never lay a tooi or other piece of metal on the battery. -10- B - Always keep filler oaps closed, except when necessary to have them open for filling, etc., as provided in these specifioations. 6 - Do not remove the steel keys from the poles (Figure 5) as this will allow the plates to drop down in the oell. EDISON STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY, ORANGE, NEW JERSEY, U. S. A. August, 1916. -11- ^VtlJXWi d^irfaftcU'kYY Sj / . ~^j-q C . Sl'UfiUJ. . .0^^ . _ry^o4in- _ LmyktoAr . A4df<>&.^£-4r^' aa\ SA^t/i^cumd. . '/Vy . (/" 'i . ' c&Cqa/ *y\ ^fcfr Ort. c a.*i n /’ nr wfTk 7ti ~/m4q /MriU - T^cm zlurH u , - oOLa^JL, , 'tu^ X-s-JUL oXXX^aJuX. t/w A~ouxS. ^-'r~- '-^-tr^JUl ctrwJ o^» tCv4_ f-~^, OrWLjz^ 1^— r -tUA_ yx^X^VU^vn, ^ £X^ OwXLh To U^ ,jlXL. jL^_pX^o^ °^A- J ^v-ir-w~T-v^ _Sr-^_a_^ifL G«-\a_*£_ UrX-<_XSL ^ JuXx UaA_ ur-c^jr ^ Ttu_ w^« eX^Xv XT^ir y^ WxM cu^, y ’ J) coa^vI, Ar^-1 4IH^ [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] pi- . -o2 J-v. a. JUJUu^) Jl i*r-r*M jjA-o-J-T^ o^a-4. -^a_9L^. Os S-TO-ft^ (AAa^cA-^jtl — . c/\^j U^r-WV^ jji-ccnJL. 4-^- 5 Oww jjij^Jl Y J-^-v-Aru qlAa-Oj, urt^_eX^ lvUU - uaXIv. ^ ^-<^'- » UrJ?£ rL/VLA^A-?- • ^ ^o- cva~-i jJJU^x-j si^J^pJuxl. IOSTON CtLOBE— TTJE DENNIS J. HERN DEftD.j' | Old-Time Telegrapher andj i Street Lighting Chief, j | Served With Edison in Early Days, | . Aided Bell on the .Telephone, Hew York, February, 14, 190j / V>. Mr. Ehomas A. Eaison, West Orange, IT. J« Dear Mr. Edison:- , Do aoubt you will be interestea in the enclosed oli^ng, reciting tbe.aeatb .f —is , Hern of Boston, an, oia time telegrapher ana one of your asso¬ ciates in 1868- 9 , I spent several weeks in Boston last ». «, C- s,o- .0* ~ » «“ w. X .... — — 3 •" *• alUlE“ ” Briageport, another • one of the oia-timers. Yours very tnuly, Ihe Wall Street Journal. February 24,1916. jLf-“ JAhjcctw . iv Mr. Thomas Edison, Orange, n!j. Bear Sir; - - — v? * - - | An article under date of Jjjpbfuary |ll^l916, ^pyeared ’ly. ffie New York Times in which you urge the separation of bh^r^and t^e^s^ro^erpilcohoHo| drinks in their general treatmentoy the publio. I wish t-Q-oaainend your cb-L-O-iA^. K.0 timely statement and to state That the uae !of mijd-; two to three per oent alcohol more helpful than harmful beoause^o^' beer contains and the nutriment got: A brewery devoted to absolutely clean methods bo-y£4jT*produotion and] sale, that doeB not encourage any irresponsible man to engage in the saloon business , brews Moerlbaoh light beer containing an alcoholic per-j oentage of approximately three per oent, and Moerlbach dark beer contain¬ ing an alcoholic percentage of approximately three and a quarter per centj and sends for your inspection and enjoyment by express a case of its i ^ha^th^us e 4ing^f rom . is to^my^op^ini^n, when^ t aken^lj/ iy><^p ration, 2. product. I am firmly convinced that your solution of the so-called prohibition agitation is the correct one, and that malt beverages con¬ taining a low percentage of alcohol undoubtedly will attain a different status than the stronger alcoholic beverages in public esteem. Yery sincerely yours, — * --0'~'' — ^ — - ^-^X, a_ x-^^jjufcr urivxJtx. _J , 'tS' d3^’ 1^- . ^ ^-CL' *H ^<£-0 VT ^.px^-Co c c^^j-y-^- g^UX. C J Lfl-e~'-Jl _ Uri'^1-®-^ (<-x^XZ^x, Jr .Q!. ■.larch 4th. 1916. Mr. Gerhard Gade, Groton School, Groton, UasB. Dear E ir : lour favor of the £8th ultimo to Mr. Edison came to hand. The oleotrotypo and copies of the bookplate have alBO boon received . Mr. Edison is extremely busy just now working about twenty hours a day on a special lino -of investigation, so I shall be unable to bring this matter to his notice until he has more leisure. I write now simply to lot you know that your communi¬ cation and other enclosures have beon received . Yours very truly. Assistant to Mr. #138 Manhattan Avenue, New York, March 9, 1916. Bear Mr. Edison: Paulo Gruppe is giving a recital on Saturday evening, March 25th, at Aeolian Hall. Will you not kindly take a box, as it •would be a gratification to have you present. Thanking you in advance for your kind interest, Very Bincerely, £2 — ) Mr. Thomas Edison, Llewellyn Park, . Orange, 17.. T. --fT yd American Lava Company jp Chattanooga ,T enn . , April 3* 1916 hVlA a-*™** Q^w«-a lie, W. H. 'jKJSrifjjfeftrer EDISON LAB0RA2C|KY, Orange, N.J. O c*^/f "i-W V r ^ newsp^ir^riLinS^cepding^to {J1* c] aimed remenibering thnt «tr* Edison *» - +v.^t ■‘■here ard lived in Chattanooga, You promptly replied that where waa nothing in it. But recently the story ha a been going here in fact. I think he claims having lived in the same hoarding house! and 1872". The whole thing seems having proha hie that he has forgotten. sat “S;”1:S tss^STth. story. With sincere esteem, I am. PJK/w [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] ' .j/v/Hi, March 20, 1916 Mr, 1*. .T. Kruosi, cy'c Araorimm Lava Company, Boar Mr. Kruoni:- Tho manorial for tho postal’ referred to in your letter of tho 18th into oubmittod to our Committee by Mr. E. Y. Chopin, fearing that Mr. Chapin was o imply writ¬ ing something that was a possibility instoad of a rnality, because it made good reading, 1 had the question put up to him by a member of our Committee to ascertain if he V.nov; this statement to be a fact , or if it was juot an [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] DEPUTY COLLECTOR TREASURY DEPARTMENT INTERNAL REVENUE' SERVICE Chattanooga, Tenn-March 33rd .-19X6 Paul J.Kreusi,Esq. , City. My ft ea’ Mr. Kreusi:- Hoforing to our conversation in regard to the Edison episode-I am afraid that I left you uni der the impression that it was during the year I869-I should have made it clear to you that it was during the period from tho Pall of *69 to some time in 1872-during which time I was employed by the So. Ex. co.-in this city. It is impossible fo me at this late date to recall just what year it may have bee. I was talking to Mr. O.M.Hash today regarding the matter #. Mr. Hash was for a number of years employed by the Nashville & chatta. Rail-road Co.-in vario us capac- ities-including that of telegraph operator and states that it was well known among the older employees of the company that Mr. Edison was at one time employed here and that he has ofteyj, heard a Mr. Hall-whom he states is now residing in Texas-say that he worked here with him.- Very respectfully, _ [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] Deor Up. Kruosi:- . 'flic onislanod letter from Mr. Chapin explains Itoulf. It him junt ocoured to mo in thin connection that during the period of Mr. Edison's life when ho was travelling from place to place, that ho might possibly have boon hero, and not having boon improsuod with Chat¬ tanooga, being then a very email town, it might have slipped hie memory. He has employed his wonderful mind no inten¬ sively since that timo that it ie not at all unroaoonablo to conclude that thin i» the case. Yeurn very truly. Aset. Cashier. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] American Trust & Banking Go. Capital ^Soo.ooo.oo Surplus S Ho, 000.00 Chattanooga, Tenn. March 22, 1916. Oily. Dear Sirs- I have waited to reply to year favor of March 20th until I could verify ny inf ornstion about Mr. Edison residing in Chattanooga. X obtained ny information from a news¬ paper item published in one of our local papers some months ago. Shis item you can find in the file of either the limes or the Hews. In this item it was stated that Hr. Edison lived in Chattanooga for a brief time, and that he lived at a boarding house on Boyoe Street, and that among his fellow-boarders was Hr. Jesse T. Hill. I have conferred with Hr. Hill since reoeiving your letter, and he tells me that the facts are substantially aB stated. The boarders lived at the home of a Hr. Hooke, who was a rail¬ road official, and Hr. Edison was the telegrapher in Hr. Hooke's office. Hr. Hill saye that he lived here only a Bhort time , possibly a month or two and wont from here to Memphis. While in Memphis he invented the quadruples telegraphic system, and it waB then that the attention of Mr. Hill and others was called to him by the fame of his invention. Hr. Hill tells ms that his brother, who wa3 a messenger on the railroad between Chatta¬ nooga and Hemphie, told him that the Hr. Edison who invented the quadruples telegraph systemdn Memphis was the same Hr. Edison who hoarded with them on Boyoe Street in Chattanooga. Very truly T trulyjours, . Mr . Paul J. Xruosi, American Lava Company, Chattanooga, Venn. Dear Mr. Kruoei j I am in receipt of your favor of the third instant, with encloerec as stated- Mr. Edison is in Florida, v.'here ho has gone to take a few weeks rest. ».e are not Bonding any matters down to him except those that aro of extreme importanceo so I shall keep these papers until he returns and will then see v.hat he has to say about the matter. Crusting you are well and with kindest regard, 1 remain If ours very truly, Assistance Hr. Mi son. lit character f» Irriieajcd by the j UNION AM ICEIVED AT pcj8 MAIN ST.' • 75 NmNGE, N. J: BC PH I LA PA MAY 13 1916 255PM THOMAS A EDISON , ORANGE Nd HERETOFORE I HAVE ALWAYS GIVEN YOU CREDIT FOR FARSIGHTEDNESS THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY 25,000 OFFICES IN AMERICA. CABLE SERVICE TO ALL THE WORLD BELVIDERE BROOKS, G Received at 62 NY GC 3P4 CT 3 EMC OL AN - BC PH I LA PA MAY 16 223PM THOMAS A ED I SON. ORANGE Nd STILL BORN , TRULY YOURS . ; 6 E CLOUD COMPTROLLER OFTHE CURRENCY of cho/sr. at discovaries it you ars kiopir.g trf your cue ton of mrking ,ht. I of c our S3 jens'-v :kut aclauou had pro- Oyster Bay, long Island, B. T. June 3rd, 1916. Boar Mr. Edison: When Mr. Rohins wrote me my Kansas City epeeoh had already gone out, hut I have embodied all that he told me In an article that has already appeared. All I wanted to know was that you stood behind It’. Jaithfully yours. Thomas A. Edison, Esij. j, cj cXC- , l.iubOA 3u , -I— tl. ta nz. T" 77Zl^^ I'r.Thos A. Edison /V)T\ 0^v\ irw w * Vno«»hx cMfi JQ^CsCXAS ^aa i/J (P/CUVcIasYV ytfluu JIMaMaS 3 yCoJk*' .Ul/ AATiMay^ Cuatua IruJls y (XSvXscU ^,\AtCAsa/ '-- — _ - ^CA^j<\sjdfay^v^^ ofayv^Aj - fafajsfa (ASL/ faffa, ^oifa^sOArS (PjLr^Joefa s^yjxxxfafaA/ seyvfajlAJ cl/ ^qa^/vw AuuAxfayyi^^ ^xxJfaafa 3 sY\s\rZsvfaZ&\^y. _ 3 faiyy jfar AAs^sfaJchs Jdfa. faofafai> favwx rtsfafaarviAJ, cysrUAAs Ary \s s<^ s^ryis^ CKAj $ ^{CouVr\A^Ju£ gLLcLIvl AAJZULtyyy* O^nAAy /w xvm£ c^Ay d, jdkjLsWU Ajr' SW^OL$X JdkstSVVV Jm . c9 ytAjZ- /VVLXXxV'^' o>t yt/u. .aas^u)-^ yv^ayw-Z yyycKA^ . , 0^wo>L^ O/lOoJ&Urvts yUk^t Jut. t^r^uJUL - Jk. y*k (PJ^ur cFoJajl J& ^oPyjyvvJkuyu (PsPaxt. _.C (bjs&iAy L ©v OMJUA/ yUswJL; casvCcL ' %xy\JlxAJCL C?. A^OXLK. ^vocrt ^uuaJMaw ytotr yvv^iAAiA/’ JUffxsvu P. (hcb P^Pnxlx, (D, hJxf-> (fi, dP 4 cd (^y-vA^v^'--1' el Lena «r(.(U kj. ckoA- ; \% v^** •^ta ^rCt( h^tvv o£6vJ^ Q. ^SfXjiAA. CUZ^ / . 0 cfc, «•- «wCr c 4jn\ -far J0J*. Cr*x 7&> y^Jl£jl> '(m/i»~ u~ /^M bihvflz ^ stlo&izcrftz^' (^Amishs:*^ ^ Hw^ma A^twtvv' OU> ^thA^ax^ C7^t OK . /-Ji cUamJ:~ ^whv... Ut-i-wO THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT THE TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL FALL RIVER. MASSACHUSETTS October 30, 1916, Mr. Joseph Ambrose Wallace, Head, Ehe English Department, Clio Soohnieal High School, Mali Hivor, Mass. Dear Sir:- ' .* lleplying to your favor of the 16th instant, let me say that I am not; the originator of the saying, "Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits". It is a. gem, but|I believe the author is unknown. 77)1= ~&u. Jflirst ^Hcthobist (fipiscopl (Hint Mr. Thomas A.' Edison; - Dear Sir;- The following recently went thro four editions of one of our leading local dailies, as part of a large beer advertisement* - A. Edison says, "Every i size. He can scarcely ich is about jugh beer to I beg to ask whether you are correctly quoted in the above; and if so, does it, in its isolated form correctly represent your thot? In the connection in which it is used, it is the evident intent of the article to Hi represent you as an advocate of the use of beer. May I ask, is that the atti¬ tude you take toward the use of beer? Trusting you will consider it worth while to reply, and thanking you for the same, I am Very respectfully. v/‘ % ^ c • f U" ^ , ' £X^0^> lt*-~*'-|*-W^‘'>' \M-vn**t> B *-* J”*iL?r . Thomas A. Saison., > £ | l Jilewellyn Park. To (%<& c* \W> ' *r^S^ li o V $ear Kr. Sdisc [.Mil t \* ^J|5 V it if you will he so good 1 i u_ Lthe qnestion f°r me* ",;/ha' ^ ^ consider the greatest saf< ^4 j£lj . temptation, especially tht < j 4 K ^ C £men or women. « 3 3 ,a 5 1 want to use your ansj ^ Jt & T* ^ -jy^ sermon Sunday evening. I t will highly apj^Jaciate ially that of young .11 he a help to many who hear it. Heartily yours, ^ [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] December 0,1916. • Sev. Prod Wine low Adams, D. D., 120 Dost 70th Street, How York, .21 .Y. Door Sir;-. I cannot answer tho ouootion contained in your favor of tho 5th instant, as I never had any experience in such mat tors. I hove novor had time',;- not even five minutes, to bo tempted to do anything- against the moral law, tho civil law, or an.v afc' whatever . ‘ If i wore , to hazard a guess as to what yobng people should do(to avoid temptation, it would . be. to got ia job and work at it so hard that tempta¬ tion would not oxist for thorn. Yours very truly. Edison General File Series 1916. Edison Band (E-16-25) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to the Edison Industries Band, an employee organization. Included are items pertaining to the search for a band leader during which the celebrated composer and bandmaster John Philip Sousa was consulted. There is also a concert program, along with a list of band members. Approximately 80 percent of the documents have been selected. The unselected material consists of letters to new employees. Mr Bachman has extended the courtesy of the use +he roomin the top of the Building of the Storage Battery Works! STtSs " admirably suited to practice work. There is no one here who knows very much about the men and train them properly to play together. He was very much interested, and says we will |orir"fukfeher(pr'ogres3 at a later date. |f Kr— ^ mimn UT<5nM ion. X will be able e— — It would give us great pleasure if you would attend one of our rehearsals,, which are held bi-weekly in the Tower of tho Storage Battery Building, (7th floor) at 8:30 i.M. Monday ana Thursday nights. If interested in band musio, and in tho idea of having such an organisation for these Works, you will no doubt enjoy the evening. TH3 EDISON INI; US TRIES SAND, Secretary. Juno 2,1916. Ur. Helson Green: Many thanks for invitation contained. in your memorandum of the 1st to attend rehearsals of the Edison Industries Band. You may rest assured I will -take advantage of this invi¬ tation at the earliest possible opportunity. CHW/lOT C. H. Wilson. Mr. H. A. Bachman: I am glad to note from your memorandum of the 2nd the success you are meeting with In organizing and whipping into shape an Edison Band. I want to assure you It is the desire of both the Works and S.A.E.Ino. to do all they possibly oan In the way of co-operation to make this Band a most successful effioient and brilliant one. I think your ldoa of employing people capable of .joining the Band (provided they are satisfactory in all other respects) a good one, and am therefore instructing Mr. Jones, Manager of our Employment Department, bo give musical applicants the preference where all other qualifications are satisfactory. CHW/IWW C. U.' Wilson. CC to Messrs. Charles Edison and Fairbanks. Juno 6, 1016. lir. Mark M. Jones: .1 attach hereto memorandum from Mr. K. A. Bachman relative to the recently organized Saloon Band, anil would call your particular attention to Paragraph 3, in wfoioh ho suggests hiring employees who are muoloally inolinod, all other qualifica¬ tions boing satisfactory. Ploooo give this your attention arid horoaf tor engago pooplo who will perhaps raako suitable oub«Joete for' tho Band provided, of oourse, they are, in all other ways qualified for tho work they are to do. Ploasp return Hr. Boo iunon* n memorandum after you havo read It. CKF/IOT ' 0. H. Wiloon. Eno- CO to Mosers. Charles Edison and Fairbanks. SUBj RESl PI,:'/ &A* fD’-'eJHJCM REPLY TO FINANCIAL EXECUTIVE’S MEMORANDUM No£®?9„ _ nrj • 1:0 - All T.A.E. Affiliated IntereBtB date - 8-14-16 Organisation of Edison Industries Band a v i.; ’..it, i Clearing House Servioe Dept. Ur. 8. B. Mambert: Referring to memorandum on above aubjeot dated August 1,1916, «J=« ^ after consulting with Mr. Baohman Would say that it will oost approximately $10.00 per week to maintain the Edison Industries Bond and aooordingly an appropria tion of §620.00 por year is hereby applied for. In regard to the charges now being accumulated by the Edison Storage Battery Company from the various Edison Interests covering oxpensos in connection with the band, beg to say that they will be divided equally l/4 between^, he four Companies. iUDD, secretary Edison Storage Battery Company. Messrs, w nas.Edison-C.H. ffilson-R.A.Baohman-J.W. Robins on- H.UuBk-G.E* Owen-R.W. Kexlow-A.E.Strahs- C0PIE3 OP THIS REPLY SHOULD BE SENT TO ALL PARTIES RECEIVING THE ORIGINAL, INCLUDING T30 COPIES TO THE FINANCIAL EXECUTIVE'S OFFICE. Form I276-10H-7-J.6. '• jcj'jk a SdtU&Vi. ictA-tcaL CONCERT Thursday Evening, Sept 13 BY THE EDISON BAND Through the Courtesy of Mr. Robert A. Bachman EDISON STORAGE BATTERY CO., ORANGE, N. J. Vice-President and General Manager PART ONE National Air Overture— Zampa PART TWO Deoember 1st, 1916. Messrs. Carl Fisher Cooper Square, Hew York SHH-9-2306 & Co.-, City. Gentlemen: Kindly send to the Edison Industries Band, West Orange, W. J., attention of S. n. Mlllopaugh, Secretary, o/o Edison Storage Battery Co., the following Band publications not later than Wednesday, Deoember 16th, 1916, for fall Band; "There’s a little bit of bad .In every good little girl" "You're the sweetest girl I know." "Torn baok the universe and give me yesterday" "Hello Hawaii" "Yaka Hula" "You're a dangerous girl" "Red, White * Blue Overture "Old Home Songs Medley Overture "Ceolle Waltz” "Want to go baok to Oregon" "When it's night time In Hormandy" "Auf Wledersehen" "End of a Perfeot Day" "Pretty Baby" "Sunshine of your smiles" "For he's a Jolly good fellow" Yours very truly, p, l^lL ? BlMBBBd OF SXUaCM 8T0BA0B BAITKBY O. A* Stan;.... J. Uanuaea . H. Bdolbauaer.. S. Uillepaugh. . P. Braooia .... tfyaookl, p. ... J. Out . J. Fierro . V. SiletU (•) Nobile, P . position In Band . Loader . . Flute ........ . Saxojhone . Clarinot Cornet W. Whlto . " J. Potonlo (*)•••••. " L. P. Bangor (•)... " D. Candela (*) . Alto I. Bore . . " it. Bolt . Trombone Popartaeat Employed Xnapootlon (Mr. Weed) Tool Boom Tool Boom Engineering Pinning Up Oxy. Welder Inspector Prose Dopt. Cylinder Keoord, Phono. Works Inspection Tool Boom Tube Aasombly Cylinder Beoord (Sanborn) Disc Beoord (2nd floor) “ » 8rd « Cell Aesembly Shipping T. Oarrln . n B. Slol . . Barit cne S. Oast . . " T. Leone . Base Brighton (») . " • Mueller „(•) . Drtm A. Bowman . " Pwybylowita, . . " (•pot employed fi^S.B.OO.' Cell Aeeembly Tool Boom Tube Loading TOBt Jewel Dept., mono. Works Fin. Exeo., phono. Works Spot Welding Pinning Up , W? tv&^l &&C6/. V. Sellitti. •L.F. Benger. Loader In Cylinder Hooord. Wortt for JUelnor on the tfty Roll as Vinoont Aotore. ( b° Clarinet. Dlso Record Second Floor Bb Cdmet. B. Bncchi. . Brighton. D. candela. liachiniot C & U 1)1 v. Jewel Dept. Shlrd Floor Comet Baas Dlso Record -alto Edison General File Series 1916. Edison Chemical Works (E-16-26) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to sales, payroll, and other administrative matters at the Edison Chemical Works in Silver Lake, New Jersey. The correspondents include John V. Miller, Edison's brother-in-law and manager of the Edison Chemical Works, and William H. Meadowcroft, Edison’s personal assistant. Among the documents for 1916 are items pertaining to fire safety at the plant and claims of water pollution near the plant. There are also numerous references to the manufacture, sale, and shipment of Iron by Hydrogen. In addition, there are two "Telescript" forms confirming telephone conversations recorded with Edison’s Telescribe. Approximately 40 percent of the documents, including all items bearing substantive marginalia by Edison, have been selected. The material not selected consists primarily of routine correspondence concerning samples, shipments, and accounts. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] DAMAGE COMPLAINTS. Hendrickses^) Copper Mill. January 20th, 1916. Messrs. Hardy, of the legal Department, C. E. Hunter and J.V. Miller visited the works of the Belleville Copper Rolling Mill this afternoon, and interviewed Mr. Dorer, Superintendent. This caine about by the fact that indirect complaint was made through Hr. Smith, Health Inspector of Belleville, to the effect that the Rolling Copper Mill complained to him about the condition of the water in the brook from which they were drawing their boiler feed water She complaint was to the effect that it v/as impossible for them any longer to use this water owing to the presence of "Carbolic Acid", and that they were going to enter a complaint with the State Board of Health, and strongly urge this Board to take immediate action to stop the pollution of the stream. We met Mr. Dorer, and he was most courteous, and finally agreed to postpone his complaint to the State Board. This was brought about by our explaining matters - that connection v/as being made with the sanitary sewer from the Aniline Plant, which would be completed with¬ in a few days; - also that Hewark v/as re-arranging the connection of the Silver lake sewer to the Hewark sewer at the pumping station near Eranklin Street. We stated that v/e thoroughly believed that with these changes the trouble with the water v/ould be greatly reduced, and he would have no further cause for complaint. V/e v/ould advise that the work at the Aniline Plant be pushed as rapidly as possible in order to divert the v/aste acids and solutions from the settling beds. Mr. Dorer showed us pipe which v/e re eaten away, and explained that his boilers were put out of commission frequently, and that their [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] (2) Jan. 20- 16. Damage Complaints. cost of repairs had greatly increased. He further e: this pollution of the stream has been noticeable sin that mi=i EDISOI CHEMICAL WORKS !r . "!. H. IJcadoworof t, Edison Laboratory, Orange, IT. J. date Jan. 24. 1916, iubject iron-by-Hydrogon U.S.E. II . t- / — Dear Sir: Confirming ow telephone conversation of this morning V7G v/ould explain that v/e calledj on Merck £: Co. on Friday last and talked with LB Hydrogen - Grades Ehoy say that they cannot use any-ef gS It we have, hi Jd : time, hut are woHcing_on thi^j prjipositioi^.^ ^ ,*0 phone sal lei c . Kerrigan relat Lvajfco our product of Xron-hy- MZe ***# A ^ i the present Relative to Grade A, v/ould 500 lhs. as a preliminary sample. s.|i orifin g on tiiia oreposition.* » ‘ JT -u. Tkx* uld say t?|ey wish us to sfenr~tk ei LtTV l*-ala '-'"v . flic consumption of this gradl is not very heavy, and 500 lhs. could use . Eierefore, I think if & Co. v/c can then distribute the by Hydrogen - Grade B - among tail Yours J. V. fi. A . \ _ 1° dT nsumption month v/ould p^hably ho all th&y we can reserve 500 >bs . for Merck te balance of our production of Iron cdr id ^v^,r VV •/« ft ^ ^ ^ f" ^ 1/28/16 You have already remembered the latter. Shese men know what has been done heretofore, and I suppose feel as though they she, ad be remembered also, and X write this letter so that you can understand the situation. Very sincerely yours, j. V. MIIXiEH . EDISON CHEMICAL-WORKS ... A. , Thomas A. Edison Laboratory , Orange, Hew Jerseto Dear Mr. EaiBon: Answering your note rexativsto the production of * more nickel hydrate in order to make up unfilled orders, would sav that this was received here yesterday evening. He have gone over our schedule of production, and of our apparatus, am enclose tabulation for the iron side and for the nickel side. By these, you will see that we are in pretty good shape on all items with the following exceptions: IRCm MIX Roasting Furnaces Per this list, we can manufacture 1080 cells per day, but -Just at the present moment, furnace A is broken down, as the muffle gave out much sooner than we anticipated. 7e, how¬ ever, are putting this, back in shape and expect to s cart a fire Monday next. Furnace B has been out of commission owing to fume line not being ready. YVe have heat in two furnaces in this bench, and expect sometime next week to have the fume line completed. Furnace B would give us about 260 cells more per day. As soon as we can set all of these furnaceB going, which we are trying to do as rapidly as possible, we will be able to furnish plenty of iron for the present schedule. KICKED HYDRATE Drie rs At the present rate, the driers in building -;?5, that is, the old type of drier, do not keep up with the required quantity, but we have two tunnel driers in the new plant going and are hustling on another pair, and with these four tunnels going, we shall be able to keep up with the present schedule. ) The present schedule calls for 6500 cells per week, and we are able to make material sufficient for this number of cells at the present time, and are doing so. The reason that we are Mr. Thomas A. Edison June 8, 1916 File: 60-ProcLuction #2 ■behind just now is due to breaking down of one of our roasting furnaces in the iron mix department, and the breaking down of the steam coil in the nickel precipitating tank. We ordered a new coil for the precipitating tank some two or three months ago, but were unable to obtain this until last week. A new coil has been installed, and we are running now at full capacity. In regard to the nickel production, would say we are arranging to inorease the quantity per batoh of nickel hydrate, which will help out some. Unless a larger production than 6500 cells per week is required, I believe with our present equipment we can supply what is necessary, "but I think: v/e should immediately proceed to get the new plant into operation, or as much of it as possible, so that should the apparatus in the old part play out, we would have the new plant to fall back upon. Yours sincerely, EDISOH CHEMICAL V/OHCS [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] File: 60 - Apparatus PRODUCE ION ncoi Basis 2.85# per A-4 APPARATUS PRODUCE 10 U OAPACIEY Capacity per day - 24 hours Present Standards Per Unit Ayparatus File Dissolver & Gen. 01-4-2 Purifying Tanks 01-9-2 Filter Press 01-10-1 Hypo-Bleaoh Mix. Ek. 044-1-1 Disol. Eanks( Soda) 02-1-2 Grav. " " 02-2-1 Ppt.Eank 02-4-1 Settling 2ani:s 02-5-1 Agitating Sank 02-6-2 Driers 02-7-2 Peroolatorsf Small) 02-8-1 " (Large) 02-8-1 ,S/0 7668 15136 5229 5390 950 4704 1680 (1500 Colvay, 3920 3103 980 1470 3074 2655 5311 1835 1891 1651 590 1376 1089 6765 llo.of Total Units iiquiv. CellB 2 3074 4 10620 1 5311 1835 1 1891 6 1998 1 1651 2 1180 1376 1089.:: (1720 (1548 [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] File : 6<)-Apparatus p R 0 D U C * X 0 H A P PAHAHS Basis -2.3 # per A-4 A-nnaratus #5 Evaporating TanRs Crystallizing " Centrifugal (#1 Drier (#8 " Furnaces (C-DJ PRODUCTION n apACI'JY Capacity per day - 24 nours Present standards 060-3-1 061-1-1 061-2-1 061-3-1 062-4-1 062-4-2 08-1-1 Percolators _ 08-2-1 Bed Iron Driers |l 08-3-1 Furnaces I By H 09-1-1 Sables • 0?-l-2 Chilean Mill 011-1-1 - Unit Eauiv.Fe 1479.4 845-4 3110.5 325.# 4892.5 1825. 1606. 321.3 306. 460.8 1371.9 1524.4 79.4 600.6 Total Equiv. Ho. of Equiv. Pells Units Cells 643.2 : 367.6 1352.2 141.3 2127.1 698. 793. 135.3 159. 596.4 662.7 34.5 261.1 142.0 |1286.4 L 367.6 5408.8 1695.6 • 2127.1 • | 1491 947.1- 133- 1404.6. 1505.5 1420. EDISON CHEMICAL WORKS Mr. Thomas A. Edison laboratory Orange, II. . 1 SILVER LAKE, >\J. June 10, 1916 Pile: 60 - Ero auction Dear Mr. Edison: Our estimate of yesterday as to maximum output is correct, except for reduction furnaces and nickel hydrate set¬ tling tanks. In checking up, I fina maximum for furnaces to he 7700 cells per week; for settling tanks, 8260 cells per week. We wish to remind you that our maximum figures are based on running Sundays. Y/e doubt the advisability of this, and desire to take the matter up with you further. Without running Sundays, we ought to make 7500 cells per week, or 1250 per day, as the plant stands, with the ex¬ ception of reduction furnaces and nickel hydrate settling tanks. Y/e might move two furnaces from new plant; also get one more settling tank. V/ith these additions, we could make the 1250 cells per day. Eor repairs, cleaning tanks and pipe lines, etc. , we ought to have one Sunday per month. Attached are two tables showing iron mix and nickel hydrate as shipped to the Storage Battery Co., and iron Mix and nickel hydrate which we have approved for UBe during this period. The latter gives the information you asked for, probably, better than the former table. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] Juno 10, 1916. Shipments of Iron Mix and Hi ok el Hydrate to Edison Storage Battery Co. by Weeks Since Haroh 1, 1916, Week Ending 1916 Iron Mix Hie tel Hydrate March 4 12270# il¬ 12326# 10430# ls - # 17227# 25 3293# 27889# 15875# 43532# Apr il 1 30# 19343# 8 15720# 10812# 15 12282# 8713# 22 14183# 12991# 29 4207# 46422# 16557# 68416# May 6 14001# 6222# 13 3615# 16488# 20 16097# 2347# _____ - 27 10131# 43844# 24492# 49549# June 3 12335# 2842# 10 16017 # 28352# 29882# 32724# fotal to date 146507# 146507# 194221# ^194221# [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] agfw** June TO, 1916. Table of Iron Mix ana. Nickel Hydrate' approved for use by Weeks since March 1, 1916. Week Ending. 1916. Iron Mix . Nickel Hydrate March 4 17397 8644 11 9370 18 3525 9344 25 - - 20922 14082 41340 April 7,1. 15695 15666 8 16395 15 21116 12728 .... ■ 22 . 21953 29 10456 47267 13695 80437 Majr 6 13806 7865 13 3817 20 16331 21 .7051 45214 ..18020 46033 June 3 J 26290 17127 .10 7^ 8969 35259 14739 31866 Total to date. 148662# 148662# 199676# 199676 // EDISON CHEMICAL WORKS July 18. 1916. Subject- 820 - Complaints. Mr. Delos Holden, Legal Department, Orange, N.J. Through a Mr. A. Dominiclc, we are in¬ formed that a cow died on the Newark side of the Silver Lake dumps, due, they say, to drinking water from the brook. Mr. Pendleberry will have an analysis made to find out cause, in the hope that the Edison plants are at fault. J.V. Miller, MGR, EDISON CHEMICAL WORKS July 21, 1916 TQI.tr . W. S. Kellow Aniline Division Silver Deice, H. J. Enclosed herewith we send you two letters from the Board of Street end Water Commissioners of the City of Newark, H. J'. They are in connection with the instal¬ lation of water meters. V/e believe both of . these appljr to the Aniline Division, end, therefore, are sending same to you for your attention. J. V JVll/K 1r«Jk [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] ^/.p/mr/i/ie/t/ir^' V/pz/p, Wfy.yfis' '^>ytiy< July 19, 19x6. Edison Chemical Works, Mai or an PI., Silver Lake, N. J. Dear Sirs: February 23/1916 you made a deposit with us of $100. On March 23/1916 we billed you for 4" connec¬ tion, etc., in the amount of $77.54 leaving a credit of $22.46 your favor, check for which waB made out March 23/1916. We notified you to call here and receipt and get your check for $22.46. To date you have not done so. Kindly do not file this in the waste basket but send some authorized party here for the check. Yours very truly, DEPARTMENT OP WATER, Chief Accountant. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] t July 19, 1916. Edison Chemical Works, Haioran PI., Silver Lake, H. J. Bear Sirs: July 23/1915 you made a deposit with us of §100. On September 7th we hilled you for 4" connec¬ tion, etc., in the amount of $46.40 leaving a credit of $53.60 your favor, check for which was made out September 13/1915. We notified you twice to call here and receipt and get your check for $53.60. To date you have not done so. Kindly do not file this in the waBte basket but send some authorized party here for the check. Yours very truly, departheht op water, Chief Accountant. EDISON CHEMICAL WORKS cate Sept. IX, 1916 TOi£r, H. F. Miller, treasurer susjecT81-1 Denominational Distri¬ bution of Payroll. Edison laboratory : " Orange, IT. J. On Batur day last, the payroll was received here in rather bad condition, in so far as the different denomi¬ nations wei'o not in accordance with request as sent by our office. _ Sometime ago George Ileister requested that we make as many calls for twenty dollar bills as possible. Me have done this, but last Saturday v;e received only a- very few of these, a great many one dollar bills, and several fifty and twenty-five cent pieces, end even pennies. Tve vd til d request that you investigate this matter and have the list made out according to our request. Also, we would like to know whether our night force could not bo paid off at the end of their shift, say, Saturday morning, the same time he pays off the Aniline night shift. X understand he pays those men on Saturday morning, or Sunday morning, at the end of the shift. 7/ill you please take this up and advise me. J. V JVM/ E CC - Llossrs* C. Edison and LSamfcert EDISON STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY John V. Miller Edison Chemioal Works Silver lake, U. J. 9-1B-16 HHH-8-6660 Replying to your memorandum of Sept. 11th, regarding denominational distribution of pay roll I would say that inasmuoh as your offioe furnishes us with the denominations required for your pay roll we oan only see that the bank gives us the money oorreotly which they almost always do. In faot, the only variation is that sometimes they send us one dollar hills instead of two. Your offioe did not make up a correct dis¬ tribution last week which aoaounts for the presence of small bills and change in the envelopes. Will you please see that this does not ooour again? We will be glad to pay off your night fone Saturday morning at the same time we pay off the Aniline and Phenol night force. yill you please detail someone to co-operate with Mr. Patrick Brady, acting paymaster, to the end that oare is exeroised to see that the proper men reoeive their pay? H. F. MILLER. Treasurer. oo- to Messrs. Charles Edison-S.B.Mambert* EDISON CHEMICAL WORKS 3. date Sept. 32, 1916 to Mr. W. H. Meadoworoft subject 616 - Iron By Hydrogen Grade C Laboratory Orange . Answering your notation on letter of of Binney & Smith, dated September 14, their file HSP, asking for 1000# of Grade 0 Iron by Hydrogen, would say that this iron takes considerable more labor and supervision than Grade B, and if we oould raise the price, it certainly would be an excellent proposition. It will be impossible for us at the present time to deliver 1000# of Grade 0 iron, as, due to ohanges in building #14, the apparatus we were using has been torn down. We shall have to move it to building #113. We feel that within two or three weeks, at the outside, we can have some Grade C ready for sale. However, I stall investigate the matter further and advise you. On September 11, we sent you formal order from Binney & Smith for this 1000# of Grade C. As soon as you settle this matter, will you kindly return same with the price, etc., noted? If Grade B is worth 40^, Grade C ought to be worth 50j^, or possibly 60?f, per pound. Why not try Subject: EEia-a 23, 1916. o* 2 c'jH?;;nDBOE o? rui«v..H uxs »:»isi'-3 aiaf-was. sk»sjjrt, s*.* — 5: ?: -»» E. S. MO, Vino MUX 5 «’«»““ «“*» '“"li, ,, i„T!rrto*f. Div.V^r.?sai8on Caxbolio Aold Div.o? 2.A .K.Ioo. 2; nSr&StaiS: Kxpcploontal & Eovelop^t v TSlwla Of l*lO0 ijfSP,, IiOOlfl & ■ ax «.f$J,DlV. Of i»A.E«#IfcQ, r. *. »*-. —— :teao1 ‘^SSSTSUffA A.*. A. C. Proat, Insxwmco ?^rrloo Dflo’t. °H? JjSKSSruiKE sra waspr following cattorsi x _ Unfinloh(;. , .'] »a r ( n J\£L.O Sorylco -R«?t. Approved EDISON CHEMICAL WORKS uA Oot. 2, 1916. TO laboratory of subject shipments of Grade B Iron. Thos. A. Edison, Mr. Ufa .Mead owor oft. In reply to the complaint of Binney & Smith, regard¬ ing delayed shipments of Grade B Iron by Hydrogen, as evidenced by their letter of the 27th inst. , we wish to call your attention to the following statement of shipments, which, we believe, will show conditions to the oontrary. (Their order received February 17, 1916, First ship¬ ment due March 1st, Shipments Made Founds Mar. 2 600 16 600 28 1000 Apr. 3 600 18 600 May 2 600 18 600 Jun 2 600 19 1100 Jul 6 1000 22 600 Aug 3 600 16 400 Sep 6 600 16 600 Totals 9100# Shipments Contracted for 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 7000# 1000 100 100# 600 600 100 2200$ You will note that at the present time we have shipped 2100# in excess of the terms of their oontraot and that only in the month of August did we fall short of requirements. HJfol CC - Binney & Smith Co, EDISON CHEMICAL WORKS TO Mr. w. H. Maadoworoft <>V' □ate October 6, 1916 subject 614 - Iron by Hydrogen-USP laboratory Orange . Ae you know, we are malting every effort to catch up with our requirements for the Storage Battery Company, but in addition to this, we are running two pots a day on this special iron by hydrogen, vhioh will mates about 2000# per month. According to our records, we are sold up to 1700# per month, leaving room for only 300# additional business. After going through our files, we found the other order of Binney & Smith, which in some way was never listed in our orders. JVM/K P. s. - We enclose herewith copies of our letters of even date to - Binney & Smith Merote & Congiany Talbot & Company. J. V. M. 10-6-16 Lfosors. .March & Company 46 Park Place Hew York City Gentlemen: Ro: 614 - Iron bv Hydrogen - PSP Answering yours of recent aate, regarding iron by hydrogen, would say at who present time, we aro entirely sold up to our capacity. Howevor, we are arranging to increase this oapaoity, and will advise you within a week or so whether we oould supply your requirements. yours very truly EDI SOI! STORAGE BATTERY C0HPA1IY Edison Chemical Works division 1 hivisSon Manager. JVH/K Mo s sra. Binney & Smith 81 ffulton Street Ilovr York City Gentlemen: He: 614 - Iron by Hydrogen - U3P In regard to the situation of shipments to you oil your contracts, would say wo are making evory effort to got out the contracted amo\mt , but owing to a big increase in demand for our regular production, wo have been hold back somewhat with this spooial product. However, no made ship¬ ment to you of 500# this week and expect to get out another 500# and some additional Quantity on the 15th, In regard to any additional shipments, it will bo impossible for us to say just what wo can give you for at least one or two weeks. As soon as wo can arrange for larger oapaoity, no shall adviso you. It is a question non of hydrogen supply, and we are making experiments in order to inoroase this supply, and as soon as tlioso experiments aro completed, which will probably bo tho middle or 16-|tor part of next wook, wo can toll how much additional iron wo will have for sale. go regret very much tho dolay in your shipments, and will make evory effort to fill your contracted shipments by tho middle of this month. Yours very truly edi:; art ssoeage basseey coiipahy Edison Chemical Works Division cc 1VHM Div. Itgr. Subject: conference op silver lake cm sice managers. Thursday, ootober 26. 1916. at 2 pji. Messrs. s.B»MBmtsrt. Vice President & Financial Executive. J»V.Hillor» VI oa President & Div. Mgr.. Edison Chemical Div, E.S.B. Oo. E.E.Hudaon. Vioa. Erast. & Div. Mgr. Edlaon Primary Battery Div. T.A.E.Ino. H.Kammarhoff .Division Mgr.. Edison Carbolio Aold Div. T.A.E. Ino. W.H.Mason. Ohamloal ncperimental * Devolojxnant Eng. T.A.E. Ino.- E.D&vie. Office Mgr., phenol Rosin & \vax Hfg. Div. T.A.E.Ino. J.T. Pholan. Business l!gr. . Aniline. Phenol & Amidophenol Pits. T.A.E. Per. A. 0 .Frost. Insuronoe service Dept. Ojlioolai. construction & Maintenance Service Div. T.A.E. Ino. Confirming telephone conversation, a conference has been arranged for the above mentioned gentlemen at 2 PJJ. Thursday. Ootober 26. 1916. in the offioe of Mr. E.E.Hudeon. Vloe president & Division Manager of Edison Primary Battery Division of T.A.E. Incorporated at Silver lake, IJ.B. for the discussion of tl» following matters: 1 - £2620 - standards Pivot Aid Comalttee {Under revision by Legal ser. Dept.) 2 - #3610 - Standards {Scrap) • 3 - #3536 - Fire Protection. 4 - #4544 - Silver Lake Div. Employees Lunch Room, 6 - #4345 - Injunction to oloso down Silver Lake Div. aoot. smoko, fumes, eto. 6 - #3644 - Increase in Boiler plant Equipment. 7 - #3600 - Water supply. 8 - Unfinished baelnees of last meeting. 00 to Ur. Oha a. Edison. Transogjbing S Approved rioe Dept. Edison General File Series 1916. Edison Crushing Roll Company [not selected] (E-16-27) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to the business of the Edison Crushing Roll Co., which licensed and installed Edison's crushing rolls and collected royalties fortheir use. Included are reports pertaining to the operations and output of licensees and correspondence concerning the collection of royalties. Edison General File Series 1916. Edison Manufacturing Company (E-16-28) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to the Edison Manufacturing Co. Although it ceased to be an operating company after its assets and property rights were assigned to Thomas A. Edison, Inc., in 1911, the Edison Manufacturing Co. maintained a legal existence until its dissolution in 1926.The two items for 1916 consist of an annual report submitted to the State of New Jersey and a letter inquiring whether the company manufactured dolls. Only the annual report has been selected. Edison General File Series 1916. Edison Portland Cement Company (E-16-29) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to the business of the Edison Portland Cement Co. (EPCCo). Included afe letters to and from EPCCo president and longtime Edison associate Walter S JVlalloiY, whose office was relocated from Stewartsville, New dersey toNewY^k City in 1916; Harold M. Scott, assistant to the president; WJHam H -Mason, longtime superintendent of EPCCo, whowas reassigned to Edison s laboratory staff- and EPCCo chemist Herman E. Kiefer. Among the documents for 1916 are items pertaining to the financial condition of the company, the payment of bonds, prospective clients, customer relations, marketing, and promot'on^One of the documents contains a marginal notation by Ed,so!1^®f®r^ing tAt0_ h® J'x’ year depression in the cement industry that had caused EPCCo to suspend operations and announcing his intention to start up the mills ag^n |n the spr n^ Some of the documents mention lobbying and legislation on behalf of concrete highways, while others pertain to the use of Edison Portland cement m speaf c construction projects, including the New York City subway system. There is also discussion of kiln experiments, the chalk plant, and bags for packaging cement. Approximately 20 percent of the documents have been Jh® material not selected includes meeting announcements, letters of transmitted and promotional material. Also not selected is routine . c°^p°n g®"®® pertaining to equipment and supplies, notes payable, sales, and other financial matters including stockholder accounts and royalties collected from licensees of Edison’s crushing rolls. The Edison Portland Cement Company STEWARTSV1LLE. N. J., Jan, 17 th, 1916. Mr. H. F. Miller, Seo.'y.,, Edison Laboratory, Ffli | I Dear Mr. Miller:- -bill ^ H Li Enclosed find tax/for State, Town and County tax for Iona Island or Helson Tract, which is correct, unless you have had a bill previous to this and may have paid it directly from your office. I have been obliged to write Beveri rom your office. I have been obliged to write several iost of the tBX collectors up the Hudson before obtain- x bills They are the most un-businesslike set of ing the tax bills. They are the most un-DUSinesB-uxe »» officials I have ever run across. I wrote you on the 3rd, inst. enclosing a letter from me dated Dec. 16th, 1916 to John Allen, collector. Cold Spring, U. Y. asking for school tax bill on the Seymour Worden ^ property, in town of Putnam Valley, which letter was returned to , me with John Allen's notation at bottom, I. e. "Your school tsx for Seymour Worden property for 191b is paid by Mr. Fohnstock" I requested reply to same, also the return of said letter, and /^_ as I did not hear from you, thought best to call your attention I have twice written Mr. Horatio S. Tomkpins, collector, Tomkins Corner, H. Y. , for State, Town and County tax bill on Seymour Worden properly, to which I have as yet received -2- 1-17-1916, no reply, and thought possibly this bill might have been sent directly to your office. These are the only two bills I have not as yet received. Will you kindly advise me if you have any- thing to report on same, as they have a fashion up that way of * selling property for non-payment of taxes on rather short notice, so that it will be necessary to keep close track of the matter, and oblige. Your 8 very truly, EDISON PORTLAND CEMENT CO. EHC-FS The Edison Portland Cement Company STEWARTSVILLE, N. J. January 20th, 1916. Hr. Harry E. Miller, Secretary Orange, H. J. Dear Mr. Miller I am in receipt of the two letters rel¬ ative to the tax hills on seymour-Warden property with your notation at the bottom of one of the letters "Mr. Carhart, Mr. Edison sold this property. H.E. Miller. " This of course, explains why 1 could not get these tax billo for 1915 taxes. Before receiving said enclosure, I had written Mr. Horatio S. Tompkins, Collector, Tompkins Corner, Hew York, asking for State, Town and County tax bills on same p ropery, 'which I enclose carbon copy. If you think best to write Mr. Tompkins, explaining why said letter was sent kindly do so or possibly it may be best to pay no attention to it, so I will enter it on Mr. Edison's tax book that the Seymour-Y/arden property has Thanking you in the matter, I am, Yours very truly, THE EDI SOH POHTLAHD CMEHT COHPAHY. CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] Jsn. 17th, 1316 Ur, Horatio S. Tompkins, Collector, Tompkine Corner, H. Y. Dear sir:- X wrote you on November 23th, also December 16th, 1915, aeking for State, Town and County tax bill on the Seymour Worden property, standing in the name of Ur, '.Thomas A. Edison. Not receiving same, or having heard from you, I write again to inquire if you will kindly see that said bill io for¬ warded without delay, when I will send it to Ur. Edison at Orange for payment, and greatly oblige, YourB very truly, EDISON PORTLAND CERENT. CO. Per- EHO-PG ENCLOSURE:-!. The Edison Portland Cement Company iGt fidwoitk STEWARTSVILLE, N. J. January 22, 1916. Mr. Thomas A. Edison, Orange, E. J. I Dear Mr. Edison: - 1 have heen keeping in touch with the Alli8-Chalmers Co. direct and also through Mr. NicholB, and during the last two weeks, each time that X have had any word as to the shipment of the first tube mill, the date has heen delayed two weekB eaoh time, making the de¬ livery of the first tube mill thirty days later than the contract period of delivery. I am dictating this letter Saturday afternoon, and am leaving Sunday for Milwaukee, and as soon as I return I will advise you as to the ex^ot situation. The Allis-Chalaer8 people claim that their own work is well in hand, hut they are being held up by the non-delivery of material ordered a long time ago. Unless I find prospeots as to deliveries in better Bhape than I anticipated, X think it will be nec¬ essary for us to start up the plant with our old machinery as soon after April let as we can obtain coal, and then later on do the best we oan with the installation of the new machinery. If we undertake to resume manufacturing CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE operations on April 1st, it will be necessary to purchase ooal about March 1st, and to store Borne during March, bo to have sufficient stock on hand so that we will he warranted in resuming operations. At the present time, Gas Slack Coal, which we use in the kilns, has advanced from 200# to 300# over normal prioes, and in addition, 1b very difficult to obtain. I have learned that some of the cement manufacturers are only obtaining 25# to 33# of their requirements from their ooal contracts, and are compelled to buy the balance in the open market, and the expectation among coal dealers is that the nearer to April 1st we get, the higher the price will be, consequently, any profit which we might made by being in a position to resume manufacturing on April 1st, would be practically absorbed by the very. high price we will have to pay for coal, and then in the event of a ooal strike, for any length of time, we would not be able to continue manufacturing. The wiser plan, therefore, seems to me to be to have the whole plant ready for operations the moment the ooal strike is settled, when doubtless we will be able to buy ooal at reasonable rates, and be;,sure of the delivery of it. Our records show that after the last coal suspension, the prices of Gas Black Coal came down to normal very quickly after the matter wae Bettled Yours very truly, “WfrwN- In-re DeAngelis v. Edison Co. George Henderson 701-706 FRANKLIN BUILDING Mr. Thomas A. Edison Orange, H. J Dear Sir:- Jan. 25, 1916. rfj£, if t&sS'fj-f '5 I represent Mr. Michele deAn^l^a^ the bonds of the Edison Portend Cement Comp which has for sometime past, as! For several mpni w. S. Mallory, the Pre^ftenf^l the Comp 1-s uumi.Hiiy, thelinterest upon Jctra istY^slyou' toow. t>^en ' I ral month^I^v^bMn ^ eomm^^^O^ with Ltov *» hi. a Xi.t ot -to. ,* to tu. ho “ •onld take the .alter S&^SV.O.^ then that he hoped the . av,* -=oo0n w6 should n 0 ^ Mr. deAngelis is ompany and «**«• It no .action whap- , _ «Su C U.W* "concurred in by a mu j or ity °/ J^5 . . — end foot, It «. ~ onr. the nou.s and addt.,eJ^ofth.( emallier hoMhold.m to d«‘ tonoh with them for the purpose of consult in*^ reference to their of this Company as if he can do nothing b\.uc«,iou . soever can be taken unt il^jia c bond holders. In other wirfds oommon interests which appear to be so effect^) have been able to do nothing since , reference ly tied up that they It occurred and it LAW OFFICES OF George Henderson PHILADELPHIA.PA. 1/25/16. would almost seem that they could do nothing so long as a majority in interest in the bonds refuse to move. Hr. deAngelis is an Italian who has a large part of liis savings invested in these bonds and you can understand that he is not only greatly solicitous as to the future but that he sorely feels the loss of inoome due to the default in paying the ooupons. tie feel sure that under the foregoing oircumstanoes you will recognize the justice and propriety of Hr. deAngelis' request and we will thank you to aid us in securing the names and addresses of these bond holders. Regretting to have to bother you in the matter, I am Very truly yours, The Edison Portland Cement Company iCt 6di4/ri'jl'er#&oi£ ’’ (gcfatems, in' C(k* ? "3W*~ )' 4 - I I DvJL 4jcJUc»AJU^ -to <^r£- \^ ’^*r U\hc'£rv'v^ President. WSM/BC Mr. W. H. Meadoworoft, Edison laboratory. Orange, HEW JERSEY. “ CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE " / 'vHj } • i v j . * • " V i if Boar Sir: I teg herewith to hand you a letter from our Mr. Soott, together with photographs, which are self explanatory. Will you kindly forward ub twenty (20) seta of the fifteen (IB) photographs Tjame as herewith en¬ closed; also twenty (20)of Mr. Edison's latest photo¬ graph autograph ty Mr. Edison. Please see Mr. Me ado w- . oroft ah put this. Please let ub have them at the earliSBt pos¬ sible moment, hilling them to us at your lowest pos¬ sible price. Confirmation of this order will oome from our Stewartsville , Hew Jersey, Office. Yours very truly, 'V'Avwo. President. wsm/bc “ CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE ” [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] iEfotflon Portland (£mmt (Eo. GEORGE S. BARTLETT 2d Vice-Pre.ld«nl St. 3)imiffl Intlbing 1133 IBroa&iuog NEW YORK June sixteenth 19 16 Mr. Mallory: The photographs of Mr. Edison's characteristic actions,, and positions, are indeed interesting, and to wish you wouia kindly seoure twenty (20) unmounted prints, as per copies enclosed. You will also recall, to want twenty (20) of Mr. Edison's latest photo¬ graph autographed by Mr. Edison. These, aB you know, are to he mounted in our salesmen's potof olios. Would also like one (1) or two (2) photographs showing the entire group of reinforoed oonorete buildings at the Orange works. HMS/BO “Concrete for Permenance" Stye lE&taott -jpcrtlanb Cement €o. St. 3Jumru Builbimj GEORGES. BARTLETT^ ^ U33fmii>UWg NEW YORK June 16, 1916 Mr. Mallory: iVe are soliciting Mason & Hanger of 62 Yanderbilt Avenue, Hew York City, who have contract for section four (4) Brooklyn Suhway, requiring approximately fA-ffrj' l.iiuwana ^0,000) barrels of cement. /i.y 7p"ll c'!> \QfaTnM* ipK ;#r '(p v : ' \ y'4. ScU*^ ^ \ n, & -fc ri ^C v^- • v 'Qs/y juJrMfay T ■■■■ • • \ i* vail put «• „u, of .«-!..!« »n t„, loner 1-1, =• =111 •«“ « to 50. Wmolont rod to .»<* the pl.nt In operation, running the ahovol a* an! night if thin guurrp ia op.noi Hr. Thomas A. .Edison - #4 - Hovember ID, 1910. jwTCin.-r.Tgi; COAX- When I looked into this matter , I f ound that I could not make the necessary tests on the small tube mills in the chalk plant, without ma¬ terially interfering with our operations, so that just the moment the chalk plant is closed down, we will start in and make the following tests pTT?sm Me will take some of our rogular mixture of seventy-five per cent (7555) gas and twenty- five per cent (25?5) anthraoite, such as we now send to the kilns, and regrind it to leam how much finer one of the tube mills will make it. S300HP V7e will take some straight anthra¬ cite, grind it by itself and see what results we get at a given out¬ put per hour. SIIIRD We will take a mixture of fifty per cent (5055) gas and fifty per cent (5055) anthraoite and grind it to¬ gether., at the same rate of output per hour as test $2 , and find out whether the combination gives us finer coal than in grinding the anthracite separately. Mr. Thomas A. Edison - £. - Uovembcr 15, 191G. If you have any suggestions in the way of further tests, would he very glad to have them. n X E 0 R 1 It is our intention to continue operating at Oxford during the period that we are making the changes at Hew Village, so as to accumulate a Btook Of limestone, as we have been on the ragged edge with our supply of limestone during the last four (4) months. 0 0 ii The prices of gas slack are still from Sin Dollars { §6,00) to Eight Hollars (§8.00) per ton, f. o. b. mines, ’and during our shut down period, we propose to obtain all the gas slack we can on our con¬ tract, which is at eighty cents (80,') f. o. b. mines, and store this, so that we will have somewhat of a stock when we start up. This will be necessary to take cere of troubles we have had this winter, due to shortage of cars, snow storms, etc. YJhile the changes are being made, I expect to to .t t». tun* praotleally .11 th. ttw>, "ill M«P you aMised o» to »«t PW»B *» <“• ' Yours very truly, Y/SM/BO Mr. Thomas A. Edison, Edison lab orator, Orange , HEW JERSEY. Edison Portland Cement Co. m™£ 1133 BROADWAY barreI N EW YORK . November eighteenth 19 16 7JEEK-EHD LETTER #30. Thomas A. Edison, Edison Laboratory, Orange, N. J. EDISON SALESMEN : P.TTffllSR IN PRICE we are pleased to -call your attention to another advance in price, which was made effective this week, The one "fly in the ointment" is (.he uncertainty of manufacturing costs for noxc year. One man s opinion is about as good as the other man's guess. vje believe the contracts we have booked give us the back-log necessary to providesufficient ship- nents to secure the most economical nanufacoUj. mg. The unfortunate part of the present method of marketing Portland Cement is that little benefit will be directly noticed, or receiv^dJ^ra-tnese-ad:^,^^^^ prices until next Apil^or-May . NX JX^s'Tt^will interest you all to know that on<-J ° r 1 IU r ■ In -.lev, of tXtevi /llOl- lonS. lee". ??■?» Ln|fc4:WnirigXcenfenfcnariufac|turers las a^ole,-Mejentxtlea. y R,J>i)ihel incr ejaWe’dv feffi'ot to mak'e Wp (for_rthe ^manjr ,lose^y , ^ ?egi s-tered^in 'the^past.— — X " ~ L- 9 1 7 DEMAND The total stock of cement in the Lehigh Galley and New York State Districtsisconsiderablylov/er than at this period last year. In fact, since 1 911, there have been but two (2) years when stock sum lower. Dn the other hand, very heavy bookings have been maae y practically all manufacturers, and there is to believe that 19 17 will be a nanufac turers market . By that, I mean that the Manufacturer will at last ar rive at the position where he will more nearly coni.: rol his own business, instead of the customer dictating th I do not prophesy a shortage, hv.t there will he no great surplus. COM CRETE ROADS The election of November Vth shows that bond issues for Good Roads were approved in many districts, the most notable being, the approval of she Egan Sill in Mpd Jersev providing &7, 000, 000 for permanent roads. A very lar|e*pai't of this money will be spent for CONCRETE ROADS. The first contracts to be let tinder this measure will probably be awarded in the first half of 1 9 1 7, which means an increased demand. California approved a $15,000,000 bond. issue. In addition, several counties approved individual levies; as, for instance, Stanislaus County voted $1,480,000. Dallas County, Texas, approved a bond issue of $500,000 for Good Roads, and so it went throughout the entire country. It is but proper merchandising that every person interested in the cement industry should boost for CONCRETE ROADS whenever the occasion offers, as undoubted¬ ly this field of consumption offers great possibilities to the cement industry, and should the depression which will naturally follow the close of the European war^extendoier any considerable period of time, che cement consumption by CONCRETE ROADS should offset the slump registered m gener¬ al building operations. AUTOMOBILES VJhile you are off the road, you will have no occasion to use your Ford Cars to any extent. How¬ ever, special wort may come up from cime uo time. Mr. Mallory suggests the following in con¬ nection with starting Ford Cars in cold weather, which ex periment he has proven: - Have about a three-eighth inch bole drilled into the intake and screw in a cboru piece of pipe (like attached sketch) in which a pet cock has been put, keep pet cock ught -3- so that it will not work open and let in air when engine is in operation. Get a pint of ether from a drug store and mix with one pint of gasoline, so as vo 0e l, a 50-50 mixture^ Keep this rr.ixture in a glass bottle, or a tighr meral can, so ^hat uhe ether v/ill not. evaporate; otherwise ohe desired r suits will not he obtained. Then ready to start car when engine is cold, -mt the -+yg-‘z^ '**?> J?« x&X', Q ^yyuOgJ yti/~ty££- tiu-i *A n-i UCJ- -f, /?/& t _!.(Uv«.vii flfc VcvTtU Sg^CGmA . U^cLe*^ p.aAc'-dJZ* f ^ yyn~£^ yr-f. r-ist^- = *L- yttA^Xt^C^y y^lAAly /myyyr^ly yl>0 yf^- ^M- ^i^Or e^L- 0'/L£sf>~£fy y^TsO^’L' ^yf^t^ty yQAXyyC^L eO-MAX^ dXALy &} yf&X&ey Xg^yy' s77ASXff y^KX^Ty yTn&y, yOyJidLAX^ tD*r^ 0U£ *-y /l^fJl^fit^L y^CA^AHy^ yii^yy A-^UL. y4^JZA?L0t&y<£fr ^lylly ^■LyyXylyAyXeXLy iHf' yT^yOyyiy^A^ ^Sl^AlLf O' yy^v^xtyi^ . VydZyovJl&/ AjeLsTywX^-. ^)xUyoU^' \HH P^kA^Ptr ^7* V<\ C // /?/&■. V (Q^Ltij . \t~siAA C|0-. , QU^c^i UaT^cc ^•'W ^ ^ ‘ /sL&tsCC* ■ /tJsujf ’/fusts ■^fcO USL& tZsCC^Uft^U- s&&7 W& ~fcut{ U^tMsCs -tf/foO CUus 'Wrf' Xtc^y U/p-co6^s ^^te.uu^c fyu <2^> (J UA2^t~ to ~fcy ./O^Z&CZ tjtAAp #~cct~ /J ■Atf tu^. ^ to' U'-A^t' tf / ''pfitc ~fc i/u iJ/ldsUSttM^ Aj C Y'CcccsC" stj c/ USGsutt' t) ct S1L£4^<6cc<,'t-&L' ttic^ tcZ^C*£ CA'^/ztt^ '%*.. '%‘ncitiainZte, U> uya^f 'At^u. &t ttc^ tns-Crc^s <5L- 'Am ti , io si If you can find a few leisure moments, I should 1-ike to inquire of you what recommendation you would make regard¬ ing the schooling of one of my hoys. I have ;fcwo sons, one of which is going to College at the present/time, and the other I. expect to send also when the time ysomee, which will be in about a year and a half from this time. He has two more years in the local High Softool, and I have always felt that there is a very good^field in the elec¬ trical naval engineering line. The younger son is mechanioally inclined, not a very stu¬ dious boy, but when it comes to/mechanics, he is always interested. In going thru the-'last two years of the High School, I should like to know what courses you would rec¬ ommend as best befitting him for taking up the course to which I have above referred. What are your recommendations in connection with the same, and do you agree with me that there ie a good field for a young man in electrical naval engineering? /. • Assuring you of my appreciation of your reply in con¬ nection with this inquiry, and wishing you a continuance of prosperity/,'’ I am, ' Yours very respectfully, HCSVH/ . : 7 Edison General File Series 1916. Electric Light (E-16-33) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to electric lighting and power. Included are reminiscences of Edison’s work on electric lighting during the 1880s, along with offers of historic equipment of interest to him. Also included is a letter regarding a copy of Puck from 1879 containing a cartoon drawn by Joseph Keppler entitled "A New Light to the World." Among the correspondents for 1916 are Harry L. Keefer and Samuel N. Keefer of Sunbury, Pennsylvania, where the first three-wire distribution system was installed in 1883, and William S. Andrews, an electrical engineer who was closely involved with the Sunbury central station. Approximately 30 percent of the documents have been selected. The unselected documents include invitations declined by Edison, unsolicited offers of inventions or improvements, and technical or commercial questions that were redirected to electric companies. Most of the unselected correspondence received no answer or a form letter stating that Edison was no longer involved in the electric lighting business. Mr. Thomas A. Edison, West Orange, H. J. TO-KIGHT WE CELEBRATE THIRTY-SECOND ANIVERSSRY CURRENT TURKED OH PLANT HUMBER FOUR YOUR SYSTEM CAPASITY FIVE HUNDRED TEN CANDLE POWER LAMP HOT TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND MAN HOT TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND MANAGEMENT IN SAME HANDS WE ARE NUMBER ONE ON YOUR LIST IN THIS RESPECT WAS SECRATERY FIRST YEAR PRES¬ IDENT FOR TWENTY SIX YEARS WISH YOU WERE WITH US. 1 (hffttfSgU m 771/1. jA 0772 0/ (2. TTtTlAOVI, fijea/i Sujz-^ CU a yao/d cd dL. yccenuae /L&A/ a/Z/zA \ af/dof a7> AA/cA o7> AAL Mncf c^f AAtoet _ 'T-hJjid S -fuzdjt. ■T&drzc/ c/ a^Jc,d^fcrd as77 0/ czsn c/ CjZy^Arc&t) 7vL? Utfidac/g ^urOuzd Jsicz/~ Akr?7T-zmd cl/ AaA . '^J0 7/j> cdAJLCsn/ U/Tcui J/ccl/ c^dcoo/A/ /dmzca/ cry}, jfcfuz tuq/L/ a/ cZ2^ jet/. /cPa£u au c Juittf-^OTZp' tfjTU MSCL.6 - 72 al carry* amy? / s4.CU Ar Jmrukayaoza to?. PO-nt 7)7 am -Aoaf .Omkbji mcun. ^.OM -U au avcl& -*&*** . cLojjA. 0tAjUU^.aj/-y-Ou came M JyMtaW m an -4ja~Ji swj-y, y^ y 0 tjSz A catnjzA- -Canrt a/ arm a jJcor/Cad dyf MzJaitot'Cn that mou uairay&c/ msuX tfn jAb. JaJamit l maU MTU.cr 'Hi Aim ayiMm.. ftMTalCaffye y[ A/ott/z crum Jtaencca Mr. ¥.. C. ^ndrowe , Consulting Engineering department. General Electric Company, Schenectady, if. Y. My dear Mr. Andrews; 1 am enclosing herewith t. letter from Ur. Harry 1. Eeefer of Sunbury, da., v.hich v.ill explain itself. There are some questions in this that I cannot answer satisfactorily, and tir. Edison is so awfully busy 1 ■ o not like to bother him if it can be avoided, you are one of the heroes of Sunbury, I am venturing to trouble you. If you are too busy, please do not hesitate to say so, and send the letter buc,. &ai 4 1 will hunt up the information. X hope you do not mind being troubled occasionally with an inquiry of this kind. I am always ready to reciprocate if I can. Yours very truly. Enclosure. Mr. Harry Reefer, 464 Chestnut street, Runbury, Ha. Deer Hr. Heofor: - Aft Mr. Edison' * time ift entiroly occupied at present on very important matters, he hae referred your letter of the End innt. to me for attention and reply. I wrote up The Story of Runbury Station for "Popular Eleotrioity" and. it was published in Ho. 6 Vol. Ill September, 1910. I will enoloeo a typed copy of this paper which yon oan beep and from whioh you may be able to gather some interesting faote for your proposed artiole in the "Sunburian High". Regarding some statements in your letter that are not covered in my paper will say that the Sunbury Central station was the first one in the world to supply electrio light by incandescent lamps on the Edison three wire system, but other stations operating on a two wire system were started before that one - notably the station of the Hew York Edison T,ight Company which was formally started on October 4th, 180?., ana a similar Edison Station was started in London, England a fov, months earlier in the 8 a me year. Ihe accident to the ongineyin Sunbury Station occurrofl on the night of July 3rd. 1883 v.hen one of the babbit bearings of the Engine was melted through an insufficient supply of oil, but by strenuous work it was put into running order again before the next morning. I cannot remember why Sunbury was selected for the first installation of the Edison Throe 17 ire System, nor do I recollect the names of the original Officers of the Company, but I believe that Mr. Frank lierr and Mr. P.B.Shaw ysere more or less responsible for the choice, and that they were both financially interested in the plant. The early carbon filament lamps wore naturally very inferior in efficiency. ,hality of light, and duration of useful life to our modern inoandeacents, but I think you have rather exaggerated their defects in your description of thorn. X should be glad to Bee the copy of your "Sunburian High" that will contain your story and cordially wish you euooess in your work. YourB very truly, Yf.S. ANDREWS. WSA:BDR. 0 OH SUITING RUG INKER. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] (Copied from "Popular Eleotrioity" - September ,1910. Volume III - Ho. 5.) The Story of Sunbury Station By W.S. Andrews Towards the olose of the year 1882 Mr. T. A. Edison requested the writer to have some teste made on a new system of eleotrioal distribution whioh he had invented. Shis was no other than the famous "three-wire" system whioh has since oome into almost universal use where eleotrioity is distributed for light ana power purposes. The tests desired by Mr. Edison were simple, so they were quickly made ana the results were found so satisfactory that immediate steps were taken to put the new system into oommeroial service. The pioturesque little oity of Sunbury on the Susquehanna river away up among the hills of Pennsylvania was selected for the plant, and a force of workmen was sent there early in 1883 to build the lighting station, ereot the pole lines, ana "wire" the stores ana dwellings. The "station" was a small wooden structure located some distance from the business center of the town and it comprised a boiler room, engine and dynamo room and a meter room. The boiler was of the Baboook and Y/ilcox type [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] - Z - and tho generating plant eonsiotod of two "X," dynaraon bolted to a high npood Aroington ft Sian engine, the total oapaoity being about 660 10-OHnrtle-power inoandeBoent lamps. 5h« "biifi-bare" wore made by straightening out Home Ho. ooo ooppor wire left over from the line oonetruoticn, nnfl thene wires were fastened to the vrood on sheathing on the station walls with iron staple a without sny attempt at insulation unfl with the fond id an that thic was exactly tho right thing to do. She ewltahboarri instruments oonsieted of two voltage inftiaotora which were oonneotod hy "pressure wires" to the end of tho three -wire "feeder" where it joined the "swina" at the center of eleotrioal difitributi n, aloo one nmr, ot«r which was inter¬ polated in the "neutral bus" to shot hor. the system "bnlanoefl". Ac compared with instrument/; now in evr-ry day use, these indloatore were of orudn oorsatmoti on and doubtful accuracy. Uhey wore, however, the very beet product of that period, having boon designed eopeoiaily for the purpose by Sir. OMaa. L. Olarke, end node by Borgaann ft flo. The installation of tho eleotrioal apparatus was intrusted by .Jr. Kdison to Meut. y^.Bpregne and the writer, and the v/erk was completed on July 4th, 1885. :'Sr- Edison had arrived fit '-unbury the previous day, and it was planned to etart the eleotrio lighting plant oommeroially on the evening of the fourth. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] - 3 - About 6 p.m. therefore preparations were made for starting, hut the dynamos refused to "pick up." "There must he a loose connection somewhere," said Mr. Edison, hut they were all carefully examined and found tight and sound. Matters began to look rather doubtful for "lighting up" that evening, when it was suggested that there might he trouble on the outside wires. They were aooordingly disconnected from the station "bus" and the engine was again started. This time the dynamos worked all right, proving that the trouble was outside of the station. Mr. Edison and the "gang" therefore went out on a tour of investigation, leaving the writer to mind the station. In a short time a "cross" between two "feeder" wires was discovered and quickly straightened out. Fortune now smiled onus, the outside lines were again connected, the lamps in the station oame steadily up to candle power and a general rush was made "down town", by all hands that could be spared. The "City Hotel" was the largest "wiring Job" and we found it radiant with the new light. Expeotaat excitement had given place to loud expressions of wonder and delight among the townspeople who thronged the hotel, and thus was the first Edison three-wire central station started up con the Fourth of July, 1883, amid the firing of cannon oraokers and other pyroteohnioal displays common. to that day. Mr.. Edison remained in Sunbury for about a week after the starting of the station, to give instructions regarding the handling of his new electrolytic meter and to [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE1 ,tuW In g.n.r.1 «>. “* °5"“10° of hie new Bystem. were of the .« *«* nh.r.1. th. .»«.», 1. « «“ ^ .n. 0l th. ... »»» « “ *. - - ** — >• - — * : ana u.i5h.a, ant th. *•» th' io „igh, of on. pint.- »•“ »* «“ ““ “ • .... «, — « «■ fieor"' “;0 ” in . l.rg. “St “l° „n,h of current hn« “ ...unt, . mi ..... « • „ z ~ — — — - -rr: thin* out .h.r. th. -«» »*« »«“«»" >• f0r -to- M1S“ h.a flr.PT »ue. M. -«■ «». W« th.t »*“ ... infallible- « »•««■ « “M"1J ”P“ th.t h. W neienel th. -ter nl.f. « . »«» ‘ «f . milligram at th. nt.tlen- h«t «« "t”*1 ** th' ”l0“”' at.re he fount that th. .*>« tire. — >-«* *° ™ ’1'‘ " ,„.t..l.»gt.g. .»t. the meter...- .hough, .. t. th. « J“* •“»*““ * inch or tee of — — • — ^ 0! !'lght. ..nth or mere of .le.trleitT »»» ••>.««« Moreor.r h. fount th. pl—n »* “»'r "lr* *’“* ant Off. ». .» -*« — » “» «“'5 ’"5" M fount that the "**•«" ««• «“* “ [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] not far from being oorreot. like many of the earlier of the Edison stations, the Sunbury plant ms started at sundown and ran until daylight, thus saving the expense of paying two shifts engine and dynamo attendants. , At this time (1883) no such fittings as "fixture insulators" were known and it was common practice to fasten the electric wires to the outside of gas fixtures with tape or string and connect to sockets, which were screwed to ' attachments held in "lace under the gas burners. Rubber insulated wire was unknown, cotton covered wire soaked in paraffin or coated with white lead being all that was available.' The latter was commonly ternmed "Underwriters' although it was occasionally called "Undertakers' wire" by would-be humorists. The insulation of these wires was naturally rather weak ana it wae no uncommon occurrence to see bright P snap between a gas fixture and the attached wire during a thunderstorm, to the astonishment and alarm of the uninitiated. Shortly after the Sunbury station was started heavy — * "" ra.h.d 1*. «“ ™l* **■ ... at «» S"*"4 “* "01t7 “ ’ «, o« nr.. «“ 10'* ~ ln f .her.. H. MU «• »re,rl..cr ah. His *»*• ■*■»«»« [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] - 6 - out in the street, exposure to the puuring rain being considered vastly preferable to being burnt up by electricity. Going into the Hotel Office, bright sparks were observed at short intervals snapping between the gas fixtures and the eleotric wires. One or two "short oirouite" at weak spots haa "blown" a few fuses, but the points of low insulation being thuB eliminated no further damage was done, and the snappy sparks were harmless. The writer after taking in the situation went out and assured the crowd that there was no danger to be feared from the eleotrio eparks around the fixtures, so with some trepidation a few of the bolder spirits ventured into the hotel. Some explanations naturally were requested and in order to restore a measure of publio confidence in the eleotrio wiring, which was naturally blamed for the soare, the writer had to strain his conscience to some extent in stating that the hotel had certainly been struck by the lightning, anyhat in all probability it would have been burnt toW*4 had it not been protected by the eleotrio wires, which provided an easy passage for the lightning to the ground. This incident was reported to Mr. Edison and it led to the Invention of "insulating joints" [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] - 7 - by our late lamented friend Mr. Luther Steringer. These Joints, being sorewed between the grounded pipes and the gas or eleotrio fixtures, prevent the leakages whioh so muoh alarmed our friends in Sunbury. In various ahhpes ana sizes, but with no important improvements these insulating Joints are still universally employed, their use being stringently enforoed by the national Board of Underwriters. The interior wiring of the Sunbury eleotrio lighting station, including the running of three-wire feeders the entire length of building from baok to front, the wiring up of dynamos and switchboard ana all instruments together with busbars, etc., in fact all labor and material used in the electrical wiring installation mounted to the sum of §90,00. The writer reoeived a rather sharp letter from the Hew York Offioe, expostulating on this "extravagant expenditure," ana stating that greater eoonomy must be observed in the future! Our ideas of expense have undergone considerable expansion sinoe the early days of the Sunbury plant. • The two "L" dynamos originally installed on this plant gave regular commercial service for about 20 years, and were then set aside for occasional use as spare machines. Together with the original Armington & Sims engine, they we re sent to the St. Louis Exposition in 1904 and formed an interesting item in the [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] "Collection of isaieonia-' there exhibited. IHey „„ p».0«i=»W « « n™1141” „ .non «, « «»« *“"* t..tl„oW t. «» «* original Edison ajno»o« ”“«» f„ long eervloe rattan «.« *«r Mr. IV. E. Andrews, Consulting Hnr inner lug Department, General Electric Company, chenectady , ii. 1. My dear Mr. .■.ndrews : 1 take plonsure in acknowledging the receipt of your esteemed favor of the 17tli instant, in which you re¬ turn the letter from Mr. Harry hoofer and copy of your reply. nj,e reply, and copy of the paper are very interesting indeed , and I am going to preserve them in my files for future ref¬ erence. Please accept my sincere thanks for the trouble you have takon in the matter, and also for sending me the copies of the letter and paper. I am sorry for the reason which prevented you from boinp present at the Banquet of the Illuminating engineer¬ ing Society, and trust that you have made a good recovery from the attack of Grippe. Let me say, by the way, that the Banquet was not given in honor of Hr. Edison's birthday, but was the regular Banquet of the Illuminating Engineering society, and they took occasion to tender to Mr. Edison an Honorary Member¬ ship in the Society. It was a very nice affair, and I think everyone enjoyed it. y.ith kind regards, and all good wishes, I re- Yours vory truly. CHARLES MEIGS RIPLEY, E.E. STEAM-ELECTRIC ENGINEER NEW YORK ¥ CC «TLI Thomas A.' Edison, Menlo Parle, IT. J. -tr* Dear Sir: ~T7 -vu-^kx, ^ • - She enclosed' copy oia letter to Ogden Mills is • sent you in' the hope that it will ' interest you not only from a' sentimental , hut from an historical and a, tech¬ nical viewpoint. ftfjc The electric industry is so new that we are yet in a position to icnof the life of engines and dyna¬ mos. These two dynamos were made by you before you moved your factory to Schenectady, The engines are the original ones v/hi.ch were installed in the Mills Building by George 3. Post, the famous architect. >. not / These are referred to in my paper "The Life of Build¬ ing Power Plants," delivered two years ago before the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers," in which I spoke of them as the oldest engines and dynamos in Hew York City - if not in the world. ( ,X' am.^salli'hg your attention to this fact in the hope ' that" you' could' lila'ce one of these units in one of your fac¬ tories, ware-houses or laboratories end arrange to have it operated. The voltage i-S 11 5 . It is niy sincere belief that these' are the oldest elec¬ trical generating units in the world, for had it not been so, -I- ’am sure -I would have received denial of the statement, as my • paper making this claim was published or reviewed in the fol¬ lowing newspapers and periodicals : Journal of American Institute of Architects Power - Review Power - Editorial ' A.S.H.& V.E. - Advance Pamphlet » " - Transactions Real Estate Magazine Building Management Isolated Plant Rational" Engineer Practical Electricity Scientific American Thomas A. Edison page two Engineering Hews Internation Steam Engineer - Printed in full " ' " " - Editorial Year Pooh - H. Y. S. Architects Record and Guide Machinery "L'efax" Engineers' Pocket Book Popular Electricity Hew York Sunday V/orld ClffitEC [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] i-wril eighteenth, X 9 1 6 Ogden lilt l -nil ding, 1*> .road Otrcot, :c*f V.or k, * d°f .Sn »•» «» • doavor aacTi Ohriatuao oavUrof ffltt yc**». -murG thcy 0,0 ./cy to^t uIa ,fnn doing. ,o are given to j'.o in bo rasnonoible for n informed, thoao _ ,oc;>t)i lynr.rioo ■•hloh i , will nhuy i.ro about ivo yoo.ro old no’v . zs&cixr ' oJ run before they jfoototllt^d'in thoirtnoi°ho«e. and trust their future life ‘iu bo not o.,ly a useful but a hsvT>y one. :.r>nr eolation, 1 roinain. ,io at cordially youro, much perhaps as it Till you. The apparatus in now in the basement of the Kills Bldg. 15 Broad. St, II. Y. , and can he removed only between Saturday at 1:00 P.K. and Monday at 7:®0 A.!'. any weelc within the month of May. This apparatus is ray property, and I do not wish to sell it, but to loan it to you, give it tb you, or lease it to you, on such terms that I can visit it yearly, and talce visitors to see it, or send visitors to see it. Trusting that you can transfer it in the r and with best-, wishes, I remain Sincerely yy( CMR/R _ " CHARLES MEIGS RIPLEY, E.E. STEAM-ELECTRIC ENGINEER NEW YORK May fifth. 19 16 to* e"tj f] .L/Sfif**, l'“"' Hr* Thos. A* Edison, laboratory, Orange , H . J. Hear Mr. Edison: - Since writing you about tlxe old engine and dynamo at The Hills Building, which you are going to put in service for the balance of its life, I have received a call from the manage¬ ment of the building, requesting that the apparatus be removed at the earliest possible moment, to make room for some additional eauipment. TW further inform me that it can be removed any evening, Beginning about 4:00 P.H. Also that Mr. Richard Doughty, truckman and rigger of 181 liberty St. has made an estimate for removing one of these engines and dynamos and setting it up at The Aquarium in Battery Park. It might save time and money possibly, if you got in touch with Mr. Doughty, and had him take charge of your interests. Hoping that this request of the Mills Building will not in¬ convenience you, and with kindest regards, believe jne, I am : *■*** -^t/noUsno you a cc ?i™yh/c/TJiu^ _ Cm%W-Usrio Jfijl JbvtfgvT?- < _ °* ^o/ujx> j9U; JoM, ?y* a r fe@Is 7^-a- AJtaj^cA. -io\ irr>-.ajjifU.aJl CaJrfcf-ncl cm -unxIx ^tPui' ciAiujjtL* Xcixm/ . J*f po&mA Aculr^tks. newt , -fLafJh. fyjhd oSliurte cpiAauk ohyd "Pgjj? S^am JhiXo’i. cbujtwoyjicl JuP 7m Jcw(-Uvroo iAjxcwt-ffPL CPocUxPeA. jio-.rJn Ko'iXxjjMiJfo ■lOt ^ v. -'w uuLsyut c( C/-A. //vo s / av/vn / r 771 c C crtsrnjucJ { lO-aub ^Aji PZcAAjfr T^^Axc/jtnxJPoP (-Put Pclubori <£&cZa^c CcmyLa^y /ety 'Uftcn JieyyUJlAj; 7m. Tn'Ca^rrdc# fi&WAoyJL Q&inAGoxiiclJPo- oio^ cc -JL u&ftpuf o^-Mj> ^cvru^ccPcffn ccTrnfayr^' TTVto-u aJi^cWtA TI&A6 tw , -&vh.c(~< | yvjvPe.cl ^A&cjjM f 7m. Kf- J* OncOieu# 1-Snj^junJieA . aJiJi Mjl ctfMsi -rnjonMAom ■UJt -Aoroce Jlcrtortcl-lo-tT^ cxAAocicUo- OoAo -SZffiau/- M cW- _ ^JZoiqusMctcl yjAo^nu^crU. •OAUcLb sJwAJZ . MJji -Acpsi yuu. ■urtJcr YloK -&€ a(MJ2/yi vbd oonjuMfcu/ JL (^r/jLPuLLooo ^06 sPZ&’Uj. "K '/>n ’j^rriaJ^JUjpoAr- '(j ^/i/tcrt JyjcLfiyricu/ - cnJJi ojttsmXodri, /' ^-^Ld, 77). 7 c* if- frcxAJvy -4. 7rjui/fizA asnd. 'ScovnuA&fl lr?itx?&-tdkh-> /43-xFtftf. c£2W^ f ny roeollootion. Ihoso figures aro only in relation to the years 10(30 and 1890. as to tho othor. yaars mentioned., I have no roeollootion at all, as. I was not connectod with tho handling, of the standard lamps at those times. I an very sorry that tho information I can give is so meagre. - • El' • 2, E. Uj ton whoso pro&ont address is’ 9 Clinton (Street, ilev.urh, li'.J, could probably furn¬ ish -.you. v.ith roliablo data. I would cargos t also Ur. Charles Healey of the lamp V.orhs at Harrison. 11. . A. 1). i-age could furnish a great deal of data from tho yoor 1090 onward. You could also obtain a good dosl of roliublo information from tho How York Edison Co., and probably from bur old friond Sr. t. i Andrews at the Eehoueotady wor’ts. . Yours very truly. Assistant to Ur. Edison. ; i A/1787. Edison General File Series 1916. Electric Pen [not selected] (E-16-34) This folder contains unsolicited correspondence relating to Edison’s electric pen. The documents for 1916 consist of a letter requesting a picture of Edison's 1877 electric-needle duplicating machine, along with a reply stating that none was available. Edison General File Series 1916. Employment (E-16-35) This folder contains correspondence relating to employment in Edison's laboratory and factories. Many of the documents for 1916 pertain to his need for chemists for his wartime work on coal-derived products. Included are applications from college students who were subsequently offered positions, along with letters from applicants referred to Edison by his friends or business associates and a few reference letters for departing employees. Also included is correspondence on general labor issues such as training, strikes at Edison s factories, pensions, public health and medical care. Some of the documents concern the hiring of James T. Phelan to replace Wilfred S. Dowling as manager of the Aniline Division. In addition, there are requests for financial assistance from film actor Edwin Clark and from the family of Edison’s chemical consultant Jonas W. Aylsworth, who died in June 1916. One letter contains a draft response by Edison denying the allegation that he discriminated against Jews in his hiring practices, while several other letters contain derogatory remarks about a Jewish applicant whom Edison subsequently decided not to hire. Approximately 15 percent of the documents have been selected. The unselected items consist primarily of requests for employment from men and women of widely varying ages and backgrounds. Most of these requests received no answer or a form letter stating that there were no positions currently open. Also not selected are letters from Edison to more qualified applicants, explaining that he needed organic rather than inorganic chemists, stating that he did not hire for summer work only, or requesting a photograph of the applicant. Other unselected documents include letters from current or past employees seeking financial support, requests for verification of employment history, letters of introduction, requests for career advice, declined job offers, and reminiscences from individuals who claimed to have worked for Edison at some point in the past. Jon. tth. 1916, •Mr. H. Lindsley, 13 Cedar iitreot, Schenectady, H. Y. hear Sir: Your favor of the first instant was received, and I have shown it to ;,lr . Edison. He wishes me to say that at the present time wo have very little glass blow¬ ing done here, and do not need a regular man for that purpose. iVo will keep your letter on file, however, for further reference. Yours very truly, .assistant to Hr. Edison. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ' SCHENECTADY, N. Y, .January 8th, 1916. Mr. Wm. H. Meadoworoft , Seo'y Edison laboratory. Orange, 31. J, Dear Mr. Meadoworoft: - Mr. H.R.lindsley, who has bee/ doing my ; n ur generally in experimental glass blowing and assisting the laboratory is now leaving to take a bitter and more responsible position in the Toronto University. He has, however, a very strong ambition to get employment in Mr. Edison's laboratory and he recently wrote you, asking if there was any ohanoe for him to get a job there, Mr. lindsley is an expert worker in glass, besides which he understands the handling of air pumps and other laboratory apparatus, so that he is competent to be'oome a general laboratory assistant and this ability together with his expert knowledge of glass working, should make Mb services valuable where there is not quite enough glass work to keep a man regularly employed thereon. I hope you will kindly remember Mr. lindsley' s application and advise him if any opening offers his employment in the near future in Mr. Edison's laboratory* Mr. lindsley will probably write you again on his arrival in Toronto and let you know his address there. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY With my kind regards, I remain Jan. 11th. 1916. Ur. V.. S. --ndrows, $_ Consulting Engineering Department, General Electric Company, Schenectady, H. Y. My dear I,lr. Andrews: I am in receipt of your esteemed favor of the (3th instant in regard to Ur. H. fi. Lindsley, and have consulted with Ur. Edison in regard thereto. Ho says that he has not enough work of this nature to keep one man busy. How¬ ever, he does not know how soon an occasion might arise when hw would require a good man of this kind, so he has asked me to keep your letter on file for future reference. »ith kindest regards, I remain. Yours very truly. TUo \XAAO t (UjLyQt tflvJfaZi , CU**4A, 1,^-m^ y • =4*^ "• g ■ ^ Ca^- ifcjsfc't- i&c-^a. ip^h JL^ vu^iiriAM omJL cka "i^t b fc(> ife CljUAMtdj /JoJ?i» ^ Ti^v*^ Q-£jI!u«m. 9 Cw "t^^S AMtfuPS ^-vahaa tfef Clu*4A iKy^MA^A 9 ntjJlJbfy ^ I JlcOtM^s IL- *2-3' CSjuaww^ u)d-^^ ctrtjS tcu ol2(LiiV ^CMrtfvvjfe u^N»fi ^O-IaTI ,&OVA»jpA£> fVCAtn. . lOltf ^IK lti^Mj0^ CUrU^- ifcUP Oo ' _z s jy Z! ■ / /(yc/'/'L Arfzz/A tcMdyvyUz/' '/3y/£ jf /COZZ- f-zzzzzzrc ZZZ- S.Z* ZZ--£/ f,Uzyz.zzzy .^^y fczzzp 'z/iTAL /ZZzzJZ -A z^^zzAzAzzyA p/S-CzA /d-tz>#' ~$k/:sz Jbz'/iz’ mayy sffaA. jr/J y, y . • P 0UaZ'A^zzzy/ UJ7/L y/z. (A ’ " e/,. / /d)z/y JQi yj=- ty/Za&JUzte yjfeyi/ c//z£zzy zf^zuzA AAzz//z-z/A E.RDIl5f»Sr&OT,T»c, Mr. Thomas A. Bdiso: V l Kvv% w* _ . 5ri'*u > ^ w tu. . „ neotea with and has done consider who solicits an arrangement v; i t h us to r ec^ ato- manufacturing of salicylic acid J ^Me chemical; eiwjnehring /or t) , J a^xJL* CMt--^**** 0 We should like to ability, his chemical oapahility^i^f^,^e^mahl^^»^^i^^^ a good man to supervise and speo^PEhe machinery Will you kindly tell us your expedience withjiim nnd your opinion? Whatever yon say, will he consider^tf^trictly confidential. Jr Thanking you in advance and with the assurance of our highest respect, we remain. Yours very truly, E.S.DICXIHSOIT & COMPAHY, Inc. President. EED-.-CBG a*u( Jftl* /kaJU aoua/ jA aximxx/'- * (&tr. % efj** (Rty OfiuX/j /9/e. icJ? tpjuw d'vi': J/a^tAy. J«u.«. .cokaUu yCdt, sCOAji. $yt/. (JeotAtA ^04 J& -demf jJul ^wtiZ&A J/oaJu&a omJ ay mUvvms mua/a&w ^ /A AttZcit i/ A* yUoAT ^J-cyomA a /tt AaJ Atscdu^. ■dt) jfu4 jjht/ a -oot/t axxd Jo jzA adouJ' Jo Azyy€ Jd $As. ^PoaAa JeA/ <***&, 1 04id 4ACAy two, Jo Ada. ct /t&iJ /ptyrus-; *t A April 15th. 1916. Mr . Hayes : As you are aware , v.o have a number of new men who have recently come into tho organization, i'hoy have never Been the line to phone, ana many of them havo nevor heard tho Diamond DIeo Phonograph. I have arranged v. ith Mr. Konnedy ~o give a demonstration of the Xinotophone next wodnesaay at 12:30. If convenient to you to attend at that time and play a few good records for us, I think v;o could kill two birds with one stone. I have chosen that time so that tho mon would be on hand for a one o'clock lunch afterward. I supposo you will be willing to take your lunch thon also. U H. I.lEaDOliCiiOI’i . cc. to Mr. Member t, A /-> o \ ^ ^ 9 > P ) 'tk)j2^!LAJ ^%U. ^%*y^ZsV*yiyffe- ^ertsC' sut/i^£ \ Jk^~ tdZsTsC#'^ /l£- ,Wutspv<^6^C/ ,>!L<^~ ^ ytsV~ZL*> jZ^SLjh^tr-Cyc**/ y&tJ) *4^&U. J^ul/JuaS ^ &Jn<- #hy, JL^slvuy yUstt/,^ yjp^ dszs yZy£n^c£ j&-^.-zr~ -^<-**''1-0 - A l}. ^ ,^c-c< i^S s?-Z^(jtdlje_, -ZjLz- fy^Lyirrls/ts -*-*> r tk?- b April 22nd, 1916. Tufts College, Mass. 52 West Hall. Thomas A. Edison, . OrangE, N.J. Dear Sirs, ^ - lUU~ 4dr%\$f%A~ '**^*^' In introducing myself' I will' say that I am ajs^rflor ax epiy^sflitarested in tid^irffTermeoiate Tufts College, Chemistry Department. I am deeply the branch of Organic §hemistry that deals with tar products and in Dyestuffs themselves. If there should be an opening in your plaoe in June I wpola undertake to fill it efficiently. Recommendations can be obtained from the professor in charge. Yours faithfully?; (COPY) April 29, 1916. Mr. Edison: Mr. Kammerhoff has just advised. me that the strike at his plant has been settled, on the following basis: f ' Men who have been getting 22 1/2/ an hour will got 26/ , per hour, thereby placing them on the same basis as employees at the Anilino plant. Men who are now getting 20/ per hour will get 22 1/2,4 per hour. Be. men ,111 ho .started at 22 »" ”°"r onl “It0r having Been In o.r employ immmU. »» *“ "* »" hour. „ , this settlement of th« mottsr Is along t.lio H»« lnl1- eated in memorandum mhloh I Sent to Kr. fammerhoff and »hloh .as apuroved by you. lir. Kammerhoff has arranged so that rart of the men =111 start In Sunday night, part B.nday and the hal.ne. on Tuesday morn- ing. cir/rvw c. u. ^. • cc to Ur. Charles Edison and Mr. Ka ibert. . EXECUTIVE BOARD „ REPRESENTING OVER 80,000 MEMBERS ! » ffletoratum of Habof Newark, New Jersey May let, 1916. ' l hL yJ ) cJU J.VL oU*-r ~~y A committee of Transfer Pressmen of the fourth floor of bulletins #24 came to me this morning and stated that they ~ had submitted the enclosed letter embodying demand's for an vv increase of wages to Mr. Chas. Kioher, Superintendent, and that he refused to take any notice of the same, and that in consequence of hie action, a number of the men walked out of the factory. They requested me to respectfully appeal to you to take up their case as the higheot wages these men can make, they claim, is $12.00 per week and frequently less, and as a number of them are married men with families it is almost im¬ possible for them to support their families on the amount of money they can earn. I would, therefore, respectfully request that you give the enclosed letter of the men due consideration as the work they have to perform and the intense heat they work in, is suoh that they are in my opinion entitled to an in¬ crease in wages. ry truly yours, j J itvcSltv ^jya l j-futoM. jCcAc-r eUvjJlCj- U fc WT.w Vi fr ^ ^ l* JfcL RECEIVED MAY 2 1916 tS»i» r<*we®^sTaB,*6^, t^^-m.= ^evi c^ *1^^ [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] April 29, 1916. Orange, W. J. Edison Phonograph Works. Gentlemen: V/e, the undersigned, Transfer Pressman of the fourth floor building, Wo. 24 request a flat rate of 25 # per hottr for our work. The high cost of living such as, increases of food stuffs, higher rents, and all clothing has gone up, have 'all made our requests more necessary. While our work does not call for extraordinary mechanical skill, still it requires painstaking and exact efforts besides the uncomfortable effects of the heat, esnecially in Bummer when it is almost intolerable. Industrial conditions all over the U.S. are mood, firms are voluntarily raising wages for there is a scarcity of men. Illiterate laborers command $2.50 to $2.75 for eight hours work while we native born Americans, mostly married, have to work ten hours to make $2.00 per day. We hope you will see the justice of this request and will give us a favorable, reply immediately as we fefuse to work under present conditions. / [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] May 3, 1916. Mr. Edison: Seventeen of the transfer pressmen struck on Monday morning. Up to last Saturday night 14 of them were getting 20(4 per hour £ L 3 of them 22 1/2(4 per hour. Beginning Monday, May 1st, the 20)4 men would have teen raised to 22 1/2(4 [three of them to 26(4 because of having teen with us over six months), and the 22 1/2)4 men would have been increased to 26^. Shortly after they came in on Monday morning, however, they requested a flat rate of 26(4 per hour for the entire 17 men. Kiroher tells me he advised them that this request would have to be referred to the officials of the company and that they were not willing to wait until this could be done but instead started an argument with him until the point was reached when he had to order them out of the plant. A committee of two of these pressmen who called on me yesterday morning denied that this was the case and claimed that Kircher simply told them that their request would not be granted and that if they did not want to work for the new rates established they could get out. Personally I do not think tnat this matter was^ handled as diplomatically as it oould have been and that if Kircher had treated them a little more courteously and told them that as soon as I came in the matter would be me they would have been only too glad to wait; at least they told me in the interview yesterday that if they had been work in roller as they were by me they would never have left their work anr^ld haveybeln entirely satisfied with the new scale of wages which we put in effect. Beginning May 1st our arrangement with transfer pressmen is 22 1/2(4 per hour for new men, with the understanding that they are to get 25$ after six months, if they prove steadyandreliable £*£■5153 S, which fays him from 27 1/2* to .30,4 per hour. Eor your information, the results of the increase;, in wages in the Disc Record Department only decided on by us last week are as follows: I [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] Mr. Edison- 2. 12 1/2 to 16 20 to 22 1/2 22 l/2 to 26 26 to 27 1/2 27 1/2 to 30 30 to 32 1/2 32 l/2 to 36 200 426 109 20 4 2 2 cot/ raw 69 60 60 60 60 60 60 Total Weekly increase of Payroll. _ $ 296.00 639.00 163.60 30.00 6.00 3*00 3.00 $1139.60. jCw4 fiU-{ #4 ^ ^ / 7 „ V. .. TL, — <**•<-< ^ Thomas A. Edison, ' • Grange, N. Y. '•••r • - Dear Sir, Your favour of the 26th of April received, ano in reply I wish to say that I would be glad to accept the position you offer me. I would however like to know if this means a permanent posi¬ tion, if I "am satisfactory to you , and if this position offers prospects for advancement . Commencement Day falls on the 21st of June and I will be aole to show up for work on the 25rd. Yours for service, ivr W‘ Hay 9th. 1916. Ur. Frank S. Shapiro, Tufts College, 38 v.eet Hall, Tufts college, Uass. Dear Sir: Beplying u> your favor of the first instant, Ur. Faison wishes us to say that we do not guarantee |ho permanency of positions, but v.e always keep several ehemists who have made good, ana v.e have increased their salary in proportion to their success. Yours very truly, Edison Laboratory. Kindjiy ttdvise me regarding the nature of the work you expect m to do bo that I may do some ueeful reading on the subject. << S’ . ef” }}f fctoO'lTYX, i £inu+"tj 0 , V J)lC£^ert'v^l‘ / 28tf(») May 39th. 1913 Hr. Frank S. Shapiro, 33 treat Hall, Tufts Hollege, Mass. Dear Sir: Tour ftt’jor of tha 20th instant to Mr. Ellson has bean received, and he wishos ae to say that there. Is no epeoial. reading that he can suggest to you at this time. The work upon which y u will be engaged is experimenting, which never. may be two days alike. Tours very truly. Assistant to Hr. Edison. Northeast House, State College, Pa., Hay 22, 1916. :u Mr. Win. H. Headoworoft, Assistant to Mr. Edison, firange, IT. J« Dear Slr:- J ^ cu^/u^<^<£t^ -y^C^ 1Urou^L<^t f £ lo^ltltO Oa, yL^o JLu n^ra^n, nyi^d" oJ!>JUa 'QPiAAyty yLA^UU^o^OcA^cA^ ~ Dear Mr. Meadowcroft:- I duly received a copy of your letter with reference to the Discolored Phenol, the sale of which I ain how negotiating. If the parties want the additional 10 lb. sample, I will advise you promptly. In the meantime, your original letter has come to hand, it being mailed to A.C. Barrell, of Birohfield & Co., Hew York, and who resent it to me. hv\ . — • I take the liberty of enclosing here¬ with a letter I received from a young man, P* B. Hallook, whose father I have known for a number of years. This man is an educated chemist, being a graduate of Columbia Univer- sity, Chemical Department, and I believe he would prove an honest and useful young man. I is possible that you may have use for such a person in some of your plants. If so, I should be glad if you could give him a trial. If you are. not in want of such a man, simply return his application to me. Yours very truly, Eno. TJP-.CH. m July 6th- 1916 Dr. E. J. Parker, 98 Viilliara Street, Hew York City. Doar Dr. Parker; I received your favor of the third in¬ stant enclosing letter from hr. P. 35. (lallock in regard to a position in our Cjiomical Department, I showed- both your letter and hr. ilallook's letter to Hr, Edison, and he wished me to express to you his regret that there is no vacancy at the- present, l'he only position ho had open was filled last week, Howevor, if we should bo in line for additional assistance, I shall take pleasure in communicating with you later. X return Hr,. Hallock’ s letter here¬ with, Yours very truly. Enclosure . 7/S txculA (2- u.r.a. A" / OloZ-j, fc Ct\cwM^j7utcjel CAy&kcM. flfr o L A *'**' **- fc 2L -Aa* *urf~ am*. nU^’U^Ayt^ ^£e*>-Vi~L-f ^ 7^-' &v^)eua^ yei^o /l&u'ibe . | | f ., ~fL, ^ ^LmE ftWteJ fwxl©*' e^M^o a~@~fc4 4 /%. fttfeha^tfv c^gJZ^J-. A ^-0 Kmest*., 4” a- yn<. ^&ijLii*tugX*i *7 ' rfi Allenlown, Pa, U. S. A., £=L^y ^ - v^: ' ' 4ZZi^g AuiC— d3fcc®s 'V^v. "^T Ot^Wv— PVs^Co ' . ^V4^ ff 'Ll-C-4 "ptxCs . Cl'^^w,,'\^ fl^^J (\\A'"'-'w ^ V Wo £7/ ijLf • '/ ^r-Ui^> tf"“>^ - ^UvvvxA-' ,J~5v/jo'/Y — H • " ( ! /uAa^TvI'^’ '# ^p-ujj^T rO ^$\as^c. , . , 'f <^JL^A ^n — - - “ - - ^ . • ““ 25 O^RT September 13, 1916. Mr. Wilson: Mr. Fairbanks telephoned this afternoon, in regard to inquiry of labor Commissioner Bryant as to a reported strike here, that inasmuch as he had probably been responsible for the delay due to congestion of work and accumulation of paperB, he had taken the liberty of interviewing Hlrd about it, who is now in his depart¬ ment. Hird told him that there was no strike but that in July some of the men stayed out one day, due to a disagreement, and came back the next night. Mr. Fairbanks has not yet been able to turn up the lettar from Commissioner Bryant, but reports as above so that you will be able to answer Mr. Bryant's inquiry. Mr. lewis T. Bryant, Commissioner of labor, fronton, H. J. Dear Sir: Apologies are aue you for the delay in replying to your inquiry of August 23 ra concerning reported strike in our Diamond Disc Department on July 17th, which inquiry was referred to ono of the hdd^a of departments and mislaid. We oouia hardly call this a strike, for the reason that, aiter they had made certain demands that were not met, they remained out owing to a disagreement among themselves more than anything else',^ About forty men participated in a demand for an increase in wages, twenty of whom were put to work the^following night (it was night gang) and the remainder we refused to take hack. Yours very truly. / tfifCUcffl /~~ rfc Zllc^cJ qJo TlLA'Ke^ d_ Mcno#/ xrfryi^j <<57Cn^fy' -^M~- — '^Tr^U^j do ,dijjU ^ - „ .C=~* "Edison Phonograph Works, V/est °range, A^iJ ^ e^'**c" Hew JeT¥y^J,^^ (L Clients of mine/desire to make inquiry of ^ \ of 136 Liberty Street, this your concerning D. H. Blisi city. X shall appreciate it if you will advise me o'f ^ your knowledge of him and his ability as an inventor and aB a business man, and also as to his integrity and general character. •^*j October 19,1916. Mr. Arthur Bosenberg, Standard Varnish borks, • Elm lark, S. I., How York. Dear Sir:- - ■ -- ' lir. Alex S. lewis _hss applied to me for a position' as Eesearch unomis't in my Chemical laboratory- He rofors ine to you and states that he has worked for ’your Comnuuy about three years-. Bill you kindly lot me know what you think of Mr. lewis for this class of work, obliging, Yours, very truly, October 19,1916 6. B. CookPaiht Works, Kansas City, Ho.' Gentlemen: Hr. Alex S. lewis has applied to me for a position as Research Chemist in my Chemical laboratory. Ho refers me to you and states that he has worked for your Company about three years . b ill you kindly let me know what you think of Hr. lewis for t-is class of work, obliging. General Offices Removed to 90 West Street, New York Cjty/(£ n _ ' -**• -O.-AOOR B a S7f»a RT-RKJttWON-D.-N-.Y. October 20,19X6 Gentlemen: Attention of Mr.Meadowcroft. I are in receipt of your inquiry (of the 19th inst., regarding Alexander S. Lewie, and wish to eay that he worked as Assistant in our Research Department for a period slightly in excess of three years. , and Research Chemist, and he, therefore, had no opportunity to display originality. It i3 consequently impossible to soy how val¬ uable a Chemist he may be. Yours very truly STANDARD VARNISH WORKS ADR/C */' /A f % V'-'1 r •* ’ M; AWARDED GOLD MEDAL OF HONOR. Panama. Pacific International Exposition. 1915 Kansas City. U.S.A. Clot. 23, 1916. Chomaa A. Edison, Laboratory, Orange, 11. J. Gentlemen: Referring to your inquiry of the 19th, concerning Ur. Alex. S. Lewis: Ur. Lewis was in our employ for a few months the early part of this year. He Beamed to he a very capable young fellow and was efficient in his work, hut as he was of Jewish descent and had some of the objectionable characteristics of that race, ho was a disturbing element in our organization and I, therefore, asked for his res¬ ignation. Yours very truly. Pres. & Ureas. cnc/s All T A .E . Affiliated. Interests , Standard of First Aid Committee. — Oot .26,1916. _4srp— - -jrsLS =£h£nr Vie have just learned that Mr. E.E. &^KS_, Hudson, who has been so prominently identified with the development, especially the increased use of primary batteries in this country in all lines of industry, but especially in the railway field, leaves the Thomas A. Edison Co., Inc. on January 1 to go with the Viaterbury Battery Company. The writer has personally known Mr. Hudson for a. number of years and during that acquain¬ tanceship has learned alsb that Mr. Hudson has built for himself a confidence and acquaintanceship which to say the least is enviable. Vie shall make some notice of the proposed change in early issues of two or more of our publications and it has occurred to us that since he has been identified with you for the past eight or nine years, you might care to payhim some brief personal tribute that we could include in a sketch. If you are so inclined, we will appreciate it if you will so address us in the next few days so that we may include it. ‘T/7 Lc*X- r~X 'XLcuJi ~U^>4 C^^tc^t} c^v-o-rC A> ~ZUjI, yt( \,aJr ■(*-<_, cl* ~b>-#-y. "7/ ■;•{.. y - '^2 iTh* -,«-z£ dU^i (L t^V L/ cC^C' *Ts CL'di- t'H^i-' y^V- y(sl^a,$- ,u!r /'IO&l.<_£-^C ,/Lc CUsL-lj yy^J X^*Mu4. jho-^-t^y -n*uq? JLt- aJU.u ~fa ctb 'L'LA' t'/Lo yrT^j Cr^ (UyvCti^iyC-t,^^ W^ jbCjsU -f di^JL cut i'W 7 t^aJL cU. U, ii ^ ^ >?“*“': / z. rfW.c "-^“T ^ f/ Z^^/W ^ ■ixscuYh, 'f~2C' V l/ y i r f L ' rl ~ttc^ T,u ^,tU c^X vU.Uk k^y / * ^ r-Z ^°*f* .^J*. ■ /} S’ n • ( ' n f f j ^ ct^y -''~-Lr'0-LAS\s 2i\s. 2tt^0 c*'"1' ^CC Z /> ,. ^ f. tp-^Jr Ut-i.u'V’ ■ I'lt-r J7- ?.■ 22ylcA^*^&L anterlcan Scaocm? of arts ann Hctters Office of the Permanent Secretary November 29,1916. Dear Mr. Edison: - Yesterday I called upon Mrs. William Merritt Chase, widow of the distinguished painter, who perhaps you kmew, - was one of the finest men in the profession and a man of great use to everybody with whom he oame in contact. He left eight children, two of whom are married. Of his two sons, one, six¬ teen years old, is very much interested in electricity, and Mrs. Chase is desirous to have him start work at onoe. I have volunteered to write to you to ash if, in these piping timeB of peace, you have a place for a bright young fellow in your workshop. 1 feel sure that he is of the right stuff. Will you kindly let me hear from you? Always, with the kindest romembranoes and with great respect. Thomas^ Edison, Esq. , orange, N.J . December 1,1910 IJr. 3. 0. Johnson, c/o American Acadony of Arte and lottore, Eoom 411,. 70 Fifth Avonue, Bov: York, B.Y. Dear 2, Ir. Johnson: I am ofraid that you are laboring under a nicapprolions ion which seoms to bo quito general,. namely, . that I am still active iy carrying on an electrical Manufact¬ uring businoec. 1 have boon .out of -tlmt lino, of business for over IS. year:. , except tliat we are still malting primary and storage batter¬ ies. - iiy establishment is not such e one as Mrs. Chase has in mind for her. son, I would suggest that you or sho communicate with the General Sloctrie Company at- Schenectady: Ehby have an apprentice oomso, as to which they issue some literature,, and I think that you will< get "the information you wish from that Goiirco. Edison General File Series 1916. Equipment and Supplies (E-16-36) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to the purchase and use of tools and raw materials in Edison's laboratory and factories. Included are lists of items wanted, prepared by Edison, along with marginalia written by Edison regarding the qualities of the products received. Among the documents for 1916 are letters pertaining to pulverizing mills, pianos and custom-made thermometers. Some of these letters are marked "disc" or "disc phono," indicating that they relate to efforts to continue the production of phonograph records despite wartime shortages of raw materials. Among the correspondents are photographer Frank M. Steadman and chemical supplier William H. Scheel. Approximately 10 percent of the documents have been selected, including all items relating to Edison's direct personal involvement in the ordering of equipment and supplies. The unselected material includes routine correspondence pertaining to orders and shipping, as well as variant copies of standard inquiry letters used by Edison to request catalogs, quotes, or samples. Most of this correspondence was handled by William H. Meadowcroft and George L. Ott. Also unselected are many sales letters from companies trying to interest Edison in their products, and interoffice communications between A. C. Emery and other Edison employees regarding purchasing, accounting, and record keeping. Cn wu\ LAUTER CO. PIANO MANUFACTURERS NEWARK. NEW JERSEY Mr. Thomas Edison, Valley Road , West Orange, N. J. Rear Siri- Jannary 14th, 19 IS. We are concerned to know something of the extent to which you hare found satisfactory the " LAUTER " Upright Piano recently selected by yourself for use at your pr irate laboratories. It is not unlikely that the tonal balance and accuracy of this piano (especially for experimental and recording work) could be maintained more perfeotly if we had occasional access to the same for such tuning and regulating ns might contribute to its thorough satisfaction in your use of it. Will you not kindly adrise us accordingly,- in apprec¬ iation of which courtesy,- we are I '6 ^-<-VV\<5Co "2-0^ ib«.r ]*<&- Yylc^vCf^. jocJ*' , 6^rfr* pcrul^^K •4cW^cv( ^p-Cv^rir^n QGJLkasv\iM'*\ J'Cada.^ec _ _ 'YtarrrC _ /^(>Lvvt«^wrtek^gi ^_ [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] January 20th . 1916 . ;.lr . Learning : Hr. Edison wants me to ask you to send a con¬ firming requisition to the Industrial Chemical 'Company, the Fifth avenue Building, Hew lork City, for one carload of #1 Calcium Carbonate, at (jib. 00 per ton, 1?. 0. B. Orange, packed in extra strong cotton bags, which v.ill bo charged extra at each and credited in full on return to shipper, freight prepaid. Tennis 30 days, less for cash, 10 days. On ac¬ count of the ombargo laid by the Pennsylvania Eailroad Co., today on goods for Erie delivery, I have instructed the In¬ dustrial Chemical Company to route this shipment via P. B. E. and D. L. & «. delivery at Orange. This routing has been determined upon after consultation with Mr. Edison, end I have so instructed the Industrial Chemical Company in giving them the order by the telephone this afternoon. I have instruct¬ ed them lo consign the goods as follow's : Thomas ^ . Edison, Disc Beeord Department, Orange, II. J. For al. Hoffman. V, . H. MEADOYiCEOFT . Jan. 31st . 1916. West Pulverising Company, liewark, II. J. Gentlemen: I am looking for a grinding mill that will grind dry woodpulp bo that 80$ij of the ground material' will past through 200 mesh. The capacity of the grinding machine to be about 800 pounds per hour. The dry woodpulp hs it goes into the machine would pass through about 20 mosh. • If you can supply any such mill, will you please send me particulars, and price at your earliest convenience. Please also state how promptly delivery could be made. Tours very truly. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] STURTEVANT CRUSHING, GRINDING AND SCREENING MACHINERY Thirty-five years’ experience in designing and building special reduction and screening machin¬ ery enables us to offer the largest and most varied line of specialties' built and to give as references most of the prominent concerns using this class of machinery. There is hardly any substance that cannot be handled eco¬ nomically in some of our machines. Our testing department is at your disposal, so that machines may be tried before purchasing. We build Crushers of several types (Jaw, Rotary and Hammer) for coarse or fine reduction. Rolls for fine crushing and Granulation— Ring-Roll, Hammer Bar, Swing Hammer and Emery Mills for coarse, intermediate and fine grinding. Newaygo Screens and Separators for all kinds of screening; Laboratory Crushers, Rolls, Grinders and Screens for Sampling; Coal Crushers and Automatic Samplers ( i/'- Automatic Scales, Dry Mixers, etc. i *-i&- l SEND FOR CATALOGUE STURTEVANT MILL CO., BOSTTy, MASS. ^ 1 t" 40 METALLURGICAL AND flHEMTfiAT. ENGINEERING JANUARY 1, 1916 [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] a i*\ <4 i- * KjtjLm — . ^—C ICLj o -<5^d P ^Lq. \^Ji-e**Ji- ex-rtjfc, •* ~ d T~ <5 CJLu^^<2^ }(_-''' i ^ Ay - (t?. ' / ^ ^ 4r •~cr=> 7 February 1st. 1916. Mr. Edison: You probably remember Mr. Johnson of the Goodyear Eubber Company oomong on to see you, and you spoke to him about getting you somo of that sheet rubber for reproducers. There was some delay about it, and then you wrote him a letter saying that if he wanted to have a phonograph for his wife to hurry up the samples. I transpired afterward that the samplos were all the time at your house, ant. you found them accidentdy. They had been sent to Charles by mistake. I am writing now just as a reminder to you as to whether or not you intended or had promised to give Mr. Johnson a phono¬ graph for hie wife. X feel that you would probably not want to neglect it if you had made the nromise. »L_ 3. &. Alsing Engineering <&o. SlOoSBBSacxSiBSEJSr #75 Guernsey Str. Brooklyn Boro# New York. Febr. 1st. 1910. Thomas A. Edison, Laboratory: Orange, N..T. Gentlemen:- boratory. (« 'fyd^uXo J a CUka^aX tW« j tfr'VCA Cylinders. Tin 'tfLi C«&* ^ ^ We '4jav^,your k^tl^nquiry jforji Mill, to pulverize Wood-Pulp "mesh* at. the rate of 800 lh. per hour. can (highly recomandr-our Pebble pulverizing / ^econoraical^^fine^pulverizers in existence. J - * //.^ riw*» U» We enciuJr^HuT^wItl? a special circular (if these Mills, that contains explanations and instructions of the construction, erection and directions for opperating these Mills, etc. V ^ We also enclose a B/P. of the size of Cylinder, whdfbh we think will answer the required capacity. Further a B/P. of the lafiest Porcelain lining. This shape of Brick with Bumbs on the race, has proven to have a greater efficiency in grinding and also protects the seams, where the wear of the lining starts and thus prolongs the life of a lining. We propose to furnish you one Alsing Pulverizing Cyl. complete, lined with our improved lining and including a full charge of the best selected Flint Pebbles, at the price of :- Six Hundred Dollars- --------------- FOB. here. * It will take 4 weeks to construct such machine of 4 b cila. X -$600.00 )' long. Trusting that we may receive your order at Yours very truly J.R. Alsing Engineering Company. d? Prest. i parley date, we s (>rV Prest. Feb. Dth. 1916. The «. E. dicing Engineering Co., 7b Guernsey Stroot, Brooklyn, ii. T. Gentlemen : I received your favor of the first instant with enclosures, and regret to say that I cannot use a mill with pebbles . . I can only use steel balls, as 1 can get the minute chips out of the powder by a magnet, whereas 1 could not do this with pobblos . tours very truly. **7 'll \=>- C odcJc Q|£J& t If 2. The Edison Portland Cement Company STEWARTSV1LLE, N. J. February?, 1916. Mr. Thomas A. Edison, Orange , N. J. Dear Mr. Ediscn:- Replying tc your note relative to Fuller Mills, I beg tc state that we will need all the Fuller Mills we have in the Coal Flant until the new tube mills have been received and put in place, which may be June cr July before they are all installed. I have taken the matter up with the Fuller people tc see whether 1 can locate any second hand mills, and if sc, will advise you. Yours very truly, president .A A 2T -vnA&JU— CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] ^vjJUUr- CxnJ&k' ^4v ) ~ & * VvcJliL CTv\^ 11) Jlurw-n — ■w-Cca. - 0-V-4- CTW ' eLi>A,^'- <£fc~ Jblfffir .- -^ .o .4- ^•Jva A'A'vO •'jpr'M^-i1-' 7— -■''Vo <■ Wvou » U«HA/«r 1 the sample of B3f«>sae*.Wood Pulp that you expressed >uld say, that we havi Four (4) Hours Grinding redi Six (6) " ■ Eight (8) " " Ten (10) " " i Pulp tc about 80 Heel i pulp separated in accordance with the above hours o3 Tie wish to 6tate that the material in question is r i practically free fror so very light. If it would be pel ; the length of the grinding t reduced, and still get the t ;he sand in question would place iding pebbles t-4*-e- to act on sam( r purpose. if you would advise ub Ld require, would be pleased to c Thomas A. Edison, #2 same . We beg to remain Yours very truly, Since writing the above it has occurred to us that it might be advisable for our representative to call and if after locking these samples over, you would like to see him please advise, and we will arrange for an early interview with you. Fob. 23rd. 1916. She John E. Thropp's Eons Co., Trenton, H. J. Gentlemen : Your favor of the 21st instant re¬ garding the test of grind wood pulp has been received arid shown to Hr. Edison. He requests us to say that the results you report are not satisfactory, .mother concern that has tried this, grinds 280 pounds per hour, 92Ji through 180 mesh. Yours very truly, Edison laboratory. Charles J. Cagliabue, 18 - 33rd Street, Brooklyn, 11. 1. Hot.' about that special sample thermometer. I^ouiahavere- oeived it yesterday. Can you not send it today by messenger? X want to decide matter before leaving for Florid - .'.lurch 20 th. 1916. Mr. Emery: Mr. Edison requested me to send you .his memorandum to ask you to issue a requisition to the Simplex Hydrometer Company, 320 Market Street, Ifewark, il. J., to cover 12 special thermometers made on Mr. Edison’s specifications, at *4.00 each. Shese are 9" special thermometers reading from ioo0 to 400°Fahr. One of these has been delivered to Mr. Edison this morning, and the remaining 11 are to be delivered on Thursday of this week. Mr. Edison told mo to tell you that this was a special emergency case which he has rushed through personally before leav¬ ing for Florida. These special thermometers are to be used in the manufacture of the disc records. Hr. Moore knows about it. If these special thormonetere are found satisfactory, Mr. Edison expects to uso about 80 altogether, and he thinks that probably the ."implex Hydromoter Company will make you a little better price on the remaining 68. V.e cannot tori definitely about ordering the remaining 68 until the 12 have been in use. ..ill you kindly have the requisition for the 12 issued today, and send it to Simplex Hydrometer Company at the above address , for attention of Mr. Beck? K. H. MEADOV. CEOFT . OFFICE i WAREHOUSE. 22S EAST 24tli STREET OFFICE, MONTREAL AND SHOWROOMS. PULLMAN LENZ & NAUMANN, Inc. CHEMICAL, BIOCHEMICAL, MEDICAL, SURGICAL AND PHYSICAL APPARATUS, GLASSWARE AND SPECIALTIES, CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND STAINS 17 Madison Avenue, Pullman Building, New York, 1). S. A. New York, March 21st, 1916. Atti Mr. Meafloweraft Thomas A. Edison, East Orange, H.J. Dear Sirs- As per your telephone conversation, we wish to oonflrm our quotation on your sepoial thermometers. We could furnish the same at $6.00 a piece, and assure you that you will receive instruments of the best workmanship. We hope to receive this order, and remain awaiting your further favors, GG/MW P.B. 3429 Your b very respectfully, lens & Baumann) Ino. Quotation Department . ADDRESS PULLMAN BUILDING Js% increase dVn " L 4 y. y'< AvV ay said.^igie, Mr. Thoinaa-A-r-ISdison, Orange, Hew Jersey Dear Sir:- < A v- J l y-kfr-'- k '/ 'lie have your valued favor of Hay 18th andAUA your advices placing before us the pref erdSoe^/ f jy / *“*•■ L-] of new very carefully of Mr. Bdison for Magnesium Oxide. We have the matter close hand and will communicate Just so soon as lots are available hope to be able to mace some attractive offerings. The situation may be changed soon on account of the opening avenues of production. We have taken the matter closely in hand and hope to be able to give you advices at a nearby date of a new source of supply, said to be superior tc|the California uagnesite. In the mean time if any new lots of Grecian Ground Calcined Magnesite come to hand or even of the California quality which is of good quality, and suitable to your requirements, we will advise with your goodselves. We thank you for the further advices. If you use any Lithcpone 30#, Oxide of Zinc, Barytes, China Clay, Tripolite Barth, Fossil Flour, Aluminum Flake or other Earths, Clays and Fillers at your plant we will be glad to hear from you. We ar^naking a specialty of Lithopone 30# and Oxide of Zinc, domestic gradings, such as tied out by the scHKKr. 5/22/16/ Mr. Thomas A. "Jdison, New Jersey Zinc Co., Keep : in close touch with us please. Yours truly, GHL-UJK. May 27th. 1916. Mr. William H. School, 159 Maiden lane, , , Iiew York City. Attention of Mr. L lacks. Dear Six: Your favor of the 2knd instant has been received, and I thank you for your kind attention in regard to the matter of Magnesium Oxide. Mr. Edison wishes me to ask you to send samples of the cheapest fillers (like chalk) that you supply. Y.e use two carloads of chalk a month, and pay §16.00 per ton. Can you furnish anything better or cheaper. Yours very truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison. June 29th. 1916. Hr* II. 3?. Hiller: At Hr. Edison's request I called at the foundry of H. Hoaglond & Sons Company at Koekaway, How Jersey, on my way down to Orange and obtained from them approximately fifty pounds of hard, chilled iron. Hr. Edison wanted this for his experiments in connection with the disc records. I told the Hoag- land people that 1 would sena them en order. Y.ill you ploaso, therefore, issuo the proper requisition and send it to them. Idid not ask the price, as Hr. Edison wanted it in-any event. V. . U. HBADOSOBOff®. //«£ r ^ \ v ^ ^ , (y Vi ,^o vu . ^ ¥$ V" < V' >// V WESTEJB* UNION telSam 1T BAUM'S rrr ORA NGE, N. J. 14 NYR 45 COLLECT 2 EX LONDON VIA NEW YORK 19 THOS A EDISON ORANGE NJ SEE» AG.K COMITTEE STOP ONLY POSSIBLE SHIP DIAMONDS BY ' OWING BONO STOP WILL PROBABLY BE ABLE ARRANGE FOR MY OWN BO® ,F YOU AUTHORIZE ME GOING SO STOP NO RISK AS GOODS WILL BE EXCLUSIVELY USED IN your FACTORY STOP AWAITING INSTRUCTION monnot 7 50AM Edison General File Series 1916. Exhibitions (E-16-37) This folder contains correspondence relating to industrial exhibitions in which Edison participated or was invited to participate but declined. Included are letters concerning the display of Edison products in New York at the Second National Exposition of Chemical Industries and at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as well as a request for models of Edison's early inventions and a question about Edison's use of a special telephone at the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco. The correspondents include Claude E. Holgate of Newark's Anniversary Industrial Exposition, mineralogist George F. Kunz, and chemist Charles F. Roth. Approximately 20 percent of the documents have been selected. Most of the unselected items are invitations, congratulatory notices, or other formal communications to which Edison did not reply. Also unselected is routine business correspondence relating to the various exhibitions, most of which was handled by William H. Meadowcroft. S'A'c/t/frcfo . //fttitryr/u f^'/jojtJfrfrr/rirtH January 21, 1916. Mr. Thomas A. Edison, East Orange, Hew Jersey. Dear Sirs Mr. Polk thinks you would he interested in his analysis of the evolution of the art of illumination as expressed in his address (oopy enclosed) before the Down Town Association of San Francisco, upon the occasion of a banquet in honor of Mr. V '/alter D'Aroy Byan, Chief of Illumination at the Panama Pacific Interna£iQnal__Exposition. a***- *»?-. •ss^er, 1 ^ tT, ^ [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] TOWN TALK rate the State owes him $352,000, for we paid man has ever tr him only as much as we paid Lawlor.” the savage torcl “That’s one way of figuring it,” said the cd to ancient clock winder. “But there’s another way. . If Jus- and the deadly tice Shaw gets $8,000 for writing ninety opinions, later e hired Justice Lawlor “Well, of course,” said the Senator, musing as he spoke, “but he’s your friend, and you shouldn’t figure it that way. Remember, he’s writing dis- unto the wizard’s mankind striven emulate the sun, Walter D’Arcy Ryan and he has customary to speak isters fall front grace, i of the .Merry Monarch tion. — A Hero of Anti-Puritanism, by Theodore Bonnet in the January Lantern. Polk Talks of D’Arcy Ryan Willis Polk made a talk to the Down Town Association the other day. Usually when Willis talks he has something to say, and this occasion was no exception. This is what he said: Four years ago, Mr. W. D’Arcy Ryan came to me and said, ‘Mr. Polk, I am going to illum¬ inate your Exposition.’ I was surprised, but I listened. He gave me an earful. He filled me with misgivings. He engendered in my heart, the heart of a simple man, great resentment. Why, said I to myself, should a mere lighting man speak to me, a great architect?. He was insistent. I was cold, I was skeptical. He said he came to me because I was chairman of the Board of Architects. I was delighted. I said to myself, I will fix this fellow. .1 will cal! a meeting of the board. The board kicked; the board said they had not sought’ advice, they knew what they wanted, and when they wanted it they would, ask for it. But I said, ‘Let’s hear him and that will end him.’ So I called a meeting for 11 a. in. on the understanding '* ' .Ryan would r ' ** No one left .that meeting ui he left he took with him the goat of .every From the sacred fire that burnt at the sacrificial pyre of the ancient heathen, to the candles that continuously illuminate the altars of Christen¬ dom; from the break of dawn to the present : light, never was the art of illumination subject - ;to the mastery of mail. From the very be¬ ginning of time; from the creation of the sun [and the moon; by ’torch and fiamc; by flint and [TO J. P. O'SHEA] Jan. i: 1st . 19X6. Ur. J. P. Othoa, Secrotary to Ur. Polk, Hobart Huiiaing, San I’rancisco, Cal. Dour Sir: I have received your favor of the £let instant v. ith clipping therein referred 'Phis ie the first time I have ovor known of an architect who had a eonee of humor. I have known three; Jo. 1 had melancholia, ho. £ sraa a c.oesimist, ~nd iio. S quit e.rchitoct- ing and bought out an undertaker. iiov. i know that there are exceptions. 1016 Howarls' c iBStlvorcary Industrial FroDB Ifept. - Hr. Clou do ilolgato Kowark , liow Jorcoy CTontlomon: r.oplyin*: to your lottcr of Hay 2, oc,- leave to advieo you that ”r. TL, "oadowcroft , -die on j.ehoratory. Oran^o , How Jersey, is handling this ontiro ix.ttor , and wo May lit Newark's Anniversary Industrial Exposition, Kewark, IJ. J. Gentlemen ; Please allow my representatives, Mr. Ludwig F. Ott and his Assistant, Mr. Oexle, to place my exhibit material in. the space assigned to me, and to arrange the same. Yours very truly. ADVISORY COMMITTEE C^’&JSamS^SifSodety '•ASSSSSf HE”?M'ofAmtn>llot> Cotp. BERNHARD ^ HESSE vrsruu.c..,., ■kfiJfffflFca OEOHGEnD.riHOSE^aARTp T-CM«nr,i"”"r ^ffiSSpCopperC. "Expositions are the timekeepers of Progrcss"- SECOND NATIONAL EXPOSITION of CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES NEW GRAND CENTRAL PALACE NEW YORK CITY WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 25th, 1916 Management! INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION CO. Thos. A. Edison, Esq., Orange, N. J. Attentlon_ Mr.Wm.H.Mi Dear Slr:- JUIIE NINETEENTH 19 16 rfAt> lower oft . Z' To aid us in our publicity campaign and^n order to make the Exposition more effective and more interest to the exhibits, we are asking co-operation of all our exhibitors by giving us/such to have can use for publicity and which they would desire to have made public. / Technical papers v/ill reoeive articles of a technical nature but they i/st te Oil¬ papers, magazines and some technical pubiioations wi*1 willingly publish such matter as we oan give *0“ matter must have a human interest. For this laUer pur •Dose if you have any information that a suory would S y we should appreciate it. This would also be useful. A short description of what you intend to very welcome. thank you for this information. Very truly yours, WAT. EXPOSITION OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Manager NATIONAL EXPOSITION of CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES GRAND CENTRAL PALACE NEW YORK CITY WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 25th, J9J6 TdWBSB m*. * u pS Copper Co. ^“SSss Mr. Thos. A. Edison, Orange, N.J. . Attention- Mr.W.H. Meadowor of t Dear Sir. ^ arQ eending you under separate cover a quantity of poster stamps, and we will appreciate it very much if you will kindly instruot your mailing olerk to place one of these stamps on each one of your letters in the same manner as indioated in the lower lef u hand corner of this letter. If .you need more of these at any time, we can take oare of you with any quantity you require. . . . . Beginning with the August 1st issues of magazines in whioh you advertise, believe it will he to our mutual interest if you will insert a line reading as follows: SEE OUR EXHIBIT AT THE SECOHD NATIONAL EXPOSITION OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, GRAND CENTRAL PALACE, NEW YORK, WEEK OF SEPT. 35th. This will he most advantageous to you hy making it known, through your advertising, that you will he represented in this Exposition. The coming Exposition will he a record breaker from every standpoint. The meetings of the different societies in New York during the same week will bring out a very large attendance from all over the oountry. Two floors of the Grand Central Palace will he used for this Exposition - the Main Floor has been entirely sold and over one half of the Second FloorT^°T|^°^ s°nil* for your 0o-operation in helping us make this the most suooessful Industrial Exposition ever held in this oountry, we remain ^ INDUSTRIES NATIONAL EXPOSITION OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES ,jo'vv ,v^ ^ Manager OPENS MAY 30, 1917 PHONE: BRYANT 79 CABLE: "BABSON" The Bronx International Exposition \ NEW YORK CITY „ \ . ON THE BRONX RIVER AT EAST 177* STREET SUBWAY STATION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICITY Finland Only EXPOSITION PARK In NEW YORK CITY INTERNATIONAL August 25 d, 1916. w v*« Doar Mr. Edison:- . heart of the largest city In THE WORLD 7,000,000 people Within a FIVE CENT RIDE TWO SUBWAYS FIVE ELEVATED LINES TWELVE SURFACE LINES TWO RAILROADS With a Capacity of 78,000 PEOPLE PER HOUR At THE door OPENS MAY 30, 1917 PHONE: BRYANT 7970 CABLE: "BABSON" The Bronx International Exposition NEW YORK CITY ON THE BRONX RIVER AT EAST I77ih STREET SUBWAY STATION Department of Publicity 71 1 TIMES BUILDING. BROADWAY AT 42nd STREET NEW \ Hr. Thomas A. Edison - 2. Fint and Only EXPOSITION PARK In NEW YORK CITY X trust, my dear Ur* Edison, that this project will find favor in your sieht, and that you will suggest to us not only examples of your own accomplishments, but those of other men who may not be so known to fame, but who did pioneer work in helping to place America in the foremost rank among the'nations as promoters of the peaceful arts. 25 ACRES OF ' INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITS and AMUSEMENTS In tha HEART OF THE LARGEST CITY In THE WORLD 7,000,000 PEOPLE Thanking you in advance for an early reply, HELl/EHR. Very truly yours, FIVE CENT RIDE TWO SUBWAYS FIVE ELEVATED UNES TWELVE SURFACE LINES TWO RAILROADS 75,000 PEOPLE PER HOUR THE DOOR NATIONAL EXPOSITION Of CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES GRAND CENTRAL PALACE NEW YORK CITY WEEK OF SEPTEMBER' 25th, J9I6 r, INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION C Thomas A* Edison, Orange, N. J. Attention Mr. Vta- Meadoworaft. Ro-ferrinK to space in our Third Nation- IS rsUshovmrLSred ITln tL°enolosed°dia|rr. including platform, floor covering, railings, background and sign. This space, as you will re call, was part \ „t “Sga?s*o5 s“ \ For your information we might state that Tmlf of 7fl3. Thanking you for a prompt reply, we remain, - Yours very truly /l HAT X 01IAL EZPOSTTT.ONOP CMCA1 INPUTS October 7, 1916. ilr. Charles F. Both, i.'nnager, ilational Exposition of Chemical Industries, ' . • Grand Central xalace, . . ilew Xorfc City x Hoar Sir:- ; ‘ ’■ lour favor of the 6th instant was received . this moraine, ana I beg to' advise you that Edison says ho will take the hah-Sialf of space ilo. 15 as shown in rod ink on the diagram which you enclosed . Assistant to i'xi- Edison. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE SECTION I. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCE Thomas A. Edison, Esq. The Edison Laboratory Orange, New Jersey. Dear Mr. Edison, During the Christmas week meeting in New York City of the American Association for the Advance¬ ment of Science, the three chemical societies - The American Chemical Society, The American Electrochemical Society, The Society of Chemical Industry will co-operate with Section C (the Chemical Section) of the A. A. A. S. in an exhibition to be held at the Museum of Natural History. We are planning to make the exhibition a great success as we feel it will be important industrially a8 well as scientifically and will be seen not only by the many visit¬ ing chemists but the general public as well. It will be shown at the Museum for one month. The object of the exhibition is to display 1. The finest known specimens of the various rare elements, - gases, metallic, etc., 2. The products of the electrical furnace, and of the air, - which have a great value for war purposes, 3. Coal tar products 4. Some exhibits showing scientific research, such as those of PaBteur, and others. (continued) AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE SECTION I. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCE make The joint Chemical Societies are this Preparedness Exhibit a most creditable one, and we are most desirous to have J some of your phenol and any derivatives you may have from f it. We would like to show these with your name, preferably with the label written by your own hand. Is there any one of your men who could speak to. me about this subject. I would be glad to explain further. We will greatly appreciate your support in the above matter. With kindest regards, I remain EIJl'tiAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE SECTION I. SOCIAXj AND ECONOMIC SCIENCE SHCTIONAI. COMMITT Exhibit Board, containing exhibits of your benzol products, and also The table with your Alkaline Storage Battery Chernies, li and Kickel 1'lake. I am sure your exhibit will be of much value, and we sin¬ cerely appreciate your cooperation. Will write you in the near future as to just where there are to be sent and when. Yes, the next time we are together we will dispense with about one-half of our neutral conversation talk about the planes of diamond cleavageB. / dTsp Ljna 2} remain With renewed thanks and kindest regards, I Sincerely yours, American association foi^-the advancement of science SUCTION I. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCE 405 Fifth Avenue, New York City, November 24, 1916. Thomas A. Edison, Esq., The Edison Laboratories, Inc., Orange, New York.,. Dear Mr. Edison We are delighted to know that we are to have The Exhibit Board, with the benzol products and The Table, with your Alkaline Storage Battery Chemicals and Nickel Flake, • for the Chemical Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History. If you will kindly have them sent to the Museum, taking the enclosed tagB upon the boxes, they will be properly cared for. Thanking you for your very kind cooperation, I remain Very Bineerely yours, Ilov ember 21,1910 . Dr. Gebrgo,F. Kune, 405 Fifth Avenuo, Hew fort, 11. f. Dear Dr. Kuns: Ur. Edison lias received your favor of tho 24th instant, enclosing tags to he placed upon the boxes for his Chemical Exhibit at the Museum of natural history • He has requested me to take up this matter further with you. Dot mo say,, for your information, that the Exhibit is of such a nature that it could not bo packod and shipped as contemplated by your letter. it requires very -careful handling and wo shall have to send it-- to Dew fork in one of our automobile truckB, and ono or two young mon would have to aeeoapanv it tb superintend the. unloading and placing of it. whore it' is tb bo shown. Iho Exhibit could not possibly bo handlod otherwise . It would tal:e at least a half a day for our young men to Install tho Exhibit when it arrivoc at tho Museum- I wouldssuggest tlioroforo that you advise mo as to tho time 'it oan bo sent ovor. It would be best to have tho Exhibit arrive and bo placed, in position a day boforo the Exhibition is to talco plr.co. Awaiting your farther favors, I remain, fours very truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison. Da comber 9, 1916. Dr. Goo. P. kunz, c/j Ciffany ?■. Cocmany, 5th Avo . h 37th street. Hew York, II. Y.' Doar Dr. Kunz: * . " Chinking that yon would probably by interested to see in advance what Vx . lid icon's Chemical Sxhibit looks liko, I have had a photo¬ graph racdo. and enclose copies of came herewith. Hr. lid icon approvoo your surrgootion to add a piece- of coal, but ho docs not liko the idea of adding a bottle of tho gases, as that would also involve other additions beside. 1-am going to have a piece of coal mounted on each side of the label which you will ooo at tho top of the: 2xhib.it 3oord. Yours very truly. Assistant to Mr. iidison. A/1131. Edison General File Series 1916. Family (E-16-38) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to Edison’s family. Many of the items pertain to the financial affairs of Edison's children. Included are references to payments sent to daughter Marion Edison Oeser who was living in Germany, and to the repayment of a loan made by Edison to daughter Madeleine Edison Sloane. Other letters relate to the illness of grandnephew and Edison employee Charles Poyer, whom the inventor visited in Saranac, Michigan, during the summer of 1916. There is also correspondence with cousin Nancy Elizabeth (Lizzie) Wadsworth and her niece Mrs. Stephen H. Balcom regarding a mortar and pestle once owned by Edison's maternal grandfather, Ebenezer M. Elliott. Approximately 30 percent of the documents have been selected. Among the unselected items are letters from individuals seeking compensation for unpaid bills owed by Edison’s sons Thomas Jr. and William or for bad investments in a long-defunct steel venture between Thomas Jr. and William W. Holzer. Other unselected items include correspondence from individuals not related to Edison, letters not addressed to him, and routine documents concerning the transmittal and receipt of payments. . , . ,_ ^ •- ■■ *^jl ^ 9*** }h » "]^u. (jwyiJ-o^r- X'tt 'o*ts£ 1 ji ywJrfcwy t)/»JJ«l*to ■* Y"- *"*'/ ^“' ^ ^ ^ j;u*'X' ~ Jf JtUmJL lia^- 0-t^- v tftatftt fya&tlrm 4Jl •b**-u trjsLu'ja. . J -ImJ. alt™ itu-tL-fr^i •***■ s-'y J/ QllAt-tsy- ^a, **y /AA 'ficMZU //£. JU^ f fi*UCuM*»f * fa* * A , "s&upun^ 1/ /U^vyc^ fcrbvu- TW. O-jZ^pC Prur#L ‘(^ tr^>(UAMViM^ 'fc~7iy^r p~i&Q^. iA~ -cv-iAy (jfo-Hsy ^aJaaILoJ- ftZ’frus" lo cJr^^-C. I* (/ (o-liisL lo J UtAyC (U' Aa/^ustU- yfc++^ -~*y Wrf *urM. ^ sA^o-t. a^~ s jtkdoCd-' , io oto ' '^TsiTW-' C-i 'ell £ vHTLM- tUi^ r~- - ' ,ru $ da^ frJr't*^' ' -^c sfUM^ru^i In^^L } pyU-std. '-Cl***— urtflJb (*■<& *"*) . — / - / / t^U. Iwf jUJ-Uss. (f AjUmj^- (AjfMfsr^f ^ryi^fffy /ficU'P 'J^i^frtx. cl$ ^ MYpayt- ~&v-wy4 Q-&*-b ^ thwrt^, fl^ur [if 1st UySlMLJtAsJLA^i ^(/a-nsstns-7 fAftf sA-fisi ftjLui- '■m* bfAt'U-v/ Os<^~ f-J- £0-1 *Jt>( ■^4*rAv#^r~z’ft>(' */ C^ (f 7^t-A^<. /^t<7 ~^r^g>-M_ tfrAfzA. 't'Jf 7l*y lw Tj'K, [0 /41^-tS-dAA. t^> * n/W-K___cU^A) h/a4~i /tt^_ j, Itrfrid- If pCifrfeo^-' fry vUUmfAfh [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] . «aL lr0-£l*ct .I'Cvfc V^C-luvsc*. ©-w ^ fV^ > ^ ^ V-j r •% t^ .> t t<^' i C8sl axrk^v-vllc.^ fc'a Qo i l 1 ? / "? / £ C jI ) 1 1 ^Jj£\cn^x pl/O C/L~ &cCul cri\. Q.£e- sflCi/Vt -^SV cryfr £ A>J!sU^ 'uec ,, - Jit^hJff SUcyLt) V ° r\f/ . • / ,’• _.. K.yiie. su'vi i ct^c '" "c . ^ outc />•> / < U*. ^■cu $ '40P> rawe0nae/vaan/{y Mr. H. I1. Miller, Thomas A. Edison, Inc., Orange, N.J. Dear Sir;- Below please find memorandum of letter which I would be. pleased to have you send us, regarding payment to be made to Mrs. Marion E. Oeser, as per our conversation of yesterday. "Onion National Bank, Newark, N.J. I would be pleased to have you open a letter of credit for 6 months, payable §300. per month to Marion E. Oeser, Ereiburg, Germany. Kindly notify me when these payments are made and I will send you check for satra . Kindly transmit same by wireless." This letter is to be signed bjr Thomas A. Edison, Inc. Very truly yours ^03 • Jr ohm/gdh ~'Mrw0n IVir . Thomas A. Edison, Orange, H.J.. Dear Sir»- As requested ii your letter, we have sent a wireless message Requesting the Dresdner Bank of Frieburg, Germayy, to transfer to Marion \l0OO. payable! in installments of §300. s your check for $333.26, $300. being for\first payment and $13.26 oost of the wireless n Very^ truly yours, WJ.A/GLH aZTZ- 108 NY GC 'll '"VTa* THO^TON^ " J • .. U\J^~ MONHEGAN MAINE 740PM Sflfl 15 '.t 0-tO ' MR THOMAS A EDISON V’ ’ . LLEWELLYN PARK ORANGE NJ WAITING TO HEAR ABOUT*. ACCOMMODATIONS WILL COME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE 850PM (E ’LAA-X'< ~ ifouXl£A.• Cu^tjf Zfcy 4-acJ * yi^f ', - •U~* J’ ^ u^:Zc« 6- A' ^Oo- — Ma- iu^ -^xj/- QyltT -- ^ a't^~ J 2fcZLt,t>*- ~yv<^- >«,/- y»u*' Jlufa . <^TWkj A)yiV> /MX/ c,^{~ fry ^~ _/$> j tL^tu. ‘>£<-j G^ ^crmr fry* hrru/c/ &c^7^Jy ~/lC^ Jl^ £ui £u . 0 c/a+Cvy <-/ //, % ^ ~'-( < i fit A,,~ **-‘~ /> 't-fy/s ^ /S~ . - «4«mC 1 (.’ /vt-t/ ^ y ~~ A 'h'~rv\ ^'7-< a-^‘ ’"11- * o»~~ .<* &_ , Cc^, Z f ?lL y br. y %iu^ Edison General File Series 1916. Fan Mail [not selected] (E-16-39) This folder contains unsolicited correspondence and other documents Amnnn TT °f EdiS?n’ Which received e'ther a form-letter reply or no answer nfth n9Jhe d,ocuments for 1916 are letters from school children, expressions of thanks and congratulations, and comments on the annual Edison Day. Edison General File Series 1916. Financial [not selected] (E-16-40) This folder contains routine correspondence and other documents relating to Edison’s personal financial interests and investments. The documents for 1916 pertain primarily to the payment of Edison's household expenses. Included are financial papers such as balance audits and accounting sheets, as well as correspondence with banks and lists of notes payable. Edison General File Series 1916. Ford, Henry (E-16-41) This folder contains correspondence and other documents concerning Edison’s friendship and collaboration with industrialist Henry Ford. Included are telegrams exchanged with rubber manufacturer Harvey S. Firestone and Ford's secretary, Ernest G. Liebold, regarding a proposed camping trip in the Adirondacks involving Edison, Ford, Firestone, and naturalist John Burroughs. Although Ford was unable to participate, he did join the campers in Plattsburgh, New York toward the end of the trip. Other telegrams discuss arrangements for a trip to Detroit by Edison in November. Also included is correspondence relating to Ford's purchase of the estate in Fort Myers, Florida, formerly owned by Ezra T. Gilliland, adjoining Seminole Lodge, the Edison family's winter home. In addition, there are documents referring to automobile output, experimental phonograph production at the Ford factory, and recordings to be made at the Edison laboratory by a Hawaiian musical group. Approximately 30 percent of the documents have been selected. Among the unselected items are unsolicited letters to Edison regarding Ford's position on the war; requests for introductions to Ford and for jobs with him; and routine communications exchanged between Liebold and Edison's assistant, William H. Meadowcroft. Also not selected are a few items, unrelated to Edison, concerning Ford's work on tractor development. Documents relating to Ford can also be found in E-1 6-1 5 (Charities and Loans), E-1 6-63 (Personal), E-1 6-67 (Politics), and other folders in the Edison General File. Numerous clippings about the camping trip can be found in Scrapbook, Cat. 44,455, Scrapbook Series. time but that you would bring it to 'Jr Edison's personal attention as soon as it arrives. c/o Th 01. in 9 A Edison Grange W J Dear Sir: I beg to advise that the total number of cars shipped during the month of December was 10,353, and Y/alkerville 1691. Yours very truly, Ur W H Ueadowcroft Edison Storage Battery Co Orange N J Dear Hr Ueadowcroft: It appears we have had mation from you since January lith regarding the talking machine which was made in our factory. Will you kindly advise if Mr Edison has seen the same and what comment, if any, he has to make regarding it! Very trulyi yours 2nd 1916 Ur Thomas A Edison Orange My dear Mr Edison: Attention Mr V H Meadowcroft Mr Ford has requested mo to advise that we have just completed negotiations for the purchase of "The Mangoes" property adjoining your property in Florida. He is already busy building a steamboat for fishing purposes which will most likely be com¬ pleted in time to use during the next vacation. He also expects Mr Burroughs In . Detroit during the coming week and intends to have him lay the cornerstone of a perman&Trt' bird fountain and would POSTAL TELEGRAPH - COMMERCIAL CABLES M TELEGRAM H " • 209 Main St., Orange, N. J. 22nytatll51oxa 25 5 extra Phone, Orange 200 it 6478, fd Detroit Mich July 15th 1916 Thomas A Ed i sou Orange H.J. Have wired Firestone today Mr Fora oan go at any time after August Fifteenth will write you later regarding burroughs G S Anderson Asst Seoty to Henry Fora, am. 34nyhn2pm28 209 Main St,, Orange, N. J. fs Akron Ohio July 16 1916 ■ Phone. Orange 200 (L 6478, Thomas A Etlison . Orange H.J* Delighted we will have fine trip Fora oan go any time after August fifteenth will see you in meantime ana make all arrangements will you invite Mr Burroughs. H S Firestone. RECEIVED AT 97 NY. GO'S a .YI AJN} STi 1 97 ’ijPMNQEp N. J3 ;• . it, o FS AKRON OHIO JUL 24 1916 410PM . .(8- THOMAS A EDISON , ORANGE Nd WILL SEE FORD THURSDAY OR FRIDAY POSSIBLY WE CAN INDUCE • . HIM TO MAKE .SHORT TRIP EXPECT TO BE IN MEWYORK \ NEXT WEEK AND WILL COME AND. SEE YOU . H S FIRESTONE . . 534PM — WESTERN UNION SYMBOL ~£~ ~S~ HR&SZeSi 33s TELEGRAM words)” 1 s Is a da y mew iff tSStSSSSgfS}& NEWCOMB CARLTON ...SID.NT wlse^s character Is Indie IEIVED AT , oT, 54 "'“JWleE nTj: FD DETROIT MICH 8EP 22 }916 WM H MEADOWCROFT CARr THOS AEDISON ' 4 ORANGE Nd HOW LONG W|LL IT BE NECESSARY TO KEEP HAWA) I ANS FOR RECORDS “ . . EG LIEBOLD • / ' 544PM ttUv^,Ccuv^ 47Hy Wx 17 fr.D. 920Pm De Detroit Mich Oct 28tlll6 PIvm. Oran?* 200-4 6478, Thos E Edison , Orange N.J. On what train will you arrive Mr lord wishes to meet you at the Depot Wednesday morning. E. J.Liehold. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] (5ujm4*o / O [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] +° 5'5,"/'' lU XncvrcM a'- \ <\ ' b 2. \ \ ^b -|»b a •*. Sc,^6,rt ^ w\ i AILGROCERS. ir. T. A. Edison, Orange , a. J. iear Sir:- July 17, 1916. , ,'S Wfcr^<+- Y tU^j- -c Jr I understand that you have a Ford car stoi^ at your home here. I want to buy a good Ford and ^^you care to dispose of yours, please 1^ mo loisy/ at- < lowest price you will take for sameV ' Your man told me when here that you were going to ship the casings and tubes home and as I understand it your machine here hasn't any tires, but, of course, you can figure this alright in making your price. Yours vers Edison General File Series 1916. Glenmont (E-16-44) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to Edison's home in the private residential community of Llewellyn Park in West Orange. Included is a printed notice from the Llewellyn Park Trustees containing the annual report of the Board of Managers. Also included is a communication from Edison to his secretary, Harry F. Miller, regarding the payment of the Park’s annual maintenance assessment. Two of the six documents have been selected. The unselected items consist of unsolicited offers from a landscaper and an art restorer, along with routine real estate legal forms. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] LLEWELLYN PARK WEST ORANGE. NEW JERSEY You are hereby notified that the Trustees of Llewel¬ lyn Park have fixed Monday, the ioth day of January, 1916; that being the second Monday in the month, and eight o’clock in the evening of that day, and the resi¬ dence of George Merck, Esq., in said Park, as the day, hour and place for the fifty-ninth annual meeting of the proprietors. . The meeting is for the purpose of choosing a Com¬ mittee of Managers for the ensuing year, viz.: 1916, im¬ posing a tax or assessment for defraying the cost of maintenance, etc., of said Llewellyn Park, and for such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The ladies of the Association are cordially invited to be present. This notice is given to you as one of the owners of land subject to the said tax or assessment for the cost of maintenance, etc., of said Llewellyn Park. Your attention is called to the annexed report of the Board of Managers and Budget for 1916. The trust deed requires a majority of acres to vote for the Managers and assess the tax. If your proxy is not on file one will be enclosed herein, and it is hoped you will sign and return it to the undersigned. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] REPORT OF BOARD OF MANAGERS DECEMBER. ISIS The Board of Managers take much pleasure in re¬ porting that the grounds and finances of the Park are in better condition than for many years. We have lived within the budget of estimated ex¬ penses, and this is largely due to. the fact that oiling the roads have made them stand the storms and wear better while the surface has been preserved. The work, however, of oiling the roads, apportioning costs and collecting the money has been a very trouble¬ some proceeding, but we feel that the result justified the labor and we recommend a continuance of the practice. The improved lighting system lias continued suc¬ cessful, and many calls for new lights are made; we have had no money to increase the number of lamps during the past year, but we recommend the renewed subscription and increase of the amount so that more lamps may be set in the dark places for the safety and convenience of traveling at night. The matter of police protection has called for much serious consideration. There have been a few instances where residents have been annoyed and frightened, where immediate and prompt.scryice of an active police officer would have been a great satisfaction, and we feel that the time has come when additional police protection is a ne¬ cessity. We recommend that the subject be given full consideration at the meeting of the Proprietors and per¬ haps some means can be devised that, while including proper recognition of the faithful service which has been rendered to us for so many years, more efficiency and ex¬ peditious service can be provided. We again call the attention of the Proprietors to the fact that we can not secure the luxury and pleasure we enjoy for the annual assessment under the deed of trust. As a matter of fact, the ten dollars tax is barely one-half of the total cost of maintenance of the Park, and we there¬ fore suggest that the voluntary contributions, which have been so generous, may be kept up; and, wherever it is possible, slightly increased and that the Treasurer shall have the satisfaction of receiving your sufiscription at once, for whatever you are willing to give, in order that he may know what to depend upon for improving the existing conditions. We are indebted to the Ladies’ Association for much work, interest and help in planting and the preservation of shrubs and trees. The thanks of the Proprietors arc the attendance at the annual meeting on of every property owner, whether a resi¬ le Park or not, and we hope that general discussions and expression of opinion as to the manage¬ ment will take place so that the Board may know the wishes of the Proprietors. The Treasurer has annexed a budget of the esti¬ mated expenses for 1916 and made comparisons of the past year. We ask your careful consideration of this and that you sign and return to. the Treasurer the annexed subscription blank, whether you have done so before or Yours respectfully , Herbert Barry E. Remington Nichoi-s Charles R. Browning John W. Vincent Robert A. Franks Farnham Yardley William Read Howe, Chairman. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] BUDGET OF ESTIMATED EXPENSES COMPARISON WITH LAST YEAR Pay Roll and Labor . $2,248.00 Stone and Material . 786.39 Oiling Roads . 508.24- Lights . 2,036.56 Police . 990.00 General Expenses, Stable, Re¬ pairs, Taxes and Sundries.. 1,014.82 Interest on Loans . 89.78 Planting and Care of Trees and Shrubs . 50.00 $2,300.00 1,250.00 SO.00 $7,723-79 $8,600.00 The estimated revenue from Park tax at $10 per acre is $4,050. All over this, as well as any shortage in the payment of taxes, say $4,600, must be received from contributions. Llewellyn Park, January 10th, 1916. Mr. John W. Vincent, Treasurer. Dear Sir: For the purpose of providing funds for current expenses for Llewellyn Park for the year 1916, I will contribute the same amount as I contributed during the year 1915, and will add thereto $ Yours truly, 13* +" JT° 7W Edison General File Series 1916. Health and Diet (E-16-45) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to Edison's well-known idiosyncrasies in nutrition and sleep habits. Among the items for 1916 is a letter from 84-year-old textile dealer S. L. Warren mentioning the ideas and practices of Luigi Cornaro, a sixteenth-century Venetian architect, humanist, and author of The Art of Living Long, who also influenced Edison’s dietary habits. Also included is a letter from Harvard student Thomas T. Hoopes, subsequently professor of art at the University of Chicago and curator of the City Art Museum of St. Louis, concerning personal discipline in limiting sleep. Approximately 30 percent of the documents have been selected. The unselected items consist primarily of unsolicited general or speculative inquiries, marked either for no answer or for a form-letter reply. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS OF THE CELEBRATED STATE HOUSE WORSTED. WARREN 2sCc^. Z. 'tyy\^y 6*4 L-(u« ( translated from script to>'$ype)”\ LthJU. 3 U»» CL. f e . tSibvVii ^ ‘u J f. M^CL-L* T> A E R E : 7 ^v^iu «-{ yyj . viVfcUV^ to vwv M 70 - 7'2Essex Stree CiewwvSP B0s-fc0n, Make., October 11, 1916. iUt-U-^ 4“ Dear Mr. Edison: (] , I write to ask a favor - I have read much of reports on your health and diet with very great interest. Y/ill you kindly state if the 10 oz. food a day is food as served, or water free food. Do you know if Cornaro's food was as usually servedor water free food. I am 84 years plus and in much better health than 20 years ago all caused by reducing my diet. I had all kinds of bilious and digestive troubles for over 66 years. Some years ago I gave up Doctors and Medicines and all aches and pains are gone by good diet. I eat very little and often as Cornaro did, but feel I am still eating too much for my age. I use some over 20 ozs. food or 12 to 16 oz. water free food. It will be a very great favor to get your report on above. Very truly, S. D. V/arren. Hr. Butler is a warm friend of mine and a fine man. Art of living Dong is the best book of the kind I ever read, and Cornaro's rules followed would be sure to produce good results. My record is as follows: 13 yrs on Home Farm 3 " Chair Factory 1 yr. School 10 yrs Country Store 67 " Woolens and trip East and West every year and never missed a trip. ^Thomas A. Edisc ) Park \ Orange, N.J. Dear Si r:- ^ ioJr vvt^xsi* ,18 Holyoke House ^ Cambridge, Mass. * y Ujruts Nov# 6 1 9I6, A Q,Loiaa a.cb\ -Sir:- V fclo- jCSS^wafl. During the past fefrWrT^ haveread u^th - of newspaper and magazine art iclfs"3ea ling wntn your meth¬ ods of working on a nineteen hour basjs^ h^j£r)ksin»^ars been endeavoring to imitate your hardy, example, but have mej^with such indifferent success that I have at length determiner to take the not -inconsiderable liberty of requesting you, as thkj,eading American exponent of the theory of “concentrated sleep”, to^o me the kindness of giving me some of the benefit of your expepj4nce as regards this particular subject. / In my, own endeavors to lengthen my working day Mohave attacked the problem from two different directions. When 1 was at preparatory school I was obliged to go to bed regularly at ten or ten-thirty o'clock. When, therefore, I wished to squeeze in an extra hour or two of life, I was obliged to get up at from three to four o'clock in the morning. For two or three years I did this regularly on an average of perhaps twice a week (except during the Summer vacation), and I found that I was physically able to stand the strain without any trouble, but that even doing it as seldom as I did, I was uncomfortable., sleepy, and irritable whenever I had less than seven hours sleep. This annoyance could be allayed some¬ what by eating food of some sort or other immediately upon aris¬ ing, and by tbking a hot shower-bath about seven o'clock. I am now a Sophomore at Harvard, Specializing in Physics, with especial reference to high-frequency electricity, and I feel the need of more time per day even n here conditions 'are somewhat different, s use a slightly different method of obtaining extra I have now no limit on my time of retiring. Moreover, heat is so supplied to my rooms that if I study till one and sleep till seven, I can do all my work in a warm room, whereas if I go to bed at eleven and get up at four, I find upon arrislng that my, room is ice-cold This has, of course, led me to adopt the former system 3 than formerly. But > that I am obi iged to . Of course of timi -saving. But no matter what I do, I am unable to get along with an six hours of sleep, and even with that number I am constantly oppressed with sleepiness and lassitude. lean dispell this by drinking large ammounts of strong coffee, but I know that this Is a medically unsafe thing to do, and, if 1 have read aright, you have found it possible to regularly require but five hours of sleep a night, and that without any aid other than force of habit, Can you not, therefore, Mr. Edison, give me a little advice in this matter? You are the only American who, as far as I know, has thoroughly investigated this subject, and though 1 realize that you are a very busy man, I hope that you can find the time to do this service to one who, though he has never met you, has always held a strong admiration for you and your service to that science he, as a novice, is also trying, though falteringl.y, toserve. I remain, Mr. Edison, Respectfully yours. Edison General File Series 1916. Honors and Awards (E-16-46) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to Edison's awards and honors. Also included are offers of distinctions and awards, as well as invitations to ceremonies, that Edison declined because of his aversion to attending formal events. Similar material can be found in E-16-48 (Invitations). Among the documents for 1916 is a letter from Charles F. Thwing, president of Western Reserve University in Cleveland, regarding an honorary degree, along with an invitation from the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs to a tree planting ceremony on the Lincoln Highway. Both letters contain a notation by Edison instructing his secretary to "get me out." Approximately 50 percent of the documents have been selected. The unselected material consists primarily of letters of congratulation for various awards that Edison had received or was believed to have received. 5l5eto Jersey State jfeberatton of Women's Clubs A'"t“or- MR3' CHABtra A. lATUAW, 17 PleAMnt Plato, A^‘"^“TMK!JT chairmen ^T'Zvl. 'Zf~/u&w<- c<-^> / _z_ Ou.^^ <- Vj^- T (lili) y - 6 ,««w t/ > \ jy ^ W~i £ 3 M M ^rrvJfv auJ^> f / '■ j,Jj (pjf PxL^icC^o^ yLt-La^w AU~&*,«-^ ’ . /4>e ^ yvp^^^^y' ^ ^ at-C^cU^t, 7 Hovoubor 21,1010 lire .William 1.1, iVautorc, ' 020 Avonuod, Bayonno, I!.J. Dear Madam; ' 1 am '.;aito in sympathy with tho idea of the planting of frees on the Lincoln Highway, but 1 shall have to ' disappoint you in roperd to ray personal attendance at- tho free planting. Cor- ore to taco ivin- Day. I almost never make an am ointment for a future date. It is almost impossible for on lisporimenter, like myself, to do so, as ouo may bo engaged. in a series of imoortant investigations and it vrould bo ruito disastrous to thoir succoes if compelled to loavo it to fulfill an appointment raado some time- beforohand. fhic.is my situation, and &t this timo I am unable to make any ar.point- monle for -the future. I must ash, therefore, that you will kindly excuse mo. fours very truly. A/1318. on Thursday, the 14th of June. I hag to remain, with considerations of great respect, Ever yours, Thomas A. Edison, Esquire. The Trustees of Western Besorve University would he glad to honor themselves by conferring upon you a^honorary degree. It has oocurred to me, as represent¬ ing them, that, by reason of your early association with this part of the world, suoh recognition might not be altogether ungrate¬ ful to you. The normal time of con¬ ferring it would be at the next annual Conmenooment, which falls Edison General File Series 1916. Insurance (E-16-47) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to both corporate and personal insurance. The selected items for 1916 consist primarily of correspondence between Edison's assistant secretary, Richard W. Kellow, and the firm of Owens & Phillips in regard to insurance on Edison's benzol plants in Pennsylvania and Alabama. Included is discussion of buildings, stock, and employee health. Approximately 10 percent of the documents have been selected. The unselected items include additional correspondence regarding plant and worker insurance, items relating to insurance payments, bills for Edison's personal automobile insurance, policy cancellations, and financial correspondence with the Ocean Accident & Guarantee Corp. DST/MS. Mr. H. P. Millar, Sec'y, IJr. Thomas A. Edison, Orange ,H. J. 3>5>x*r Burlt. January 18th, 1916, Dear Sir:- nwnMAR A. ED IS OH. WO OP WARD . ALA . Will you kindly advise us if the present insurance of $89,000. oovering buildings, machinery and stook of the Benzole Plant at tho above location is suffioient to oovar you under the 9C# 0°"l“S£rance Clause, which required that all property covered by the insurance be insured within at least 90# of the value of the property. Thanking you in advance for your kind we remain. attention. MEMORANDUM MARCH 17, 1916. Per directions of Mr. H. F. Miller, directed Owens and Phillips (Mr. Tully), by telephone, to place at once $15,000 insurance on stock at Johnstown plant. (Toh^P/*£d sa^b sate e/ t-srre Owens and Phillips will rfiquire a diagram of the property, which Mr. Mason will get out, having Johnstown sketch in the location of tanks containing stock which have been recently constructed. Asked Mr. Mason (and Mr.Herter by Mr. Masont (directions) to arrange to have this diagram furnished to me. Asked Mr. Meadowcroft by telephone to send me daily Johnstown Plant's reports of stock on hand, so that 1 may keep in touch with the situation and keep sufficient insurance in forae ade¬ quately tocover stock. Mr. Meadowcroft will send them to me daily, I to return them to him very promptly so that they can be placed before Mr. Edison in good season. Make a form for keeping track of the value of stock on hand. WHR/DE. ©mere* & plfillip* I NSURANCE 93-99 NASSAU STREET Hextt^xrclt ^Maroh X8th, 1916 Mr. Thomas A. Edison, Orange, N. J. Attention of Mr. Kellow Dear Sir:- In aooord with your telephone instructions - we heg to anolose herein copies of the Compensation Daws of the Pennsylvania and Hew Jersey. As the State of Alabama has no oompensation law in effect, we are unable to forward a oopy of same. If how¬ ever, there la any particular information you de¬ sire, in connection with the liability laws of this State, we would be pleased to get whatever in¬ formation you desire. ir liarch 20, 1916. liosers. Gwens S: Phillips, #93-#99 Hassau 3t., How York City. G entloman: Please aooopt my thanks for your letter of the 18th enclosing copies of the Compensation low's of the States of Pennsylvania and i:ov -Jersey. I note what you have to say regarding, the Compensation Laws for State of Alabama, and understand from your letter that no ouch law is in effect in that State at present. Yours very truly. ASSISTANT SiiCHJiTAHS . Mr. Edison: After our talk the other day X immediately took up the in¬ surance matter in connection with the Woodward and Johnstown plants. You will find reports from lit-. Kellow attached. to this memorandum. Mr* Kellow and I were talking this matter over yesterday and Mr- Mason came in and said that you would like to have the insurance so arranged that the Toluol would he insured for prac¬ tically its contract value. You could not do this under a straight^ fire insurance policy, hut we would have to take out a separate policy, as you would he insuring your profits. It is not at all an easy question how to accomplish it, and Mr. Kellow and I have had a long conference with our insurance people. It would he an easy enough matter to apply for insurance of this kind . if our stock was constant, hut it fluctuates from day to day, and it is against the laws of some of ths states to insure on an average daily valuation. let me say, however t that our insurance people have the matter under consideration, and will try and suggest a plan to us. In the meantime, we have put a little increased insurance which covers our present stock at cost. MEADOW CEOET. Edison General File Series 1916. Invitations (E-16-48) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to banquets, luncheons, lectures, and special events to which Edison was invited. Similar material can be found in E-16-46 (Honors and Awards). Among the items for 1916 is a letter from John H. Finley, President of the State University of New York, regarding a convocation at which Edison was awarded an honorary degree. Also included are letters from Richard C Maclaurin, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Arthur E Kennelly, former chief electrician at the West Orange laboratory, attempting to convince Edison to come to Cambridge for the dedication of MIT's new campus. Less than 10 percent of documents have been selected. In addition to several other items about the MIT ceremony, the unselected documents pertain to a wide variety of events that Edison did not even consider attending, such as weddings, a Russian bazaar, a citrus tour, a cornerstone laying at a home for the blind, a farewell dinner for Japanese dye engineers a highway extension opening, and a minstrel show. Some of the items bear Edison marginalia indicating that the reply should state he was too busy experimenting to attend. Dear Mr. Edison: 0} U««*. j *4“f»**£*** 4 A few years ago the Massachusetts Institute >_, hdW «•■<> of Technology purchased a 8^°^f l^tSCt J Charles River in Cambridge^ ind for the last two yearns 1^, bui^ld^ngsioji^ttotg^^CA.t^rlrt _ _ .„£5&*r‘S-i9Po Y/ednesdaji, has been busily engaged ip ereotini Cio-t*-**-"' .. site for its future home. These buildings formally dedicated on Y/ednesdajg, the fourteenth of June, and it would be a great gratification to the^ thousands of alumni and friends of the Institute l you and Mrs. Edison oould be present on the occas^c The celebrations are to close wi^h a banquet in Symphony Hall and through the oourtesy of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company it has been arranged that that Kali should be connebted:;by:;telephone with the headquarters of nearly forty Technology alumni associations scattered throughout the length and breadth of the United States. It would be mostjgratifying to all these friends of the Institute in different parts of the country to learn that you were present and sacrificing your time and energy to demonstrate your interest in Technology. Yours sinoerely. H/W.- / r. Thomas A* Edison, West Orgnge, H. J. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ass. z^[- 0YU^>!cji4 TkxTJ. Jl~ . fs cbA&yTj (9Vtx>w^/b» €,aW" ^oU^rvAJ : 1L tvUtCtZfa 4 TeJ^Lyp Li w Jt^y yw ~ L *te*a “H^V ^ ^ ^ ^ 1^- ^ \&uo£ ayfriss AA>Jl)b trts aJdtxj Iro cCc, cn^vt t .a/rv’cL' 5 flAW Oxx^^iWnl-aA; /it) -^As j*rtMs Jo^rtix. vitsj^^jo^loJL t ✓wo /J^juuciyJU -owfe be, OaAjlcI' |1v^w I'fZ aA /telcLoO ^<>w 4aJ-HL Arts W\i5AAXttoC *xrtJUb OU xs^ ^A' ■Lx/UnN-OJ^Wxlrf CX/V\oU ji-od^cldo A/jLtjjjL&d ^h/Ob&al, -&-t4£JU» ~t7 cX< .. tX-C |3AilA-^ u>,i. />. /W'$_ Tt7. UJi I'^lc, 'i-t/ i tv\r£> 0:tirt <2 O^}-^ /y- fc.0 Uuc<#,^tr0 icL a,u*^* Lu- ^L-td ,La Matters taken up in Washington: Searoh for patents on disc reoord filing system. (Edison Phono. Works - 7 l/2 hrs.) Infringement searoh on proposed cover for spring motor barrel of amusement phonograph. (EdiBon Phonograph Works - 7 1/2 hrs.) Infringement search on new electrically driven phonograph. (Edison Phonograph Works - 4 hrs.) Infringement Hinged Cover Support & Works - 2 l/2 hrs.) searoh on lid support of Chicago Balance Co. (Edison Phonograph Matter of license under Sanders patents on disc rec¬ ords: Conferring with olerks of Mr. Sanders. Conference with Mr. Sanders. (Disc Eeoord Mfg. Div. - 4 1/4 hrs.) Weekly examination of Official Gazette to find patents which may affect our business. Going over current patents and ordering missing copies. (Snmx Musical Phono. Div. - 2 3/4 hrs.) Consideration of references found in infringement search on cover for spring motor barrel for anusement phonograph. Con¬ ference with Mr. Holden. Memorandum to Mr. Constable. (Edison Phono. Works - 1 hr.) Consideration of references found in infringement searoh on lid support of Chicago Hinged Cover Support & Balance Co. Conference with Mr. Holden. Memorandum to Mr. Constable. (Edison phonograph Works - 1 1/4 hrs.) Going over oopies of patentB relating to filing systems. (Edison Phonograph Works - 1 hr.) Consideration of papers relating to Sanders patents. Conference with Mr. Holden. (Diso Record Mfg. Div. - 1/2 hr.) Conference with Mr. Gilmore in regard to proposed diso record filing system. Infringement searoh o* propose * ’ Conference with Mr. Gilmore. (Edison Phono. Wks. - 2 3/4 hrs.) Going over agreement between Edison Storage Battery Company and Edison Storage Battery Supply Company. Telephonic conference with Mr. Mudd with respect thereto. (Edison Storage Battery Co. - l/2 hr.) Getting up list of all patents issued in the last three years relating to. dictating machines for Mr. Holland. (Dictating Machine Division - 1/2 hr.) Duncan-Shelly interference: letter to Mr. Shelly. (Suit Ho. 79 - 1/4 hr. ) Infringement searoh on electrically driven phonograph. (Edison Phonograph Works - 2 hrs.) Consideration of references found in searoh on proposed automatic stop mechanism and conference with Mr. Holden. (Edison Phonograph Works - 3/4 hr.) Consideration of action received in application folio 985 relating to the manufacture of cylinder records. (Cylinder Record Division - l/4 hr.) Income tax penalties of Thomas A. Edison, Inc. and Edison Phonograph Works: letters to Mr. Chevrier andMr. lynch. ^ Fur¬ ther work on claims for abatement. Inc. and Edison Phono. Wks. - 1 hr. (Secretarial Service, Edison, HoClure Publications, Inc. contract: Going over final draft. (Motion Picture Division - 1 hr. - . Memorandum to Mr. Musk re common drinking cups and roller towels. (Secretarial Servioe - l/4 hr.) Clendenen vs. Edison, Inc: Preparation of letter to Mr. Graf and sending off copies of exhibits in proposed stipu¬ lation. (Suit Ho. 68-3 hra.) Edison Storage Battery Company bond issue: Memorandum to Mr. Mudd. Going over mortgage form, eto. (Edison Storage Battery Company - 2 hrs.) Clendenen vs. Edison, Inc.: conferring with Mr. Wilson and arranging for letter from him to Mr. Graf. (Suit Ho. 68 - 1/2 hr.) Conferring with Mr. Wilson re McClure Company oontraot. (Motion Pioture Division - l/2 hr.) Income tax penalties: Preparation of protest on be- . half of Thomas A. Edison, Ino. Memorandum to Mr. Mambert. (Secretarial Servioe - 1 hr.) Short conference with Mr. H. F. Miller re Edison Phono¬ graph Works bonds. Preliminary work on new bond issue. (Treasury Department, Edison Phono. Wks. - 1 1/2 hrs. looking up inheritance tax law in connection with transfer of Edison Storage Battery Company's stock. Memorandum to Mr. Miller. (Edison Storage Battery Co. - 1/2 hr.) Going over assignments sent by Hr. Xi. Vf. MoChesney to be reoorded. Memorandum to Mr. MoChesney. letter to Copyright Office. (Motion Picture Division - 3 hrs.). Going over license from Hew Jersey Patent Company to Condensite Co. of .America. (Disc Record Mfg. Div. - 1/2 hr.) Edison Storage Battery Co. bond issue: Conference with Mr. Mudd and Mr. I. Baohmann. Preparation of preliminary draft of mortgage to secure bonds, etc, (Edison Storage Battery Co. - 6 hrs. ) Higham Swedish patent, question of working: Conferring with Mr. Holden. letter to Brandon Bros. (General Expense, Kinetophone - 1/2 hr. ) Edison Storage Battery Co. bond issue: Conference with Messrs. Humbert, Mudd, H. F. Miller and RobihSon;. Arrang¬ ing for conference with Mr. Egner. Conferring with Mr. Egner and Mr. Mambert at Fidelity Trust Company office in Hewark. (Edison Storage Battery Co. - 6 1/2 hrs.) Short conference with Mr. Wilson re McClure Co. contract, phone conference with Mr« Yfeher re "Where love Is"* [Motion Picture Division - l/2 hr.) Preliminary work on amendment of oontraot between Mr. Edison, Edison Storage Battery Co., Edison Accumulators ltd. and J. F. Monnot. Conferring with Mr. Hutohison. Preparation of slips showing proposed ohangeB and comments thereon. Memorandum to Mr. Edison. looking into question of working of British lithium patent. (l/2 Mr. Edison, l/2 Edison Storage Battery Co. - 5 1/2 hrs.) Edison Storage Battery Co. bond issue: Going over Public Service Company's mortgage form. (Edison Storage Battery Co. - 2 1/2 hrs.) • Conferring with Messrs. Hudson and Holden re recording licenses under Sohoenmehl patents. (Primary Battery Div. - 1/2 hr.) Dictating draft of amended agreement between Mr. Edison, Edison Storage Battery Co., Edison Accumulators ltd. and Monnot. (l/2 Mr. Edison, l/2 Edison Storage Battery Co. - 2 hrs.) In regard to the payment of premiums on fire insurance policies: Conference with Mr. Frost and looking up law. (Insurance Service Sept. - 3 hrs.) Revision of lloense from Hew Jersey Patent Company to Condensite Company of America. 3eouring execution of license. (General Expense - 1 hr.) Attending meeting of Forest Hill Protective Association. (l/2 T.A. Edison personal, l/4 Chemical Wks, 1/4 Carholio Acid Div. - 3 hrs.) In regard to purchase of Mondo property on Alva St. , Bloomfield: Arranging for obtaining abstract of title. (T.A. Edison personal - 1 hr.) In regard to registration of trade mark "Diamond" in Cuba: Preparation of power of attorney. (Musical Phonograph Div. - 1/2 hr.) incorporation of Bruno’s Weekly, Ino.: preparation of agreement of sale of property for stock and suitable resolutions in connection with said sale. Preparation of form for subscrip¬ tion to oapital stook. (Bruno’s Weekly, Ino. - 2 l/2 hrs.) Re claim of Thomas A. Edison, Ino. against laurel gh, bankrupt: Conferences with Messrs. Holden and Philips. looking up bankruptcy law. Conferences with Messrs. PhilipB and Leonard. Preparation of proof of claim. (Musioal phono. Div. - 4 hrs.) Getting together various letters for United States attorney. (Musioal Phono. Div. - 4 hrs.) Re damage to aer tube heater: Looking over correspondence. Consideration of drawings. Investigation of facts. (Edison Phonograph Works - 31/4 hrs.) Real estate matters in oonneotion with bond issue of Edison Storage Battery Co.: Conference with Messrs. Lanahan and Mudd. Preparation of dead of West Orange property, of leas and deed for Silver lake property, lease of property on east side of AHhland Avenue, and bills of sale for oontents of buildings, looking up law in New York law library. (EdiBon Storage Battery Co. - 11 1/4 hrs.) Trip to Hewark. (Edison Phono. Wks. - 2 hrs.) Filing application for registration of Edison Storage Battery Supply Co. in the State of Massachusetts. (Edison Stor¬ age Battery Supply Co. - l/4 hr.) looking up Hew Jersey law to asoertain whether it is neoessary to show on a negotiable instrument given in payment of a patent right that it is given in payment of the same. (Disc Reoord Mfg. Div. - 1/2 hr.) Miscellaneous correspondence. (Musioal Phono. Div. - 3 hrs . ) Going over correspondence with Fletcher Bros., Vancouver, B. C., Canada with regard to their sub-agent, Walker at Prinoe Rupert, B. C. (Musical Phono, Div. - 1 hr.) Going over proposed contract with Universal Appraisal Co for appraisal of personal property in Mr. Edison's residenoe and memorandum to Mr. Edison concerning same. (T. A. Edison personal - 1 hr.) Going over town file of Oakland, Calif, regarding Central Music Parlors, (Musical Phono. Div. - 1 hr.) Interview with Messrs. Gillum, Drummond and Hioolai (Messrs. Gillum and Drummond, Aoting Mayor and Counoilman of West Orange) regarding smoke nulsanoe of Edison Phono, Wks. (Ed. Phono. Wks. - 1 hr.) Going over Folio 616, Peter Weber, Phonographs, concern¬ ing final rejection. (Ed, Phono. Wks, - 1 hr.) Discussing with Mr. Edison and with Mr. Mason the situ¬ ation as regards the Davey property, Silver lake. (1/2 I. A. Edison, 1/4 Chemical Wks, l/4 Carbolio Div. - 3/4 hr. ) Going over various contracts for purchase of soenarioB concerning the question of recording them and discussing the same with Mr. Banahan. (Motion Picture Div. - l/2 hr.) Disoussing with Messrs. Edison and Maxwell the proposed suits against the Sonora Co. and the Sonora dealer, McCabe. (Suit Ho. 71)- 1 1/2 hr a.) Going over Philadelphia Town File in regard to E. V. Martin. (Musical Phono. Div. - 1 hr.) Discussing with Mr. Maxwell the Sonora suit and ques¬ tion of unfair competition. (Suit Ho. 71 - l/2 hr.) Disoussing with Mr. Wilson the triple damage suits and question of Information Clearing Housed (Suit Ho. 76 - 1/2 hr.) & E. Piano Discussing with Mr. Wilson the smoke nuisance of Edison Phono. Wks. ( Ed. Phono. Wks. - l/4 hr.) Discussing with Mr. Wilson what we should do with respect to Mr. Irwin’s claim for compensation in connection with settlement of Greater H. Y. Eilm Rental Suit. (Suit Ho. 69 - 1/2 hr.) Going over with Mr. Philips various details of our claim against Houston Phono. Co. (Musical Phono. Div. - 1/2 hr.) Going over reports and correspondence in regard to Evans Book Store, Pittsburg, Has. regarding price cutting. (Musical Phono. Div. 1/2 hr.) Going over town file of Tiffin, Ohio, concerning A. 1. i Co. (Musical Phono. Div. l/2 hr.) Discussing with Mr. Lanahan the proposed bond issue of Edison Storage Battery Co. (E. S. B. Co. - 1/2 hr.) Consideration of various assignments, options, eto. relating to Sanders patents in order to pass upon the question of title of the patents under whioh we are purchasing a license. (Disc Record Mfg. Div. - 4 hrs.) Disoussing with Mr. Wilson the policy to be pursued by Motion Picture Patents Co. with respeot to any further proceedings on the Datham patent. (M. P. Div. - 1/4 hr.) Going over correspondence with Campos and disoussing with Mr. Stevens the copyright situation in Spain. (Export Div. - 1 hr.) / Going over town file of Ereeport, Ill. concerning Allington. (Musical Phono. Div. - 1 hr) Trip to Prosecutor's office, Newark. (E. P. Wks. - 2 3/4 hrs.) Disoussing with Mr. Hudson the question of whether or _ not we should reoord the patent .lioenses received from Sohoenmehl concerning primary batterieB. (Primary Battery - 1/2 hr.) Consideration of the question of what is necessary to be done for the working of British Pat. 401 of 1908 relating to the use of lithium in storage batteries. , . . (E. A. Edison personal -Eor. Stor. Bat. - 3/4 hr.) Going over town file of Grand Porks, H, Stone Piano Co. (Musioal Phono. Div. - 1 hr, ,D. concerning D1 sous sing with Mr. Mason the Davey situation. (1/2 E.A.E. - l/4 Chem. Wks. - l/4 Carholio Div. - 1/2 hr.) Discussing with Mr. Wilson the question of common counsel in the triple damage suits. ' (Suit No. 76 - 1/2 hr.) Consideration of Eat. No. 1,170,997 in connection with with proposed electric braking mechanism to he uBed on our instruments. (Ed. Phono. Wks. - 1 hr.) One U. S. Application Piled. [INCOMPLETE] Interference of Malthaner vb. Holland: Oonferenoe with Mr. Holland: Consideration of motion to dissolve made toy Holland, and oonferenoes with Messrs Holden and Hardy in regard to same. [Suit Ho. 99 - 5-1/4 hrs. , $21.00) Consideration of allowed application folio 1069, CELLU¬ LOID RECORD BLANKS. [Cylinder Record Div. - 1 hr. , $4.00) Correspondence in regard to names "Edison" and"Diamond": Examination of various agreements in regard to same: Miscellaneous matters relating to Musical Phonograph Dealers. (Musioal Phono. Div. - 6-1/2 hrs., #26.00) Preparation of petition to Commissioner of refusal to enter amendment in folio 1020, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PACKING MATERIAL . [Edison Portland Cement Co. - 3 hrs., $12.00) Various oonferenoes with Mr. Lanahan in regard to suit of Thomas Ai Edison, Incorporated, against Hopkins. [Suit No. 69 - 2-1/2 hrs., #10.00) Conference with Messrs Wilson and Holden in regard to Hampton notes. (General Div. - General Film, 1/4 hr., $.1.00) Conference with Mr. Erwin in regard to report to Federal Trade Commission. (Musioal Phono. Div. - l/2 hr., $2.00) Amendment of folio 1026, Jonas W. Aylsworth, SOUND RECORDS. [Disc Reoord Mfg. Co. - 2-1/2 hrs., $10.00) Re transfer of certain buildings and land from Edison Phono. Works to T.A.E., Inc. Various oonferenoes and miscellane¬ ous. (Edison Phono. Works - l/2 hr., $2.00) Conference with Mr. Durand in regard to Chisholm patent and letter to Mr. Siggers in regard to same. [Dictating Maoh.Div.- 1/2 hr., $2.00) looking over patents on phonograph designs made toy Mr. Frenoh. (Edison Phono. Works - 1/2 hr., $2.00) looking up lease on 10 Fifth Ave. and oonferenoe with Messrs Kellow and Fox in regard to suggested leaBe for part ocf said premises^Diot. Mach.. Div. (T.A.E. personal - 1/2 hr. ,$2,00) Examination of Higham Russian application in connection with statement of Brandon Bros. (Gen. Div. - Kinetophone - 1/2 hr., $2.00) [INCOMPLETE] Ee property on Columbia Street to be purchased, by us: Preparation of deeds: Conference with Mr. Homewood in regard to title. [General Div. - 3-1/2 hrs., $14.00) Going over executed copies of Pitts applications on designs for Amberola 50 and A75 instruments. (Edison Phono. Wks.- l/2 hr, $2.00) Conference with Mr, Kellow in regard to Certificates of Payment of Capital Stock and various other matters relating to Edison Phonographs, ltd. , and Phonographs limited. (1 hr. ,$4.00 - half Edison Phonographs, ltd., half Phonographs limited) Discussing with our new Supervisor, Mr. Martin, the Edison License Agreement. (Musical Phono. Div. - 1/2 hr., $2.00) Going over Mason application, folio 1020, METHOD AND APPAEATUS POE PACKING MATEEIAL, to determine whether or not to file a petition to the Commissioner for the entry of the last amendment. (Edison Portland Cement Co. - 1-1/2 hrs., $6.00) Going over town file of Vancouver, Washington, in regard to the Vancouver Stationery Co. (Musioal Phono. Div. - 1 hr., $4.00) Going over town files of Waurika and Temple, Okla, con¬ cerning the reinstatement of Dealers. (Musioal Phono. Div. - 2 hrs., $8.00) Discussing with MT. Maxwell the question of whether or not we should organize a Canadian corporation to handle certain of our manufacturing in Canada. (Musical Phono. Div. - 1-1/2 hrs., $6.00) Correspondence concerning settlement of Pacific Coast jobbers. (Musioal Phono. Div. - 1 hr., $4.00) Disoussing with Messrs Maxwell and Moses the situation at Denver as regards Hext Music Co. and correspondanoe. (Musioal Phono. Div. - 1 hr., $4.00) Disoussing with Messrs Wilson and SCull, settlement in triple damage suits, the trial of the Sampliner suit and the status of the Motion Picture Patents Co. tPenl.Div.- - Gen.Pi^m- 2 hrs., $8.00) [INCOMPLETE] Heading the Canadian business profits war tax and con¬ ferring with Mr. Maxwell regarding Bame. (Musical Phono. Div. - 2 hrs. , $8.00) Corresponding with Mr. Ireton and others concerning the record dispute with the Paoifio Phono. Co. (Musical Phono. Div. - 1 hr., $4.00) Going over proposed agreement between Metropolitan Opera Co. and T.A.E. ,Ino. (Recording Div. - 1-1.4 hrs., $5.00) Going over petition to Commissioner, Mason application folio 1020, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PACKING MATERIAL. (Edison Portland Cement Co. - 3/4 hr., $3.00) Disoussing with MeBsrs Member t and Maxwell the proposed plan for doing business in Canada. (Musical Phono. Div. - 1-1/4 hrs., $5.00) Preparing answer to questions for Dealers’ Convention. (Musical Phono. Div. - 1 hr., $4.00) Disoussing with Mr. Maxwell the Canadian situation and assisting in preparing memorandum to CharleB Edison regarding same. (Musical Phono. Div. - 1-1/2 hrs., $6.00) Preparing answers to questions for Dealers’ Convention. (Musioal Phono. Div. - 6 hrs., $20.00) Disouasing with Messrs Charles Edison and Wilson the question of oonsoription as regards certain employees holding important positions with the Edison interests. (Personnel Servioe - % hr., $4.00) Conference with Mr. Sonn with reference to aooident oaseB of John Marino and Amos Brazes. (Health Servioe - 1/2 hr., $2.00) Preparation of patent application on swaging maohine. (Edison Phonograph Whs. - 6 3/4 hrs., $27.00) Work on preparation of new application on grinding ma¬ ohine, and conferring with Mr. Fisher with referenoe to prepara¬ tion of drawings therefor. (Edison Phono. Whs. - 6 hrs., $24.00) Weekly examination of Offioial Gazette to find patents whioh may affeot our business. Going over ourrent patents and ordering mi*Bing oopies. (Musioal Phono. Div. - 2 1/4 hrs., $9.00) [INCOMPLETE] Conference with Mr. Sonn in regard to Coyle death case at Paramidophenol Plant. (Health Service - l/4 hr., $1.00) Malthaner vs. Holland interference: Conferences with Messrs. Holden and Baohmann. (Suit Ho. 99-1 hr., $4.00) Be Howard aooident ease: Telephonic conference with Mr. Hall of D.S. fidelity & Guaranty Co. Better to MoDermott & Enright. Memorandum to Mr. Jones. Going over correspondence and ottier papers. (Health Servioe - 1 hr., $4.00) Conferring with Mr. Sonn in regard to Brazes aooident case. (Health Servioe - 1/2 hr., $2.00) Conference with Mr. Baohmann in regard to Edison Patents Company Incorporated. Going over Mr. McCoy's report. (Mr. Edison personal - 1/4 hr., $1.00) Be Brazee aooident case: Consideration of letter of Brazee's attorney. Conferring with Mr. Sonn. Better to Mr. Brazee's attorney. (Health Servioe - 1 l/4 hr., $5.00) Preparation of riders for denatured alcohol bonds. Memorandum to Mr. Mambert with reference thereto. (Disc Beoord Mfg. Div. - 1/2 hr., $2.00) Consideration of question of incorporating proposed Edison Phonograph Instalment loan Association. Booking up law. (Musical Phono. Div. - Z 1/2 hrs., $14.00) Consideration of invention submitted to us by C. E. Behnke of Madison, Wis. relating to positioning devioe for Edison Disc Phonographs. Conference with Mr. Holden. Memorandum to Mr. Constable. (Edison Phono. Wks. - 1/2 hr., $2.00) Investigation of new shaving maohine to determine if same is covered by Sohiffl patent Ho. 1,174,292. Conference with Mr. Durand. Investigation to determine whether the claims of said patent cover the invention disolosed therein as broadly as possible.. (Edison Phono. Wks* - 2 1/4 hrs., $9.00) Be aooident case of Charles Meyer: Memorandum to Mr. Sonn. Conferences with Messrs. Holden, Sonn and Sparks. (Health Service - 1 hr., $4.00) Conference with Mr. Dally with reference to taking over proseoution of his application relating to aoid valves. Prepar¬ ation of substitute power of attorney and licensee. Telephonio conference with Mr, Flint, Daily's attorney. letter to Mr. flint. (Thomas A. Edison, Inc. - Chemical Plants - 2 1/4 hrs., $9.00) [INCOMPLETE] Re Klemm vs. Sohiffl interference : Going o-ver all reoently issued patents relating to phonograph stop mechanisms to determine whether the olaims of any of these patents can. be made by Sohiffl. (Suit So. 91-2 hrs.t $8.00) Consideration of Offioe actions received in Polios 1065 and 1066 and looking up decisions oited. (Edison Phono. Wks. - 1 hr. , $4.00) Consideration of correspondence and reports relating to an aot with reference to the use of explosives. Memorandum to Mr. J. V. Miller. (l.A.E. Inc., Chemical Plants - 1/2 hr., $2.00) Work on preparation of appeal in applioation Polio 993. (Edison Phono. Wks. - 1/2 hr., $2.00) One 0. 3. applioation filed. One U. 3. applioation amended. Going over town files and diotating oorrespondenoe with respeot to complaints of prioe cutting and other matters in oonneo- tlon with Musical Phonograph Dealers. (Musical Phono. Div. - 12 hrs., $24.00) Edison General File Series 1916. Legal -- Litigation (E-16-52) This folder contains correspondence and other documents concerning legal cases involving Edison or companies in which he had an interest. The one selected item for 1916 is a communication from Carl H. Wilson vice president of Thomas A. Edison, Inc., relating to the deferral of the triple damage suit against the General Film Co. This company was part of the motion picture patents trust in which Edison had a stake. The four unselected items are routine documents pertaining to evidence provided by Edison official Harry F. Miller in cases involving the National Phonograph Co., the predecessor to TAE Inc. GENERAL MANAGER’S OFFICE division: General Administrative Division. SQBJEOT: triple Damage Suits vs. and others. Mr. Edison: By telephone Mr. Soull advl3BS that the first of the triple damage suits against the General Film Co. and various individuals which was on the calendar for yesterday, December 19th, was put over until the May term, for the reason that the appeal in the Government suit has been set for April 9th, and the Court deoided not to hear the triple damage suit until after argument in the Government suit. He fur¬ ther advised that he did not believe the Government would be ready by April 9th and that it is therefore very likely the triple damage suit will not be heard until next fall. CH7//ITO C. H./Wlson. General Film Co. Date IB/20/16. CC to Messrs. Chas. Edison and S. B. Mambert. If any reply iB necessary please refer to above number. Fora 1860-211-11-16 Edison General File Series 1916. Milan, Ohio [not selected] (E-16-53) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to Edison’s birthplace. The items for 1916 pertain to a request from Wendell P. Hill, a later resident of the house in which the inventor was born, to be allowed to visit the home, which had been repurchased by Edison. The reply indicates that a letter of permission was sent to Edison’s cousin Nancy Elizabeth (Lizzie) Wadsworth. Edison General File Series 1916. Miner's Safety Lamp [not selected] (E-16-54) This folder contains correspondence and other documents concerning Edison's battery-powered safety lamp. Neither of the two letters for 1916 received a response. One is related to previous correspondence between Edison's personal assistant, William H. Meadowcroft, and lamp manufacturer H. W. McCandless & Co. Edison General File Series 1916. Mining ~ General (E-16-55) This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to mines and minerals to be bought, sold, surveyed, worked, or tested. The selected items for 1 91 6 contain remarks by Edison regarding his consumption of nickel and his unsuccessful nickel mining ventures, as well as comments about the low grade of copper at his old experimental mine in Menlo Park. Most of the selected mining-related correspondence for 1 91 6 can be found in E-1 6- 56 (Mining— Metals and Other Minerals). Less than 10 percent of the documents have been selected. The unselected material consists primarily of unsolicited requests, inquiries, business propositions, and offers of mining properties for sale. These letters were not answered or received a generic reply. ^CL. X$(y£L tc.^f - I have dtyiayep. 'repl^in^to yojur lettqr of ^ ^ Deoemher 29th in order to^asoe^ain just ^how de stand on the matter of oaloium ohloride For thjfa ye^r t^e^mand^s very aot-iTa , and we are praotlcally so^-d up foXjthe [year on the oapaoit^ of pur present plant. vv , , U , A (4- 1 VT^u^a-ar-n^^ ■- As you know, thefce is a lar£e amount of oaloium ohlojideJ from the soda works whioh is'^S^^^^a^e?!^a^^t!hu^we 'feie prodnoing solid and granular ohloride, also sbme ohloride liquor. The way the situation stands at present is that, with our plant as it is, we oould not offer you any oaloium ohloride liquor for this year. But if you are in a position to take 40°B4 liquor at the rate of. a considerable quantity per year, we might arrange to put in additional apparatus to furnish your supply, and would be glad to figure out a prioe for you in tank oar lots. This 40 °B6 liquor oontalns about 39 ft OaOlg and also from 15 to 20 grams per liter of Nad. I judge that this is the strength of liquor that will be best for you to buy. Of course, the waste liquor as it oomes from the soda works is very dilute, and the freight would be exoeesive. Also it oontalns considerable amounts of NaCl. Kindly advise me how muoh of the liquor you want, and wheth¬ er the above strength would be right, and whether you would be inter¬ ested in taking it under a oontraot whioh would justify us in install¬ ing apparatus for the purpose. l-AFEB-ll-3 With heat wiahea for the Hew Year, I am Your a very truly, \/.r A/ / OonBulting Engineer AMERICAN smsnitfS COMPAN V" SlTJCOOTTE PRODUCTS'" :l.bisut halvohses BiRMisairiM Ala, January 5th I9I6k^ Thorn.. A. Edison. Ah,, ^ <**»*•*• £CT <*§ w-o^-^'"- '*•* 'Attention Mr. Wm. H. Meadowcraft. " A, A, u» Mvw term** Your letter of December 29th addressed %o Mr. V/. L. Smith, of Kansas City, has been referred to us, as we are the distributing Vagents of all MAGNESITE produced by Mr . Smith's company. jpg* The analysis specified in your letter is the anaJ^Sis of our product. On three hundred tons we will quote you as follows: On Calcined lump MAGNESITE, $40.00 per ton On Calcined powdered MAGNESITE, $50.00 per ton. These orices apply on car - - , --- — * shipment, Porterville, California; the freight rate applying to Silver Lake, N. J. we are advised by the railroad company is $16.30 per ton, car lots. The lump JiAGNESITE.'.is loaded in bulk, while the powdered material is packed in bags. We are in position to make prompt shipment of the calcined lump, but it will probably be some thirty days before we can’ ship the powdered product. The above prices are for prompt acceptance, is sold sight draft, bill of lading attached. *0 All material laboratory of Thomas A. Edison, Orange, Hew Jersey. Attention of w*. Meaaoworoft_._ Gentlemen : - - - - - ' use the material or not. TH-nfl attention will greatly oblige. Binney & Smith, Company, 81 Fulton Street, Ben York City. Gentlemen: Your favor of the sixth instant in regard to the sample of Cohalt Bickel CpciES sent sometime ago has been received • f,'r . Edison request tained from Canada had no y.l Cohalt, llickol and Iron. '2i the Speiss means an arsenic trying to work the material me to say that the eamples ob- enic in them, and contained s, Jir. Edison could v;ork, hut ■ousting plant, and while he is without the dry roasting, it will he troublesome. Yours very truly, Assistant Jir. Edit Varnish Gums, Asphalts, Shellac, Driers, Chemicals, and Supplies for Varnish Manufacturers WILLIAM H. SCHEEL, pr /V\ERCHANT, L 159 Maiden Lane and 37 Fletcher Street. 6th, 1916. Ss yf / •Of ' L1 Ur. Thomas A. Edisi Orange, New Jersey. Mr. Yin. H. Meadowcroft, Assistant to Ur. Edison We thank you for your, valued favor of January 4th the contents of which have our most careful attention. We appre¬ ciate the suggestion with reference to using the material offered •by us, English Precipitated Chalk, as a Filler. In this connection permit. us to say that we have per¬ haps the best Eiller , of unusual properties and virtue, that can be offered for the attention of Ur. Edison. We refer to our Aluminum Flake. specific gravity 2.58 . This is now very largely used by the Rubber trade and particularly for Rubber Tires where life is essential. This Filler is also used in large quan¬ tities by the Paint manufacturers, a recent developement however. It is flaky, is very smooth, has properties which enable the mills to work the material readily, it takes up in the Oil readily, it is a fine Filler for Rubber Goods and it is cheap. The price is 1* per pound in barrels and in carload lots *20,00 per ton FOB the mills. A liberal sample goes forward^ to_y£r_addrese. We ask for your most car^T^Hiid^ation of this proposition. It is the .3 ilished 40 Years 107 N. Nineteenth Street Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Thomas A Orange, New Jersi ,\ January isnf0^) rY‘ Y itTfrnesium Carbonate (Raw Magnesite) Powd. i , - i \ Magnesium Carbonate (Raw Magnesite ) ?owdI x ^ Guaranteed Summer Delivery at Orange— 37%- Tons / / Answering yours of the 7th, would say that we are Y /pleased to accept your order ^ J Lower Grade Raw Magnesite / We have just heard from the second supplier, who wires us that he could grantee ^similar ^eK^onate 'hi,- per ton. / If we do not hear from you immediately, we will understand that you desire the first quality agreed upon in the first part of this letter. / FOOTE MINERAL COMPANY, WMF: CMC Silica Products Company, 438 Y.est Ontario Street, Chicago, Ill. Gentlemen : 1 hog to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the sixth instant making quotation on Calcined Magnesite, and thank you therefor. I am a little puzzled to reconcile your quotation with the analysis specified in my letter of the S9th ultimo to Mr. V,. 1. Smith. That analysis shows the material to he Carhonate of Magnesia, while Calcined Magnesite means Oxide of Magnesia. Is not this correct? Mil you kindly let mo hear from you on the subject, and oblige. yours very truly. Jan. 11th. 1916. Foote Mineral Company, 107 if. 19th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Gentlemen : X am in receipt of your favor of the 8th instant, and beg to say in reply that you can send me a contract for 37 l/2 tons of raw Magnesite, in accordance with the first para¬ graph thereof. I must stipulate, however, that delivery be May 1st. lower Grade Raw Magnesite . Your remarks under this head are noted, and 1 ould soy that I am not interested in this material. Yours very truly. McKesson &. robbins NEW YORK MANUFACTURERS IMPORTERS EXPORTERS CHEMICALS cover showing the quality of the geode, and offer the same at 3*4 per It. f.o.. Hew York, euhject to prior sale and market ohengee. V/e trust that the figure we have named and sample submitted meet with your approval, and awaiting your valued order, we remain Yours very t ruly , VPl^ELSQ Gentlemen : Replying to your favor of the 11th instant, Mr. Edison requests me to say that the price of Precipitated Chalk is so high that he has heen obliged to find a substitute to use in place of it. Thanking you for your kind attention, I remain, Yours very truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison. Silica - . x'®° Alumina - , Ferric Oxide - 1-09 Lime- . . Magnesia - Carbon Dioxide - 50.43 in accordance with the above analysis, MAGNESITE would n 90% or better Magnesium Carbonate and other minerals in actios*—' After calcining the MAGNESITE will analyze, approximately ^ - 3.20 ^ ' - Trace - 2.00 to ^ If you desire to purchase the Crude «SiTE, we are advised by the railroad company, being #16.30. Hoping that this letter will explain our previous ommunication to your entire satisfaction, \ Yours very truly, SILICA EB@PJ0TS C0M£j \r Y O'V REH : MS . to Semet-Solvay Company l-AFBB-202 retort coke ovens .0 Syracuse, M. Y., January 14, 1916. lJr. Thomas A. Edison, Orange, New Jersey. Uy dear Mr. Edison: Reply to your favor of January 6th, regarding oaloium ohloride liquor, has been delayed in order that we oould look UP the situation. I note that you oould probably use, say, 5 tons per day of *0 (39 *) 0aCl2 liquor. We have under oon- sideration plans for extending our capacity for producing this liquor. The price we have been getting is $.25 per 100 pounds f.o.b. Syraouse, in tank oar lots. The freight to Orange is about $.105 Per 100 pounds. I shall be glad to know whether this would be satisfactory, and whether you would like to have us consider your needs in our plans for enlargement. My attention has just been called to a paragraph in one of our daily papers to the effect that your carbolic plant was destroyed by fire a few days since. I hope that this statement is untrue, or at least very muoh exaggerated. . Sinoerely yours, 1 c-C a; / " Consulting Engineer. ^ i<4\ lJ Ad# ® t-ujr ^ , x&* AMERICAN J§iBeGmt& COMPANY SitjICOnite Products January I5th X9X6. Thomas A. Edison. Orange .N.J . Dear Sir. ^ your favor received, We wish t'o say that we will send you larger quantities of our Siliconite if you want same to carry out your experiments, We can send it in several forms, Run of Mine, all white, and the Flour . And Yellow both Run of Mine and Flour. If you should require it all through 200X200 mesh, we will soon he prepared to make Bo'tJS^of this finest product, as we have received large orders from Paint Manfgrs* Possibly you know that the Dixon Graphite Co. Jersey City, are selling and advertising Silica in one of their Specialties, As Dixons SILICA GRAPHITE PAINT. Theyuse ground quartz, while Nature has prepared our SILICONITE , so that we have very little grinding to do, We treat it to eliminate all impurities, such as Oxide of Iron & C. We shall appreciate any business that may arise from your efforts Vie will make no charge for what you require for teBts. Wishing you suorcess in yourc Experiments Jan. 17th. 1916. Silica Pro aunts Company, 438 West Ontario Street, Chicago, Ill. Gentlemen: I have received your favor of the 13th instant, which makes the situation more clear. I want to try the Calcined Magnesite to ascertain whether it will serve my purpose, so I will ask you to ploase enter my order for one carload of the Calcined Magnesite, powdered, of approximately the same analysis as contained in the latter part of your favor of the 13th instant. Will you please ship this in hags to Thomas *. Edison, aniline Plant. Silver Lake, H. J.. rout¬ ing the same via Erie delivery. I will have my office send a confirming order. P ....Foote Mjt m e;&a\l€ q>m mm Philadelphia, Pa. j Thomas A. Edison, ^ ^ 0r^6 Jersey. ^ -1 Dear Sir,- "«ar Answering your wire of to-day. wa *** ^ jrsttM ^rHFrrrSHr* and others of the leas common ores, ^^“^il ^oh mined for the present to give up our Feldspar ua» future time as we can do it justloe. We are therefore enclosing a list "CmT* £? and carries about 17$ potash. Hoping this data will be of some use to you, we are FOOTE MINERAL COMPANY, ii* t X" M^MV^ith mills established at both Trenton and East Li , pooil Ohio. . * F> Oo. . > FELDSPAR SUPPLIERS Boothwyn Feldspar Co., 510 W. 7th Street, Cheater, Pa. Quoted ub 9/13/15, Feldspar In oar lots at $6.50 per ton f.o.b. Ogden, Pa. Freight rate from Ogden to Phila. ah out 56/ per ton. Ur. J. 0. Fowls, 8 Washington Place, Bridgeport, Conn. ■'X Ur. Geo. W. Ovens, \ North East, Ud. J \^r^P Ur. A. L. Stone, Chester Depot, Yt. Wrote us 4/5/15 that he had hundreds of acres of choice Feldspar; every color. Wrote us again, 5/22/15, stating he had 25 to 30 large deposits of Feldspar. We replied that we were in the market for a FeldBpar running about 16$ Potash and practically without either raioa or iron, and requested samples and price. Quoted us 2/13/15, $3.00 per net ton, f.o.h. mine. Spar analyzes better than 13$ potash. Freight rate to Phila. is §3.50 per net ton. Quoted us 10/21/15, Feldspar passing thro' 100 mesh, at §3.50 per ton f.o.b. Chester, Yt., packed in heavy paper bags, delivery at rate of 3 oars weekly o f 20 tons to the car. Analysis, Potash, 8$; Silica, 66$; alumina, 29$. Brandywine Summit Kaolin & Feldspar Co. Brandywine Summit, Pa. , Quoted us 8/4/13, Ho. 1 pulverized Soda Feldspar, at $14.00 per ton in Less oar lots f.o.b. Brandywine Summit. Shis spar carries 12$ soda and .017$ potash. Car lots of 5 tons, $13. per ton. Freight rate from Brandywine Summit to Phila. is 9/ per 100 lbs. in L.C.L., 75/ per ton in C.L. Eureka Flint & Spar Co., Trenton, H. J. , Schaaf-Hegelman, 21 State St., Hew York City. 5/1/13 quoted us Ho. 1 grade pulverized Feldspar in ton lots at $12. per net ton f.o.b. cars H. J. , saoks extra. C.L. 0 $11.50 per net ton. Quoted us 6/2/13 and 6/7/13 Ground Feldspar at $10. per ton, packed in bags; lumps, $7.50 per ton, paoked in barrels. Mater¬ ial ground very fine, $12. per ton in L.C.L. Analysis: Silica . Alumina . Ferric Oxide .... Magnesia . . Soda . Potash . Logg on ignition ... Wine Feldspar Co., Brunswick, Maine. Quoted us 11/18/15 as follows! Feldspar, ground so that there is not over 1$ residue on a 140 mesh screen, $9.00 per ton, hulk, in C.L., f.o'.b. oars Topsham, Maine. (This feldspar is used in the pottery trade). Analysis: 70.60 16.17 Kjjp Ust gO Ignition .07 Mr. Louis W. Howe, Mr. Geo. W. Parmolee, South Glastonbury, Conn. Haddam, Conn. S. P. Dunk?! & Son, 2115 H. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. \ Kasson Mioa Co. Point & Erie Sts., amden, n» Si Miners & Shippers of Feldspar. Quoted 1/3/13, Crude ore in C.L. lots, $6.25 per ton lots, $7.25 per ton, 100 lb. lots, §1.75 per ffo.b. Philadelphia. 1 A J an. 1910. E. P. Dunkel & Son, 2115 ii. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. Gentlemen: V.'e understand that you can offer Feldspar, and I write to ask if you will kindly mako me a quotation on high grade Potash Feldspar, containing 12$ or over of Potash as KgO. Please quote me in carload lots in regular weekly shipments. 2ho material may be in the lump. Yours very truly. ■S h Jc.ii. 22nd. 19J6. Johns -Mans vi lie Company, Madison i-.ve . is 41st Street, iievi York City. Attention of Ur. Mo lean. Us. Edison would like to have samples of your various grades of short fibre ground crude asbestos, together v.iih quotations in car¬ load lots, i'iie material should be finely ground:^, end the color is immaterial. Will you kindly send those samples to me, and 1 will bring them directly to Mr. Edison's attention at once. Please hurry these along. ' Yours very truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison. L La. t=E^3S ^)lCv (T C(" ef~^ fiA~*r-t-$~ Hi . u. , •v-t"£ 'rv r-ae-a — e*< — *1 *-&-*-** - — -fe' "<* £~x? Jf 4-~ k-^w£rffc. t-vitt- eo<>*L4 Stye (ttnlumbua Snquirer-g’im (Enlitmhua, CSrorgta Jan 22 1916 >jU& Mr. Thomas . A. Edison East: Orange , M. J. Pear Sir- • AJL&^CC^ Am inclosing herewith a metal which I’ found some, timet— 7 ago on the Chattahoochee River Just above here. I have fiound it to be a very good conductor, besides giving a very greenish color when attached to II()..A.C. v/ith a light in series. X have tried in various ways to melt it, but have failed. Please see what you can do with it and let me know the results, I have about five pounds of it in one lump, Yours Truely P. S.fr Inclosing stamp for answer, [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] ' j _ _ _ n£a*>^& turvK M a (Bo^- f/u 4U*ZeUL< fittstf.Asf. e%L ft&& fiutZ *«***& * { U3 CLoJiksLb / Searchlight, Nevada, Jan -2^1. •. £/\ d-tAvu) :V^i3on, inventor ^ New York ?. ■/-. * > (knU/%a- O' v- ( j / S. P. DUNKEL & SON WHITE QUARTZ ROCK, FLINT, FELDSPAR, IRON ORES, CLAYS, ETC. BALTIMORE, md. Jan. 25, 1916. Replying to your esteemed favor of the 22nd, and we can y? ire of you on Potash Feldspar, hut we would not care w* ^ ;ee any percentage of Potash. It may run 12 and overn^>- to are only miners and shippers of crude feldspar, Y, not in a position to guarantee any analysis. However ^ Replying to your esteemed favor of the 22nd, and y take care of you on Potash Feldspar, hut we would not caj guarantee any percentage of Potash. It may run 12 and oi hut as to are only miners and shippers of crude feldspar, i have about the best feldspar in this part of the country, id .would no doubt suit you if any body can, and could tske i of your business. of the grade Ihat i ship you, and we have other qualities that we do not consider as good as thiB one. We name you price F. 0. B. our shipping point in tons of 2000 lbs', at $5.00 per ton, Bnd awaiting your further inquiries, Jen. 27th. 1916. S. P. lunkel & Son, Ostend & Leadenhall Streets, Baltimore, -Md. Gentlemen: I have received your favor of the 26th instant concern¬ ing Potash Feldspar, and have noted the contents of same with much interest. I want to' make a test of your material and v.ould ask you to kindly Bend me 260 pounds hy express, as a sample. Please let this he a pood grade sample of the kind of Potash Feldspar that you could supply regularly, as it will serve for a basis of any contract that I might make with you. There is a vast amount of material coming here addressed to me, so I beg to ask that you will kindly forward the above named sample to my Assistant, Ur. *. H, Uea'dowcroft, $ Edison laboratory, Orange, a. J.. and ho will bring it to my attention immediately on its arrival. Yours very truly. Hr. lilliam B. Smith, Box 283, Essex, Conn. Dear Sir: X am in receipt of your favor of the 25th instant, and regret to say that I cannot use the 8$ Feldppar , as It must have it richer in Potash. The Silica cannot be separated magnetically. Please send me a one pound sample showing the Silica and Feldspar you wa'nt separated. You had better send it to my Assistant, Hr* ’.V. H. Moadowcroft, Edison laboratory. Orange, II. J., and he will bring it to my attention aB soon as he receives it. Yours very truly, JNO. FULTON, JR. WITH Robert L. Patterson Real Estate and Insurance 212 BROAD STREET Elizabeth, N. g£i \ ✓I ✓v'*''- y/l'Co- , & a, J?/ T^0 -1T7I TdzZ 4 /— **— - Qy^,$7uZ£Z~~.tr ' * &-*?**' *7 * Z-r^r r *+*'- ;;*&*• w- Jan. 29th. 1916 Mr. John Fulton, Jr., 212 Broaa Street, Elizabeth, II. J. Doar Sir: Youripfavor of the 26th instant has been received* I presume that in speaking of Potash ore, you refer to Potash Feldspar. If so, Missouri is too far away to handle this profitably here, as there are millions of tons of 8?o Potash Feldspar in Hew Jersey. Yours very truly. February 1, 1916, Mr. Edison: - The oopper foundry has oest 399 anodes of 22 l/2 lbs. average weight, total 8,977 pounds in the month of January. At the price formerly paid to Cadmus Brothers this would have oost us $763.04 in addition to trucking, dipping, and accounting. The above output is sufficient for plating 3591 moulds whioh is more than our present requirements. This would require 1197 anodes of the old form, weight 8 l/2 lbs. each, Total 10,174 lbs. whioh would have cost for oasting®864.79. Our operating- cost is around $200.00 which will leave a net profit sufficient to pay the total oost of building and equip¬ ment twice over. The plating capacity of the baths is about 4800 moulds per month which we can easily take care of at about the same opera¬ ting cost. When our other furnaoe arrives we oan turn all scrap brass eta., from the works into stock rods discs etc., and into ingots whioh will demand a higher price than chips. In this way we oan make the foundry a source of revenue instead of an expense to the division. We will employ no moulders and get into no complications with unions working for other foundries doing work for us. C.C. Mr. . Mambert, " Hird, n Moss n and File. Very respectfully, W. W. Dinwiddle. link'd. AB "ENC" i In anBwer to your letter of the 22nd January, I enclose herewith copy of analysis recently made of two high grade feldspar upon which I could perhaps quote you the price of $3.25 per short ton (2000 lbs) in car lots, in regular weekly- .shipments of at least two cars per week.f.o.b. at the quarry, ~phe quarryi* at Kirk's Kerry, about 13 miles from Ottawa^ on the Canadian Pacific Railway. I also send you under separate cover a small sample of the sper described as No. I Buff Coloured Perthite, and which oontains 13.40 potash ss KgO. Yours veru truly. [ATTACHMENT/ENCLOSURE] con, DEPARTMENT Off HIMES. MIMES BRANCH. Ottawa, REPORT HO. 3122. January 29th. 1916. 2 Specimens of feldspar for particular analysis. locality of occurence Lot 14A, Hange XIV of Hull townshipj, Ottawa County, Que. Collected by Mr. J. M. Cote. Received from Hon. Mr. Blondin, Address Minister of Mines. Sample Ho. 1 . Buff coloured perthite. Sample Ho. 2 . Pale pinfcraioroline. Partial analysis Bhowed them to contain respectively: Ho. 1. Ho. 2. PotaBh 13.40 per oent 12.71 per oent. «E» PLUMBING SPECIALTIES MECHANICAL PACKINGS DRY BATTERIES EBONY ASBESTOS WOOD ENCLOSED FUSE 0EVICE5 Mr. William H. Headowcroft, Assistant to Kr •Edison, laboratory of Thomas A. Edison, Orang e , N ew Je rs ey • Dear Sir: AS^sg0s EIPHE ^ef e-ring further to our letter of January 24th regarding' Asblstos Eihre samples sent you by mail. ii SaKSTtE f°r your purpose. Shanking you in advance for a fev, lines regarding the maSat your early convenience. *• are Yours truly', H.Vf. JOHNS -MAH VILH^ COMPANY SPECIALTY DIY • Jr'J ajm/c APPLYING J-M MATERIALS ifctt^tsafcsssp-- Gentlemen: - With regard to Cobalt and Nickel Mixed Oxide, it has occurred to the writer that if your Mr. Edison can in¬ dicate what elements are objectionable in this material we believe that we can have same eliminated and eventually sup¬ ply you with a mixed Oxide which you can use at an attractive price. The material, as it stands, contains Arsenic small amount of Silver, a little Copper and some Iron, possibly a trace of lead, but we are not sure. If you could tell us what percentage of the above ingredients would not be objectionable in a mixed Hiokel and Cobalt Oxide we will have our people go to work on it with the idea of eliminating the disagreeable features and submit vou something for your examination, which we believe will mee JSSr SSSlSSentB. We would appreciate it if you could ad¬ vise us as to this at your leisure. Yours very truly, BINHEY & SMITH CO olUu i °j nd> T j I Fob. 22 nd. 1916 Binney & Smith Compuny, 01 Fulton Street, Hew York City. Attention of Mr. H'. S. Predmore Gentlemen: replying to your favor of the 6th instant, concerning Cobalt and liickel liixod Oxide, Mr. Edison requests us to say that the sample you f|rst furnished was free from Ar- sonic and not speissed. It is this material that we can use. He has no facilities for roasting the arsenic out. lie says that the Mixed Oxides may contain iron and the other usual impurities, except ..rsenie. Yours very truly, Edison Laboratory. Foote MimerMuCompaniy S3'* Established 40 Years siMt-OREs 107 N. Nineteenth Street ™S 'N a ISSSS* ^ Philadelphia, Pa. / \ y \ a y «v v Thomas A. Edison, \V&^ */t ‘ ■• Orange, f ^ y * A . J Av/f* \ k J ‘/ Bear Sir:- Haw Magnesite. \J ^ j* i/1 Referring again to our difficulty in securing prompt ship- ^ ments of raw Magnesite guaranteed under 4% Calcium Carbonate, as detailed in our January correspondence and our consequent failure to contract with you, we have now to report that the price has advanced everywhere $2.00 per net ton, so that our quotation should read $26.00 per net ton, f.o.b. New York City. We have had one oar coming from California since about the middle of December, as mentioned in ours of January 29th. As far as we know, this oar has not yet reached New York City, being at some point between Norfolk and New York. We find that the railroad rate quoted to Hew York does not apply to other points in the East, and that you would have to add the cost of freight from New York City to your factory, to the above price. We have found a producer who will make prompt shipment and we under¬ stand he will guarantee less than 4% Calcium Carbonate in the crude Magnesite. In case you caieto plaoe your order, we would expect to acoept it within twenty-four hours, for immediate shipment from Cali- fornia, which should probably 'reach your factory in April, but oertainly in May. CHEr subject Potash, from Felspar A W* ^ ^ Edison laboratory qQ ^ ' Mr. E. J. Ross, Jr-?°^^S^i3^S^^ge^ttery Company, has called to our attenffian- o^^pondeno^ J’roifc Ga., who has a deposit off^par^^ d^ghjrade^ He has sent us two samples and we have anjalized same, and give below the results of these two analyses. By one you will se e/chat the K2O con¬ tents is 13.29, which, I believe, is high for felspar7'"‘‘* I also enclose copy of letter deceived from the party in Atlanta, Ga., signed F. 1. Sawyer. If you are interested in this proposition, we can take up the matter of having them send us a large sample of the rock. CRUDE CLAYS Th-s A.Edie-n. Orange H J. Dear Sir:- GEO. W. OWENS NORTH EAST, MD. ■J? MOUNTAIN, N. C. (N.F.D.) Feb I9th-I6. Ca/vi WASHED CLAYS mpanies , at $3.35 per t-nf-b care here. This material is n-t a first class p-ttery epar bjrt_ the run ' -f- the mine, and c-ntains all the mica, and garnetr that c-me with the material, the -nly thing we are carefdl ab-ut with it is t- get -ut all the flint and slate, ^and als- t- veep it as free fr-m seml-va-llniged sparer va-lin as we can, An analysis -f it w-uld be hard t- give, I have -ne analysis that sh-ws 14.74 potash, 1 have an- ther that -nly sh-ws ,6.50 potash, an-ther that sh-ws II 60, and sc -n, the -nly thing we can pr-mise ab-ut this material is, that I will give y-u as near all p-tash spar as it ifl p-BSible t ship at* the price, I have been giyen t- understand that the cars shipped fr-m this secti-n have averaged .7.50 all the cars I have shipped s- Ear have given Batisfacti-n b- far as I have heard, As t- the quantity, 1 can give y-u all y-u w-uld want I have leases -n s-me -f the very best dep-Bits in this sec¬ tion. and can get m-re if necessary, at the present time I am w-r^-in* -n a very limited capital, but thin1' with an -rder f-r a large quantity I c-uld get all the capital I w*uld need. I will be m-re than pleased f- furnish y-u samples if y-u will adviBe what quantity y-u w-uld need f-r y-ur test. If y-u w-uld require a spar aB g'-d^as the pottery trade requires I can furnish it at $4.00 per ton. Thanking y-u f-r .y-ur inquiry and h-ping t- be able t- serve you in the very near future I am. Y-urs Very Respectfully. c X-/ Fab. 24th. 1916. Mr. George if. Owens, Green Mountain, U. C. Dear Sir: I have received your two favors of the 19th instant in regard f Brunswick, Maine ) - 16.8 ‘ Srenton, H. J. - — " 7.3 You will therefore see that the Canadian situation is entirely out of alignment. Mr. Edison would prefer to use the feldspar that can he had from Xirk's Ferry if the proper rate basis can he arrived at. We intend to move at least 2 oars per week ^rivea a-c. we aio«uu — — asu * oars per week for i -neriod of several years. Ehis we believe would warrant /our Company establishing a commodity rate of 14 cents per owt. ion must consider that there is a duty oharge of l«to he _ idded to the freight rate and this of course makes it dixf tor us to oupe with. '-“J-’SSSTsS sSSSSEtp*- ’tathf llS Sf on equitable rate on the above com- mod it y? Please handle this matter ^ Wspatoh as Hr. Edison is daily awaiting report from me on this subject. yours very truly JTR.BB TRAFFIC UAHAGER i Mr. V/.H.Hoadbworoft V/e oan supply you with a high potash feld- 3 par of which we herewith enclose you a copy of the analysis which shows 13.40$ potash. We have not had any of this Feldspar to show less than 114$ potash and 95$ will show at least 13$. We have other grades of Feldspar hut does not contain near the amount of potash as the sample which we are submit t ing >-o you. We can supply this to you in any degree of fineness u to 350 mesh. V/e beg to- quote you on 120 mesh fineness §11.00 per net ton and 350 mesh fineness §20.00 per net ton, f.o.b. cars, Erenton. •Hoping we may have the pleasure of serving you, we beg to remain Feb. 28th. 1916. iour favor of the 26th instant has been shown to me by Ur. ileadow croft, together with your sample of pulverized PotaBh Feldspar. As you have probably inferred from my inquiry, I am working on a process of obtaining Potash from Feldspar. In order that this pro¬ cess shall be commercially successfully, it will be necessary for me to obtain a high Potash Feldspar at a somewhat less price than you quote. I have been offered Potash Feldspar from several locations, but yours and another offering strike me most favorably, as the FeldBpar in each case shows 13.40# Potash. I could obtain the 13.40# Potash Feldspar offered by the other people at about $8.00 per ton, F. 0. B. Orange. I should have to grind it. but this is right in my line, as I have many years experience in my cement and ore milling businesses. 1 figure that I can grind it at from $1.00 to $1.50 per ton. I wish you could see your way clear to quote me not more than $10.00 per ton, F. 0...B. Orange, If. J. . for the 13.40# Potash Feldspar, 120 mesh finoss. My requirements will be about two oar loads a week, and to be oandid with you I would liko to give you the business, oas you are nearer home then the other concern above referred to. In any event, I should be glad if you would kindly ship me one ton of the 13.40# Potash Feldspar at your earliest convenience. . Shis may be shipped in bags consigned to me at Orange, II. J. 1 like to make use of it in my experiments. Y.hon you ship, will you kind¬ ly send bill of lading to my Assistant, ilr. Meadoworoft. Yours very truly, WOODSTOCK GRANITE The Guilford and Waltersville Granite Co. Hough and Cut Granite for Building and Monumental Work tl E. LEXINGTON STREET BALTIMORE, MD. Fe b. 26th. 1910 J - favor of the 24th. Inst. and beg to say\ that our spar is rather high in potash Same sells for i? 4.50 F.O.B. ( Silica Alumina Oxide of Iroi Lime potash Soda /flA. ! Yours respectfully GUILFORD & WALTEllSVILLE GJUNITE CO 2/ H&JJ OMl Ca.li. ej&t- CL. AceCtieAtrn- I M Ca.^a'i'cu f 4 6c, /*£■ yc^- Wc. /«.* « /f's¥ | j iv /a o/ do- ^ 3 ■/£ JlCj , '■I" ct&uij ^ J- && J March 1st . 1916 . The Guilford and Yittletcreville Granite Co., 11 2. Lexington Street, Baltimore, Md . Gentlemen: I have received your favor of the 26th ultimo and note your quotation, also the satisfactory analysis of your l;ota3h Feldspar. On a time contract for 300 tons per month would you he able to .uarantee the supply of Feldspar at least as high in Potash as the figures given by you, namely, 13.26 per cent? It occurs to me that possibly you may supply this material to potteries, in which case you probably have to pick out lumps containing iron, mica, and other things which are ob¬ jectionable to potters. So far as I 'am concerned, these im- . purities make no difference. Yihat I should want to obtain would be a Feldspar with a uniformly high i?otash content, fully as good as the analysis given in your letter. She freight rate hs given mo by my Traffic Department here is $3.16 per ton from Woodstock to Orange, IJ. J- Can you tell mo if this is correct? lours very truly. Intermont China Clay Company INCORPORATED FRANK FULLER. Erwin Tonn. Feb-28-1916. Hr. Thomas A. Edison, Orange IT.J. Dear Sir: I have your letter Feby 24th. I fear it will he hard for me to furnish you North Carolina Feldspar that will average in Potash Content ovdr 10 or 11 per cent, and although I have not analysed the 5000 tons I now have out--as this is a Lime 'spar T am afraid it will not contain as much Potash as you desire. Since I am more familiar with your needs I am reasonably sure that T a material that will contain even more Potash that either North Carolina or Canadian Feldspar and I am now wo rk mg on this. Our Chemist is out of town to he gone for a week or ten days and T will he unable to give you the ana^sis— hut what I should prefer doing is sending you samples of this material and have you have analysed also see the material then if you are interested in the material X shall he glad to take up further with you. The freight rate will he about §3.50 per ton from point of shipment to Orange, U.J. Yours truly, "]3‘a vO„N . N . N.J. February 29, 1916, Replying to your esteemed favor of the 28th inst., ye are pleased to quote you a price of §4.10 per net ton, f.o.b. East Temple¬ ton, Quebec, Canada. The rate to Trenton is §3.90 per net ton and into Carteret, i N.J. $3.90 per net ton. i7e presume that uhe pie Railroad Co. will join in on this rate and that it will not be any more than to either Carteret or Trenton. ■je agree with you that it is possible to grind this material for 51.00 to 51.50 per ton, providing it is not essential that the material be kept free from coming in contact with any metal in the _ _ process of the grinding. Our mills are all arranged to grind materia, and keep it free from iron, having machines all lined with silex ana also doing our crushing by chaser stones. The John E. Thropp's Sons Co., which Company, the stock¬ holders of this company are the sole owners of, are manufacturers of cement pulverizing machines, tube mills and ball mills, but ■•his. system we cannot use in handling Feldspar for the purpose which we prepare it, all branches of ceramics. Consequently, the price we quoted you, 5 11. 00 per net ton, f.o.b. oars, Trenton, is for material prepared under this process. Vie would be pleased to receive your order for the crude material. As we stated in our previous letter, our Feldspar will show a potash content of from 11 to 13J» and over. Y/e shall make shipment of the one ton to-day and have same followed by a tracer and mall bill-of-lading to Hr . lie a do w- croft, as per your request. sspectfully CRUDE CLAYS GEO. W. OWENS March iet-I6. f J Sntee I could offer would ^ f p^aBA the mine, some rf 4t wiia«rf7rnhiv lees, cf^cu**6 4f yrU . n^re rt it will run c-nslderabiy x( ,^c /^rBaly aB pcB8i- ars-^ “JiS^gi (BiatA oTSt^r s^ss** The freight rate^fr-m her/w^uid he brrh-d'of 53.50 per net ten, ®^f3^Ult1wii! maVe the spar S' ^ t^/lelivered in Orange. Could yru he intereB tad in petaBhfrem the bU atcut 7s* rf the frlegh j/ ^ continued attention and hoping t. he ahljrs^/^ V. very near future I - / Y-ure Very Respectfully. t / ^ *T~* V/Q^Uce^®' u i 4- to March 10th. 1916. Mr. George «. Owens, Green Mountain, ii.C. Bear Sir: Your favor of the first instant to Mr- Edison was received. Ke requests me to say that he wants Feldspar only for extracting Potash for chemical purposes, and would not consider going into the agricultural field. He intends building a small Potash works, and .wants Feldspar, but does not want it unless it will average at least 13p of potash, preferrably more. Ho does not care anything about iron or mica or other impuritios such as are objected to by manufacturers of porcelain and earthenware . Yours very truly. Assistant to Mr. .Edison. Mr. Shos. A. Edison. -2- March 2, 1916. control. We also find that there is a shortage of empty cars on the Canadian-Pacific Railway Co. which has detained us on several occasions. We cannot hold this offer open any length of time, because there are one or two more concerns whom v/e have quoted for this grade of material and in the event of receiving their orders, we will not have capacity to take care of your requirements. Under these circumstances, we hope that you will he able to make a test of the one ton of feldspar which we shipped at an early date and let us hear from you just as soon as possible concerning your contract. Shanking you for your kind attention in this matter and awaiting the pleasure of hearing further from you, we remain fours very truly, f Y^.egt> SHi/m March 3rd. 1916. Mr . ii. V, . Lawson, % Intermont China ciay Company, Krwin, 1’enn. I have received your favor of the 28th ultimo and would say s srs sr,2 ss/ss, »> my purpose. 1 am iriad to learn, however, that you have a material that added to the duty would prohahly make it cost too much. However, 1 am assuming from you letter that the material you have in mind is not Canadian^ and that there would he | « in ^ ^ Orange° ^ df Ifthfprice ^Mlde^a? is not Soo high. I think we should’ be getting nearer to desiraoae conditions. pieaso have your chomist go ahead and make the “alysis when and^m'sefif 1 canaha?e’an°analy6isnmade here- ilease^send samples to my assistant!-'.- H. Meadowcroft, at this address, and ne wil. bring them to my attention at once. ,»> ** ;*s,r«ss.. 390 tons per month. Yours vory truly. lo tho Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D. C. S I K: 'rtill you kindly advise rae v.hethor there is a duty on crude feldspar imported into this country from Canada. If so, rill you kindly advise me what such duty is. Yours respectfully, Mar. 8,iril6. Mr. B. B. larnour, G.A. , Canadian Pacific By., Woolworth Building. Hew fork City. Dear 3ir:- Eef erring again to the writer' a letter dated ?el>. 86th. end my telephone conversation of this date with you. in connection with the rate on feldspar from Kirk's Berry, Canada to Silver lake. I wish, you would do everything possible with your people at Montreal to facilitate the handling of this matter in oidor that the rate situation ay bo adjusted with as little delay as possible. Hr. HLioon is daily pressing the writer for information on this subject. Your assistance will be appreciated. Yours very truly. i'raffio Manager. TREASURY DEPARTMENT 96103 DIVISION OF CUSTOMS OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON Mr. Thomas A. Edison, Orange, II. J, Sir : March 9, 1916. I hove to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th instant, requesting information relative to the duty on feldspar imported into this country from Cana da. Feldspar is not specifically provided for as such in the tariff act of 1913. Crude feldspar would proha hly he free of duty under paragraph 549 of the tariff, which provides for the free entry of "Minerals, crude or not advanced in . value or condition hy refining or grinding, or hy other process of manufacture, not specially provided for". Crushed feldspar would prohahly he dutiable at the rate of 20 per centum ad valorem under paragraph 81, which provides that rate of duty on "Earthy or mineral substances wholly or partially manufactured end articles and wares composed wholly or in chief value of earthy or mineral suhetances, not specially provided for x x x not decorated in any Respectfully Ho enclosure. Chlef« Division of Customs. .ADDRESS AT,T, COMMUNICATIONS TO THE CCtMPANT PILLSBUKf Fl^OUBi 3Sruly, BEAUTIFUL CREASIY COLO^OF^MLLSBURY’S BBSTIS NATURAL TO GOOD, CLEAN WHEAT CAREFUL^?*® )T BLEACHED. I Y FLOUR-MILLERS C i . Bamtoiorb , U.s./V . ** uj* ■fcj# ^ We/have from time to time had corres- ^ ice with you in regard to Potash Feldsnar for extraction purposes. |k / We have recently opened a mine in North i Carolina, whore the material is averaging from lQfa/£o 11.755? Potash in carlotsj^ s are prepared to make you shipment of trial car of this material on the following basis* If the material analyzes 11.505? Potash content, the price is to be $3.60 per ton fob our mines North Carolina. If it runs 10.505? the price is to bo $3.25 per ton. If the car which we ship you runs lower than 9.505? we will not make any charge for it. This spar is semi-kaolinized and very soft and will therefore do no injury to any kind of an iron mill when ground* Very truly yours, THE PRODUCT SALES CO yrites ore IARYTES President April 20th. 1916. Che Product. Sales Company, Equitable Building, Baltimore, ild. attention of Mr. H. H. Hanna. Gentlemen: Your favor of the 1st instant was received, and I sent it down to Mr. Edison,- who is in Florida. He appreciates -your proposition, and requests me to say that he cannot decide the mattor definitely at this time, but will bo in position to take it into consideration when his experiments have advanced further. He noted on your letter-head that you handle precipitated chalk, and requested me to write and ask you for your price in carload lots. Perhaps you had better send me sample with your quo. at ion, and I will bring same to his attention as soon as he returns from Florida. Yours very truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison. - -gfem - t'fyu.C t tcji£> ^tOi£,fCa^ J’dci tsf. ^jidA. _ Jycu hnv , ?hj - . fc«ii yoa /n* felL . Jl.tLtoCl.lQCI p^Z'h-* j'CV^ <4£fc|*t0. M . t$yV>> -rj ^"Lt.a <.u d uv ci^f p&JU* .>-'rft£\* $ *Jjr to tfjjf ^ j ^Cj7srd I «*ff w.^ w ^,.4— - a* 2. 4hJh 41 tfhif- ^yl .i.- J 1^0- 'iQ. «-*»-*-*• «s> *-<«. 4- yo^UjiSU !u>LJ H0'Se'‘LT #’ k . i . . “» '! — «* H‘ (JHtmmg (Association f"" Vtcl1 ^CvicU i V^-u ^.&£'ak<*w<^ Ben Jersey ^ ^^/CZtZM'Z US>4+tA ^ £=2* Tfie|jwriter, v/ho>nasJ^neclferce of Idaho' s mineral ttC^. display at San Francisco, you will perhaps remember having had quite a conversation with in regard to our nickel cobalt field in Lemhi County. From this con¬ versation, it seems that one of your men, at one time, made more or less of an examination on some of this ground, and the contention that you made was that they seemed to he out of reason with the prices on their property. I am about to start on some of my field work and X will be in that country very soon, and I would like to know that if I could get the proper bonds and leases on the major properties and if the prices of these properties would be d own to a good, sound, sane and sensible business proposition, and if I can get them along these lines, would you consider taking up these options. If you will consider them. advise me if I should have the options made diroct into your name or that of one of your company. The options would run direct from the owners to whoever you may designate, as we are very anxious to have this field in operation and 1 think I can be successful in -per¬ suading the owners to give the proper kind of options, Trusting to receive a favorable reply at your early convenience, I am Very truly yours, £ / ■ May 22iia. Mr. Edward Sohwerd, c. Idaho Mining Association, ' Overland Building, Boise, Idaho. Dear Sir: Your favor of tho 13th instant to Mr. Edison was received ana has had his atten¬ tion. He wishes us to say that when he originally went into the Cohalt matter, the prices named were so ridiculous, that he ma'.ae . v up his mind ( which he has not since changed ) that nothing could ever he done with such impractical people. Mr. Edison, therefore, started out to find a substitute, and was successful. Therefore, he is rio% longer interested in Cohalt, v Yours very truly, Edison laboratory . 'Denver, Colorado, ir. Thomas A, Edison, e ^7ct 4***' h** ir" ' i hat* might 'be the commercial /“ Slr; ***r~~M f‘ ** -* / I write toTftiquire what* might 'be the commercial possibilities for handling Tantalum ore. A prospector y- has furnished me some samples and I have had the same analyzed by Victor Blanc, a Denver chemist, who informs me that the material is iron tantalate occuring in a heafjr silicious quartz ore. His analysis shows 0.43$ of tantte**- ^ lum pentoxyd Ta205, .11 of an ounce in gold, a trace of } silver. J I am informed that there is quite a deposit ofy this material, and if it has any commercial posBlbilitie,s I intend to look it over and develop it. I noticed in a newspaper sometime ago that you were working on some experi¬ ments where you used Tantalum and that you were having some difficulty in getting the material. Will you kindly inform me whether that is true, and what kind of a price you can pay for this material, and whether you would desire it in a crude form or in the form of concentrates, or any other suggestions you may care to make which would be valuable to indicate to me what would be the best commercial form to put this product in for the market. I have been informed that the quotation on the same is $8.00 per gram and that there are thirty»one grams in a troy weight ounce. I have also heard that the only present product was derived from Austria and that it was hard to get deliveries at the present time. If there are commer¬ cial possibilities in this I would like to interest capital to open up the mine and put in proper works for the concen¬ tration of this ore. For references will state that I lived for many years at Gilman, Colorado, engaged in the mining business. As to my financial responsibility I refer you to the First National Bank of Denver, or to C. C. Parks, the Vice-PreBident thereof, also to the International Trust Company or to Mr. John Evans, President thereof, also to George C. Manly of Denver, Dean of the Denver Daw School. Address me for the present at Denver, Colorado, oare of the Hall Hotel. You can find me at any time either by inquiry through Mr. Manly or by addressing ” “ 011"“' c°1"ral°- *>«• t™i». 5^ • LCcc j -***■> /* | ^asu^cL*, ^£gUy t -3-1-^ - lijzSAsjbjbu $“22^ ,cf "T’t f*'1' ^ /°'*i>-o ‘&JU-t>/ | ^ ^ At/ ^ «• pZZZuf, <~^4tl_ Vi u ^ ’ d*-i> ^ P ^ oC&^UT-r 7t-J^U-^ 'twt.*' ^ |) v ^ -7/c^^«y &* ^ 'lt£M^' | £ £• 9>-s~ 0-viC~i. 4w^ , <'/2t, sh> “^- bfr>€*0 '~!,y'l fy*,**fi*U* '?U,a~csC 7f. %*.**. &&&. cJTJjy «- e£*fe****y 1 \ |) ^ g<^/ ^ 2— '*' ^ fi******** *- 9^w6x ^ ^ /£??u~^ y_ '&■ **M- ^-*° ^ a 2^t- iM-»f-- ■ -0 - £, ~j '■, J— r - -,- A. 7*£t.‘*AA^'<^A^ cry vnu^aficij lcu-<~{- - _^2b*. 4fr _ iJkstf _ ( _ — , _ 77/A.. 10 . //. 'hucLchwt-t**^^ _ jkl-sJiLui- — vz ££tx£:nq. -C- i We are In receipt of your letter of June 30th inquiring for a'.;sniall piece of steel l/2" square 4 » long, extra hard, for 'experimental purposes. . It is notrquite clear to ub from your letter whether you desire to have us harden this piece of steel before we send it to you or not. If you desire to do any maohine work on it, it would he necessary to furnish you the steel annealed. If you will supply us with this information and if possible the purpose for which you are going to use it we shall be glad to furnish you with a sample. July 7th. 1916 Hoary Bisston & t;ons , Inc . , P. 0. Box 1637 , Philadelphia , Pa. GontlcEon : Your favor of tho first instant has been rocoived and chov.n to 2ir. Edison. He wishes me to say in reply that ho would like to have a small piece of stlel not hardened. Ha wishes to use it for a special experiment for cutting a certain kind of composition which is extremely hard. ‘■‘hanking you in -Mir. Edison’s name for your kind attention, I remain, Tours very truly. Assistant to Mr. Edison. The Hess Steel Corporation N. ELECTRIC STEEL \fi ) station o. Baltimore, Md. J • "" JU a-'OLi ^ «». «“ "4^l2rr#£§S!. Mr. W. H. Meadowcroft, &5TE.?- Dear Sir:- ' j s> 4e* rXxx ^ WefhiJ^^^IVtter of June 30th, addressed to our formed wq are very nnioh. ixrfcor ©s tejl in your ~ ) j Has ^ We canlafce you a 3teel of this char ( aoter , containing a high Pf ^^t°fwS"tets about N> J only do so in quantities of one «-€ 10,000 lhs in bars or rods. QjLfi-fiJL *“**' I Onr nlaat is equipped with Her oult ]j electric farnwaB and wills ^^oSation^n^on^ec- ti%f Sa &T>SmS> f« ■«*»» y~- glad indeed to quote you promptly. Very truly^cpurs. Dictated by H.-Ii. Hess-V July 'Oth. 1916. I'hc Herr, Steel Corporation, Baltimore, iid. Gentlemen : Hiui- &.VOV of the sixth instant' hen been recoivod and shown To i2r. Edison. Ho dartres a» to thank you for your courteous attention to our previous loytcr crie ■ + , that v, o have fortunately boon aole uo find w,o ve^y nard stool we inouirod shout. -ero is another matter, however, that mi. Edison wishes me to take up with you. no deoxreb to ■'ab- whether you make billets of stool, and ^co woetner you roll thin shoots- In our storage battery worse we use about u, 000 pounds oor day of steel with very low carbon, rhio steol is rolled in narrow sheets of h/lOOw to u/1000 taeh thielc. -® . havo been thinhinn of putting in our own rolls and toying sheet stool end re-rolling it. iniat could you uo towards furnishing -3 with this material? Yours very truly. assistant to Mr. Edison. Sawyer-Felder Company Edison Storage Battery Company, Orange, Mew Jersey, Gentlemen ',7e are very much interested to know WWat P ro®4»»«<<«• «r not vou are inter¬ ested in our product, we beg to i j to whether or not you are inter- to remain, Yours very truly. SAWYER-FELDER COMP AMY , by •iiUgUBt 1st. 1916. Scivyer-Feldor Company, 16i;S Hurt Building, Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen : ¥..>ur favor of tho 28th ultimo was re- eoived and handed to Air. Edison. He requests us to say in reply that we ' have a small experimental plant, but cannot decide what we will do about a regular supply of PotaBh 1’eldBpar until our expetimontB ere finished. At tho jpresent time we ore buying what wo want for these experiments from fronton, il. J. Your letter will bo kept on file for future reference. Yours very truly, Edison laboratory. October 10, 1916. Mr. C. r. Johnson, f Eillwood, Washington. hoar Sir:- Your favor -of the 3a instant has been received. In reply beg to say that I could use large. quantities of crude Cobalt Oxide if. I could get it .cheap. 2he present price of 78^ per pound is too high to permit its' use under the conditions in which I want to use it. ddiffesSnt district, that we beleive may carry values in Platinum, we are prospecting and receiving samples of ore from many of the mining district, Alaska, Mexico and the Pacific Coast Mining states. We have no Chemist, that we have any confidence in.our Platinum. Y/e heleive there will in time he lots of Platinum produced from some „ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ;ing this about jsill confer a great benefit. CJ •*" 3™ - yu ^4 - tor, but no satisfactory Platinum kely to accomplish this (-discovery Viz; The rare metal prospector and an expert careful chemists. . /. Could you make,, i the ore samples, aix (6) to Twelve ( 12) Platinum tests If I shfculd send tr, dC *- ■haefr from you soon, I sfi yours Sincerly #320 iroviden'l Bldg. October 10, 1916 American Mineral Producing Go,, , 320 Provident Building, . Tacoma, Washington. Gentlemen; Attention D. Galiaher. Your favor of the 4th' instant has been received. A number of years ago I had the process and a- Chemist especially for detecting traces of platinum In the many .ores I received at that time. We 'could tost a penny¬ weight in a ton,, but' as I could never find, any, I gave It up and the man has, gone out of my employe I do not want to get at It -again. The prooess is in my book somewhere, but it would be aavery long job to, find It. Yours- very truly. W A X. T 33 E P. SCIUCK CHEMICAL ENGINEER While vi3iting at the recent Exposition of Chemical Industries at Hew York I saw at your exhibit a sample of the flake nickel that you manufacture , and was told that this substance is for sale by you. 'Will you kindly give me a price on this flake nickel- in quantities in from one to five pounds and state- whether there are any re¬ strictions as tp;''i-ts 'u3e' in a commercial way? /./ Yours truly, wj. cL" A k iZ. _ _ ^ ^ &#«**'•* ** ^ y' , C (QL^cf.C The members of the Ontario Nickel Oommissio^-agp ^ anxious to obtain all possible information as to outlets for metallic nickel, its salts, oxides and alloys, and X should esteem it a favor if you could see us when we visit New York next month. X understand that in addition to your work on the use of nickel in batteries, you have been much interested in the development and i i of niokel steel for automobile parts and other special purposes, and in the use of nickel for alloys other than those containing iron. We are visiting a number of the large special users of niokel, but believe that the information whioh you could give us would be of particular value, as it would cover a larger and more general field than the experience of those who use nickel only for one or two purposes. / Chairman. ' C.Dict :GTH-D. October SX, 1916 Dear Sir:- . I have received your favor of the £6th instant, ana in reply would say I use nickel only .probably for storage batteries. I 4o not make any automobile parts. ■ A’ihen you anO the other memhors of the Ontario nickel Commission visit Hew fork nest month, I shall be very glad to see you if you will come out to the laboratory • Lot. me suggest that' you telephone my Assistant', lir. Vi. H« Meadowcroft, aha he will make an appointment for you. four b very truly, _• . ( AGRICULTURAL MINERALS COMPANY November 10, 1916. fo Thomas A. Edison, jfer Tvv'Vj Following our letter of July 28th, than Feldspar, and may bd\ mined a LOW are in control of oertain property August first in referenoe to Feldspar as a possible source of Potash, we beg to call your attention to some recent experimental work in con¬ nection with the possible supply of Potaslj from a mineral called \ eL irh Hi r” Thi3 mineral is myro ^abundant , ijm S-ou^flT^y jjft Georgia, than Feldspar, and may b^minea aVa vemr jiime we are in control of oertain properties -e^Whioh^thege ar» aggbt- less millions of tons of 3erlolte_t0^ill avg?ag( in K3-oT&tsnt,^ 9 10,75 *. QaT^ - 17e are now working on ^ .oaioln^ng^pr^si^agd tests show that, at a very low 00 that will average from four to six'peroent (fattr Soluble- Potash. I We are more particularly interested in s up ply^J^6_ f np. /Ti - ^ H finished produot, since our capitalT* at this tide.,, ^is spar mines and a grinding plant aiti&tjfl^arf <*- We are taking the litfe¥#ofTa£C£g your attention to from 9 to 10:75 #. our produot, thinking perhaps in your(eptfrfi»nta, youratt&atlon had not been called to the vast deposits of Serioite in t^e State of Georgia; and in your numerous experiments, this partioula^ineral might possibly have been overlooked. If a four to six peroent Water Soluble K2-0 produot is Of interest to you, we would be pleased to furnish you samples of Serioite, both treated and untreated, and doubtless will be willing to furnish you the benefit of our tests, if by so doing, you might he interested in the purchase of raw material from us. 'i'hia material may be loaded on oars for approximately $2.00 per ton in large quantities, and ’both laboratory and furnace tests we have made show very satisfactory,' as well as economical results. It might interest you to know that with a ton of Serioite, we mix one thousand pounds of other material, containing no Potash, all finely ground, We have used as a basis, 10 * Serioite and at a given temperature, we can produce a product containg 5 l/40 Water Soluble Potash. The writer's knowledge of chemistry’ or laboratory work is indeed quite limited, and since at a given temperature results will show 5 l/4jS Water Soluble Potash, by increasing this temperature 100 degrees at a time, analysis of the finished product show a decrease in Pojrash from 5 l/«* to absolutely no Potash at all in the finished pro¬ duct, therefore proving that all of the Potash, ( the V# insoluble in the 3000 pounds of mixture ) has been driven out. Do you know of any way this fotaqh might be preserved at a low cost? Doubtless this of Potash ( 5i% of which is Water Soluble and 2^ insoluble), if it can be driven out by raising the temperature higher than the temperature at which we got the best results, leaving the furnace in a chloride or chlorine gas might be economically saved in some way, and in this event the cost to you for suoh Potash would be something like a pro¬ duct at $4.00 per ton or $4.00 for 150 pounds of Potash.- plus the cost. of suoh operation, as suggested. Such a process would leave a by¬ product that would contain about 30* Alumina from which Aluminum might be made if so desired. The approximate figures referred to above do not, of course include freight on the raw material. to order to produce material »t thee. IW*. « "lu 0. necessary for . plant to to erected In this territory. Such a plant, so far a. the actual experiment., .ould oon.lot of n.oos.ary Crushers and Dry Brers, tocher slth a Botany Kiln for de.ir.a oapaoity. 1 happen to hno« of an old =««,t plant Bthin one hundred .lie. of the ra. material that odd t, run at a nominal an., at. plant i. equipped ««h the neoe.sary machinery for the treating dean of the material and ha. one B.t.ry Kiln with a capacity of 1® ton, daily, this plant could to leased at fro. 5300 to StOO per month. 'thanking you for yoyr attention and hoping this letter proves of some Interest to. you. X beg to remain. Yours very truly. We are sending^ par ate cover small sample of Sericit« h-aterite COMPANY, INC. CAST AND ROLLED ATERITE. A PATENTED Non-Corrosive metallic Alloy .■<> 55 JOHN STREET Thomas A. Edison laboratories. new york. Hovember 23, 1916. Orange, Mew Jersey * arJr'C^'" Am: Mr. ijdison's Asst Wtt" “ , at your request, v;e forwarded small sample of Aterite for laboratory testing, but as ved no reply as to whether this meta ory for use in your manufactory. As would be satisfactory for use in your manufactory. Stated before, we will be pleased to quote you prices on any Cocks, Valves, Fittings, or other castings, or in Rolled-Sheet Form. Trusting tint you low* the stove montions* su»pls entirely eoti.fuotory to you, an* that no n to »tore* ^ with an early reply, we beg to remain c • 'U Yours very truly, / ll | / ' U H-ATERX'JE COMEAUX, IHC. f ] ***** ' ■’ " ^ v £b John Street, Hew York, II. Y. Gontlemcn : . ' Kef erring to your favor of the 23d ultimo, Ur. Ud is on 'wishes me to £xk whether you couia aparo him a largor sample of liter! to so tnat he can ma!:e aomo further tecta in the Laboratory. If co, will you l-indly forward it to mo so that I can bring it Ilia personal attention. Youra very truly, - Assistant to Ur. Udison. / ,L MINERALS COMPANY Hovember 24, 1916. Mr. Thomas A. Edison, \Q\ ^ . go 04 •oo'Mj" , , „„ chSoJ «■“ "h° :::::: r: rrr.r“ it;:: ;;£T^- ~ - -“** t:„ - - — I. ... - ^ : T a o.if with kindest personal regards, I beg to pool, lou on sous go.4 ooxf. # ^ ^ O^fk remain, J ) w'lr\7'?-ue*A' llovombor 28,1916. Ur. K. Bolder, , c/o Agricultural Ainorals Co., 1625 Hurt Building , Atlanta, Ga. Boar 3ir:- lir. .Batson wishes me to cay lnroply to vour feyor of the 24th instant,, that it would be probably boot for you to conato tho Patent- Office and obtain copies of all the patents on obtaining Potash from Feldspar issued since Janu¬ ary, 1914. "hoy are only lOp a copy. - y]le patent of the Bultimoro ra an, roforred to in '!r. Bdison's last letter, is Ho. 1,072,686. issued So-tomber 9,1913 to Harry, P- Bassett, end by seriding \o4 to tiio Patont office you can obtain a copy of this. fours vory truly. Assistant to ;sr. Ad icon M H-ATERITE COMPANY, INC. \/ YORK, December 5, 1916. YV/eHtlerne. ; In reply to your letter of the 2nd i Since writing you we have been able to render Aterite proof against cofcrosive action of several other acids, so that now Aterite will resist Sulphuric, Sulphurous, Mixed fHi trio and Sulphuric) Boric, Hydroflouric , Hydroflourosilic Carbolic , Phophoric, Tartaric, Acetic and lactic Acids, als< i trust that you will find Aterite satisfactory and i will he favored with your valued order in the near M H-ATEBIEE CCMPAHY, IHC. By • PMJrjJB Mr. Thomas A. Edison, Orange, . Bear Sir: Answering your letter of the 21st with copy of letter to Br. Bassett, of course you under¬ stand that it is proper for you to take this matter up with us and not with Br. Bassett. We had the pleasure of a visit from Mr. Mason of South Orange*. H.J.. the other day and we have made him a proposition which we are still willing to accept if unsold when we hear from you or him. Thanking you for the inquiry, we are. ^/wntaJS^ (Qc/idcrt/, ^ka/n^yi^. When I showed you Basset Patent on obtaining Potash f Feldspar, I asked you if you wanted to take it up further. You sai the Basset Patent, and asked for an interview. Then I we nt down to Baltimore and had a talk with Ur. Baker, President; told him that you had done a little experimental work on Potash hut had dropped it after seeing the patents, hut that X was personally interested in it and asked him if he would sell patent to me and at what price. lir. Baker told me that they had about twelve patents on extraction of Potash from Feldspar; then gave me copies of their patents together with all reports of their experiments. He said they were sick of it and only wanted to get hack the total money they had expended which was approximately §60,000.00. He said Bassett was now working for Dupont in California on extraction of Potash fran kelp. I looked over the patents and experiment reports. Host of the patents relate to extraction of sulphate of potash by means of nitre cake and salt from which they obtain as a by product chlorine and sodium sulphate. Apparently they had done nothing on extraction by salt alone. Ur. Baker said that they could not fine any suitably deposits of Feldsnar. Thev had examined many properties from Virginia to Canada and that the green Feldspar. They had examined m 3 seemed to be about as good as any. y hand picking in the quarries and mines they could get l /o /y,oxx/ /lofr/L *• nuA*/ vj' ^r-L* rueLtvldijv - Jo 'tn*' d axjoao al/ y^4tot strut/ Ji/voo-gO . 71 ■ ■' ■ j„ /susiUjU . Ij m do not a uf/toaoj /i\/at -amj, /La jwboo of /LtnAonf — ArvttcUnJy, oval .on,. Aolo fa flu, nob .of snuyruo , wruf /Loo Off. onaaoy - Lo aLoaA. /lMvmO-Uf-ci, /Lot smoa.1 /oo.xLj „/ Haj aoLcL ooorv yCtf.jal ‘Mvto jvvurdi 4J0*Aj woo axaoA a* x-vcn^LnCj, .ala, ft Sdcoon, 4a .on. /Lo ,o(cU. , wlf 'mol Sirova/ AfCti xoa/t ■ tfnjA r/,iy ifi. jjJU. Attowj MkM L wtCfton/ 4}f wLl s'if hum: ly jdCAAtm/xl/ JoUG'fu /k) Jt/ y&O STLKjCXAs /X^OU/t Jl9XX/Jj rtVcMts 4*i ^ '41,,. loarffA i*n/b /Jxf^'/oruj , yaujo smlLsr /L/ Aou^LtSu of *. doO-t/Zol OrvOsrU.0 , /L .ywnX «U (fLu/osnS ///kb no juJfltbtfj, < /<£ n.d. yowr ,«wmw^Miy tjenAAA. o A//xJ -no/ on i'J obi Jne, /oImm J Icvd, a* a, — ^ o' Ae, /axLuuu, rj relax. &r^ A*2*ud AyncUeJra , hot CLdded, A Arnn. «fcxdjy, , ofifcrO /X.b MiM. AAvd jouav /volar, . almol af, An JfL, jvov/J: aL — _ mAI jL aU J Aj /rmelLrvo srnoru /(Lvm Jl 10,000. Mrvdi ***** ^ly AT J Oiflfljudtd, A you,. Mo J dlaruk urnXem bAt/ .CAJvcAAmvof'cvrvctA /aim ncA AA/aaeemJy ■ Mn% you, oAtriZu-UrX) .{bn ^OLxluAXe A {buu muorrvxm/ovyemxertl ojj y^tn-zfAj bf/VurTtmoe, . J tucuo srtA'vfeovx.cC Ao ayuu AfoaA Auo .CoruimA mm {b ^rr 'me, urtvo orjy aL Axy^vry f - — j W"^"' ^ ■’AxKdj Jbjtsrv Usruix*sv\£ly /tcry /&io usvo 7VU^ CoAcomjdXjoo A'Luq dbiAJCLokcdlrnj^ cucur octXvrfzxL , my txpaaj^JvqJxsju Asn/t'iLobo ,cn(JtSA rtwdJ JAbj j^c*J aUu+yAdfst', \f AAJOiA .tjLjjfc /.{XrtrnMntfariX^ • ^i&V *rruzj .urfvO 'heed/ tjuunb Alo tn' stpjuxb /fiJUAJ<«*, JstL Sr^ Luh tL~A- d* lac.0 *{<***■ /W>“-rf' rnolLyr, £*' yu^EJiSyj m ,lLa.( d ^u* nolLtst- , AJL^Ee turr-J aflfrv ^4. *7 1 "7^ a/ -0“^' ^ try ^jiJL JkjJ "rrrujLr^ d ^ Mtd ^ Y ^ — ^ 6- ' Ju kn Av -fiAollcyc- *>[ a-md, 'talAonjj m»M ,wyf- j\la m, A cUajim- jrrJ Ae- AMnMumAx-y, ^eo^o. T„, r^i dot fw&f *J*~ ^ ***, .e.LcL ArJ At me- W ™ *"* ^ l xMhJL, A-exM^ml *j -fkj n 7 ,, „„//.,/ Z,. Uoou amM- fivAaf* J o-y^At, ^ ,fr» A*J &cUo^ dfco (foxtizZA ■ jou^et, A A jun+vrfZuM* (k>U ^ ^ A -(wax’- joomJL- -*f A CM- MX- my dAal A nl-mdL mLJu A -could, omA-fiZ-U .wLlcA 'T* ' .//,. A cyaAi* ou AXsrJS Aclftt ■ inn ^ , lb a-dLucL-njbcuijt- am£ ,£d A*- cf, imce,AoJ.*M*- uaA.r- . A AeM Aai A um-J’.d- ^w«. Avu- _(jrLCMyXJ lie. Cj\-cxhcbZcLrl JioycovM A A /kalfj yoic fiCicx, u/Lally -yauM a-dmi- me- fdvua jvt-t-u tjs-ye- tv t /“&">* d fkv a-nA> -bwrrMy yovm. %.o.CdgS&- led hlA^ci-'yd lot ^A. (fts. - TUcxa, A Ay yM- A coyvy -my a iru. ^ tL **f**4°*J . i--~. !7LU IVtA'rrv . w.«-. Idaho Springs, Colorado. Mr. W. H. MeadoworOft, Edison Laboratory, Orange, N. J. December Twenty-Second, Nineteen Hundred And Sixteen. Dear MR. Meadoworoft* As arrangements stand at present, I hone to be able to see you about January 4th, or thereabouts. Everything isCrking a.xktag around first rate, but I will be able to give you all particulars! when I see you and MR. Ediflon. You might kindly tell Pat Brady to hold any mail that comes for me, because I will have to try to arrange things beforehand to suit my movements. With kindest regards, and best wishes for a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, I remain, Yours very truly, PUBLICATION AND MICROFILM COPYING RESTRICTIONS Reel duplication of the whole or of any part of this film is prohibited. In lieu of transcripts, however, enlarged photocopies of selected items contained on these reels may be made in order to facilitate research. A Note on the Sources The pages which have been filmed are the best copies available. Every technical effort possible has been made to ensure legibility. FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTORS We thankfully acknowledge the vision and support of Rutgers University and the Thomas A. Edison Papers Board of Sponsors. This edition was made possible by grant funds provided from the New Jersey Historical Commission, National Historical Publications and Records Comm.ss.on and The National Endowment for the Humanities. Major underwriting has been provided by the Barkley Tund, through the National Trust for the Humanities, and by The Charles Edison Foundation. We are grateful for the generous support of the IEEE Foundation, the Hyde & Watson Foundation, theMartinson Family Foundation, and the GE *** from many other individuals, as well as an anonymous donor; the Assoc ration of Edison Illuminating Companies; and the Edison Electric Institute. For the assistance of all these organizations and individuals, as well as for the indispensable aid of archivists, librarians, scholars, and collectors, the editors are most grateful. BOARD OF SPONSORS (2007) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey National Park Service Richard L. McCormick Maryanne Gerbauckas Ziva Galili Michelle Ortwein Ann Fabian Paul Clemens Smithsonian Institution Harold Wallace New Jersey Historical Commission Marc Mappen EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD (2007) Robert Friedel, University of Maryland Louis Galambos, Johns Hopkins University Susan Hockey, Oxford University Thomas P. Hughes, University of Pennsylvania Ronald Kline, Cornell University Robert Rosenberg, John Wiley & Sons Marc Rothenberg, Joseph Henry Papers, Smithsonian Institution Philip Scranton, Rutgers University/Hagley Museum Merritt Roe Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology THOMAS A. EDISON PAPERS STAFF (2007) Director and General Editor Paul Israel Senior Editor Thomas Jeffrey Associate Editors Louis Carlat Theresa Collins Assistant Editor David Hochfelder Indexing Editor David Ranzan Consulting Editor Linda Endersby Visiting Editor Amy Flanders Editorial Assistants Alexandra Rimer Kelly Enright Eric Barry Outreach and Development (Edison Across the Curriculum) Theresa Collins Business Manager Rachel 'Wcissenburgcr Thomas A. Edison Papers Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey endorsed by National Historical Publications and Records Commission 18 June 1981 Copyright © 2007 by Rutgers, The State University All rights reserved. No part of this publication including any portion of the guide and index or of the microfilm may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means— graphic, electronic, mechanical, or chemical, including photocopying, recording or taping, or information storage and retrieval systems— without written permission of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey. The original documents in this edition arc from the archives at the Edison National Historic Site at West Orange, New Jersey. ISBN 978-0-88692-887-2 . 1?ipe^ A SELECTIVE MICROFILM EDITION PARTY (1911-1919) Thomas E. Jeffrey Senior Editor Brian C. Shipley Theresa M. Collins Linda E. Endersby Editors David A. Ranzan Indexing Editor Janette Pardo Richard Mizelte Peter Mikulas Indexers Paul B. Israel Director and General Editor Sponsors Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site New Jersey Historical Commission Smithsonian Institution A UPA Collection from LexisNexis- 7500 Old Georgetown Road • Bcthesda, MD 20814-6126 Edison signalurc used with permission ol'McGraw-Edison Company Compilation © 2007 LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.